        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Utils.SetPageTitle(Page, L10n.Term("Administration.LBL_RENAME_TABS"));
            // 06/04/2006 Paul.  Visibility is already controlled by the ASPX page, but it is probably a good idea to skip the load.
            this.Visible = SplendidCRM.Security.IS_ADMIN;
            if (!this.Visible)

            // 09/08/2005 Paul. An empty key is valid, so use a separate INSERT field.
            if (txtRENAME.Value == "1")
                    SqlProcs.spMODULES_TAB_Rename(Guid.Empty, txtKEY.Value, ctlSearch.LANGUAGE, txtVALUE.Value);
                    SplendidCache.ClearList(ctlSearch.LANGUAGE, "moduleList");
                    // 01/17/2006 Paul.  Also need to clear the TabMenu.
                    // 04/20/2006 Paul.  Also clear the term for the list.
                    L10N.SetTerm(ctlSearch.LANGUAGE, String.Empty, "moduleList", txtKEY.Value, txtVALUE.Value);
                    txtRENAME.Value = "";
                    // 09/09/2005 Paul.  Transfer so that viewstate will be reset completely.
                    // 01/04/2005 Paul.  Redirecting to default.aspx will loose the language setting.  Just rebind.
                catch (Exception ex)
                    SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex.Message);
                    lblError.Text = ex.Message;
            // Must bind in order for LinkButton to get the argument.
            // ImageButton does not work no matter what I try.
 protected void Page_Command(Object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
     if (e.CommandName == "NewRecord")
         reqNAME.Enabled = true;
         if (Page.IsValid)
             Guid gID = Guid.Empty;
                 SqlProcs.spTERMINOLOGY_InsertOnly(txtNAME.Text, lstLANGUAGE.SelectedValue, lstMODULE_NAME.SelectedValue, lstLIST_NAME.SelectedValue, Sql.ToInteger(txtLIST_ORDER.Text), txtDISPLAY_NAME.Text);
                 // 01/16/2006 Paul.  Update language cache.
                 if (Sql.IsEmptyString(lstLIST_NAME.SelectedValue))
                     L10N.SetTerm(lstLANGUAGE.SelectedValue, lstMODULE_NAME.SelectedValue, txtNAME.Text, txtDISPLAY_NAME.Text);
                     L10N.SetTerm(lstLANGUAGE.SelectedValue, lstMODULE_NAME.SelectedValue, lstLIST_NAME.SelectedValue, txtNAME.Text, txtDISPLAY_NAME.Text);
             catch (Exception ex)
                 SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex.Message);
                 lblError.Text = ex.Message;
             if (!Sql.IsEmptyGuid(gID))
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Utils.SetPageTitle(Page, L10n.Term("Dropdown.LBL_LIST_FORM_TITLE"));
            // 06/04/2006 Paul.  Visibility is already controlled by the ASPX page, but it is probably a good idea to skip the load.
            this.Visible = SplendidCRM.Security.IS_ADMIN;
            if (!this.Visible)

                // 09/08/2005 Paul. An empty key is valid, so use a separate INSERT field.
                if (txtINSERT.Value == "1")
                        Guid gID = Guid.Empty;
                        SqlProcs.spTERMINOLOGY_LIST_Insert(ref gID, txtKEY.Value, ctlSearch.LANGUAGE, String.Empty, ctlSearch.DROPDOWN, Sql.ToInteger(txtINDEX.Value), txtVALUE.Value);
                        // 01/16/2006 Paul.  Update cache.
                        L10N.SetTerm(ctlSearch.LANGUAGE, String.Empty, ctlSearch.DROPDOWN, txtKEY.Value, txtVALUE.Value);
                        // 07/25/2005 Paul.  In addition to updating the term, we must update the cached list.
                        SplendidCache.ClearList(ctlSearch.LANGUAGE, ctlSearch.DROPDOWN);
                        txtINSERT.Value = "";
                        // 09/09/2005 Paul.  Transfer so that viewstate will be reset completely.
                        Response.Redirect("default.aspx?Dropdown=" + ctlSearch.DROPDOWN);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex.Message);
                        lblError.Text = ex.Message;
                if (!IsPostBack)
                    string sDROPDOWN = Sql.ToString(Request["Dropdown"]);
                    if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(sDROPDOWN))
                        ctlSearch.DROPDOWN = sDROPDOWN;
                    // Must bind in order for LinkButton to get the argument.
                    // ImageButton does not work no matter what I try.
            catch (Exception ex)
                // 01/20/2006 Paul.  Need to catch all errors.  Saw a dropdown error when creating a new dropdown.
                lblError.Text = ex.Message;
        protected void Page_Command(Object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.CommandName == "NewRecord")
                txtNAME.Text  = txtNAME.Text.Trim();
                txtLABEL.Text = txtLABEL.Text.Trim();

                if (Sql.IsEmptyString(txtLABEL.Text))
                    txtLABEL.Text = txtNAME.Text;
                Regex r = new Regex(@"[^\w]+");
                txtNAME.Text = r.Replace(txtNAME.Text, "_");

                // 01/11/2006 Paul.  The label does not need to be validated because it will become the term display name.
                reqNAME.Enabled = true;
                regNAME.Enabled = true;
                if (Page.IsValid)
                    Guid gID = Guid.Empty;
                        // 01/11/2006 Paul.  The label needs to be stored in the TERMINOLOGY table.
                        // 05/20/2007 Paul.  The Label term is no longer used.  The label term must be derived from the field name
                        // in order for the reporting area to work properly.  The reporting area assumes that the label is the of the format "LBL_" + Name + "_C".
                        string sLABEL_TERM = String.Empty;                          // r.Replace(txtLABEL.Text, "_");
                        // 04/24/2006 Paul.  Upgrade to SugarCRM 4.2 Schema.
                        // 04/24/2006 Paul.  We don't support MassUpdate at this time.

