    /// <summary>
    /// Create a order
    /// </summary>
    public static Dictionary<string, string> CreateOrder(Order order, List<OrderRow> orderRows, Domain domain, 
        KeyStringList tt, string paymentType)
        // Create the dictionary to return
        Dictionary<string, string> responseData = new Dictionary<string, string>(10);

        // Get the webshop settings
        KeyStringList webshopSettings = WebshopSetting.GetAllFromCache();

        // Get the test variable
        bool payExTest = false;
        bool.TryParse(webshopSettings.Get("PAYEX-TEST"), out payExTest);

        // Check if it is test or production
        if(payExTest == true)
            responseData = CreateOrderTest(order, orderRows, domain, webshopSettings, tt, paymentType);
            responseData = CreateOrderProduction(order, orderRows, domain, webshopSettings, tt, paymentType);

        // Return the response data
        return responseData;

    } // End of the CreateOrder method
        public ActionResult translate(FormCollection collection)
            // Get the current domain
            Domain currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();

            ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;

            // Get query parameters
            string returnUrl = collection["returnUrl"];

            ViewBag.QueryParams = new QueryParams(returnUrl);

            // Check if the administrator is authorized
            if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(new string[] { "Administrator", "Editor", "Translator" }) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
            else if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(Administrator.GetAllAdminRoles()) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession    = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode  = 1;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                // Redirect the user to the start page
                return(RedirectToAction("index", "admin_login"));

            // Get the admin default language
            Int32 adminLanguageId = currentDomain.back_end_language;

            // Get translated texts
            KeyStringList tt = StaticText.GetAll(adminLanguageId, "id", "ASC");

            // Get all the form values
            Int32  translationLanguageId = Convert.ToInt32(collection["selectLanguage"]);
            Int32  id        = Convert.ToInt32(collection["hiddenUnitId"]);
            string unit_code = collection["txtTranslatedUnitCode"];
            string name      = collection["txtTranslatedName"];

            // Create the translated unit
            Unit translatedUnit = new Unit();

            translatedUnit.id        = id;
            translatedUnit.unit_code = unit_code;
            translatedUnit.name      = name;

            // Create a error message
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;

            // Check for errors
            if (translatedUnit.unit_code.Length > 10)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("unit_code"), "10") + "<br/>";
            if (translatedUnit.name.Length > 50)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("name"), "50") + "<br/>";

            // Check if there is errors
            if (errorMessage == string.Empty)
                // Get the saved unit
                Unit unit = Unit.GetOneById(id, translationLanguageId);

                if (unit == null)
                    // Add a new translated unit
                    Unit.AddLanguagePost(translatedUnit, translationLanguageId);
                    // Update the translated unit
                    unit.unit_code = translatedUnit.unit_code;
                    unit.name      = translatedUnit.name;
                    Unit.UpdateLanguagePost(unit, translationLanguageId);

                // Redirect the user to the list
                return(Redirect("/admin_units" + returnUrl));
                // Set form values
                ViewBag.LanguageId      = translationLanguageId;
                ViewBag.Languages       = Language.GetAll(adminLanguageId, "name", "ASC");
                ViewBag.StandardUnit    = Unit.GetOneById(id, adminLanguageId);
                ViewBag.TranslatedUnit  = translatedUnit;
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage    = errorMessage;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = tt;
                ViewBag.ReturnUrl       = returnUrl;

                // Return the translate view
        } // End of the translate method
        } // End of the clear method


        #region Payex payment

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a payex payment
        /// </summary>
        public ActionResult CreatePayexPayment(Order order, List<OrderRow> orderRows, Domain domain, KeyStringList tt, string paymentType)
            // Create the payex payment
            Dictionary<string, string> response = PayExManager.CreateOrder(order, orderRows, domain, tt, paymentType);

            // Get the error code
            string error_code = response.ContainsKey("error_code") == true ? response["error_code"] : "";

            // Check if the response is successful
            if (error_code == "OK" && paymentType == "INVOICE")
                // Get response variables
                string transaction_status = response.ContainsKey("transaction_status") == true ? response["transaction_status"] : "";
                string transaction_number = response.ContainsKey("transaction_number") == true ? response["transaction_number"] : "";

                // Save the transaction number
                Order.SetPaymentToken(order.id, transaction_number);

                if(transaction_status == "3")
                    // Update the order status
                    Order.UpdatePaymentStatus(order.id, "payment_status_invoice_approved");

                    // Add customer files
                else if (transaction_status == "5")
                    // Update the order status
                    Order.UpdatePaymentStatus(order.id, "payment_status_invoice_not_approved");

                // Redirect the user to the order confirmation page
                return RedirectToAction("confirmation", "order", new { id = order.id });

            else if (error_code == "OK")
                // Redirect the user to payex
                return Redirect(response["redirect_url"]);
                // Redirect the user to the order confirmation page
                return RedirectToAction("confirmation", "order", new { id = order.id });

        } // End of the CreatePayexPayment method
        } // End of the paypal_confirmation method


        #region Payson payment

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a payson payment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order">A reference to a order</param>
        /// <param name="orderRows">A reference to a list of order rows</param>
        /// <param name="domain">A reference to the domain</param>
        /// <param name="tt">A reference to translated texts</param>
        /// <param name="paymentType">The payment type, INVOICE, DIRECT</param>
        /// <returns>A redirect to payson</returns>
        public ActionResult CreatePaysonPayment(Order order, List<OrderRow> orderRows, Domain domain, 
            KeyStringList tt, string paymentType)
            // Get the webshop settings
            KeyStringList webshopSettings = WebshopSetting.GetAllFromCache();

            // Get the language
            Language language = Language.GetOneById(domain.front_end_language);

            // Get credentials
            string paysonEmail = webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-EMAIL");
            string userId = webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-AGENT-ID");
            string md5Key = webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-MD5-KEY");
            bool paysonTest = false;
            bool.TryParse(webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-TEST"), out paysonTest);

            // Set urls
            string returnUrl = domain.web_address + "/order/payson_confirmation/" + order.id.ToString();
            string notificationUrl = domain.web_address + "/api/payments/payson_notification/" + order.id.ToString();
            string cancelUrl = domain.web_address + "/order/confirmation/" + order.id.ToString();

            // Create the sender
            PaysonIntegration.Utils.Sender sender = new PaysonIntegration.Utils.Sender(order.customer_email);
            sender.FirstName = "@";
            sender.LastName = "@";

            // Get the total amount
            decimal totalAmount = order.total_sum - order.gift_cards_amount;

            // Create the receiver
            List<PaysonIntegration.Utils.Receiver> receivers = new List<PaysonIntegration.Utils.Receiver>(1);
            PaysonIntegration.Utils.Receiver receiver = new PaysonIntegration.Utils.Receiver(paysonEmail, totalAmount);

            // Create a list of order items
            List<PaysonIntegration.Utils.OrderItem> orderItems = new List<PaysonIntegration.Utils.OrderItem>(10);

            // Add order items
            for (int i = 0; i < orderRows.Count; i++)
                // Create a order item
                PaysonIntegration.Utils.OrderItem orderItem = new PaysonIntegration.Utils.OrderItem(orderRows[i].product_name);
                orderItem.SetOptionalParameters(orderRows[i].product_code, orderRows[i].quantity, orderRows[i].unit_price, orderRows[i].vat_percent);

                // Add the order item to the list

            // Add the rounding
            if(order.rounding_sum != 0)
                PaysonIntegration.Utils.OrderItem roundingItem = new PaysonIntegration.Utils.OrderItem(tt.Get("rounding"));
                roundingItem.SetOptionalParameters("rd", 1, order.rounding_sum, 0);

            // Add the gift cards amount
            if (order.gift_cards_amount > 0)
                PaysonIntegration.Utils.OrderItem giftCardItem = new PaysonIntegration.Utils.OrderItem(tt.Get("gift_cards"));
                giftCardItem.SetOptionalParameters("gc", 1, order.gift_cards_amount * -1, 0);

            // Create funding constraints depending on the payment method
            List<PaysonIntegration.Utils.FundingConstraint> fundingConstraints = new List<PaysonIntegration.Utils.FundingConstraint>();
            if (paymentType == "INVOICE")
            else if(paymentType == "DIRECT")

            // Create the order memo
            string orderMemo = tt.Get("order").ToUpper() + "# " + order.id.ToString();

            // Create the pay data
            PaysonIntegration.Data.PayData payData = new PaysonIntegration.Data.PayData(returnUrl, cancelUrl, orderMemo, sender, receivers);
            payData.GuaranteeOffered = PaysonIntegration.Utils.GuaranteeOffered.No;
            payData.ShowReceiptPage = false;

            // Create the api
            PaysonIntegration.PaysonApi paysonApi = new PaysonIntegration.PaysonApi(userId, md5Key, null, paysonTest);

            // Create a respone
            PaysonIntegration.Response.PayResponse response = null;

                // Create the payment
                response = paysonApi.MakePayRequest(payData);
            catch(Exception ex)
                string exMessage = ex.Message;
            // Check if the response is successful
            string forwardUrl = "";
            if (response != null && response.Success == true)
                // Update the order with the payment token
                Order.SetPaymentToken(order.id, response.Token);

                // Get the forward url
                forwardUrl = paysonApi.GetForwardPayUrl(response.Token);
                // Redirect the user to the forward url
                return Redirect(forwardUrl);
                // Redirect the user to the order confirmation page
                return RedirectToAction("confirmation", "order", new { id = order.id });

        } // End of the CreatePaysonPayment
    } // End of the GetAll method

    /// <summary>
    /// Get all static texts as a key string list
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="languageId">The id of the language</param>
    /// <param name="sortField">The field to sort on</param>
    /// <param name="sortOrder">The sort order</param>
    /// <returns>A key string list of static texts</returns>
    private static KeyStringList GetAllFromDatabase(Int32 languageId, string sortField, string sortOrder)
        // Make sure that sort variables are valid
        sortField = GetValidSortField(sortField);
        sortOrder = GetValidSortOrder(sortOrder);

        // Create the KeyStringList to return
        KeyStringList posts = new KeyStringList(20);

        // Create the connection string and the sql statement
        string connection = Tools.GetConnectionString();
        string sql = "SELECT * FROM dbo.static_texts WHERE language_id = @language_id ORDER BY " 
            + sortField + " " + sortOrder + ";";

        // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there are an exception
        using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connection))
            // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there is a exception
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn))
                // Add parameters
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@language_id", languageId);

                // Create a reader
                SqlDataReader reader = null;

                // The Try/Catch/Finally statement is used to handle unusual exceptions in the code to
                // avoid having our application crash in such cases
                    // Open the connection.

