void GetTop10Highscores() { if (Kii.AppId == null || KiiUser.CurrentUser == null) { return; } //KiiUser user = KiiUser.CurrentUser; KiiBucket bucket = Kii.Bucket(PlayerController.appScopeScoreBucket); KiiQuery query = new KiiQuery(); query.SortByAsc("time"); query.Limit = 10; bucket.Query(query, (KiiQueryResult <KiiObject> list, Exception e) => { if (e != null) { Debug.LogError("Failed to load high scores " + e.ToString()); scores = null; } else { scores = list; } }); }
public static void RegisterDamage(string target, float amount, float totalHealth, float gameTime, Vector3 direction) { Debug.Log("Getting KiiUser"); user = KiiUser.CurrentUser; if (user == null) { return; } Debug.Log("Creating app bucket"); appBucket = Kii.Bucket(BUCKET_NAME); Debug.Log("Creating damage object"); KiiObject damage = appBucket.NewKiiObject(); damage ["user"] = user.Username; damage ["target"] = target; damage ["time"] = gameTime; damage ["health"] = totalHealth; damage ["amount"] = amount; damage ["direction"] = direction; Debug.Log("Saving damage object..."); damage.Save((KiiObject obj, Exception e) => { if (e != null) { Debug.Log("GameScore: Failed to create damage object: " + e.ToString()); } else { Debug.Log("GameScore: Create damage object succeeded"); } }); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { KiiBucket bucket = Kii.Bucket(BUCKET_NAME); KiiQuery query = new KiiQuery(); query.SortByDesc(SCORE_KEY); query.Limit = 10; strRanking = ""; int number = 1; try { KiiQueryResult <KiiObject> result = bucket.Query(query); Debug.Log(result.ToString()); foreach (KiiObject obj in result) { try{ strRanking = strRanking + "[" + number.ToString() + "] " + obj.GetString(NAME_KEY) + " : " + obj.GetInt(SCORE_KEY) + "\n"; number++; }catch (IllegalKiiBaseObjectFormatException ef) { Debug.Log("Format Error : " + ef.ToString()); } } } catch (CloudException e) { Debug.Log("Failed to fetch high score: " + e.ToString()); } }
private void ShowLogo() { Debug.Log("##### ShowLogo"); // Get the latest asset bundle. KiiQuery query = new KiiQuery(); query.SortByDesc("_modified"); query.Limit = 1; Kii.Bucket("AssetBundles").Query(query, (KiiQueryResult <KiiObject> result, Exception e) => { if (e != null) { Debug.Log("##### Failed to query. " + e.ToString()); return; } if (result.Count == 0) { Debug.Log("##### Cannot find asset bundle."); return; } string platform = null; #if UNITY_IPHONE platform = "iOS"; #elif UNITY_ANDROID platform = "Android"; #elif UNITY_WEBPLAYER platform = "WebPlayer"; #endif string assetUrl = result[0].GetString(platform); Debug.Log("##### asset url=" + assetUrl); StartCoroutine(DownloadLogo(assetUrl)); }); }
// Send Local score to KiiCloud bucket. // Need already KiiCloud logined. public static void sendHighScore(int score) { if (KiiUser.CurrentUser == null || cachedHighScore > score) { return; } KiiBucket bucket = Kii.Bucket(BUCKET_NAME); KiiObject kiiObj = bucket.NewKiiObject(); kiiObj[SCORE_KEY] = score; kiiObj[USER_KEY] = KiiUser.CurrentUser.ID; kiiObj[NAME_KEY] = KiiUser.CurrentUser.Username; kiiObj.Save((KiiObject obj, Exception e) => { if (e != null) { Debug.LogError(e.ToString()); } else { Debug.Log("High score sent"); } }); }
// Get KiiCloud Bucket's score data. // Need already KiiCloud logined. public static int getHighScore() { if (KiiUser.CurrentUser == null) { return(0); } if (cachedHighScore > 0) { return(cachedHighScore); } KiiBucket bucket = Kii.Bucket(BUCKET_NAME); KiiQuery query = new KiiQuery(KiiClause.Equals(USER_KEY, KiiUser.CurrentUser.ID)); query.SortByDesc(SCORE_KEY); query.Limit = 1; try { KiiQueryResult <KiiObject> result = bucket.Query(query); foreach (KiiObject obj in result) { int score = obj.GetInt(SCORE_KEY, 0); cachedHighScore = score; return(score); } Debug.Log("High score fetched"); return(0); } catch (CloudException e) { Debug.Log("Failed to fetch high score: " + e.ToString()); return(0); } /* Async version * bucket.Query(query, (KiiQueryResult<KiiObject> list, Exception e) =>{ * if (e != null) * { * Debug.Log ("Failed to fetch high score: " + e.ToString()); * } else { * Debug.Log ("High score fetched"); * foreach (KiiObject obj in list) { * int score = obj.GetInt (SCORE_KEY, 0); * cachedHighScore = score; * getHighScore = score; * return; * } * } * }); */ }
