    void Init()
        myTransform = transform;
        canMove     = true;

        canJumpAgain      = true;
        canSlideAgain     = true;
        canRollLeftAgain  = true;
        canRollRightAgain = true;

        keyboardInput = ExtendedGameObject.SetComponent <Keyboard_Input>(gameObject);
        touchInput = ExtendedGameObject.SetComponent <TouchInput>(gameObject);

        anim = ExtendedGameObject.SetComponent <Animator>(gameObject);

        MainCameraGO = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
        if (MainCameraGO == null)
            Debug.Log("Cant find main camera");
        cameraFollower = ExtendedGameObject.SetComponent <CameraFollower>(MainCameraGO);
        cameraFollower.followTarget = gameObject.transform;

        capCollider = ExtendedGameObject.SetComponent <CapsuleCollider>(gameObject);


        didInit = true;
    public virtual void Init()
        // Cache the usual suspects
        iRigid      = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        iGameobject = gameObject;
        iTransform  = transform;

        // Add default keyboard input
        default_input = iGameobject.GetComponent <Keyboard_Input>();

        // Cache a reference to player controller
        PlayerController = iGameobject.GetComponent <BasePlayerManager>();

        // Call base class init

        // With this simple vehicle code, we set the center of mass low to try to keep the car from toppling over
        iRigid.centerOfMass = new Vector3(0, -4f, 0);

        // See if we cant find an engine sound source, if we need to
        if (engineSoundSource == null)
            engineSoundSource = iGameobject.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
    public virtual void Init()
        myGO        = gameObject;
        myBody      = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        myTransform = transform;

        default_input = myGO.AddComponent <Keyboard_Input>();
    // main event
    void Awake()
        // cache a ref to our transform
        myTransform = transform;

        if (!keyboardInput)
            keyboardInput = GetComponent <Keyboard_Input> ();
    public virtual void Init()
        myTransform  = transform;
        myGameObject = gameObject;
        myRigrdBody  = rigidbody;

        default_Input = myGameObject.AddComponent <Keyboard_Input> ();

        originZ = myTransform.localPosition.z;

        didInit = true;
    public virtual void Init()
        // cache refs to our transform and gameObject
        myTransform  = transform;
        myGameObject = gameObject;
        myRigidBody  = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        // add default keyboard input
        default_input = myGameObject.AddComponent <Keyboard_Input>();

        // grab the starting Z position to use as a baseline for Z position limiting
        originZ = myTransform.localPosition.z;

        // set a flag so that our Update function knows when we are OK to use
        didInit = true;
    public virtual void Init()
        // cache te usual suspects
        iRigid      = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        iGameobject = gameObject;
        iTransform  = transform;

        // add default keyboard input
        default_input = iGameobject.AddComponent <Keyboard_Input>();

        // cache a reference to the player controller
        iPlayerController = iGameobject.GetComponent <BasePlayerManager>();
        if (iPlayerController != null)
    public virtual void Init()
        myRigrdBody  = rigidbody;
        myTransform  = transform;
        myGameObject = gameObject;

        default_input = myGameObject.AddComponent <Keyboard_Input> ();

        myPlayerController = myGameObject.GetComponent <BasePlayerManager> ();

        if (myPlayerController != null)
    public virtual void Init()
        // cache the usual suspects
        myBody      = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        myGO        = gameObject;
        myTransform = transform;

        // add default keyboard input
        default_input = myGO.AddComponent <Keyboard_Input>();

        // cache a reference to the player controller
        myPlayerController = myGO.GetComponent <BasePlayerManager>();

        if (myPlayerController != null)
    public virtual void Init()
        myRigrdBody  = rigidbody;
        myGameObject = gameObject;
        myTransform  = transform;

        default_input      = myGameObject.AddComponent <Keyboard_Input>();
        myPlayerController = myGameObject.GetComponent <BasePlayerManager>();


        myRigrdBody.centerOfMass = new Vector3(0, -4f, 0);

        if (engineSound == null)
            engineSound = myGameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
    // main logic

    public override void Init()

        // add default keyboard input
        if (!default_input)
            default_input = myGO.AddComponent <Keyboard_Input> ();