                    // Fill the reader with data from the select command
                    reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    // Loop through the reader as long as there is something to read
                    while (reader.Read())
                        posts.Add(reader["id"].ToString(), reader["value"].ToString());
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;
                    // Call Close when done reading to avoid memory leakage
                    if (reader != null)

        // Return the list of posts
        return posts;

    } // End of the GetAllFromDatabase method
    } // End of the CancelTransactionProduction method


    #region Invoice methods

    /// <summary>
    /// Create a invoice to a person
    /// </summary>
    public static Dictionary<string, string> CreateInvoicePrivate(string orderReference, Order order, Domain domain, KeyStringList settings, KeyStringList tt)
        // Create the dictionary to return
        Dictionary<string, string> responseData = new Dictionary<string, string>(10);

        // Get the webshop settings
        KeyStringList webshopSettings = WebshopSetting.GetAllFromCache();

        // Get the test variable
        bool payExTest = false;
        bool.TryParse(webshopSettings.Get("PAYEX-TEST"), out payExTest);

        // Check if it is test or production
        if (payExTest == true)
            responseData = CreateInvoicePrivateTest(orderReference, order, domain, webshopSettings, tt);
            responseData = CreateInvoicePrivateProduction(orderReference, order, domain, webshopSettings, tt);

        // Return the response data
        return responseData;

    } // End of the CreateInvoicePrivate method
    } // End of the CheckTransactionProduction method


    #region Cancel methods

    /// <summary>
    /// Cancel an authorized transaction
    /// </summary>
    public static Dictionary<string, string> CancelTransaction(Order order, KeyStringList settings)
        // Create the dictionary to return
        Dictionary<string, string> responseData = new Dictionary<string, string>(10);

        // Get the webshop settings
        KeyStringList webshopSettings = WebshopSetting.GetAllFromCache();

        // Get the test variable
        bool payExTest = false;
        bool.TryParse(webshopSettings.Get("PAYEX-TEST"), out payExTest);

        // Check if it is test or production
        if (payExTest == true)
            responseData = CancelTransactionTest(order, webshopSettings);
            responseData = CancelTransactionProduction(order, webshopSettings);

        // Return the response data
        return responseData;

    } // End of the CancelTransaction method
    } // End of the CreateOrder method

    /// <summary>
    /// Create a test order
    /// </summary>
    private static Dictionary<string, string> CreateOrderTest(Order order, List<OrderRow> orderRows, Domain domain, 
        KeyStringList settings, KeyStringList tt, string paymentType)
        // Create the dictionary to return
        Dictionary<string, string> responseData = new Dictionary<string, string>(10);

        // Create the PayEx order
        Annytab.Webshop.Payex.Test.PxOrder pxOrder = new Annytab.Webshop.Payex.Test.PxOrder();

        // Get the currency
        Currency orderCurrency = Currency.GetOneById(order.currency_code);

        // Calculate the decimal multiplier
        Int32 decimalMultiplier = (Int32)Math.Pow(10, orderCurrency.decimals);

        // Add the data
        long accountNumber = 0;
        long.TryParse(settings.Get("PAYEX-ACCOUNT-NUMBER"), out accountNumber);
        string purchaseOperation = "SALE";
        if (paymentType == "INVOICE")
            purchaseOperation = "AUTHORIZATION";
        Int64 price = (Int64)Math.Round((order.total_sum - order.gift_cards_amount) * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
        string priceArgList = "";
        string currency = order.currency_code;
        Int32 vat = 0;
        string orderID = order.id.ToString();
        string productNumber = tt.Get("order").ToUpper() + "# " + order.id;
        string description = domain.webshop_name;
        string clientIPAddress = Tools.GetUserIP();
        string clientIdentifier = "";
        string externalID = "";
        string returnUrl = domain.web_address + "/order/payex_confirmation/" + order.id.ToString();
        string view = paymentType;
        string agreementRef = "";
        string cancelUrl = domain.web_address + "/order/confirmation/" + order.id.ToString();
        string clientLanguage = order.language_code.ToLower() + "-" + order.country_code.ToUpper();

        // Set additional values
        string additionalValues = "USECSS=RESPONSIVEDESIGN";

        // Change to PayEx Payment Gateway 2.0 if the payment type is CREDITCARD
        if(paymentType == "CREDITCARD")
            additionalValues = "RESPONSIVE=1";

        // Create the md5 hash
        string hash = GetMD5Hash(accountNumber.ToString() + purchaseOperation + price.ToString() + priceArgList + currency + vat 
            + orderID.ToString() + productNumber + description + clientIPAddress + clientIdentifier + additionalValues + externalID
            + returnUrl + view + agreementRef + cancelUrl + clientLanguage + settings.Get("PAYEX-ENCRYPTION-KEY"));

        // Initialize the order
        string xmlResponse = pxOrder.Initialize8(accountNumber, purchaseOperation, price, priceArgList, currency, vat, orderID, 
            productNumber, description, clientIPAddress, clientIdentifier, additionalValues, externalID, returnUrl, 
            view, agreementRef, cancelUrl, clientLanguage, hash);

        // Create the xml document
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            // Load the xml document

            // Add data from the xml
            responseData.Add("error_code", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/status/errorCode"));
            responseData.Add("description", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/status/description"));
            responseData.Add("order_ref", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/orderRef"));
            responseData.Add("redirect_url", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/redirectUrl"));

        catch (Exception ex)
            responseData.Add("exception", ex.Message);

        // Check if the response data contains the order reference
        if(responseData.ContainsKey("order_ref") == false)
            return responseData;

        // Sum of order rows
        decimal payexSum = 0;

        // Add order rows
        for (int i = 0; i < orderRows.Count; i++)
            // Calculate values
            Int32 quantity = (Int32)orderRows[i].quantity;
            decimal priceValue = Math.Round(orderRows[i].unit_price * quantity * decimalMultiplier, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / decimalMultiplier;
            decimal vatValue = priceValue * orderRows[i].vat_percent;
            decimal orderValue = Math.Round((priceValue + vatValue) * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / 100;

            Int64 amount = (Int64)Math.Round((priceValue + vatValue) * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            Int32 vatPrice = (Int32)Math.Round(vatValue * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            Int32 vatPercent = (Int32)Math.Round(orderRows[i].vat_percent * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            hash = GetMD5Hash(accountNumber.ToString() + responseData["order_ref"] + orderRows[i].product_code + orderRows[i].product_name + quantity.ToString()
                + amount.ToString() + vatPrice.ToString() + vatPercent.ToString() + settings.Get("PAYEX-ENCRYPTION-KEY"));

            // Add the order row
            string error = pxOrder.AddSingleOrderLine2(accountNumber, responseData["order_ref"], orderRows[i].product_code, orderRows[i].product_name, "", "", "", "",
                quantity, amount, vatPrice, vatPercent, hash);

            // Add to the payex sum
            payexSum += orderValue;

        // Calculate the rounding amount
        decimal rounding = Math.Round((order.total_sum - payexSum) * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / 100;

        // Add the rounding
        if (rounding != 0)
            Int64 roundingAmount = (Int64)Math.Round(rounding * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            hash = GetMD5Hash(accountNumber.ToString() + responseData["order_ref"] + "rd" + tt.Get("rounding") + "1"
                    + roundingAmount.ToString() + "0" + "0" + settings.Get("PAYEX-ENCRYPTION-KEY"));
            string errorMessage = pxOrder.AddSingleOrderLine2(accountNumber, responseData["order_ref"], "rd", tt.Get("rounding"), "", "", "", "",
                    1, roundingAmount, 0, 0, hash);

        // Add the gift cards amount
        if(order.gift_cards_amount > 0)
            decimal amount = order.gift_cards_amount > payexSum ? payexSum : order.gift_cards_amount;
            Int64 giftCardsAmount = (Int64)Math.Round(amount * -1 * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            hash = GetMD5Hash(accountNumber.ToString() + responseData["order_ref"] + "gc" + tt.Get("gift_cards") + "1"
                    + giftCardsAmount.ToString() + "0" + "0" + settings.Get("PAYEX-ENCRYPTION-KEY"));
            string errorMessage = pxOrder.AddSingleOrderLine2(accountNumber, responseData["order_ref"], "gc", tt.Get("gift_cards"), "", "", "", "",
                    1, giftCardsAmount, 0, 0, hash);

        // Check if we should create an invoice
        if (paymentType == "INVOICE")
            if(order.customer_type == 0)
                responseData = CreateInvoiceCorporate(responseData["order_ref"], order, domain, settings, tt);
            else if (order.customer_type == 1)
                responseData = CreateInvoicePrivate(responseData["order_ref"], order, domain, settings, tt);

        // Return the response data
        return responseData;

    } // End of the CreateOrderTest method
        } // End of the UpdatePaymentStatus method

        /// <summary>
        /// Respond to an updated order status
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order"></param>
        /// <param name="paymentOption"></param>
        /// <param name="orderStatus"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string UpdateOrderStatus(Order order, PaymentOption paymentOption, string orderStatus)
            // Create the string to return
            string error_message = "";

            // Get the current domain
            Domain domain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();

            // Get webshop settings
            KeyStringList webshopSettings = WebshopSetting.GetAllFromCache();

            // Check the order status
            if (orderStatus == "order_status_delivered")
                if(paymentOption.connection == 102) // Payson invoice
                    // Get credentials
                    string paysonEmail = webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-EMAIL");
                    string userId = webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-AGENT-ID");
                    string md5Key = webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-MD5-KEY");
                    bool paysonTest = false;
                    bool.TryParse(webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-TEST"), out paysonTest);

                    // Create the api
                    PaysonIntegration.PaysonApi paysonApi = new PaysonIntegration.PaysonApi(userId, md5Key, null, paysonTest);

                    // Update the order
                    PaysonIntegration.Data.PaymentUpdateData paymentUpdateData = new PaysonIntegration.Data.PaymentUpdateData(order.payment_token, PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentUpdateAction.ShipOrder);
                    PaysonIntegration.Response.PaymentUpdateResponse paymentUpdateResponse = paysonApi.MakePaymentUpdateRequest(paymentUpdateData);

                    // Check if the response is successful
                    if (paymentUpdateResponse != null && paymentUpdateResponse.Success == false)
                        // Set error messages
                        foreach (string key in paymentUpdateResponse.ErrorMessages)
                            error_message += "&#149; " + "Payson: " + paymentUpdateResponse.ErrorMessages[key] + "<br/>";
                else if(paymentOption.connection == 301) // Svea invoice
                    // Get the order rows
                    List<OrderRow> orderRows = OrderRow.GetByOrderId(order.id);

                    // Create the payment configuration
                    SveaSettings sveaConfiguration = new SveaSettings();

                    // Create the order builder
                    Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Handle.DeliverOrderBuilder inoviceBuilder = Webpay.Integration.CSharp.WebpayConnection.DeliverOrder(sveaConfiguration);

