/// <summary> /// Backup the database, if it exists. /// </summary> private static void BackupDb() { String srcPath = KwmPath.GetKwmDbPath(); String dstPath = srcPath + ".backup"; if (File.Exists(srcPath)) { File.Copy(srcPath, dstPath, true); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a listening socket and spawn ktlstunnel process. /// </summary> public void BeginTls(string extraParams) { IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 0); Sock = new Socket(endPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); Sock.Bind(endPoint); Sock.Listen(1); // Create a logging dir for ktlstunnel, if it does not exist. if (!Directory.Exists(KwmPath.GetKtlstunnelLogFilePath())) { Directory.CreateDirectory(KwmPath.GetKtlstunnelLogFilePath()); } // Start ktlstunnel as such. // ktlstunnel localhost ((IPEndPoint)Listener.LocalEndPoint).Port Host Port [-r host:port] String loggingPath = "-L " + "\"" + KwmPath.GetKtlstunnelLogFilePath() + "ktlstunnel-" + KwmPath.GetLogFileName() + "\" "; String loggingLevel = ""; if (KwmCfg.Cur.KtlstunnelLoggingLevel == 1) { loggingLevel = "-l minimal "; loggingLevel += loggingPath; } else if (KwmCfg.Cur.KtlstunnelLoggingLevel == 2) { loggingLevel = "-l debug "; loggingLevel += loggingPath; } String startupLine = "\"" + KwmPath.KwmKtlstunnelPath + "\" " + loggingLevel + "localhost " + ((IPEndPoint)Sock.LocalEndPoint).Port.ToString() + " " + Host + " " + Port + " " + extraParams; KLogging.Log("Starting ktlstunnel.exe : " + startupLine); TunnelProcess = new KProcess(startupLine); TunnelProcess.InheritHandles = false; TunnelProcess.CreationFlags = (uint)KSyscalls.CREATION_FLAGS.CREATE_NO_WINDOW; TunnelProcess.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Enter the main mode of the KWM. Return true if the application /// must continue. /// </summary> private static bool EnterMainMode() { // Perform early linking. Wm.LocalDbBroker.Relink(Wm.LocalDb); // FIXME. #if true // Open a temporary console. ConsoleWindow foo = new ConsoleWindow(); foo.Show(); foo.OnConsoleClosing += delegate(Object sender, EventArgs args) { WmSm.RequestStop(); }; // Create an empty database. Wm.LocalDb.DeleteDb(); Wm.LocalDb.OpenOrCreateDb(KwmPath.GetKwmDbPath()); Wm.LocalDbBroker.InitDb(); WmDeserializer ds = new WmDeserializer(); ds.Deserialize(); Debug.Assert(ds.Ex == null); #else // Open or create the database. Wm.LocalDb.OpenOrCreateDb(KwmPath.GetKwmDbPath()); Wm.LocalDbBroker.InitDb(); // Try to deserialize. WmDeserializer ds = new WmDeserializer(); ds.Deserialize(); // The deserialization failed. if (ds.Ex != null) { // If the user doesn't want to recover, bail out. if (!TellUserAboutDsrFailure()) { return(false); } // Backup, delete and recreate a database. BackupDb(); Wm.LocalDb.DeleteDb(); Wm.LocalDb.OpenOrCreateDb(KwmPath.GetKwmDbPath()); Wm.LocalDbBroker.InitDb(); // Retry to deserialize. ds = new WmDeserializer(); ds.Deserialize(); if (ds.Ex != null) { throw ds.Ex; } // Set the next internal workspace ID to a high value based on // the date to avoid conflicts with old KFS directories. ds.WmCd.NextKwsInternalID = (UInt64)(DateTime.Now - new DateTime(2010, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; } #endif // Relink the workspace manager object graphs. Wm.Relink(ds); // Open the lingering database transaction. Wm.LocalDb.BeginTransaction(); // Serialize the WM state that has changed. Wm.Serialize(); // Export the workspaces, then exit. if (ExportKwsPath != "") { WmKwsImportExport.ExportKws(ExportKwsPath, 0); return(false); } // Set the handle to the message window. SetKwmHandle(MsgWindow.Handle); // Pass the hand to the WM state machine. WmSm.RequestStart(); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Start the process specified. /// </summary> private void StartProcess(bool mainFlag) { // Kill any