        // cache a reference to the player controller
        if (!myPlayerController)
            myPlayerController = myGO.GetComponent <BasePlayerManager> ();

        if (myPlayerController != null)
    // main logiv

    /// <summary>
    /// Init main instance (myTransform, myGO, myBody, myAnimator, KeybordInput), def. in Start.
    /// </summary>
    public override void Init()
        // base init

        didInit = false;

        // cache refs to our transform and gameObject
        if (!myAnimator)
            myAnimator = GetComponent <Animator> ();

        // add default keyboard input
        if (!default_input)
            default_input = myGO.AddComponent <Keyboard_Input> ();

        // set a flag so that our Update function knows when we are OK to use
        didInit = true;
    public virtual void Init()
        Debug.Log("BaseVehicle Init called.");

        // cache the usual suspects
        myBody      = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        myGO        = gameObject;
        myTransform = transform;

        // add default keyboard input
        if (myGO.GetComponent <Keyboard_Input>() == null)
            default_input = myGO.AddComponent <Keyboard_Input>();

        // cache a reference to the player controller
        myPlayerController = myGO.GetComponent <BasePlayerManager>();

        // call base class init

        // with this simple vehicle code, we set the center of mass low to try to keep the car from toppling over
        myBody.centerOfMass = new Vector3(0, -4f, 0);

        // see if we can find an engine sound source, if we need to
        if (engineSoundSource == null)
            engineSoundSource = myGO.GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        // now lets copy over our friction and suspension values to the wheels (keeping these values in one place
        // rather than having to change them on each wheel is a neater way to work!)

        // set up curves for front and sideways values

        WheelFrictionCurve curveF = new WheelFrictionCurve();

        curveF.extremumSlip   = forwardFrictionExtremumSlip;
        curveF.extremumValue  = forwardFrictionExtremumValue;
        curveF.asymptoteSlip  = forwardFrictionAsymptoteSlip;
        curveF.asymptoteValue = forwardFrictionAsymptoteValue;
        curveF.stiffness      = forwardFrictionStiffnessFactor;

        WheelFrictionCurve curveS = new WheelFrictionCurve();

        curveS.extremumSlip   = sidewaysFrictionExtremumSlip;
        curveS.extremumValue  = sidewaysFrictionExtremumValue;
        curveS.asymptoteSlip  = sidewaysFrictionAsymptoteSlip;
        curveS.asymptoteValue = sidewaysFrictionAsymptoteValue;
        curveS.stiffness      = sidewaysFrictionStiffnessFactor;

        // set up JointSpring for the suspension settings
        JointSpring suspensionJointSpring = new JointSpring();

        suspensionJointSpring.damper = suspensionDamper;
        suspensionJointSpring.spring = suspensionSpring;

        // front left
        frontWheelLeft.mass   = wheelMass;
        frontWheelLeft.radius = wheelRadius;

        frontWheelLeft.suspensionDistance = suspensionDistance;
        frontWheelLeft.suspensionSpring   = suspensionJointSpring;

        frontWheelLeft.forwardFriction  = curveF;
        frontWheelLeft.sidewaysFriction = curveS;

        // front right
        frontWheelRight.mass   = wheelMass;
        frontWheelRight.radius = wheelRadius;

        frontWheelRight.suspensionDistance = suspensionDistance;
        frontWheelRight.suspensionSpring   = suspensionJointSpring;

        frontWheelRight.forwardFriction  = curveF;
        frontWheelRight.sidewaysFriction = curveS;

        // rear left
        rearWheelLeft.mass   = wheelMass;
        rearWheelLeft.radius = wheelRadius;

        rearWheelLeft.suspensionDistance = suspensionDistance;
        rearWheelLeft.suspensionSpring   = suspensionJointSpring;

        rearWheelLeft.forwardFriction  = curveF;
        rearWheelLeft.sidewaysFriction = curveS;

        // rear right
        rearWheelRight.mass   = wheelMass;
        rearWheelRight.radius = wheelRadius;

        rearWheelRight.suspensionDistance = suspensionDistance;
        rearWheelRight.suspensionSpring   = suspensionJointSpring;

        rearWheelRight.forwardFriction  = curveF;
        rearWheelRight.sidewaysFriction = curveS;

        Debug.Log("BaseVehicle wheels setup and Init() complete.");