                    // Add order rows
                    for (int i = 0; i < orderRows.Count; i++)
                        // Get the unit
                        Unit unit = Unit.GetOneById(orderRows[i].unit_id, domain.back_end_language);

                        // Create an order item
                        Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Row.OrderRowBuilder orderItem = new Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Row.OrderRowBuilder();
                        orderItem.SetVatPercent(orderRows[i].vat_percent * 100);

                        // Add the order item

                    // Get the order id
                    Int64 sveaOrderId = 0;
                    Int64.TryParse(order.payment_token, out sveaOrderId);

                    // Set invoice values

                    // Make the request to send the invoice
                    Webpay.Integration.CSharp.WebpayWS.DeliverOrderEuResponse deliverOrderResponse = inoviceBuilder.DeliverInvoiceOrder().DoRequest();
                    // Check if the response is successful
                    if (deliverOrderResponse.Accepted == false)
                        // Set error messages
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Svea code: " + deliverOrderResponse.ResultCode.ToString() + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Svea message: " + deliverOrderResponse.ErrorMessage + "<br/>";
                else if (paymentOption.connection >= 400 && paymentOption.connection <= 499) // Payex
                    // Check the transaction
                    Dictionary<string, string> payexResponse = PayExManager.CheckTransaction(order, webshopSettings);

                    // Get response variables
                    string error_code = payexResponse.ContainsKey("error_code") == true ? payexResponse["error_code"] : "";
                    string description = payexResponse.ContainsKey("description") == true ? payexResponse["description"] : "";
                    string parameter_name = payexResponse.ContainsKey("parameter_name") == true ? payexResponse["parameter_name"] : "";
                    string transaction_status = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_status") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_status"] : "";
                    string transaction_number = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_number") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_number"] : "";

                    // Check if the response was successful
                    if (error_code.ToUpper() == "OK")
                        if(transaction_status == "3") // Authorize
                            // Capture the transaction
                            payexResponse = PayExManager.CaptureTransaction(order);

                            // Get response variables
                            error_code = payexResponse.ContainsKey("error_code") == true ? payexResponse["error_code"] : "";
                            description = payexResponse.ContainsKey("description") == true ? payexResponse["description"] : "";
                            parameter_name = payexResponse.ContainsKey("parameter_name") == true ? payexResponse["parameter_name"] : "";
                            transaction_status = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_status") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_status"] : "";
                            transaction_number = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_number") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_number"] : "";
                            string transaction_number_original = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_number_original") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_number_original"] : "";

                            if(error_code.ToUpper() != "OK" || transaction_status != "6")
                                // Set error messages
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex code: " + error_code + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex message: " + description + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex parameter: " + parameter_name + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex status: " + transaction_status + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex number (original): " + transaction_number + "<br/>";
                                // Update the transaction number for the order
                                Order.SetPaymentToken(order.id, transaction_number);
                        // Set error messages
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex code: " + error_code + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex message: " + description + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex parameter: " + parameter_name + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex status: " + transaction_status + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex number: " + transaction_number + "<br/>";
            else if (orderStatus == "order_status_cancelled")
                if(paymentOption.connection >= 100 && paymentOption.connection <= 199) // Payson
                    // Get credentials
                    string paysonEmail = webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-EMAIL");
                    string userId = webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-AGENT-ID");
                    string md5Key = webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-MD5-KEY");
                    bool paysonTest = false;
                    bool.TryParse(webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-TEST"), out paysonTest);

                    // Create the api
                    PaysonIntegration.PaysonApi paysonApi = new PaysonIntegration.PaysonApi(userId, md5Key, null, paysonTest);

                    // Get details about the payment status
                    PaysonIntegration.Response.PaymentDetailsResponse paysonResponse = paysonApi.MakePaymentDetailsRequest(new PaysonIntegration.Data.PaymentDetailsData(order.payment_token));

                    // Get the type and status of the payment
                    PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentType? paymentType = paysonResponse.PaymentDetails.PaymentType;
                    PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentStatus? paymentStatus = paysonResponse.PaymentDetails.PaymentStatus;
                    PaysonIntegration.Utils.InvoiceStatus? invoiceStatus = paysonResponse.PaymentDetails.InvoiceStatus;

                    // Payment update
                    PaysonIntegration.Data.PaymentUpdateData paymentUpdateData = null;
                    PaysonIntegration.Response.PaymentUpdateResponse paymentUpdateResponse = null;

                    if (paymentType == PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentType.Direct && paymentStatus == PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentStatus.Completed)
                        // Refund the payment
                        paymentUpdateData = new PaysonIntegration.Data.PaymentUpdateData(order.payment_token, PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentUpdateAction.Refund);
                        paymentUpdateResponse = paysonApi.MakePaymentUpdateRequest(paymentUpdateData);
                    else if (paymentType == PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentType.Invoice && invoiceStatus == PaysonIntegration.Utils.InvoiceStatus.OrderCreated)
                        // Cancel the order
                        paymentUpdateData = new PaysonIntegration.Data.PaymentUpdateData(order.payment_token, PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentUpdateAction.CancelOrder);
                        paymentUpdateResponse = paysonApi.MakePaymentUpdateRequest(paymentUpdateData);
                    else if (paymentType == PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentType.Invoice && (invoiceStatus == PaysonIntegration.Utils.InvoiceStatus.Shipped 
                        || invoiceStatus == PaysonIntegration.Utils.InvoiceStatus.Done))
                        // Credit the order
                        paymentUpdateData = new PaysonIntegration.Data.PaymentUpdateData(order.payment_token, PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentUpdateAction.CreditOrder);
                        paymentUpdateResponse = paysonApi.MakePaymentUpdateRequest(paymentUpdateData);

                    // Check if there was any errors
                    if (paymentUpdateResponse != null && paymentUpdateResponse.Success == false)
                        // Set error messages
                        foreach (string key in paymentUpdateResponse.ErrorMessages)
                            error_message += "&#149; " + "Payson: " + paymentUpdateResponse.ErrorMessages[key] + "<br/>";
                else if(paymentOption.connection == 201) // PayPal
                    // Get credentials
                    string paypalClientId = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-CLIENT-ID");
                    string paypalClientSecret = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-CLIENT-SECRET");
                    string paypalMode = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-MODE");
                    Dictionary<string, string> config = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "mode", paypalMode } };

                        // Create the credential token
                        PayPal.OAuthTokenCredential tokenCredential = new PayPal.OAuthTokenCredential(paypalClientId, paypalClientSecret, config);

                        // Create the api context
                        PayPal.APIContext paypalContext = new PayPal.APIContext(tokenCredential.GetAccessToken());
                        paypalContext.Config = config;

                        // Look up the sale
                        PayPal.Api.Payments.Sale sale = PayPal.Api.Payments.Sale.Get(paypalContext, order.payment_token);

                        if (sale.state == "completed")
                            // Refund the payment
                            paypalContext.HTTPHeaders = null;
                            PayPal.Api.Payments.Refund refund = sale.Refund(paypalContext, new PayPal.Api.Payments.Refund());

                            if(refund.state != "completed")
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "PayPal: " + refund.state;
                            error_message += "&#149; " + "PayPal: " + sale.state;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        error_message += "&#149; PayPal: " + ex.Message;
                else if(paymentOption.connection == 301) // Svea invoice
                    // Create the payment configuration
                    SveaSettings sveaConfiguration = new SveaSettings();

                    // Get the order id
                    Int64 sveaOrderId = 0;
                    Int64.TryParse(order.payment_token, out sveaOrderId);

                    // Cancel the order
                    Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Handle.CloseOrderBuilder closeOrder = Webpay.Integration.CSharp.WebpayConnection.CloseOrder(sveaConfiguration);
                    Webpay.Integration.CSharp.WebpayWS.CloseOrderEuResponse closeOrderResponse = closeOrder.CloseInvoiceOrder().DoRequest();

                    // Check if the response is successful
                    if (closeOrderResponse.Accepted == false)
                        // Set error messages
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Svea code: " + closeOrderResponse.ResultCode.ToString() + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Svea message: " + closeOrderResponse.ErrorMessage + "<br/>";
                else if(paymentOption.connection >= 400 && paymentOption.connection <= 499) // Payex
                    // Check the transaction
                    Dictionary<string, string> payexResponse = PayExManager.CheckTransaction(order, webshopSettings);

                    // Get response variables
                    string error_code = payexResponse.ContainsKey("error_code") == true ? payexResponse["error_code"] : "";
                    string description = payexResponse.ContainsKey("description") == true ? payexResponse["description"] : "";
                    string parameter_name = payexResponse.ContainsKey("parameter_name") == true ? payexResponse["parameter_name"] : "";
                    string transaction_status = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_status") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_status"] : "";
                    string transaction_number = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_number") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_number"] : "";

                    // Check if the response was successful
                    if(error_code.ToUpper() == "OK")
                        // Check if we should cancel or credit the order
                        if(transaction_status == "3") // Authorize
                            // Cancel the transaction
                            payexResponse = PayExManager.CancelTransaction(order, webshopSettings);

                            // Get response variables
                            error_code = payexResponse.ContainsKey("error_code") == true ? payexResponse["error_code"] : "";
                            description = payexResponse.ContainsKey("description") == true ? payexResponse["description"] : "";
                            parameter_name = payexResponse.ContainsKey("parameter_name") == true ? payexResponse["parameter_name"] : "";
                            transaction_status = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_status") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_status"] : "";
                            transaction_number = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_number") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_number"] : "";

                            if(error_code.ToUpper() != "OK" || transaction_status != "4")
                                // Set error messages
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex code: " + error_code + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex message: " + description + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex parameter: " + parameter_name + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex status: " + transaction_status + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex number: " + transaction_number + "<br/>";
                        else if(transaction_status == "0" || transaction_status == "6") // Sale or capture
                            // Get the order rows
                            List<OrderRow> orderRows = OrderRow.GetByOrderId(order.id);

                            // Credit the transaction
                            payexResponse = PayExManager.CreditTransaction(order, orderRows, webshopSettings);

                            // Get response variables
                            error_code = payexResponse.ContainsKey("error_code") == true ? payexResponse["error_code"] : "";
                            description = payexResponse.ContainsKey("description") == true ? payexResponse["description"] : "";
                            parameter_name = payexResponse.ContainsKey("parameter_name") == true ? payexResponse["parameter_name"] : "";
                            transaction_status = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_status") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_status"] : "";
                            transaction_number = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_number") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_number"] : "";

