        public static RunItem ComputeRunStats(this RunItem runItem)
                Trace.WriteLine("Start ComputeRunStats : RunItem " + runItem.KeyId);
                // Load the base64 keys
                String galKeyString = "", galSingleStepKeyString = "", relinKeyString = "";
                KeyUtilities.GetKeys(runItem.KeyId, ref galKeyString, ref galSingleStepKeyString, ref relinKeyString);

                // Calculate the cipher results
                SEALWrapper sw = new SEALWrapper(4096);
                sw.LoadKeys(galKeyString, galSingleStepKeyString, relinKeyString);
                sw.ComputeStatsCiphers(runItem.Cipher1, runItem.Cipher2, runItem.Summary, runItem.CipherGyro);
                runItem.Stats      = sw.getStats();
                runItem.Summary    = sw.getSummary();
                runItem.CipherGyro = sw.getMlResults();

                Trace.WriteLine("End ComputeRunStats : RunItem " + runItem.KeyId);
            catch (Exception e)
                Trace.TraceError("{%s} occurred while computing stats {RunItem : %d}", runItem.KeyId, e);

        public void TestGetKeys()
            string galKeys           = "";
            string galSingleStepKeys = "";
            string relinKeys         = "";

            // Right now this is hard coded for testing.  If the table is recreated then the values
            // especially the ID needs to be updated for what is created in the database.
                                 ref galKeys, ref galSingleStepKeys, ref relinKeys);

            // Try to load the Keys into a Wrapper
            SEALWrapper sw = new SEALWrapper(4096);

            sw.LoadKeys(galKeys, galSingleStepKeys, relinKeys);

            // Get the keys back from the Wrapper
            string testGalKeys           = sw.getGaloisKeys();
            string testGalSingleStepKeys = sw.getGaloisSingleStepKeys();
            string testRelinKeys         = sw.getRelinKeys();

            // Test that they equal
            // Have to test each character at a time because the assert
            // grabs too much memory if you test 2 strings of this size.
            Assert.AreEqual(galKeys.Length, testGalKeys.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(galSingleStepKeys.Length, testGalSingleStepKeys.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(relinKeys.Length, testRelinKeys.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < galKeys.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(galKeys[i], testGalKeys[i], "Gal Key Mismatch: " + i);
            for (int i = 0; i < galSingleStepKeys.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(galSingleStepKeys[i], testGalSingleStepKeys[i], "Gal Single-Step Key Mismatch: " + i);
            for (int i = 0; i < relinKeys.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(relinKeys[i], testRelinKeys[i], "Relin Key Mismatch: " + i);