                        // 07/18/2006 Paul.  Manually create the command so that we can increase the timeout.
                        // 07/18/2006 Paul.  Keep the original procedure call so that we will get a compiler error if something changes.
                        bool bIncreaseTimeout = true;
                        if (!bIncreaseTimeout)
                            SqlProcs.spFIELDS_META_DATA_Insert(ref gID, txtNAME.Text, txtLABEL.Text, sLABEL_TERM, sMODULE_NAME, lstDATA_TYPE.SelectedValue, Sql.ToInteger(txtMAX_SIZE.Text), chkREQUIRED.Checked, chkAUDITED.Checked, txtDEFAULT_VALUE.Text, lstDROPDOWN_LIST.SelectedValue, false);
                            string            sNAME          = txtNAME.Text;
                            string            sLABEL         = txtLABEL.Text;
                            string            sCUSTOM_MODULE = sMODULE_NAME;
                            string            sDATA_TYPE     = lstDATA_TYPE.SelectedValue;
                            Int32             nMAX_SIZE      = Sql.ToInteger(txtMAX_SIZE.Text);
                            bool              bREQUIRED      = chkREQUIRED.Checked;
                            bool              bAUDITED       = chkAUDITED.Checked;
                            string            sDEFAULT_VALUE = txtDEFAULT_VALUE.Text;
                            string            sDROPDOWN_LIST = lstDROPDOWN_LIST.SelectedValue;
                            bool              bMASS_UPDATE   = false;
                            DbProviderFactory dbf            = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
                            using (IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection())
                                using (IDbTransaction trn = con.BeginTransaction())
                                        using (IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand())
                                            cmd.Transaction = trn;
                                            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                                            cmd.CommandText = "spFIELDS_META_DATA_Insert";
                                            // 07/18/2006 Paul.  Tripple the default timeout.  The operation was timing-out on QA machines and on the demo server.
                                            // 02/03/2007 Paul.  Increase timeout to 5 minutes.  It should not take that long, but some users are reporting a timeout.
                                            cmd.CommandTimeout = 5 * 60;
                                            IDbDataParameter parID = Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@ID", gID);
                                            IDbDataParameter parMODIFIED_USER_ID = Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", Security.USER_ID);
                                            IDbDataParameter parNAME             = Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@NAME", sNAME, 255);
                                            IDbDataParameter parLABEL            = Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@LABEL", sLABEL, 255);
                                            IDbDataParameter parLABEL_TERM       = Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@LABEL_TERM", sLABEL_TERM, 255);
                                            IDbDataParameter parCUSTOM_MODULE    = Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@CUSTOM_MODULE", sCUSTOM_MODULE, 255);
                                            IDbDataParameter parDATA_TYPE        = Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DATA_TYPE", sDATA_TYPE, 255);
                                            IDbDataParameter parMAX_SIZE         = Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@MAX_SIZE", nMAX_SIZE);
                                            IDbDataParameter parREQUIRED         = Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@REQUIRED", bREQUIRED);
                                            IDbDataParameter parAUDITED          = Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@AUDITED", bAUDITED);
                                            IDbDataParameter parDEFAULT_VALUE    = Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DEFAULT_VALUE", sDEFAULT_VALUE, 255);
                                            IDbDataParameter parDROPDOWN_LIST    = Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DROPDOWN_LIST", sDROPDOWN_LIST, 50);
                                            IDbDataParameter parMASS_UPDATE      = Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@MASS_UPDATE", bMASS_UPDATE);
                                            parID.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
                                            gID = Sql.ToGuid(parID.Value);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        throw(new Exception(ex.Message, ex.InnerException));
                        // 01/11/2006 Paul.  Add term to the local cache.  Always default to english.
                        //Application["en-US." + sMODULE_NAME + "." + sLABEL_TERM] = txtLABEL.Text;
                        // 04/05/2006 Paul.  A _C is appended to the term in the procedure.  Do so here as well.
                        // 05/20/2007 Paul.  The label is also prepended with LBL_.  This is a requirement for the reporting system.
                        // 05/20/2007 Paul.  The Label term is no longer used.  The label term must be derived from the field name
                        // in order for the reporting area to work properly.  The reporting area assumes that the label is the of the format "LBL_" + Name + "_C".
                        L10N.SetTerm("en-US", sMODULE_NAME, "LBL_" + txtNAME.Text.ToUpper() + "_C", txtLABEL.Text);
                        // 01/10/2006 Paul.  Clear the cache.
                        if (Command != null)
                            Command(this, e);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
                        lblError.Text = ex.Message;