                            if (error_code.ToUpper() != "OK" || transaction_status != "2")
                                // Set error messages
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex code: " + error_code + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex message: " + description + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex parameter: " + parameter_name + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex status: " + transaction_status + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex number: " + transaction_number + "<br/>";
                        // Set error messages
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex code: " + error_code + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex message: " + description + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex parameter: " + parameter_name + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex status: " + transaction_status + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex number: " + transaction_number + "<br/>";

            // Return the error message
            return error_message;

        } // End of the UpdateOrderStatus method
        public ActionResult edit(FormCollection collection)
            // Get the current domain
            Domain currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();
            ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;

            // Get query parameters
            string returnUrl = collection["returnUrl"];
            ViewBag.QueryParams = new QueryParams(returnUrl);

            // Check if the administrator is authorized
            if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(new string[] { "Administrator", "Editor" }) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
            else if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(Administrator.GetAllAdminRoles()) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode = 1;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                return View("index");
                // Redirect the user to the start page
                return RedirectToAction("index", "admin_login");

            // Get all the form values
            Int32 id = Convert.ToInt32(collection["txtId"]);
            string customer_email = collection["txtEmail"];
            string customer_org_number = collection["txtOrgNumber"];
            string customer_vat_number = collection["txtVatNumber"];
            string customer_phone = collection["txtPhoneNumber"];
            string customer_mobile_phone = collection["txtMobilePhoneNumber"];
            string customer_name = collection["txtCustomerName"];
            string invoice_name = collection["txtInvoiceName"];
            string invoice_address_1 = collection["txtInvoiceAddress1"];
            string invoice_address_2 = collection["txtInvoiceAddress2"];
            string invoice_post_code = collection["txtInvoicePostCode"];
            string invoice_city = collection["txtInvoiceCity"];
            string invoice_country_id = collection["selectInvoiceCountry"];
            string delivery_name = collection["txtDeliveryName"];
            string delivery_address_1 = collection["txtDeliveryAddress1"];
            string delivery_address_2 = collection["txtDeliveryAddress2"];
            string delivery_post_code = collection["txtDeliveryPostCode"];
            string delivery_city = collection["txtDeliveryCity"];
            string delivery_country_id = collection["selectDeliveryCountry"];
            string payment_status = collection["selectPaymentStatus"];
            string order_status = collection["selectOrderStatus"];
            bool exported_to_erp = Convert.ToBoolean(collection["cbExportedToErp"]);
            DateTime desired_date_of_delivery = DateTime.MinValue;
            DateTime.TryParse(collection["txtDesiredDateOfDelivery"], out desired_date_of_delivery);
            string discount_code = collection["txtDiscountCode"];

            // Get translated texts
            KeyStringList tt = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");

            // Get the saved order
            Order order = Order.GetOneById(id);

            // Get the payment option
            PaymentOption paymentOption = PaymentOption.GetOneById(order.payment_option, currentDomain.back_end_language);

            // Create the error message string
            string error_message = "";

            // Check for errors
            if (invoice_country_id == "0")
                error_message += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_select_value"), tt.Get("invoice_address") + ":" + tt.Get("country").ToLower()) + "<br/>";
                order.invoice_country_id = Convert.ToInt32(invoice_country_id);
            if (delivery_country_id == "0")
                error_message += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_select_value"), tt.Get("delivery_address") + ":" + tt.Get("country").ToLower()) + "<br/>";
                order.delivery_country_id = Convert.ToInt32(delivery_country_id);

            // Check if the payment status has been updated on the order
            if(order.document_type == 1 && order.payment_status != payment_status)
                // Respond to the updated payment status
                error_message += UpdatePaymentStatus(order, payment_status);

            // Check if the order status has been updated on the order
            if (order.document_type == 1 && order.order_status != order_status)
                // Respond to the updated order status
                error_message += UpdateOrderStatus(order, paymentOption, order_status);

            // Update values
            order.customer_email = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(customer_email, 100);
            order.customer_org_number = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(customer_org_number, 20);
            order.customer_vat_number = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(customer_vat_number, 20);
            order.customer_phone = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(customer_phone, 100);
            order.customer_mobile_phone = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(customer_mobile_phone, 100);
            order.customer_name = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(customer_name, 100);
            order.invoice_name = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(invoice_name, 100);
            order.invoice_address_1 = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(invoice_address_1, 100);
            order.invoice_address_2 = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(invoice_address_2, 100);
            order.invoice_post_code = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(invoice_post_code, 100);
            order.invoice_city = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(invoice_city, 100);
            order.delivery_name = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(delivery_name, 100);
            order.delivery_address_1 = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(delivery_address_1, 100);
            order.delivery_address_2 = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(delivery_address_2, 100);
            order.delivery_post_code = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(delivery_post_code, 100);
            order.delivery_city = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(delivery_city, 100);
            order.payment_status = payment_status;
            order.order_status = order_status;
            order.exported_to_erp = exported_to_erp;
            order.desired_date_of_delivery = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDateTime(desired_date_of_delivery);
            order.discount_code = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(discount_code, 50);

            // Check if there is any errors
            if(error_message == "")
                // Update the order

                // Redirect the user to the list
                return Redirect("/admin_orders" + returnUrl);
                // Update the order

                // Add data to the view
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = error_message;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = tt;
                ViewBag.Order = order;
                ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

                // Return the edit view
                return View("edit");
        } // End of the edit method
        public void InitPage()
            var entMan = new EntityManager();

            ErpEntity = entMan.ReadEntity(ParentRecordId ?? Guid.Empty).Object;
            if (ErpEntity == null)

            Field = ErpEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == RecordId);
            if (Field == null)

            var allCards = AdminPageUtils.GetFieldCards();

            FieldCard = allCards.First(x => (string)x["type"] == ((int)Field.GetFieldType()).ToString());

            #region << Init RecordPermissions >>
            var valueGrid = new List <KeyStringList>();
            PermissionOptions = new List <SelectOption>()
                new SelectOption("read", "read"),
                new SelectOption("update", "update")

            var roles = AdminPageUtils.GetUserRoles();             //Special order is applied

            foreach (var role in roles)
                RoleOptions.Add(new SelectOption(role.Id.ToString(), role.Name));
                var keyValuesObj = new KeyStringList()
                    Key    = role.Id.ToString(),
                    Values = new List <string>()
                if (Field.Permissions.CanRead.Contains(role.Id))
                if (Field.Permissions.CanUpdate.Contains(role.Id))
            FieldPermissions = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(valueGrid);

            #region << Actions >>
            if (Field.System)
                HeaderActions.Add(PageUtils.GetActionTemplate(PageUtilsActionType.Disabled, label: "Delete Locked", formId: "DeleteRecord", iconClass: "fa fa-trash-alt", titleText: "System objects cannot be deleted"));
                HeaderActions.Add(PageUtils.GetActionTemplate(PageUtilsActionType.ConfirmAndSubmitForm, label: "Delete Field", formId: "DeleteRecord", btnClass: "btn btn-white btn-sm", iconClass: "fa fa-trash-alt go-red"));
            HeaderActions.Add($"<a href='/sdk/objects/entity/r/{(ErpEntity != null ? ErpEntity.Id : Guid.Empty)}/rl/fields/m/{Field.Id}' class='btn btn-white btn-sm'><i class='fa fa-cog go-orange'></i> Manage</a>");

            ApiUrlFieldInlineEdit = ErpSettings.ApiUrlTemplateFieldInlineEdit.Replace("{entityName}", ErpEntity.Name).Replace("{recordId}", (RecordId ?? Guid.Empty).ToString());
        public ActionResult edit(FormCollection collection)
            // Get the current domain
            Domain currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();
            ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;

            // Get query parameters
            string returnUrl = collection["returnUrl"];
            ViewBag.QueryParams = new QueryParams(returnUrl);

            // Check if the administrator is authorized
            if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(new string[] { "Administrator", "Editor" }) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
            else if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(Administrator.GetAllAdminRoles()) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode = 1;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                return View("index");
                // Redirect the user to the start page
                return RedirectToAction("index", "admin_login");

            // Get all the form values
            Int32 languageId = Convert.ToInt32(collection["txtId"]);
            string name = collection["txtName"];
            string languageCode = collection["txtLanguageCode"];
            string countryCode = collection["txtCountryCode"];
            // Get the default admin language id
            Int32 adminLanguageId = currentDomain.back_end_language;

            // Get translated texts
            KeyStringList tt = StaticText.GetAll(adminLanguageId, "id", "ASC");

            // Get the language
            Language language = Language.GetOneById(languageId, adminLanguageId);
            bool postExists = true;

            // Check if the language exists
            if (language == null)
                // Create an empty language post
                language = new Language();
                language.id = languageId;
                postExists = false;

            // Update values for the language
            language.name = name;
            language.language_code = languageCode;
            language.country_code = countryCode;
            // Create a error message
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;

            // Check for errors in the language
            if (language.name.Length > 50)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("name"), "50") + "<br/>";
            if (language.language_code.Length > 2)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("language_code"), "2") + "<br/>";
            if (language.country_code.Length > 2)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("country_code"), "2") + "<br/>";
            // Check if there is errors
            if (errorMessage == string.Empty)
                // Check if we should add or update the language
                if (postExists == false)
                    // Add the language
                    Int64 insertId = Language.AddMasterPost(language);
                    language.id = Convert.ToInt32(insertId);
                    Language.AddLanguagePost(language, adminLanguageId);
                    // Update the language
                    Language.UpdateLanguagePost(language, adminLanguageId);

                // Redirect the user to the list
                return Redirect(returnUrl);
                // Set form values
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
                ViewBag.Language = language;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = tt;
                ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

                // Return the edit view
                return View("edit");

        } // End of the edit method
        public ActionResult edit(FormCollection collection)
            // Get the current domain
            Domain currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();
            ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;

            // Get the return url
            string returnUrl = collection["returnUrl"];
            ViewBag.QueryParams = new QueryParams(returnUrl);

            // Check if the administrator is authorized
            if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(new string[] { "Administrator", "Editor" }) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
            else if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(Administrator.GetAllAdminRoles()) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode = 1;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                return View("index");
                // Redirect the user to the start page
                return RedirectToAction("index", "admin_login");

            // Get all the form values
            string id = collection["txtId"];
            Int32 language_id = Convert.ToInt32(collection["selectLanguage"]);
            string currency_code = collection["selectCurrency"];
            decimal discount_value = 0;
            decimal.TryParse(collection["txtDiscountValue"].Replace(",", "."), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out discount_value);
            bool free_freight = Convert.ToBoolean(collection["cbFreeFreight"]);
            bool once_per_customer = Convert.ToBoolean(collection["cbOncePerCustomer"]);
            bool exclude_products_on_sale = Convert.ToBoolean(collection["cbExcludeProductsOnSale"]);
            DateTime end_date = Convert.ToDateTime(collection["txtEndDate"]);
            decimal minimum_order_value = 0;
            decimal.TryParse(collection["txtMinimumOrderValue"].Replace(",", "."), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out minimum_order_value);