lingering process. if (mainFlag) { String lingeringName = ServerSessionFlag ? "kappserver" : "kappviewer"; foreach (Process l in Process.GetProcessesByName(lingeringName)) { l.Kill(); } } // Get the executable path and its arguments. String path = "\"" + KwmPath.GetKwmInstallationPath() + @"vnc\"; path += ServerSessionFlag ? "kappserver.exe" : "kappviewer.exe"; path += "\""; String args = ""; if (ServerSessionFlag && !mainFlag) { if (WindowHandle == 0) { args = " -shareall"; } else { args = " -sharehwnd " + WindowHandle; } } else if (!ServerSessionFlag) { args = " /shared /notoolbar /disableclipboard /encoding tight /compresslevel 9 localhost"; } // Start the process. KProcess p = new KProcess(path + args); if (mainFlag) { MainProcess = p; } else { DummyProcess = p; } p.CreationFlags = (uint)KSyscalls.CREATION_FLAGS.CREATE_NO_WINDOW; p.InheritHandles = false; KSyscalls.STARTUPINFO si = new KSyscalls.STARTUPINFO(); // I don't know why this is set. if (ServerSessionFlag) { si.dwFlags = 1; } p.StartupInfo = si; p.ProcessEnd += OnProcessEnd; p.Start(); // Poll the process until it starts. NbTimerEvent = 0; Timer.TimerWakeUpCallback = OnProcessPollEvent; Timer.Args = new object[] { p }; Timer.WakeMeUp(0); }
/// <summary> /// Start kmod and connect to it. /// </summary> private void StartKmod() { FileStream file = null; Socket listenSock = null; RegistryKey kwmRegKey = null; try { // Get the path to the kmod executable in the registry. kwmRegKey = KwmReg.GetKwmLMRegKey(); String Kmod = "\"" + (String)kwmRegKey.GetValue("InstallDir", @"C:\Program Files\Teambox\Teambox Manager") + "\\kmod\\kmod.exe\""; // The directory where KMOD will save logs and its database for use with the kwm. String KmodDir = KwmPath.GetKmodDirPath(); Directory.CreateDirectory(KmodDir); // Start listening for kmod to connect when it'll be started. IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 0); listenSock = new Socket(endPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); listenSock.Bind(endPoint); listenSock.Listen(1); int port = ((IPEndPoint)listenSock.LocalEndPoint).Port; // Start KMOD in debugging mode if our settings say so. String debug = KwmCfg.Cur.KtlstunnelLoggingLevel > 0 ? " -l 3" : ""; String args = " -C kmod_connect -p " + port + debug + " -m 20000 -k \"" + KmodDir + "\""; String cmdLine = Kmod + args; KLogging.Log("About to start kmod.exe: " + cmdLine); m_kmodProc = new KProcess(cmdLine); m_kmodProc.InheritHandles = false; m_kmodProc.CreationFlags = (uint)KSyscalls.CREATION_FLAGS.CREATE_NO_WINDOW; m_kmodProc.Start(); // Wait for KMOD to connect for about 10 seconds. DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; while (true) { SelectSockets select = new SelectSockets(); select.AddRead(listenSock); SetSelectTimeout(startTime, 10000, select, "no KMOD connection received"); Block(select); if (select.InRead(listenSock)) { m_kmodSock = listenSock.Accept(); m_kmodSock.Blocking = false; break; } } // Read the authentication data. byte[] authSockData = new byte[32]; byte[] authFileData = new byte[32]; startTime = DateTime.Now; int nbRead = 0; while (nbRead != 32) { SelectSockets select = new SelectSockets(); select.AddRead(m_kmodSock); SetSelectTimeout(startTime, 2000, select, "no authentication data received"); Block(select); int r = KSocket.SockRead(m_kmodSock, authSockData, nbRead, 32 - nbRead); if (r > 0) { nbRead += r; } } file = File.Open(KmodDir + "\\connect_secret", FileMode.Open); file.Read(authFileData, 0, 32); if (!KUtil.ByteArrayEqual(authFileData, authSockData)) { throw new Exception("invalid authentication data received"); } // Set the transport. m_transport = new K3pTransport(m_kmodSock); } finally { if (file != null) { file.Close(); } if (listenSock != null) { listenSock.Close(); } if (kwmRegKey != null) { kwmRegKey.Close(); } } }