    // Indicates a change in the solving slots
    public void HasChanged()
        Debug.Log("LC: HAS CHANGED");
        Debug.Log("LC: Keyboard Helper says " + helper.GetType().ToString());
        Debug.Log("CURRENT SLOT INDEX: " + helper.currentSlotIndex);

        // String to store the order of the letters
        System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

        // Loop through each letter contained in the solving section
        foreach (Transform slotTransform in slots)
            // Get the letter stored in the slot
            GameObject letter = slotTransform.GetComponent <Slot>().letter;
            // If the slot contains a letter, append it to the string
            if (letter)
                // Extract the letter from the full letter string Ex. Letter_A(Clone) position 7 = a
                char letterName = char.ToLower(letter.name[7]);
                // Append the letter to the builder

        // Finalize the string
        string wordProgress = builder.ToString();

        Debug.Log("LC: Word progress is " + wordProgress);

        // Detect if the word has been solved
        if (helper.CheckForMatch(wordProgress))
            helper.gameComplete     = true;
            helper.currentSlotIndex = 0;
            isAnimationLooping      = false;

            Debug.Log("LC: Found a match!");

            firstHasBeenPlayed = false;