            // Get translated texts
            KeyStringList tt = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");

            // Get the discount code
            DiscountCode discountCode = DiscountCode.GetOneById(id);
            bool postExists = true;

            // Check if the discount code exists
            if (discountCode == null)
                // Create an empty discount code
                discountCode = new DiscountCode();
                postExists = false;

            // Update values
            discountCode.id = id;
            discountCode.language_id = language_id;
            discountCode.currency_code = currency_code;
            discountCode.discount_value = discount_value;
            discountCode.free_freight = free_freight;
            discountCode.once_per_customer = once_per_customer;
            discountCode.exclude_products_on_sale = exclude_products_on_sale;
            discountCode.end_date = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDateTime(end_date);
            discountCode.minimum_order_value = minimum_order_value;

            // Create a error message
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;

            if (discountCode.id.Length == 0 || discountCode.id.Length > 50)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_certain_length"), tt.Get("id"), "1", "50") + "<br/>";
            if (discountCode.language_id == 0)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_select_value"), tt.Get("language").ToLower()) + "<br/>";
            if (discountCode.currency_code == "")
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_select_value"), tt.Get("currency").ToLower()) + "<br/>";
            if (discountCode.discount_value < 0 || discountCode.discount_value > 9.999M)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_range"), tt.Get("discount"), "9.999") + "<br/>";
            if (discountCode.minimum_order_value < 0 || discountCode.minimum_order_value > 999999999999.99M)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_range"), tt.Get("minimum_order_value"), "999 999 999 999.99") + "<br/>";

            // Check if there is errors
            if (errorMessage == string.Empty)
                // Check if we should add or update the discount code
                if (postExists == false)
                    // Add the discount code
                    // Update the discount code

                // Redirect the user to the list
                return Redirect("/admin_discount_codes" + returnUrl);
                // Set form values
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = tt;
                ViewBag.Languages = Language.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                ViewBag.DiscountCode = discountCode;
                ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

                // Return the edit view
                return View("edit");

        } // End of the edit method
        public ActionResult edit(FormCollection collection)
            // Get the current domain
            var currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();

            ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;

            // Get the return url
            string returnUrl = collection["returnUrl"];

            ViewBag.QueryParams = new QueryParams(returnUrl);

            // Check if the administrator is authorized
            if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(new string[] { "Administrator", "Editor" }) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
            else if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(Administrator.GetAllAdminRoles()) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession    = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode  = 1;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                // Redirect the user to the start page
                return(RedirectToAction("index", "admin_login"));

            // Get all the form values
            string  currency_code   = collection["txtCurrencyCode"];
            decimal conversion_rate = 0;

            decimal.TryParse(collection["txtConversionRate"].Replace(",", "."), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out conversion_rate);
            Int16 currency_base = 0;

            Int16.TryParse(collection["txtCurrencyBase"].Replace(",", "."), out currency_base);
            byte decimals = 0;

            byte.TryParse(collection["txtDecimals"].Replace(",", "."), out decimals);

            // Get the default admin language id
            Int32 adminLanguageId = currentDomain.back_end_language;

            // Get translated texts
            KeyStringList tt = StaticText.GetAll(adminLanguageId, "id", "ASC");

            // Get the currency
            Currency currency   = Currency.GetOneById(currency_code);
            bool     postExists = true;

            // Check if the static text exists
            if (currency == null)
                // Create an empty currency
                currency   = new Currency();
                postExists = false;

            // Update values
            currency.currency_code   = currency_code;
            currency.conversion_rate = conversion_rate;
            currency.currency_base   = currency_base;
            currency.decimals        = decimals;

            // Create a error message
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;

            // Check for errors in the currency
            if (currency.currency_code.Length != 3)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_certain_length"), tt.Get("currency_code"), "3", "3") + "<br/>";
            if (currency.conversion_rate < 0 || currency.conversion_rate > 9999.999999M)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_range"), tt.Get("conversion_rate"), "9 999.999999") + "<br/>";
            if (currency.decimals < 0 || currency.decimals > 2)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_range"), tt.Get("number_of_decimals"), "3") + "<br/>";

            // Check if there is errors
            if (errorMessage == string.Empty)
                // Check if we should add or update the static text
                if (postExists == false)
                    // Add the currency
                    // Update the currency

                // Redirect the user to the list
                return(Redirect("/admin_currencies" + returnUrl));
                // Set form values
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage    = errorMessage;
                ViewBag.Currency        = currency;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = tt;
                ViewBag.ReturnUrl       = returnUrl;

                // Return the edit view
        } // End of the edit method
        public ActionResult edit(FormCollection collection)
            // Get the current domain
            Domain currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();
            ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;

            // Get the return url
            string returnUrl = collection["returnUrl"];
            ViewBag.QueryParams = new QueryParams(returnUrl);

            // Check if the administrator is authorized
            if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(new string[] { "Administrator", "Editor", "Author" }) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
            else if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(Administrator.GetAllAdminRoles()) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode = 1;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                return View("index");
                // Redirect the user to the start page
                return RedirectToAction("index", "admin_login");

            // Get all the form values
            Int32 id = Convert.ToInt32(collection["txtId"]);
            string title = collection["txtTitle"];
            string media_type = collection["selectMediaType"];
            HttpPostedFileBase media_file_content = Request.Files["uploadMediaFile"];

            // Get the default admin language id
            Int32 adminLanguageId = currentDomain.back_end_language;

            // Get translated texts
            KeyStringList tt = StaticText.GetAll(adminLanguageId, "id", "ASC");

            // Get the media file post
            MediaFile mediaFilePost = MediaFile.GetOneById(id);
            bool postExists = true;

            // Check if the media files exists
            if (mediaFilePost == null)
                // Create an empty media file
                mediaFilePost = new MediaFile();
                postExists = false;

            // Update values
            mediaFilePost.title = title;
            mediaFilePost.media_type = media_type;

            // Create a error message
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;

            // Check for errors in the campaign
            if (mediaFilePost.title.Length > 100)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("title"), "100") + "<br/>";

            // Check if there is errors
            if (errorMessage == string.Empty)
                // Check if we should add the media file
                if (postExists == false)
                    // Add the media file
                    Int64 insertId = MediaFile.Add(mediaFilePost);
                    mediaFilePost.id = Convert.ToInt32(insertId);

                // Update the media file
                if (media_file_content.ContentLength > 0)
                    UpdateMediaFile(mediaFilePost, media_file_content);

                // Update the media file

                // Redirect the user to the list
                return Redirect(returnUrl);
                // Set form values
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = tt;
                ViewBag.MediaFile = mediaFilePost;
                ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

                // Return the edit view
                return View("edit");

        } // End of the edit method
        public ActionResult edit(FormCollection collection)
            // Get the current domain
            Domain currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();
            ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;

            // Get query parameters
            string returnUrl = collection["returnUrl"];
            ViewBag.QueryParams = new QueryParams(returnUrl);

            // Check if the administrator is authorized
            if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(new string[] { "Administrator", "Editor" }) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
            else if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(Administrator.GetAllAdminRoles()) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode = 1;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                return View("index");
                // Redirect the user to the start page
                return RedirectToAction("index", "admin_login");

            // Get all the form values
            Int32 id = Convert.ToInt32(collection["txtId"]);
            string link_name = collection["txtLinkname"];
            string url = collection["txtUrl"];
            string rel = collection["selectRelation"];
            string target = collection["selectTarget"];
            bool inactive = Convert.ToBoolean(collection["cbInactive"]);

            // Get the default admin language id
            Int32 adminLanguageId = currentDomain.back_end_language;

            // Get translated texts
            KeyStringList tt = StaticText.GetAll(adminLanguageId, "id", "ASC");

            // Get the weblink
            Weblink weblink = Weblink.GetOneById(id, adminLanguageId);

            // Check if the weblink exists
            if (weblink == null)
                // Create an empty weblink
                weblink = new Weblink();

            // Update values
            weblink.rel = rel;
            weblink.target = target;
            weblink.link_name = link_name;
            weblink.url = url;
            weblink.inactive = inactive;

            // Create a error message
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;

            // Check for errors
            if (weblink.link_name.Length > 100)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("linkname"), "100") + "<br/>";
            if (weblink.url.Length > 100)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("url"), "100") + "<br/>";
            // Check if there is errors
            if (errorMessage == string.Empty)
                // Check if we should add or update the weblink
                if (weblink.id == 0)
                    // Add the weblink
                    Int64 insertId = Weblink.AddMasterPost(weblink);
                    weblink.id = Convert.ToInt32(insertId);
                    Weblink.AddLanguagePost(weblink, adminLanguageId);
                    // Update the weblink
                    Weblink.UpdateLanguagePost(weblink, adminLanguageId);

                // Redirect the user to the list
                return Redirect(returnUrl);
                // Set form values
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
                ViewBag.Weblink = weblink;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = tt;
                ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

                // Return the edit view
                return View("edit");

        } // End of the edit method
    } // End of the CompleteOrderTest method

    /// <summary>
    /// Complete a production order
    /// </summary>
    private static Dictionary<string, string> CompleteOrderProduction(string orderReference, KeyStringList settings)
        // Create the dictionary to return
        Dictionary<string, string> responseData = new Dictionary<string, string>(10);

        // Create the PayEx order
        Annytab.Webshop.Payex.Production.PxOrder pxOrder = new Annytab.Webshop.Payex.Production.PxOrder();

        // Get the account number
        Int64 accountNumber = 0;
        Int64.TryParse(settings.Get("PAYEX-ACCOUNT-NUMBER"), out accountNumber);

        // Create the hash
        string hash = GetMD5Hash(accountNumber.ToString() + orderReference + settings.Get("PAYEX-ENCRYPTION-KEY"));

        // Get the transaction information
        string xmlResponse = pxOrder.Complete(accountNumber, orderReference, hash);

        // Parse the xml response
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            // Load the xml document

            // Get data from the xml response
            responseData.Add("error_code", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/status/errorCode"));
            responseData.Add("description", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/status/description"));
            responseData.Add("transaction_status", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/transactionStatus"));
            responseData.Add("transaction_number", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/transactionNumber"));
            responseData.Add("already_completed", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/alreadyCompleted"));
            responseData.Add("order_id", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/orderId"));
            responseData.Add("payment_method", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/paymentMethod"));
        catch (Exception ex)
            responseData.Add("exception", ex.Message);

        // Return the response data
        return responseData;

    } // End of the CompleteOrderProduction method
        public ActionResult translate(FormCollection collection)
            // Get the current domain
            Domain currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();
            ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;

            // Get query parameters
            string returnUrl = collection["returnUrl"];
            ViewBag.QueryParams = new QueryParams(returnUrl);

