private void Update() { foreach (KillInfo item in logQ) { item.Update(); } if (alphaStep == ALPHASTEP.WAIT) { deltaNext += Time.deltaTime; if (deltaNext > 1f) { alphaStep = ALPHASTEP.START; } } while (logQ.Count > 0) { KillInfo killInfo = logQ.Peek(); if (killInfo.IsAlive) { break; } logQ.Dequeue(); if (logQ.Count == 1) { alphaStep = ALPHASTEP.NONE; } } }
private void OnKillLog(KillInfo log) { if (logQ != null) { logQ.Enqueue(log); } }
public static string[] KillsToLines(List <KillInfo> kills) { string[] lines = new string[kills.Count]; TimeSpan lastKillTime = TimeSpan.MinValue; for (int i = 0; i < kills.Count; i++) { string line = ""; KillInfo ki = kills[i]; line += DHFormatter.ToString(ki.Time) + ((ki.Time.TotalSeconds - lastKillTime.TotalSeconds < 8)? "* " : " "); if (ki.Killer != null) { line += ki.Killer.Name + " (" + ki.Killer.GetMostUsedHeroClass() + ")"; } else { line += "Creeps"; } line += " killed " + ki.Victim.Name + " (" + ki.Victim.GetMostUsedHeroClass() + ")"; lines[i] = line; lastKillTime = ki.Time; } return(lines); }
public void OnRobotKilled(KillInfo info) { if (info.type == EnnemiType.Robot && ++robotCount == robotObjectiveCount) { AllRobotsKilled(); } }
private void Update() { if (killInfo != null) { deltaTime += Time.deltaTime; if (deltaTime > hideTime) { killInfo = null; deltaTime = 0f; show = false; } else if (!show && deltaTime > showTime) { show = true; GameObject gameObject = BrickManManager.Instance.Get(killInfo.KillerSequence); if (gameObject != null) { LookCoordinator component = gameObject.GetComponent <LookCoordinator>(); if (component != null) { if (component.IsYang) { VoiceManager.Instance.Play2(hahaVoc[Random.Range(0, hahaVoc.Length)]); } else { VoiceManager.Instance.Play0(hahaVoc[Random.Range(0, hahaVoc.Length)]); } } } } } }
private void OnOrganDead(ref GameDeadEventParam prm) { if (!prm.src || prm.src.handle.TheActorMeta.ActorType != ActorTypeDef.Actor_Type_Organ || !prm.atker) { return; } ActorRoot handle = prm.src.handle; OrganWrapper organWrapper = handle.AsOrgan(); COM_PLAYERCAMP actorCamp = prm.atker.handle.TheActorMeta.ActorCamp; if (handle.TheStaticData.TheOrganOnlyInfo.DeadEnemySoldier > 0) { SoldierRegion soldierRegionByRoute = Singleton <BattleLogic> .GetInstance().mapLogic.GetSoldierRegionByRoute(actorCamp, handle.TheStaticData.TheOrganOnlyInfo.AttackRouteID); if (soldierRegionByRoute != null) { soldierRegionByRoute.SwitchWave(handle.TheStaticData.TheOrganOnlyInfo.DeadEnemySoldier, false); } } if (this._supportHighTowerSoldier && organWrapper.cfgInfo.bOrganType == 4) { List <PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot> > organActors = Singleton <GameObjMgr> .GetInstance().OrganActors; bool flag = true; for (int i = 0; i < organActors.get_Count(); i++) { PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot> ptr = organActors.get_Item(i); if (ptr && ptr.handle.AsOrgan().cfgInfo.bOrganType == organWrapper.cfgInfo.bOrganType && ptr.handle.TheActorMeta.ActorCamp == handle.TheActorMeta.ActorCamp && !ptr.handle.ActorControl.IsDeadState) { flag = false; break; } } if (flag) { this._soldierAddAttrs[(int)actorCamp].HadAdd = true; this._soldierAddAttrs[(int)actorCamp].MaxHP = (int)GameDataMgr.globalInfoDatabin.GetDataByKey(335u).dwConfValue; this._soldierAddAttrs[(int)actorCamp].PhycAttack = (int)GameDataMgr.globalInfoDatabin.GetDataByKey(336u).dwConfValue; this._soldierAddAttrs[(int)actorCamp].PhycDefend = (int)GameDataMgr.globalInfoDatabin.GetDataByKey(338u).dwConfValue; this._soldierAddAttrs[(int)actorCamp].MagcAttack = (int)GameDataMgr.globalInfoDatabin.GetDataByKey(337u).dwConfValue; this._soldierAddAttrs[(int)actorCamp].MagcDefend = (int)GameDataMgr.globalInfoDatabin.GetDataByKey(339u).dwConfValue; this._soldierAddAttrs[(int)actorCamp].DropCoin = (int)GameDataMgr.globalInfoDatabin.GetDataByKey(340u).dwConfValue; this._soldierAddAttrs[(int)actorCamp].DropExp = (int)GameDataMgr.globalInfoDatabin.GetDataByKey(341u).dwConfValue; this._soldierAddAttrs[(int)actorCamp].ShapeScale = (int)GameDataMgr.globalInfoDatabin.GetDataByKey(342u).dwConfValue; KillNotify theKillNotify = Singleton <CBattleSystem> .GetInstance().TheKillNotify; Player hostPlayer = Singleton <GamePlayerCenter> .GetInstance().GetHostPlayer(); if (theKillNotify != null && hostPlayer != null) { bool bSrcAllies = hostPlayer.PlayerCamp == actorCamp; KillInfo killInfo = new KillInfo(KillNotify.building_icon, null, KillDetailInfoType.Info_Type_Destroy_All_Tower, bSrcAllies, false, ActorTypeDef.Invalid, false); theKillNotify.AddKillInfo(ref killInfo); } } } }
private void OnKillLog(KillInfo log) { if (log.VictimSequence == MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq && log.KillerSequence != log.VictimSequence) { killInfo = log; deltaTime = 0f; show = false; } }
public AgentToDie(Agent agent, Blow blow, KillInfo killInfo) { //IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0018: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) this.agent = agent; this.blow = blow; this.killInfo = killInfo; }
private void OnKillLog(KillInfo log) { if (log.KillerSequence == MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq && log.VictimSequence != MyInfoManager.Instance.Seq) { serialKill++; lastKill = 0f; if (!SerialAction() && log.HeadShot != null) { HeadshotAction(); } } }
private void OnKillLog(KillInfo log) { if (logQ != null && !(MyInfoManager.Instance.Nickname == log.Victim) && MyInfoManager.Instance.Nickname == log.Killer && log.WeaponBy != 0) { logQ.Enqueue(log); alphaStep = ALPHASTEP.NONE; if (logQ.Count > 1) { alphaStep = ALPHASTEP.WAIT; deltaNext = 0f; } } }
private void Update() { foreach (KillInfo item in logQ) { item.Update(); } while (logQ.Count > 0) { KillInfo killInfo = logQ.Peek(); if (killInfo.IsAlive) { break; } logQ.Dequeue(); } }
private void OnKillLog(KillInfo log) { }
//Kills player, potentially starts timer for respawn too public void killPlayerLocal(int playerIdKilled, int playerIdKiller) { //TODO KillInfo ki = new KillInfo(playerIdKiller, playerIdKilled, KillType.ELE); killHistory.Add(ki); deadPlayers.Enqueue(playerIdKilled); }
private static void Execute(CommandEventArgs e) { KillInfo.ResetResults(); }
/// <summary> /// Check the score each time that the local player kill someone /// </summary> void OnLocalKill(KillInfo info) { Check(); }
