public void LoadKingdom() { if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/")) { BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); FileStream file = File.Open(Application.persistentDataPath + "/", FileMode.Open); KingdomData data = (KingdomData)bf.Deserialize(file); file.Close(); name =; gold =; elapsedTime = data.elapsedTime; //load the inventory lists weapons = data.weapons; armor = data.armor; //load the heroes heroes = data.heroes; highestLevelRegionActive = data.highestLevelRegionActive; //load the data for each of the buildings Building blacksmith = GameObject.Find("Blacksmith").GetComponent <Building>(); blacksmith.level = data.blacksmithLevel; blacksmith.upgradeCost = data.bsUpgradeCost; blacksmith.levelAsText.text = "Level: " + blacksmith.level; } else { Debug.Log("No save found"); } }
//TODO look into creating multiple save files public void SaveKingdom() { KingdomData data = CreateKingdomDataObject(); BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); FileStream file = File.Create(Application.persistentDataPath + "/"); bf.Serialize(file, data); file.Close(); }
public KingdomData CreateKingdomDataObject() { //TODO Tailor is not yet saved (am unsure if this building will remain) KingdomData data = new KingdomData(); = name; = gold; data.blacksmithLevel = blacksmith.level; data.bsUpgradeCost = blacksmith.upgradeCost; data.weapons = weapons; data.armor = armor; data.heroes = heroes; data.highestLevelRegionActive = highestLevelRegionActive; data.elapsedTime = elapsedTime; return(data); }