            // Check if the administrator is authorized
            if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(new string[] { "Administrator", "Editor", "Translator" }) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
            else if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(Administrator.GetAllAdminRoles()) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode = 1;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                return View("index");
                // Redirect the user to the start page
                return RedirectToAction("index", "admin_login");

            // Get the admin default language
            Int32 adminLanguageId = currentDomain.back_end_language;

            // Get translated texts
            KeyStringList tt = StaticText.GetAll(adminLanguageId, "id", "ASC");

            // Get all the form values
            Int32 translationLanguageId = Convert.ToInt32(collection["selectLanguage"]);
            Int32 id = Convert.ToInt32(collection["hiddenWeblinkId"]);
            string link_name = collection["txtTranslatedLinkname"];
            string url = collection["txtTranslatedUrl"];
            bool inactive = Convert.ToBoolean(collection["cbInactive"]);

            // Create the translated weblink
            Weblink translatedWeblink = new Weblink();
            translatedWeblink.id = id;
            translatedWeblink.link_name = link_name;
            translatedWeblink.url = url;
            translatedWeblink.inactive = inactive;

            // Create a error message
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;

            // Check for errors
            if (translatedWeblink.link_name.Length > 100)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("link_name"), "100") + "<br/>";
            if (translatedWeblink.url.Length > 100)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("url"), "100") + "<br/>";

            // Check if there is errors
            if (errorMessage == string.Empty)
                // Get the saved weblink
                Weblink weblink = Weblink.GetOneById(id, translationLanguageId);

                if (weblink == null)
                    // Add a new translated weblink
                    Weblink.AddLanguagePost(translatedWeblink, translationLanguageId);
                    // Update values for the saved weblink
                    weblink.link_name = translatedWeblink.link_name;
                    weblink.url = translatedWeblink.url;
                    weblink.inactive = translatedWeblink.inactive;

                    // Update the weblink translation
                    Weblink.UpdateLanguagePost(weblink, translationLanguageId);

                // Redirect the user to the list
                return Redirect(returnUrl);
                // Set form values
                ViewBag.LanguageId = translationLanguageId;
                ViewBag.Languages = Language.GetAll(adminLanguageId, "name", "ASC");
                ViewBag.StandardWeblink = Weblink.GetOneById(id, adminLanguageId);
                ViewBag.TranslatedWeblink = translatedWeblink;
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = tt;
                ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

                // Return the translate view
                return View("translate");

        } // End of the translate method
    } // End of the CaptureTransactionTest method

    /// <summary>
    /// Capture an authorized production transaction
    /// </summary>
    private static Dictionary<string, string> CaptureTransactionProduction(Order order, KeyStringList settings)
        // Create the dictionary to return
        Dictionary<string, string> responseData = new Dictionary<string, string>(10);

        // Create the PayEx order
        Annytab.Webshop.Payex.Production.PxOrder pxOrder = new Annytab.Webshop.Payex.Production.PxOrder();

        // Get the currency
        Currency orderCurrency = Currency.GetOneById(order.currency_code);

        // Calculate the decimal multiplier
        Int32 decimalMultiplier = (Int32)Math.Pow(10, orderCurrency.decimals);

        // Get the data
        Int64 accountNumber = 0;
        Int64.TryParse(settings.Get("PAYEX-ACCOUNT-NUMBER"), out accountNumber);
        Int32 transactionNumber = 0;
        Int32.TryParse(order.payment_token, out transactionNumber);
        Int64 amount = (Int64)Math.Round(order.total_sum * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
        Int32 vatAmount = (Int32)Math.Round(order.vat_sum * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
        string additionalValues = "";

        // Create the hash
        string hash = GetMD5Hash(accountNumber.ToString() + transactionNumber.ToString() + amount.ToString() + order.id.ToString()
            + vatAmount.ToString() + additionalValues + settings.Get("PAYEX-ENCRYPTION-KEY"));

        // Get the transaction information
        string xmlResponse = pxOrder.Capture5(accountNumber, transactionNumber, amount, order.id.ToString(), vatAmount, additionalValues, hash);

        // Parse the xml response
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            // Load the xml document

            // Get data from the xml response
            responseData.Add("error_code", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/status/errorCode"));
            responseData.Add("description", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/status/description"));
            responseData.Add("parameter_name", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/paramName"));
            responseData.Add("transaction_status", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/transactionStatus"));
            responseData.Add("transaction_number", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/transactionNumber"));
            responseData.Add("transaction_number_original", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/originalTransactionNumber"));
        catch (Exception ex)
            responseData.Add("exception", ex.Message);

        // Return the response data
        return responseData;

    } // End of the CaptureTransactionProduction method
        public ActionResult edit(FormCollection collection)
            // Get the current domain
            Domain currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();
            ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;

            // Get query parameters
            string returnUrl = collection["returnUrl"];
            ViewBag.QueryParams = new QueryParams(returnUrl);

            // Check if the administrator is authorized
            if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(new string[] { "Administrator", "Editor" }) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
            else if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(Administrator.GetAllAdminRoles()) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode = 1;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                return View("index");
                // Redirect the user to the start page
                return RedirectToAction("index", "admin_login");

            // Get all the form values
            Int32 id = Convert.ToInt32(collection["txtId"]);
            string product_code = collection["txtProductCode"];
            string name = collection["txtName"];
            decimal fee = 0;
            decimal.TryParse(collection["txtFee"].Replace(",", "."), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out fee);
            Int32 unit_id = Convert.ToInt32(collection["selectUnit"]);
            bool price_based_on_mount_time = Convert.ToBoolean(collection["cbPriceBasedOnMountTime"]);
            Int32 value_added_tax_id = Convert.ToInt32(collection["selectValueAddedTax"]);
            string account_code = collection["txtAccountCode"];
            bool inactive = Convert.ToBoolean(collection["cbInactive"]);

            // Get the default admin language id
            Int32 adminLanguageId = currentDomain.back_end_language;

            // Get translated texts
            KeyStringList tt = StaticText.GetAll(adminLanguageId, "id", "ASC");

            // Get the additional service
            AdditionalService additionalService = AdditionalService.GetOneById(id, adminLanguageId);

            // Check if the additional service exists
            if (additionalService == null)
                // Create a empty additional service
                additionalService = new AdditionalService();

            // Update values
            additionalService.product_code = product_code;
            additionalService.name = name;
            additionalService.fee = fee;
            additionalService.unit_id = unit_id;
            additionalService.price_based_on_mount_time = price_based_on_mount_time;
            additionalService.value_added_tax_id = value_added_tax_id;
            additionalService.account_code = account_code;
            additionalService.inactive = inactive;

            // Create a error message
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;

            // Check for errors in the additional service
            if (additionalService.product_code.Length > 50)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("product_code"), "50") + "<br/>";
            if (additionalService.name.Length > 100)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("name"), "100") + "<br/>";
            if (additionalService.fee < 0 || additionalService.fee > 9999999999.99M)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_range"), tt.Get("fee"), "9 999 999 999.99") + "<br/>";
            if (additionalService.account_code.Length > 10)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("account_code"), "10") + "<br/>";
            if (additionalService.unit_id == 0)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_select_value"), tt.Get("unit").ToLower()) + "<br/>";
            if (additionalService.value_added_tax_id == 0)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_select_value"), tt.Get("value_added_tax").ToLower()) + "<br/>";

            // Check if there is errors
            if (errorMessage == "")
                // Check if we should add or update the additional service
                if (additionalService.id == 0)
                    // Add the additional service
                    Int64 insertId = AdditionalService.AddMasterPost(additionalService);
                    additionalService.id = Convert.ToInt32(insertId);
                    AdditionalService.AddLanguagePost(additionalService, adminLanguageId);
                    // Update the additional service
                    AdditionalService.UpdateLanguagePost(additionalService, adminLanguageId);

                // Redirect the user to the list
                return Redirect("/admin_additional_services" + returnUrl);
                // Set form values
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
                ViewBag.Units = Unit.GetAll(adminLanguageId, "name", "ASC");
                ViewBag.AdditionalService = additionalService;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = tt;
                ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

                // Return the edit view
                return View("edit");

        } // End of the edit method
    } // End of the CancelTransactionTest method

    /// <summary>
    /// Cancel an authorized production transaction
    /// </summary>
    public static Dictionary<string, string> CancelTransactionProduction(Order order, KeyStringList settings)
        // Create the dictionary to return
        Dictionary<string, string> responseData = new Dictionary<string, string>(10);

        // Create the PayEx order
        Annytab.Webshop.Payex.Production.PxOrder pxOrder = new Annytab.Webshop.Payex.Production.PxOrder();

        // Get the data
        Int64 accountNumber = 0;
        Int64.TryParse(settings.Get("PAYEX-ACCOUNT-NUMBER"), out accountNumber);
        Int32 transactionNumber = 0;
        Int32.TryParse(order.payment_token, out transactionNumber);

        // Create the hash
        string hash = GetMD5Hash(accountNumber.ToString() + transactionNumber.ToString() + settings.Get("PAYEX-ENCRYPTION-KEY"));

        // Get the transaction information
        string xmlResponse = pxOrder.Cancel2(accountNumber, transactionNumber, hash);

        // Parse the xml response
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            // Load the xml document

            // Get data from the xml response paramName
            responseData.Add("error_code", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/status/errorCode"));
            responseData.Add("description", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/status/description"));
            responseData.Add("parameter_name", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/paramName"));
            responseData.Add("transaction_status", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/transactionStatus"));
            responseData.Add("transaction_number", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/transactionNumber"));
        catch (Exception ex)
            responseData.Add("exception", ex.Message);

        // Return the response data
        return responseData;

    } // End of the CancelTransactionProduction method
        public ActionResult translate(FormCollection collection)
            // Get the current domain
            Domain currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();
            ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;

            // Get query parameters
            string returnUrl = collection["returnUrl"];
            ViewBag.QueryParams = new QueryParams(returnUrl);

            // Check if the administrator is authorized
            if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(new string[] { "Administrator", "Editor", "Translator" }) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
            else if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(Administrator.GetAllAdminRoles()) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode = 1;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                return View("index");
                // Redirect the user to the start page
                return RedirectToAction("index", "admin_login");

            // Get the admin default language
            Int32 adminLanguageId = currentDomain.back_end_language;

            // Get translated texts
            KeyStringList tt = StaticText.GetAll(adminLanguageId, "id", "ASC");

            // Get all the form values
            Int32 translationLanguageId = Convert.ToInt32(collection["selectLanguage"]);
            Int32 id = Convert.ToInt32(collection["hiddenAdditionalServiceId"]);
            string name = collection["txtTranslatedName"];
            Int32 value_added_tax_id = Convert.ToInt32(collection["selectValueAddedTax"]);
            string account_code = collection["txtAccountCode"];
            bool inactive = Convert.ToBoolean(collection["cbInactive"]);