public void Cancel() { Debug.Log("Cancel"); bool validate = true; KiiObject obj = KiiObject.CreateByUri(objUri); KiiBucket appBucket = Kii.Bucket("Games"); String id = ""; try { obj.Refresh(); id = obj.GetString("_id"); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("Fallo refresh id game: " + e); } KiiQuery query = new KiiQuery( KiiClause.And( KiiClause.Equals("gameName", gameName.GetComponent <InputField>().text) , KiiClause.NotEquals("_id", id) ) ); appBucket.Count(query, (KiiBucket b, KiiQuery q, int count, Exception e) => { if (e != null) { validate = false; applicationController.alertView.GetComponent <AlertViewController> ().SetAlert("Unexpected exception occurred"); navigationController.GoTo("ALERT_VIEW"); return; } if (count > 0) { validate = false; applicationController.alertView.GetComponent <AlertViewController> ().SetAlert("Game name already exist"); navigationController.GoTo("ALERT_VIEW"); return; } if (ValidatedFields() && validate) { navigationController.Back(); } else { applicationController.alertView.GetComponent <AlertViewController> ().SetAlert("Invalid inputs."); navigationController.GoTo("ALERT_VIEW"); } }); }
public void SaveImages(string idGame, int i) { if (imagePaths[i] != null) { KiiObject obj = Kii.Bucket(idGame).NewKiiObject(); // Set key-value pairs obj ["screenshotName"] = "screenshot-0" + i; obj ["idGame"] = idGame; obj.SaveAllFields(true, (KiiObject savedObj, Exception exc) => { if (exc != null) { Debug.Log(exc); return; } // Prepare file to upload SaveImage(i, savedObj); }); } }
private IEnumerator CreateNewObjects(int count) { for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); KiiObject obj = Kii.Bucket("user_bucket").NewKiiObject(); obj["time"] = DateTime.Now.Ticks; obj.Save((KiiObject o, Exception e) => { if (e == null) { this.message += "SUCCESS:\nobject=" + o.Uri.ToString() + "\n"; } else { this.ShowException("Failed to save object", e); } }); } }
void ScoreLoop() { if (count < 27) { gameTime = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; } else { winText.text = "YOU WIN!!"; if (user != null && !scoreSent) { scoreSent = true; KiiBucket bucket = Kii.Bucket(appScopeScoreBucket); KiiObject score = bucket.NewKiiObject(); score["time"] = gameTime; score["username"] = user.Username; // score is game completion time, the lower the better Debug.Log("Saving score..."); score.Save((KiiObject obj, Exception e) => { if (e != null) { Debug.LogError(e.ToString()); } else { Debug.Log("Score sent: " + gameTime.ToString("n2")); } }); } } string username = ""; if (user != null) { username = user.Username + " "; } countText.text = username + count.ToString() + "/27 " + gameTime.ToString("n2"); }
void OnEnable() { if (applicationController.sessionStarted) { KiiBucket appBucket = Kii.Bucket("Games"); KiiQuery query = new KiiQuery(KiiClause.Equals("_owner", KiiUser.CurrentUser.ID)); appBucket.Query(query, (KiiQueryResult <KiiObject> result, Exception e) => { if (e != null) { Debug.Log(e); applicationController.alertView.GetComponent <AlertViewController> ().SetAlert("Unexpected exception occurred"); navigationController.GoTo("ALERT_VIEW"); return; } foreach (KiiObject obj in result) { GameObject gameBoxI; gameBoxI = Instantiate(gameBox); gameBoxI.SetActive(true); gameBoxI.transform.SetParent(container.transform); gameBoxI.