        public void KnowledgeOfDiscreteLogVerifiesToFalse()
            // Even if the challenge is correct, because the public input in the hash is right,
            // if the final response is not valid wrt the verification equation,
            // the verifier should still reject.
            var secret      = new Scalar(7);
            var generator   = Generators.G;
            var publicPoint = secret * generator;

            Scalar randomScalar = new Scalar(14);
            var    nonce        = randomScalar * generator;
            var    statement    = new Statement(publicPoint, generator);
            var    challenge    = Challenge.Build(nonce, statement);

            var response = randomScalar + (secret + Scalar.One) * challenge;
            var proof    = new KnowledgeOfDlog(nonce, response);

            Assert.False(Verifier.Verify(proof, statement));

            // Other false verification tests.
            var point1 = new Scalar(3) * Generators.G;
            var point2 = new Scalar(7) * Generators.G;
            var scalar = new Scalar(11);
            var gen    = Generators.G;

            proof = new KnowledgeOfDlog(point1, scalar);
            var statement2 = new Statement(point2, gen);

            Assert.False(Verifier.Verify(proof, statement2));
        public void Throws()
            var dlProof  = new KnowledgeOfDlog(Generators.G, Scalar.One);
            var repProof = new KnowledgeOfRep(Generators.G, Scalar.One, CryptoHelpers.ScalarThree);

            // Demonstrate when it shouldn't throw.
            var validStatement1 = new Statement(Generators.Ga, Generators.Gg);
            var validStatement2 = new Statement(Generators.Ga, Generators.Gg, Generators.Ga);

            Verifier.Verify(dlProof, validStatement1);
            Verifier.Verify(repProof, validStatement2);

            // Public point should not be equal to the random point of the proof.
            Assert.ThrowsAny <InvalidOperationException>(() => Verifier.Verify(dlProof, new Statement(Generators.G, Generators.Ga)));
            Assert.ThrowsAny <InvalidOperationException>(() => Verifier.Verify(repProof, new Statement(Generators.G, Generators.Gg, Generators.Ga)));

            // Same number of generators must be provided as the responses.
            Assert.ThrowsAny <InvalidOperationException>(() => Verifier.Verify(dlProof, new Statement(Generators.Ga, Generators.Gg, Generators.GV)));
            Assert.ThrowsAny <InvalidOperationException>(() => Verifier.Verify(repProof, new Statement(Generators.Ga, Generators.Gg)));
            Assert.ThrowsAny <InvalidOperationException>(() => Verifier.Verify(repProof, new Statement(Generators.Ga, Generators.Gg, Generators.Ga, Generators.GV)));