private void SpawnSoldier(uint SoldierID) { ResMonsterCfgInfo dataCfgInfoByCurLevelDiff = MonsterDataHelper.GetDataCfgInfoByCurLevelDiff((int)SoldierID); if (dataCfgInfoByCurLevelDiff != null) { if (CActorInfo.GetActorInfo(StringHelper.UTF8BytesToString(ref dataCfgInfoByCurLevelDiff.szCharacterInfo), enResourceType.BattleScene) != null) { Transform transform = this.Region.transform; COM_PLAYERCAMP campType = this.Region.CampType; ActorMeta actorMeta = new ActorMeta { ConfigId = (int)SoldierID, ActorType = ActorTypeDef.Actor_Type_Monster, ActorCamp = campType }; VInt3 position = (VInt3)transform.position; VInt3 forward = (VInt3)transform.forward; PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot> actor = new PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot>(); if (!Singleton <GameObjMgr> .GetInstance().TryGetFromCache(ref actor, ref actorMeta)) { actor = Singleton <GameObjMgr> .GetInstance().SpawnActorEx(null, ref actorMeta, position, forward, false, true); if (actor != 0) { actor.handle.InitActor(); actor.handle.PrepareFight(); Singleton <GameObjMgr> .instance.AddActor(actor); actor.handle.StartFight(); } } else { ActorRoot handle = actor.handle; handle.TheActorMeta.ActorCamp = actorMeta.ActorCamp; handle.ReactiveActor(position, forward); } if (actor != 0) { if (this.Region.AttackRoute != null) { actor.handle.ActorControl.AttackAlongRoute(this.Region.AttackRoute.GetComponent <WaypointsHolder>()); } else if (this.Region.finalTarget != null) { FrameCommand <AttackPositionCommand> cmd = FrameCommandFactory.CreateFrameCommand <AttackPositionCommand>(); cmd.cmdId = 1; cmd.cmdData.WorldPos = new VInt3(this.Region.finalTarget.transform.position); actor.handle.ActorControl.CmdAttackMoveToDest(cmd, cmd.cmdData.WorldPos); } if (!this.isCannonNotified && (this.WaveInfo.bType == 1)) { KillNotify killNotifation = Singleton <CBattleSystem> .GetInstance().GetKillNotifation(); Player hostPlayer = Singleton <GamePlayerCenter> .GetInstance().GetHostPlayer(); if ((killNotifation != null) && (hostPlayer != null)) { bool bSrcAllies = hostPlayer.PlayerCamp == actor.handle.TheActorMeta.ActorCamp; if (bSrcAllies) { KillInfo killInfo = new KillInfo((hostPlayer.PlayerCamp != COM_PLAYERCAMP.COM_PLAYERCAMP_1) ? KillNotify.red_cannon_icon : KillNotify.blue_cannon_icon, null, KillDetailInfoType.Info_Type_Cannon_Spawned, bSrcAllies, false, ActorTypeDef.Invalid); killNotifation.AddKillInfo(killInfo); this.isCannonNotified = true; } } } } } if (this.Region.bTriggerEvent) { SoldierWaveParam prm = new SoldierWaveParam(this.Index, this.repeatCount, this.Region.GetNextRepeatTime(false)); Singleton <GameEventSys> .instance.SendEvent <SoldierWaveParam>(GameEventDef.Event_SoldierWaveNextRepeat, ref prm); } } }
private void SpawnSoldier(uint SoldierID) { ResMonsterCfgInfo dataCfgInfoByCurLevelDiff = MonsterDataHelper.GetDataCfgInfoByCurLevelDiff((int)SoldierID); if (dataCfgInfoByCurLevelDiff == null) { return; } string path = StringHelper.UTF8BytesToString(ref dataCfgInfoByCurLevelDiff.szCharacterInfo); CActorInfo actorInfo = CActorInfo.GetActorInfo(path, enResourceType.BattleScene); if (actorInfo) { Transform transform = this.Region.transform; COM_PLAYERCAMP campType = this.Region.CampType; ActorMeta actorMeta = default(ActorMeta); ActorMeta actorMeta2 = actorMeta; actorMeta2.ConfigId = (int)SoldierID; actorMeta2.ActorType = ActorTypeDef.Actor_Type_Monster; actorMeta2.ActorCamp = campType; actorMeta = actorMeta2; VInt3 vInt = (VInt3)transform.position; VInt3 vInt2 = (VInt3)transform.forward; PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot> poolObjHandle = default(PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot>); if (!Singleton <GameObjMgr> .GetInstance().TryGetFromCache(ref poolObjHandle, ref actorMeta)) { poolObjHandle = Singleton <GameObjMgr> .GetInstance().SpawnActorEx(null, ref actorMeta, vInt, vInt2, false, true); if (poolObjHandle) { poolObjHandle.handle.InitActor(); poolObjHandle.handle.PrepareFight(); Singleton <GameObjMgr> .instance.AddActor(poolObjHandle); poolObjHandle.handle.StartFight(); } } else { ActorRoot handle = poolObjHandle.handle; handle.TheActorMeta.ActorCamp = actorMeta.ActorCamp; handle.ReactiveActor(vInt, vInt2); } if (poolObjHandle) { if (this.Region.AttackRoute != null) { poolObjHandle.handle.ActorControl.AttackAlongRoute(this.Region.AttackRoute.GetComponent <WaypointsHolder>()); } else if (this.Region.finalTarget != null) { FrameCommand <AttackPositionCommand> frameCommand = FrameCommandFactory.CreateFrameCommand <AttackPositionCommand>(); frameCommand.cmdId = 1u; frameCommand.cmdData.WorldPos = new VInt3(this.Region.finalTarget.transform.position); poolObjHandle.handle.ActorControl.CmdAttackMoveToDest(frameCommand, frameCommand.cmdData.WorldPos); } if (!this.isCannonNotified && this.WaveInfo.bType == 1 && this.Region != null && (this.Region.RouteType == RES_SOLDIER_ROUTE_TYPE.RES_SOLDIER_ROUTE_MID || this.Region.RouteType == RES_SOLDIER_ROUTE_TYPE.RES_SOLDIER_ROUTE_NONE)) { KillNotify theKillNotify = Singleton <CBattleSystem> .GetInstance().TheKillNotify; Player hostPlayer = Singleton <GamePlayerCenter> .GetInstance().GetHostPlayer(); if (theKillNotify != null && hostPlayer != null) { bool flag = hostPlayer.PlayerCamp == poolObjHandle.handle.TheActorMeta.ActorCamp; if (flag) { KillInfo killInfo = new KillInfo((hostPlayer.PlayerCamp == COM_PLAYERCAMP.COM_PLAYERCAMP_1) ? KillNotify.blue_cannon_icon : KillNotify.red_cannon_icon, null, KillDetailInfoType.Info_Type_Cannon_Spawned, flag, false, ActorTypeDef.Invalid, false); theKillNotify.AddKillInfo(ref killInfo); this.isCannonNotified = true; } } } if (this.WaveInfo.bType == 2) { if (!this.isNotifiedBigDragonSoldier && this.Region != null && (this.Region.RouteType == RES_SOLDIER_ROUTE_TYPE.RES_SOLDIER_ROUTE_MID || this.Region.RouteType == RES_SOLDIER_ROUTE_TYPE.RES_SOLDIER_ROUTE_NONE)) { KillNotify theKillNotify2 = Singleton <CBattleSystem> .GetInstance().TheKillNotify; Player hostPlayer2 = Singleton <GamePlayerCenter> .GetInstance().GetHostPlayer(); if (theKillNotify2 != null && hostPlayer2 != null) { bool bSrcAllies = hostPlayer2.PlayerCamp == poolObjHandle.handle.TheActorMeta.ActorCamp; KillInfo killInfo2 = new KillInfo(KillNotify.soldier_bigdragon_icon, null, KillDetailInfoType.Info_Type_Soldier_BigDragon, bSrcAllies, false, ActorTypeDef.Invalid, false); theKillNotify2.AddKillInfo(ref killInfo2); this.isNotifiedBigDragonSoldier = true; } } } else if (this.isNotifiedBigDragonSoldier) { this.isNotifiedBigDragonSoldier = false; } } } SoldierWaveParam soldierWaveParam = new SoldierWaveParam(this.Index, this.repeatCount, this.Region.GetNextRepeatTime(false), this); Singleton <GameEventSys> .instance.SendEvent <SoldierWaveParam>(GameEventDef.Event_SoldierWaveNextRepeat, ref soldierWaveParam); }
void onGiveExp(NetworkMessage netMsg) { KillInfo info = netMsg.ReadMessage <KillInfo>(); this.player.giveExp(info.exp, info.rewardTextPosition); }