            // Create the translated additional service
            AdditionalService translatedAdditionalService = new AdditionalService();
            translatedAdditionalService.id = id;
            translatedAdditionalService.name = name;
            translatedAdditionalService.value_added_tax_id = value_added_tax_id;
            translatedAdditionalService.account_code = account_code;
            translatedAdditionalService.inactive = inactive;

            // Create a error message
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;

            // Check for errors
            if (translatedAdditionalService.name.Length > 100)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("name"), "100") + "<br/>";
            if (translatedAdditionalService.value_added_tax_id == 0)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_select_value"), tt.Get("value_added_tax").ToLower()) + "<br/>";
            if (translatedAdditionalService.account_code.Length > 10)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("account_code"), "10") + "<br/>";

            // Check if there is errors
            if (errorMessage == string.Empty)
                // Get the saved additional service
                AdditionalService additionalService = AdditionalService.GetOneById(id, translationLanguageId);

                if (additionalService == null)
                    // Add a new translated additional service
                    AdditionalService.AddLanguagePost(translatedAdditionalService, translationLanguageId);
                    // Update the translated additional service
                    additionalService.name = translatedAdditionalService.name;
                    additionalService.value_added_tax_id = translatedAdditionalService.value_added_tax_id;
                    additionalService.account_code = translatedAdditionalService.account_code;
                    additionalService.inactive = translatedAdditionalService.inactive;
                    AdditionalService.UpdateLanguagePost(additionalService, translationLanguageId);

                // Redirect the user to the list
                return Redirect("/admin_additional_services" + returnUrl);
                // Set form values
                ViewBag.LanguageId = translationLanguageId;
                ViewBag.Languages = Language.GetAll(adminLanguageId, "name", "ASC");
                ViewBag.StandardAdditionalService = AdditionalService.GetOneById(id, adminLanguageId);
                ViewBag.TranslatedAdditionalService = translatedAdditionalService;
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = tt;
                ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

                // Return the translate view
                return View("translate");

        } // End of the translate method
    } // End of the CreateInvoicePrivate method

    /// <summary>
    /// Create a test invoice for a person
    /// </summary>
    private static Dictionary<string, string> CreateInvoicePrivateTest(string orderReference, Order order, Domain domain, KeyStringList settings, KeyStringList tt)
        // Create the dictionary to return
        Dictionary<string, string> responseData = new Dictionary<string, string>(10);

        // Create the PayEx order
        Annytab.Webshop.Payex.Test.PxOrder pxOrder = new Annytab.Webshop.Payex.Test.PxOrder();

        // Get the data that we need for a credit check
        Int64 accountNumber = 0;
        Int64.TryParse(settings.Get("PAYEX-ACCOUNT-NUMBER"), out accountNumber);
        string country = order.country_code;
        string socialSecurityNumber = order.customer_org_number;
        string orderRef = orderReference;
        string customerRef = order.customer_id.ToString();
        string customerName = order.invoice_name;
        string streetAddress = order.invoice_address_1;
        string coAddress = "";
        string postalCode = order.invoice_post_code.Replace(" ", "");
        string city = order.invoice_city;
        string phoneNumber = order.customer_mobile_phone;
        string email = order.customer_email;
        string productCode = "";
        string creditCheckRef = "";
        Int32 mediaDistribution = 11;
        string invoiceDate = "";
        Int16 invoiceDueDays = 0;
        Int32 invoiceNumber = 0;
        string invoiceLayout = "";
        string invoiceText = tt.Get("order") + " " + order.id.ToString() + " - " + domain.webshop_name;

        // Create the md5 hash
        string hash = GetMD5Hash(accountNumber.ToString() + orderRef + customerRef + customerName + streetAddress + coAddress
            + postalCode + city + country + socialSecurityNumber + phoneNumber + email + productCode + creditCheckRef + mediaDistribution.ToString()
            + invoiceText + invoiceDate + invoiceDueDays.ToString() + invoiceNumber + invoiceLayout + settings.Get("PAYEX-ENCRYPTION-KEY"));

        // Create the invoice
        string xmlResponse = pxOrder.PurchaseInvoicePrivate(accountNumber, orderRef, customerRef, customerName, streetAddress, coAddress,
            postalCode, city, country, socialSecurityNumber, phoneNumber, email, productCode, creditCheckRef, mediaDistribution, invoiceText,
            invoiceDate, invoiceDueDays, invoiceNumber, invoiceLayout, hash);

        // Create the xml document
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            // Load the xml document

            // Add data from the xml
            responseData.Add("error_code", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/status/errorCode"));
            responseData.Add("description", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/status/description"));
            responseData.Add("transaction_status", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/transactionStatus"));
            responseData.Add("transaction_number", ParseXmlNode(doc, "/payex/transactionNumber"));

        catch (Exception ex)
            responseData.Add("exception", ex.Message);

        // Return the response data
        return responseData;

    } // End of the CreateInvoicePrivateTest method
    } // End of the SendEmailToHost method

    /// <summary>
    /// Send an email to the customer service
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="customerAddress">The customer address</param>
    /// <param name="subject">The subject for the mail message</param>
    /// <param name="message">The message</param>
    public static bool SendEmailToCustomerService(string customerAddress, string subject, string message)
        // Create the boolean to return
        bool successful = true;

        // Get the company settings
        KeyStringList webshopSettings = WebshopSetting.GetAllFromCache();

        // Create variables
        string host = webshopSettings.Get("SEND-EMAIL-HOST");
        Int32 port = 0;
        Int32.TryParse(webshopSettings.Get("SEND-EMAIL-PORT"), out port);
        string emailAddress = webshopSettings.Get("SEND-EMAIL-ADDRESS");
        string password = webshopSettings.Get("SEND-EMAIL-PASSWORD");
        string toAddress = webshopSettings.Get("CUSTOMER-SERVICE-EMAIL");
        string useSSL = webshopSettings.Get("SEND-EMAIL-USE-SSL");

        // Get the customer email
        MailAddress copyAddress = AnnytabDataValidation.IsEmailAddressValid(customerAddress);

        // Create the SmtpClient instance
        SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(host, port);
        smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(emailAddress, password);

        // Check if we should enable SSL
        if (useSSL.ToLower() == "true")
            smtp.EnableSsl = true;

        // Try to send the mail message
            // Create the mail message instance
            MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(emailAddress, toAddress);

            // Add a carbon copy to the customer
            if (copyAddress != null)

            // Create the mail message
            mailMessage.Subject = subject;
            mailMessage.Body = message;
            mailMessage.IsBodyHtml = true;

            // Send the mail message

        catch (Exception ex)
            string exceptionMessage = ex.Message;
            successful = false;

        // Return the boolean
        return successful;

    } // End of the SendEmailToCustomerService method
文件: Tools.cs 项目: hunii/a-blogsite
    } // End of the SendEmailToUser method

    /// <summary>
    /// Get image urls for the domain
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="domainId">The id for the domain</param>
    /// <returns>A key string list with urls</returns>
    public static KeyStringList GetDomainImageUrls(Int32 domainId)
        // Create the list to return
        KeyStringList domainImageUrls = new KeyStringList(5);

        // Create paths
        string directoryPath = "/Content/domains/" + domainId.ToString() + "/images/";

        // Add images to the key string list
        domainImageUrls.Add("background_image", directoryPath + "background_image.jpg");
        domainImageUrls.Add("default_logotype", directoryPath + "default_logotype.jpg");
        domainImageUrls.Add("mobile_logotype", directoryPath + "mobile_logotype.jpg");
        domainImageUrls.Add("big_icon", directoryPath + "big_icon.jpg");
        domainImageUrls.Add("small_icon", directoryPath + "small_icon.jpg");

        // Return the list
        return domainImageUrls;

    } // End of the GetDomainImageUrls method
        } // End of the delete_marketing_file method


        #region Helper methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Get image urls for the domain
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="domainId">The id for the domain</param>
        /// <returns>A key string list with urls</returns>
        private KeyStringList GetDomainImageUrls(Int32 domainId)
            // Create the list to return
            KeyStringList domainImageUrls = new KeyStringList(5);

            // Create paths
            string noImagePath = "/Content/images/annytab_design/no_image_wide.jpg";
            string directoryPath = "/Content/domains/" + domainId.ToString() + "/images/";

            // Add images to the key string list
            domainImageUrls.Add("background_image", directoryPath + "background_image.jpg");
            domainImageUrls.Add("default_logotype", directoryPath + "default_logotype.jpg");
            domainImageUrls.Add("mobile_logotype", directoryPath + "mobile_logotype.jpg");
            domainImageUrls.Add("big_icon", directoryPath + "big_icon.jpg");
            domainImageUrls.Add("small_icon", directoryPath + "small_icon.jpg");

            // Get all the keys in the dictionary
            List<string> keys = domainImageUrls.dictionary.Keys.ToList<string>();

            // Loop all the keys
            for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++)
                // Get the url
                string url = domainImageUrls.Get(keys[i]);

                // Check if the file exists
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(url)) == false)
                    domainImageUrls.Update(keys[i], noImagePath);

            // Return the list
            return domainImageUrls;

        } // End of the GetDomainImageUrls method
        public ActionResult CreateSveaPayment(Order order, List<OrderRow> orderRows, Domain domain, KeyStringList tt, string paymentType)
            // Get webshop settings
            KeyStringList webshopSettings = WebshopSetting.GetAllFromCache();

            // Get the language
            Language language = Language.GetOneById(domain.front_end_language);

            // Create the payment configuration
            SveaSettings sveaConfiguration = new SveaSettings();

            // Create the order builder
            Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Create.CreateOrderBuilder orderBuilder = Webpay.Integration.CSharp.WebpayConnection.CreateOrder(sveaConfiguration);

            // Add order rows
            for (int i = 0; i < orderRows.Count; i++)
                // Get the unit
                Unit unit = Unit.GetOneById(orderRows[i].unit_id, domain.front_end_language);
                unit = unit != null ? unit : new Unit();

                // Create an order item
                Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Row.OrderRowBuilder orderItem = new Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Row.OrderRowBuilder();
                orderItem.SetVatPercent(orderRows[i].vat_percent * 100);

                // Add the order item

            // Add the gift cards amount
            if (order.gift_cards_amount > 0)
                Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Row.OrderRowBuilder orderItem = new Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Row.OrderRowBuilder();
                orderItem.SetAmountExVat(order.gift_cards_amount * -1);

                // Add the order item

            // Add the customer
            if(order.customer_type == 0) // Company
                // Set values for the customer
                Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Identity.CompanyCustomer company = new Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Identity.CompanyCustomer();

