private void DeleteExistingContent() { Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Please choose the item you'd like to remove: \n"); List <KomodoCafeContent> contentList = _kcRepo.GetAllContent(); int count = 0; foreach (KomodoCafeContent content in contentList) { count++; Console.Write($"{count} - {content.MealName} \n"); } int targetContentID = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int targetIndex = targetContentID - 1; if (targetIndex >= 0 && targetIndex < contentList.Count) { KomodoCafeContent desiredContent = contentList[targetIndex]; if (_kcRepo.DeleteExistingContent(desiredContent)) { Console.Write($"{desiredContent.MealName} has been removed "); } else { Console.Write("Sorry, but you can't do that "); } } else { Console.Write("There has been an error, please try again \n" + "Please press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); } }
public void Arrange() { _content = new KomodoCafeContent(1, "HumCar", "Hummus and Baby Carrots", "Hummus, Baby Carrots", 2.99); _repo = new MenuContentRepository(); _repo.AddMenuItems(_content); }
private void AddNewItems() { KomodoCafeContent newItems = new KomodoCafeContent(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the menu item number:"); string mealNumberString = Console.ReadLine(); newItems.MealNumber = int.Parse(mealNumberString); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the meal name:"); newItems.MealName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the meal description:"); newItems.MealDescription = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the meal ingredients:"); newItems.MealIngredients = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the meal price:"); newItems.MealPrice = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); //string mealPriceAsString = Console.ReadLine(); //newItems.MealPrice = double.Parse(mealPriceAsString); _contentRepo.AddMenuItems(newItems); }
private void DisplayContent(KomodoCafeContent content) { Console.WriteLine($"Meal Number: {content.MealNumber} \n" + $"Meal Name: {content.MealName} \n" + $"Description: {content.Description} \n" + $"Ingredient(s): {content.Ingredient} \n" + $"Price: {content.Price}"); }
public void DeleteExistingContent_ShouldReturnTrue() { KomodoCafeContent toBeDeleted = _kcrepo.GetContentByTitle("Derp"); bool removeResult = _kcrepo.DeleteExistingContent(toBeDeleted); Assert.IsTrue(removeResult); }
public void Arrange() { _kcrepo = new KomodoCafeRepo(); _content = new KomodoCafeContent(9, "Derp", "Derpina", IngredientList.Mayonaise, 10.10m); _kcrepo.AddContentToDirectory(_content); //Stopped here because I remembered we only needed to test our methods for challenge one. }
public void AddContentToDirectory_ShouldGetCorrectBool() { KomodoCafeContent content = new KomodoCafeContent(); KomodoCafeRepo repo = new KomodoCafeRepo(); bool addResult = repo.AddContentToDirectory(content); Assert.IsTrue(addResult); }
private void SeedMenu() { KomodoCafeContent itemOne = new KomodoCafeContent(1, "HumCar", "Hummus and Baby Carrots", "Hummus, Baby Carrots", 2.99); KomodoCafeContent itemTwo = new KomodoCafeContent(2, "Cheesers", "Cheese and Crackers", "Cheddar Cheese, Water Crackers", 3.99); KomodoCafeContent itemThree = new KomodoCafeContent(3, "BeastSam", "Roast Beef and Sourdough Bread", "Roast Beef, Sourdough Bread", 4.99); _contentRepo.AddMenuItems(itemOne); _contentRepo.AddMenuItems(itemTwo); _contentRepo.AddMenuItems(itemThree); }
public void GetAllDirectory_ShouldReturnCorrectList() { KomodoCafeContent testContent = new KomodoCafeContent(); KomodoCafeRepo repo = new KomodoCafeRepo(); repo.AddContentToDirectory(testContent); List <KomodoCafeContent> testList = repo.GetAllContent(); bool directoryHasContent = testList.Contains(testContent); Assert.IsTrue(directoryHasContent); }
public void AddToList_ReturnNotNull() { KomodoCafeContent content = new KomodoCafeContent(); content.MealName = "HumCar"; MenuContentRepository repository = new MenuContentRepository(); repository.AddMenuItems(content); KomodoCafeContent contentfromMenu = repository.GetMenuItemsToDelete("HumCar"); Assert.IsNotNull(contentfromMenu); }
private void CreateNewContent() { Console.Clear(); KomodoCafeContent content = new KomodoCafeContent(); Console.Write("Please enter a meal number: (ex: 1, 2, 3, etc... "); content.MealNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Please enter a meal name: "); content.MealName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Please enter a description: "); content.Description = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please select an ingredient(s): \n" + "1) Lettuce \n" + "2) Mayonaise \n" + "3) Tomato \n" + "4) Onion \n" + "5) Cheese \n" + "6) Patty"); string ingredientChoice = Console.ReadLine(); int ingredientID = int.Parse(ingredientChoice); content.Ingredient = (IngredientList)ingredientID; Console.Write("Please enter a price in dollars: (ex: 4.99, 6.37, 10.34, etc... "); content.Price = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); bool added = _kcRepo.AddContentToDirectory(content); if (added) { Console.Write("Your items have been added \n" + "Please press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); } else { Console.Write("There has been an error, please try again \n" + "Please press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); } }
public void ViewMenuItems_ReturnMenu() { KomodoCafeContent content = new KomodoCafeContent(); content.MealNumber = 1; content.MealName = "HumCar"; content.MealDescription = "Hummus and Baby Carrots"; content.MealIngredients = "Hummus, Baby Carrots"; content.MealPrice = 2.99; Assert.AreEqual(content.MealNumber, 1); Assert.AreEqual(content.MealName, "HumCar"); Assert.AreEqual(content.MealDescription, "Hummus and Baby Carrots"); Assert.AreEqual(content.MealIngredients, "Hummus, Baby Carrots"); Assert.AreEqual(content.MealPrice, 2.99); }
private void SeedContentList() { // Meal Number // Meal Name // Description // Ingredient // Price KomodoCafeContent dodecaDiabetesBurger = new KomodoCafeContent(1, "Dodeca Diabetes Burger", "Our signature burger will give you diabetes faster than any other!", IngredientList.Patty /*12 Patties */, 19.99m); _kcRepo.AddContentToDirectory(dodecaDiabetesBurger); KomodoCafeContent justCheese = new KomodoCafeContent(2, "Just Cheese", "Simple, yet elegant. Our Just Cheese burger just has cheese!", IngredientList.Cheese, 99.99m); _kcRepo.AddContentToDirectory(justCheese); KomodoCafeContent bltMayo = new KomodoCafeContent(3, "BLT Mayo", "The Burger, Lettuce, Tomato, Mayo is back! But without bacon and a mayonaise infused burger instead!", IngredientList.Lettuce, 1.00m); _kcRepo.AddContentToDirectory(bltMayo); KomodoCafeContent megaOnion = new KomodoCafeContent(4, "Mega Onion", "You want onions? Oh we'll give you onions! A whole crap ton of them! Can you resist the tears?", IngredientList.Onion, 1050.99m); _kcRepo.AddContentToDirectory(megaOnion); }