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); gameBoxI.GetComponentsInChildren <Text> () [0].text = obj.GetString("gameName"); gameBoxI.GetComponentInChildren <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => editViewController.GetComponent <EditViewController>().SetUri(obj.Uri)); gameBoxI.GetComponentInChildren <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => navigationController.GoTo("EDIT_VIEW")); //gameBox.GetComponentInChildren<RawImage>().texture = obj["icon"]; } GameObject addGameBut; addGameBut = Instantiate(addGameButton); addGameBut.SetActive(true); addGameBut.transform.SetParent(container.transform); addGameBut.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); addGameBut.GetComponentInChildren <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => NewGame()); }); } }
void llenarPartidas() { string[] creatorstring = new string[20]; string[] numberofplayersstring = new string[20]; string[] puzzlesizestring = new string[20]; string[] powerupsstring = new string[20]; string[] goTopicURLstring = new string[20]; int x = 0; //Genera las filas de la lista de partidas disponibles // Las columnas estan ya diseñadas. KiiQuery query = new KiiQuery( KiiClause.And( KiiClause.Equals(key4, "false"), KiiClause.NotEquals(key9, mystats.idplayer) ) ); // Alternatively, you can also do: // Kii.Bucket("myBuckets").Query(null, (...)); Kii.Bucket("Global").Query(query, (KiiQueryResult<KiiObject> result, Exception e) => { float exis = -(200f * 0.0016f); float eye = -(200f * 0.0016f) + calculaHuecos; GameObject worldObject = Instantiate(WorldMatches, new Vector3(exis, eye, 0f), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; world[0] = worldObject; worldObject.transform.parent = scroll.transform; worldObject.SetActive(true); if (e != null) { // handle error return; } foreach (KiiObject obj in result) { numberofplayersstring[x] = (string)obj[key8]; creatorstring[x] = (string)obj[key9]; puzzlesizestring[x] = (string)obj[key10]; powerupsstring[x] = (string)obj[key11]; goTopicURLstring[x] = (string)obj[key12]; lista[x] = obj; int p = x + 1; Debug.Log("Este es el Uri de la partida "+ p +": " + obj.Uri.ToString()); x++; } Debug.Log("Partidas disponibles encontradas: " + x); listaOld = new GameObject[x]; for (int y = 0; y < x; y++) { eye = eye - (100f * 0.0016f); GameObject childObject = Instantiate(match, new Vector3(exis, eye, 0f), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; childObject.transform.parent = scroll.transform; listaOld[y] = childObject; if (y == x - 1) { calculaHuecos = eye; } } for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { GameObject creator = listaOld[i].transform.FindChild("Creator").gameObject; GameObject numberofplayers = listaOld[i].transform.FindChild("NumberOfPlayers").gameObject; GameObject puzzlesize = listaOld[i].transform.FindChild("PuzzleSize").gameObject; GameObject powerups = listaOld[i].transform.FindChild("PowerUps").gameObject; GameObject unirse = listaOld[i].transform.FindChild("Check").gameObject; GameObject nocheck = listaOld[i].transform.FindChild("SafeCheck").gameObject; nocheck.SetActive(false); GameObject idJsonPArtidas = listaOld[i].transform.FindChild("jsonID").gameObject; GameObject goTopicURL = listaOld[i].transform.FindChild("topicURL").gameObject; UILabel creatorlabel = creator.GetComponent<UILabel>(); UILabel numberofplayerslabel = numberofplayers.GetComponent<UILabel>(); UILabel puzzlesizelabel = puzzlesize.GetComponent<UILabel>(); UILabel powerupslabel = powerups.GetComponent<UILabel>(); UILabel idjonLabel = idJsonPArtidas.GetComponent<UILabel>(); UILabel topicURLlabel = goTopicURL.GetComponent<UILabel>(); creatorlabel.text = "" + creatorstring[i] + ""; numberofplayerslabel.text = "" + numberofplayersstring[i] + ""; puzzlesizelabel.text = "" + puzzlesizestring[i] + ""; powerupslabel.text = "" + powerupsstring[i] + ""; idjonLabel.text = "" + lista[i].Uri.ToString() + ""; topicURLlabel.text = "" + lista[i][key12] + ""; } }); /*if (callBack.take1.Count < 2) { notfound.SetActive(true); } else { float exis = -(200f * 0.0016f); float eye = -(200f * 0.0016f) + calculaHuecos; lista = new GameObject[callBack.take1.Count]; for (int x = 0; x < callBack.take1.Count + 1; x++) { if (x == 0) { GameObject worldObject = Instantiate(WorldMatches, new Vector3(exis, eye, 0f), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; world[0] = worldObject; worldObject.transform.parent = scroll.transform; worldObject.SetActive(true); } else { eye = eye - (100f * 0.0016f); GameObject childObject = Instantiate(match, new Vector3(exis, eye, 0f), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; childObject.transform.parent = scroll.transform; lista[x - 1] = childObject; if (x == callBack.take1.Count - 1) { calculaHuecos = eye; } } } for (int i = 0; i < callBack.take1.Count; i++) { GameObject creator = lista[i].transform.FindChild("Creator").gameObject; GameObject numberofplayers = lista[i].transform.FindChild("NumberOfPlayers").gameObject; GameObject puzzlesize = lista[i].transform.FindChild("PuzzleSize").gameObject; GameObject powerups = lista[i].transform.FindChild("PowerUps").gameObject; GameObject unirse = lista[i].transform.FindChild("Check").gameObject; GameObject idJsonPArtidas = lista[i].transform.FindChild("jsonID").gameObject; UILabel creatorlabel = creator.GetComponent<UILabel>(); UILabel numberofplayerslabel = numberofplayers.GetComponent<UILabel>(); UILabel puzzlesizelabel = puzzlesize.GetComponent<UILabel>(); UILabel powerupslabel = powerups.GetComponent<UILabel>(); UILabel idjonLabel = idJsonPArtidas.GetComponent<UILabel>(); jsonObj = callBack.take1[i].GetJsonDoc(); string creatorstring = getinfo.sacarinfo(key9, jsonObj); string numberofplayersstring = getinfo.sacarinfo(key8, jsonObj); string puzzlesizestring = getinfo.sacarinfo(key10, jsonObj); string powerupsstring = getinfo.sacarinfo(key11, jsonObj); string jsonId = callBack.take1[i].GetDocId(); creatorlabel.text = "" + creatorstring + ""; Debug.Log(creatorstring); numberofplayerslabel.text = "" + numberofplayersstring + ""; puzzlesizelabel.text = "" + puzzlesizestring + ""; powerupslabel.text = "" + powerupsstring + ""; idjonLabel.text = "" + jsonId + ""; } } searching.text = ""; }*/ searching.text = ""; }
public void newGame() { //Crea una partida nueva searching.text = "Creating match..."; /* value1 = round.ToString(); value2 = turn.ToString(); value9 = mystats.idplayer; json.Add(key1, value1); json.Add(key2, value2); json.Add(key3, value3); json.Add(key4, value4); json.Add(key5, value5); json.Add(key6, value6); json.Add(key7, value7); json.Add(key8, value8); json.Add(key9, value9); json.Add(key10, value10); json.Add(key11, value11); storageService = sp.BuildStorageService(); storageService.InsertJSONDocument(dbName, mystats.idplayer + "'s Games", json, myDataBase); storageService.InsertJSONDocument(dbName, collectionName, json, callBack); */ // Create an object in an user-scope bucket. KiiObject obj5 = Kii.Bucket("MatchInfo").NewKiiObject(); value1 = round.ToString(); value2 = turn.ToString(); value9 = mystats.idplayer; obj5[keypieces] = valuepieces; obj5[keyplayersturn] = valueplayersturn; obj5.Save((KiiObject savedObj, Exception e) => { if (e != null) { // Handle error } else { value12 = obj5.Uri.ToString(); mystats.groupURL = value12; KiiObject obj = KiiUser.CurrentUser.Bucket(mystats.idplayer + "sGames").NewKiiObject(); obj[key1] = value1; obj[key2] = value2; obj[key3] = value3; obj[key4] = value4; obj[key5] = value5; obj[key6] = value6; obj[key7] = value7; obj[key8] = value8; obj[key9] = value9; obj[key10] = value10; obj[key11] = value11; obj[key12] = value12; // Save the object obj.Save((KiiObject savedObj2, Exception e2) => { if (e2 != null) { // Handle error } else { mystats.yourIdJson = obj.Uri.ToString(); } }); KiiObject obj2 = Kii.Bucket(collectionName).NewKiiObject(); // Set