                // Get addresses
                //Webpay.Integration.CSharp.WebpayWS.GetCustomerAddressesResponse response = Webpay.Integration.CSharp.WebpayConnection.GetAddresses(sveaConfiguration)

                // Add customer details

            else if(order.customer_type == 1) // Person
                // Set values for the customer
                Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Identity.IndividualCustomer person = new Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Identity.IndividualCustomer();

                // Get addresses
                //Webpay.Integration.CSharp.WebpayWS.GetCustomerAddressesResponse response = Webpay.Integration.CSharp.WebpayConnection.GetAddresses(sveaConfiguration)

                // Add customer details

            // Get the test variable
            string testOrderString = "";
            if (webshopSettings.Get("SVEA-TEST").ToLower() == "true")
                testOrderString = ":" + Tools.GeneratePassword();

            // Set order values
            orderBuilder.SetClientOrderNumber(order.id.ToString() + testOrderString);

            // Create the payment
            if(paymentType == "INVOICE") // Invoice
                // Create the invoice payment
                Webpay.Integration.CSharp.WebpayWS.CreateOrderEuResponse orderResponse = orderBuilder.UseInvoicePayment().DoRequest();

                // Check if the order is accepted
                if(orderResponse.Accepted == true)
                    // Update the order with the payment token
                    Order.SetPaymentToken(order.id, orderResponse.CreateOrderResult.SveaOrderId.ToString());

                    // Update the payment status
                    Order.UpdatePaymentStatus(order.id, "payment_status_invoice_approved");

                    // Add customer files
                    // Update the payment status
                    Order.UpdatePaymentStatus(order.id, "payment_status_invoice_not_approved");
            else if(paymentType == "CREDITCARD")
                // Add the rounding
                if(order.rounding_sum != 0)
                    Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Row.OrderRowBuilder orderItem = new Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Row.OrderRowBuilder();

                    // Add the order item

                // Set the payment option
                Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Hosted.Payment.PaymentMethodPayment payment = orderBuilder.UsePaymentMethod(Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Util.Constant.PaymentMethod.KORTCERT);
                payment.SetReturnUrl(domain.web_address + "/order/svea_confirmation/" + order.id.ToString());
                payment.SetCancelUrl(domain.web_address + "/order/confirmation/" + order.id.ToString());

                // Get the payment form
                Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Hosted.Helper.PaymentForm paymentForm = payment.GetPaymentForm();
                ViewBag.PaymentForm = paymentForm.GetCompleteForm();
                // Return the svea webpay view
                return View("svea_webpay");

            // Redirect the user to the order confirmation page
            return RedirectToAction("confirmation", "order", new { id = order.id });

        } // End of the CreateSveaPayment method
    } // End of the GetAllFromCache method

    /// <summary>
    /// Get all the settings as a key string list
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>A key string list of settings</returns>
    public static KeyStringList GetAll()
        // Create the KeyStringList to return
        KeyStringList posts = new KeyStringList(20);

        // Create the connection string and the sql statement
        string connection = Tools.GetConnectionString();
        string sql = "SELECT * FROM dbo.website_settings ORDER BY id ASC;";

        // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there are an exception
        using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connection))
            // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there is a exception
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn))

                // Create a reader
                SqlDataReader reader = null;

                // The Try/Catch/Finally statement is used to handle unusual exceptions in the code to
                // avoid having our application crash in such cases
                    // Open the connection.

                    // Fill the reader with data from the select command
                    reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    // Loop through the reader as long as there is something to read
                    while (reader.Read())
                        posts.Add(reader["id"].ToString(), reader["value"].ToString());
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;
                    // Call Close when done reading to avoid memory leakage
                    if (reader != null)

        // Return the list of posts
        return posts;

    } // End of the GetAll method
        } // End of the payex_confirmation method


        #region PayPal payment

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a paypal payment
        /// </summary>
        public ActionResult CreatePayPalPayment(Order order, List<OrderRow> orderRows, Domain domain, KeyStringList tt)
            // Create the string to return
            string error_message = "";

            // Get the currency
            Currency currency = Currency.GetOneById(order.currency_code);

            // Get the webshop settings
            KeyStringList webshopSettings = WebshopSetting.GetAllFromCache();

            // Get credentials
            string paypalClientId = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-CLIENT-ID");
            string paypalClientSecret = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-CLIENT-SECRET");
            string paypalMode = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-MODE");
            Dictionary<string, string> config = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "mode", paypalMode } };

            // Create a payment variable
            PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment createdPayment = null;

                // Create the credential token
                PayPal.OAuthTokenCredential tokenCredential = new PayPal.OAuthTokenCredential(paypalClientId, paypalClientSecret, config);

                // Create the api context
                PayPal.APIContext paypalContext = new PayPal.APIContext(tokenCredential.GetAccessToken());
                paypalContext.Config = config;

                // Create the amount details
                decimal subTotal = order.net_sum + order.rounding_sum - order.gift_cards_amount;
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Details amountDetails = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Details();
                amountDetails.subtotal = subTotal.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                amountDetails.tax = order.vat_sum.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                // Create the amount
                decimal totalAmount = order.total_sum - order.gift_cards_amount;
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Amount amount = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Amount();
                amount.total = totalAmount.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                amount.currency = order.currency_code;
                amount.details = amountDetails;

                // Create a transaction
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction transaction = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction();
                transaction.item_list = new PayPal.Api.Payments.ItemList();
                transaction.item_list.items = new List<PayPal.Api.Payments.Item>(10);

                // Add order rows to the transaction
                for (int i = 0; i < orderRows.Count; i++)
                    // Create a new item
                    PayPal.Api.Payments.Item item = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Item();
                    item.sku = orderRows[i].product_code.Length > 50 ? orderRows[i].product_code.Substring(0, 50) : orderRows[i].product_code;
                    item.name = orderRows[i].product_name.Length > 100 ? orderRows[i].product_name.Substring(0, 50) : orderRows[i].product_name;
                    item.price = orderRows[i].unit_price.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    item.quantity = Convert.ToInt32(orderRows[i].quantity).ToString();
                    item.currency = order.currency_code;

                    // Add the item to the list

                // Add the rounding
                if(order.rounding_sum != 0)
                    PayPal.Api.Payments.Item roundingItem = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Item();
                    roundingItem.sku = "rd";
                    roundingItem.name = tt.Get("rounding");
                    roundingItem.price = order.rounding_sum.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    roundingItem.quantity = "1";
                    roundingItem.currency = order.currency_code;

                // Add the gift cards amount
                if (order.gift_cards_amount > 0)
                    decimal giftCardAmount = order.gift_cards_amount * -1;
                    PayPal.Api.Payments.Item giftCardsItem = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Item();
                    giftCardsItem.sku = "gc";
                    giftCardsItem.name = tt.Get("gift_cards");
                    giftCardsItem.price = giftCardAmount.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    giftCardsItem.quantity = "1";
                    giftCardsItem.currency = order.currency_code;
                // Set the transaction amount
                transaction.amount = amount;
                List<PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction> transactions = new List<PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction>();

                // Create the payer
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Payer payer = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Payer();
                payer.payment_method = "paypal";

                // Create redirect urls
                string hostUrl = Request.Url.Host;
                PayPal.Api.Payments.RedirectUrls redirectUrls = new PayPal.Api.Payments.RedirectUrls();
                redirectUrls.return_url = domain.web_address + "/order/paypal_confirmation/" + order.id;
                redirectUrls.cancel_url = domain.web_address + "/order/confirmation/" + order.id;

                // Create the payment
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment payment = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment();
                payment.intent = "sale";
                payment.payer = payer;
                payment.redirect_urls = redirectUrls;
                payment.transactions = transactions;

                // Create the payment
                createdPayment = payment.Create(paypalContext);

            catch (Exception ex)
                error_message = ex.Message;

            // Check if there is any errors in the payment
            if (createdPayment != null)
                // Save the paypal payment id
                Order.SetPaymentToken(order.id, createdPayment.id);

                // Get the link
                string link = "";
                foreach(PayPal.Api.Payments.Links url in createdPayment.links)
                    if (url.rel == "approval_url")
                        link = url.href;

                // Redirect the user to the paypal page
                return Redirect(link);
                // Redirect the user to the order confirmation page
                return RedirectToAction("confirmation", "order", new { id = order.id });

        } // End of the CreatePayPalPayment method
        public ActionResult edit(FormCollection collection)
            // Get the current domain
            Domain currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();

            ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;

            // Get query parameters
            string returnUrl = collection["returnUrl"];

            ViewBag.QueryParams = new QueryParams(returnUrl);

            // Check if the administrator is authorized
            if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(new string[] { "Administrator", "Editor" }) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
            else if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(Administrator.GetAllAdminRoles()) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession    = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode  = 1;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                // Redirect the user to the start page
                return(RedirectToAction("index", "admin_login"));

            // Get all the form values
            Int32  id           = Convert.ToInt32(collection["txtId"]);
            string unit_code    = collection["txtUnitCode"];
            string name         = collection["txtName"];
            string unit_code_si = collection["txtUnitCodeSi"];
            string erp_code     = collection["txtErpCode"];

            // Get the default admin language id
            Int32 adminLanguageId = currentDomain.back_end_language;

            // Get translated texts
            KeyStringList tt = StaticText.GetAll(adminLanguageId, "id", "ASC");

            // Get the unit
            Unit unit = Unit.GetOneById(id, adminLanguageId);

            // Check if the unit exists
            if (unit == null)
                // Create a empty unit
                unit = new Unit();

            // Update values
            unit.unit_code_si = unit_code_si;
            unit.unit_code    = unit_code;
            unit.name         = name;
            unit.erp_code     = erp_code;

            // Create a error message
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;

            // Check for errors in the unit
            if (unit.unit_code_si.Length > 10)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("unit_code_si"), "10") + "<br/>";
            if (unit.unit_code.Length > 10)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("unit_code"), "10") + "<br/>";
            if (unit.name.Length > 50)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("name"), "50") + "<br/>";
            if (unit.erp_code.Length > 10)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_length"), tt.Get("erp_code"), "10") + "<br/>";

            // Check if there is errors
            if (errorMessage == string.Empty)
                // Check if we should add or update the unit
                if (unit.id == 0)
                    // Add the unit
                    Int64 insertId = Unit.AddMasterPost(unit);
                    unit.id = Convert.ToInt32(insertId);
                    Unit.AddLanguagePost(unit, adminLanguageId);
                    // Update the unit
                    Unit.UpdateLanguagePost(unit, adminLanguageId);

                // Redirect the user to the list
                return(Redirect("/admin_units" + returnUrl));
                // Set form values
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage    = errorMessage;
                ViewBag.Unit            = unit;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = tt;
                ViewBag.ReturnUrl       = returnUrl;

                // Return the edit view
        } // End of the edit method