private void btn_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbKeyNoteText.Text)) { //TaskDialog.Show("Keynote", "Category Code cannot be empty"); MessageBox.Show("Keynote cannot be empty"); } else { this.KeyNoteText = tbKeyNoteText.Text; if (tbSpecSection.Text != "") { //Spec this.SpecSection = tbSpecSection.Text; this.FullKeyText = this.KeyNoteText + "-" + this.SpecSection; } else { this.FullKeyText = this.KeyNoteText; } this.Key = this.ParentKey + "." + this.keyEnd.ToString("D2"); KeynoteEntry newKey = new KeynoteEntry(this.Key, this.ParentKey, this.FullKeyText); this.FullKey = newKey; Command.keynotes.Add(new KeyNote(newKey)); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } }
//public bool IsACategory { get; set; } public KeyNote(KeynoteEntry key) { this.Key = key.Key; this.ParentKey = key.ParentKey; KeyEndExtraction(this.Key); KeyNoteTextExtraction(key.KeynoteText); }
private void ShowAddForm(int lastNote) { addDialog = new AddNote(comboBox1.SelectedValue.ToString(), lastNote); var result = addDialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { KeynoteEntry addedKey = addDialog.FullKey; myKeyNoteList.Add(new KeyNote(addedKey)); } }
private void btn_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbCategoryText.Text)) { //TaskDialog.Show("Keynote", "Category Code cannot be empty"); MessageBox.Show("Category cannot be empty"); } else { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbCategoryCode.Text)) { //TaskDialog.Show("Keynote", "Category Code cannot be empty"); MessageBox.Show("Category Code cannot be empty"); } else { bool catCodeExists = false; foreach (Category c in Command.categories) { if (c.Key == tbCategoryCode.Text) { catCodeExists = true; } } if (catCodeExists == false) { this.KeynoteCategory = tbCategoryText.Text; this.CategoryCode = tbCategoryCode.Text; KeynoteEntry newCategory = new KeynoteEntry(this.CategoryCode, this.KeynoteCategory); Command.categories.Add(new Category(newCategory)); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Category Code is already in use. \n Please chose a unique Category Code."); } } } }
public Category(KeynoteEntry key) { this.Key = key.Key; this.CategoryTitle = key.KeynoteText; }