key-value pairs obj2[key1] = value1; obj2[key2] = value2; obj2[key3] = value3; obj2[key4] = value4; obj2[key5] = value5; obj2[key6] = value6; obj2[key7] = value7; obj2[key8] = value8; obj2[key9] = value9; obj2[key10] = value10; obj2[key11] = value11; obj2[key12] = value12; obj2.Save((KiiObject savedObjj, Exception e3) => { if (e3 != null) { // Handle error } else { mystats.idjson = obj2.Uri.ToString(); upLoadScene = true; contador5 = 0.0f; jugador = "1"; oponente = "2"; mystats.jugador = jugador; mystats.oponente = oponente; Debug.Log("Creando nueva partida..."); } }); } }); }
public void buscar() { //Busca una partida vacia // Prepare the target bucket to be queried KiiBucket bucket = Kii.Bucket("Global"); // Define query conditions KiiQuery query = new KiiQuery( KiiClause.Equals("Full","True") ); // Fine-tune your query results query.Limit = 1; // Query the bucket bucket.Query(query, (KiiQueryResult<KiiObject> result, Exception e) => { if (e != null) { Debug.LogError("Query Object failed: " + e.ToString()); // handle error return; } foreach (KiiObject obj in result) { obj.GetUri(objectUri); Debug.Log("Uri del objeto: " + objectUri); string turno = (string)obj[key2]; string turnoplayer = (string)obj[key3]; string idjugador1 = (string)obj[key9]; //Updating match information. KiiObject obj2 = KiiObject.CreateByUri(new Uri(objectUri)); obj2.Refresh((KiiObject obj3, Exception e2) => { if (e2 != null) { Debug.LogError("Retreving Object failed: " + e2.ToString()); // handle error return; } //Update following information value1 = round.ToString(); value2 = turno; value3 = turnoplayer; value4 = full; value5 = mystats.idplayer; value9 = idjugador1; obj3[key1] = value1; obj3[key2] = value2; obj3[key3] = value3; obj3[key4] = value4; obj3[key5] = value5; obj3[key6] = value6; obj3[key7] = value7; obj3[key8] = value8; obj3[key9] = value9; obj3[key10] = value10; obj3[key11] = value11; obj3.SaveAllFields(false, (KiiObject updatedObj, Exception e3) => { if (e3 != null) { Debug.LogError("Update Object failed: " + e3.ToString()); // handle error } else { //TENEMOS QUE SEGUIR AQUI: IMPLEMENTAR KII TOPICS mystats.idplayer2 = key9; Debug.Log("Match information upadted successfully."); } }); }); } }); /* storageService = sp.BuildStorageService(); storageService.FindDocumentByKeyValue(dbName, collectionName, key4, validador, callBack); nomatch = 0; check = true; */ }
private void register() { user = null; OnCallback = true; KiiUser built_user = KiiUser.BuilderWithName(username).Build(); built_user.Register(password, (KiiUser user2, Exception e) => { if (e == null) { #if UNITY_IPHONE bool development = true; // choose development/production for iOS string USER = username; string PASS = password; KiiPushInstallation.DeviceType deviceType = KiiPushInstallation.DeviceType.IOS; plugin = GameObject.Find("KiiPush").GetComponent <KiiPushPlugin>(); plugin.RegisterPush((string pushToken, Exception e0) => { Debug.Log("Token :" + pushToken); if (e0 == null) { KiiUser.LogIn(USER, PASS, (KiiUser kiiuser, Exception e1) => { if (e1 == null) { KiiUser.PushInstallation(development).Install(pushToken, deviceType, (Exception e2) => { Debug.Log("Push registration completed"); KiiUser user3 = KiiUser.CurrentUser; KiiBucket bucket = Kii.Bucket("FlappyDogHighScore"); KiiPushSubscription ps = user3.PushSubscription; ps.Subscribe(bucket, (KiiSubscribable target, Exception e3) => { if (e3 != null) { // check fail cause Debug.Log("Subscription Failed"); Debug.Log(e3.ToString()); } }); }); } else { Debug.Log("e1 error: " + e1.ToString()); }; }); } else { Debug.Log("e0 error: " + e0.ToString()); }; }); #endif user = user2; Debug.Log("Register completed"); } else { user = null; OnCallback = false; Debug.Log("Register failed : " + e.ToString()); } }); }
void OnGUI() { GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 10, 800, 50), GetType().ToString()); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 60, 250, 100), "Upload & Download")) { KiiUser.LogIn(this.username, this.password, (KiiUser user, Exception e1) => { if (e1 == null) { KiiObject obj = Kii.Bucket("images").NewKiiObject(); obj["owner"] = this.username; obj.Save((KiiObject o1, Exception e2) => { if (e2 == null) { Debug.Log("##### Object is saved"); byte[] image = ReadImage(); Stream body = new MemoryStream(image); o1.UploadBody("image/png", body, (KiiObject o2, Exception e3) => { if (e3 == null) { Debug.Log("##### Object body is uploaded"); Stream outputStream = new MemoryStream(); o2.DownloadBody(outputStream, (KiiObject o3, Stream s, Exception e4) => { if (e4 == null) { s.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] downloadedImage = this.ReadStream(s); if (image.Length != downloadedImage.Length) { this.message = "ERROR: expected=" + image.Length + "bytes actual=" + downloadedImage.Length + "bytes"; } else if (!this.Compare(image, downloadedImage)) { this.message = "ERROR: unexpected bytes"; } else { this.message = "SUCCESS!!!!!"; } } else { this.ShowException("Failed to download object body", e4); } } , (KiiObject o3, float progress) => { Debug.Log("##### Downloading..."); this.message = "Downloading... " + (progress * 100) + "%"; }); } else { this.ShowException("Failed to upload object body", e3); } } , (KiiObject o2, float progress) => { this.message = "Uploading... " + (progress * 100) + "%"; }); } else { this.ShowException("Failed to save object", e2); } }); } else { this.ShowException("Failed to login", e1); } }); } GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 175, 500, 1000), this.message); }
void OnEnable() { if (applicationController.sessionStarted) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { GameObject instantiatedPrefab; instantiatedPrefab = Instantiate(screenshotBox) as GameObject; instantiatedPrefab.SetActive(true); instantiatedPrefab.transform.SetParent(screensList.transform); instantiatedPrefab.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); instantiatedPrefab.GetComponent <Button> ().onClick.AddListener(() => GetButtonIndex(instantiatedPrefab)); instantiatedPrefab.GetComponent <Button> ().onClick.AddListener(() => OpenScreenshot()); buttonList.Add(instantiatedPrefab); } bool validate = true; KiiBucket appBucket = Kii.Bucket("Games"); //string gameNameTrim = gameName.GetComponent<InputField> ().text.Replace (" ", String.Empty); /*KiiQuery query = new KiiQuery( * KiiClause.And( * KiiClause.Equals("gameName", gameName.GetComponent<InputField>().text) * ,KiiClause.Equals("bucketScreenshotsId", gameNameTrim) * ) * );*/ //string bucketName = gameNameTrim+"-Screenshots-"; string userId = KiiUser.CurrentUser.ID; KiiObject obj = Kii.Bucket("Games").NewKiiObject(); String id = ""; try { obj.Refresh(); id = obj.GetString("_id"); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("Fallo refresh id game: " + e); } /*obj["gameName"] = gameName.GetComponent<InputField>().text; * obj["gameDescription"] = gameDescription.GetComponent<InputField>().text; * obj["gameCategories"] = gameCategories.GetComponent<InputField>().text; * obj["gameKeywords"] = gameKeywords.GetComponent<InputField>().text; * obj["gameEula"] = gameEula.GetComponent<InputField>().text; * obj["gamePlatform"] = gamePlatform.GetComponent<Text> ().text; * obj["gameLanguage"] = gameLanguage.GetComponent<Text> ().text; * obj["userId"] = userId; * obj["bucketScreenshotsId"] = gameNameTrim;*/ //obj["GameBucket"] = userId; //if(ValidatedFields()){ /*appBucket.Count(query, (KiiBucket b, KiiQuery q, int count, Exception e) => { * if (e != null){ * validate = false; * applicationController.alertView.GetComponent<AlertViewController> ().SetAlert ("Unexpected exception occurred"); * navigationController.GoTo ("ALERT_VIEW"); * return; * } * if (count > 0){ * validate = false; * applicationController.alertView.GetComponent<AlertViewController> ().SetAlert ("Game name already exist"); * navigationController.GoTo ("ALERT_VIEW"); * return; * }*/ if (validate) { // Save the object obj.SaveAllFields(true, (KiiObject savedObj, Exception exc) => { if (exc is NetworkException) { if (((NetworkException)exc).InnerException is TimeoutException) { // Network timeout occurred applicationController.alertView.GetComponent <AlertViewController> ().SetAlert("Network timeout occurred"); navigationController.GoTo("ALERT_VIEW"); return; } else { // Network error occurred applicationController.alertView.GetComponent <AlertViewController> ().SetAlert("Network error occurred"); navigationController.GoTo("ALERT_VIEW"); return; } } else if (exc is ConflictException) { // Registration failed because the user already exists applicationController.alertView.GetComponent <AlertViewController> ().SetAlert("Registration failed because the game name already exists"); navigationController.GoTo("ALERT_VIEW"); return; } else if (exc is CloudException) { // Registration failed applicationController.alertView.GetComponent <AlertViewController> ().SetAlert("Registration failed"); navigationController.GoTo("ALERT_VIEW"); return; } else if (exc != null) { // Unexpected exception occurred applicationController.alertView.GetComponent <AlertViewController> ().SetAlert("Unexpected exception occurred"); navigationController.GoTo("ALERT_VIEW"); return; } ; objUri = obj.Uri; Debug.Log("mi uri es:" + objUri); /*Debug.Log ("SavingImages."); * SaveImage(0, obj);*/ }); } //}); //Check whether the id is valid. /*for (int i = 1; i < imagePaths.Length; i++){ * SaveImages(bucketName, i); * } * Debug.Log ("ImagesSaved: GoTo Edit");*/ //navigationController.GoTo ("EDIT_VIEW"); //} } }
public static void RegisterDeath(GameObject deadObject) { if (Instance == null) { Debug.Log("Game score not loaded"); return; } int playerLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer(Instance.playerLayerName), enemyLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer(Instance.enemyLayerName); Debug.Log("Getting KiiUser"); user = KiiUser.CurrentUser; if (user == null) { if (deadObject.layer == playerLayer) { Instance.deaths++; } else if (deadObject.layer == enemyLayer) { Instance.kills [deadObject.name] = Instance.kills.ContainsKey(deadObject.name) ? Instance.kills [deadObject.name] + 1 : 1; } else { Instance.kills [deadObject.name] = Instance.kills.ContainsKey(deadObject.name) ? Instance.kills [deadObject.name] + 1 : 1; } return; } Debug.Log("Creating app bucket"); appBucket = Kii.Bucket(BUCKET_NAME); Debug.Log("Creating death object"); KiiObject death = appBucket.NewKiiObject(); death["user"] = user.Username; death ["time"] = Time.time; if (deadObject.layer == playerLayer) { Instance.deaths++; death ["type"] = "Player"; death ["count"] = Instance.deaths; Debug.Log("Dead player counted"); Debug.Log("Saving death object"); } else if (deadObject.layer == enemyLayer) { Instance.kills [deadObject.name] = Instance.kills.ContainsKey(deadObject.name) ? Instance.kills [deadObject.name] + 1 : 1; death ["type"] = "Enemy"; death ["enemy"] = deadObject.name; death ["count"] = Instance.kills [deadObject.name]; Debug.Log("Dead enemy counted"); Debug.Log("Saving death object..."); } else { Instance.kills [deadObject.name] = Instance.kills.ContainsKey(deadObject.name) ? Instance.kills [deadObject.name] + 1 : 1; death ["type"] = "Unknown"; death ["enemy"] = deadObject.name; death ["count"] = Instance.kills [deadObject.name]; Debug.Log("Dead entity counted"); Debug.Log("Saving death object..."); } death.Save((KiiObject obj, Exception e) => { if (e != null) { Debug.Log("GameScore: Failed to create death object: " + e.ToString()); } else { Debug.Log("GameScore: Create death object succeeded"); } }); }