public override string GetArguments(KeyResolver resolver) { //TODO: use resolver! string s = this.Begin.PrettyPrint(FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin) + " <= k < " + this.End.PrettyPrint(FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End); if (this.Iteration > 1) { s += ", #" + this.Iteration.ToString(); } if (this.Options != null) { if ((this.Options.Limit ?? 0) > 0) { s += ", limit(" + this.Options.Limit + ")"; } if (this.Options.Reverse == true) { s += ", reverse"; } if (this.Options.Mode.HasValue) { s += ", " + this.Options.Mode; } } return(s); }
public override string GetResult(KeyResolver resolver) { if (this.CommitVersion != null) { return("@" + this.CommitVersion); } return(base.GetResult(resolver)); }
/// <summary>Returns a formatted representation of the results, for logging purpose</summary> public virtual string GetResult(KeyResolver resolver) { if (this.Error != null) { return(this.Error is FdbException fdbEx ? "[" + fdbEx.Code.ToString() + "] " + fdbEx.Message : "[" + this.Error.GetType().Name + "] " + this.Error.Message); } return(String.Empty); }
// <Main> public static async Task Main(string[] _) { try { // Read the Cosmos endpointUrl and authorizationKey from configuration. // These values are available from the Azure Management Portal on the Cosmos Account Blade under "Keys". // Keep these values in a safe and secure location. Together they provide administrative access to your Cosmos account. IConfigurationRoot configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder() .AddJsonFile("appSettings.json") .Build(); // Get the Source Database name. SourceDatabase = configuration["SourceDatabase"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceDatabase)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Please specify a valid database name. "); } // Get the Source Container name. SourceContainer = configuration["SourceContainer"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceContainer)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Please specify a valid container name. "); } // Get the Destination Container name. DestinationContainer = configuration["DestinationContainer"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DestinationContainer)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Please specify a valid container name. "); } // Get the Token Credential that is capable of providing an OAuth Token. TokenCredential tokenCredential = Program.GetTokenCredential(configuration); KeyResolver keyResolver = new KeyResolver(tokenCredential); Program.client = Program.CreateClientInstance(configuration, keyResolver); await Program.CreateAndRunReEncryptionTasks(); } catch (CosmosException cosmosException) { Console.WriteLine(cosmosException.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Exception baseException = e.GetBaseException(); Console.WriteLine("Message: {0} Error: {1}", baseException.Message, e); } finally { Console.WriteLine("ReEncryption activity has been stopped successfully."); Console.ReadKey(); } }
public void ShouldRequireGetPermissionForSecret() { // Test for MockTransport transport = new MockTransport(request => new MockResponse((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, nameof(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden))); KeyResolver resolver = GetResolver(transport); RequestFailedException ex = Assert.ThrowsAsync <RequestFailedException>(() => resolver.ResolveAsync(new Uri(""))); Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, ex.Status); }
public override string GetResult(KeyResolver resolver) { if (this.Result.HasValue) { if (this.Result.Value == null) { return("<null>"); } } return(base.GetResult(resolver)); }
public override string ToString(KeyResolver resolver) { resolver = resolver ?? KeyResolver.Default; var sb = new StringBuilder(); if (this.Snapshot) { sb.Append("Snapshot."); } sb.Append("Atomic_").Append(this.Mutation.ToString()).Append(' ').Append(resolver.Resolve(this.Key)).Append(", <").Append(this.Param.ToHexaString(' ')).Append('>'); return(sb.ToString()); }
public async Task ShouldNotRequireGetPermissionForKey() { // Test for MockTransport transport = new MockTransport(request => new MockResponse((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, nameof(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden))); KeyResolver resolver = GetResolver(transport); CryptographyClient client = await resolver.ResolveAsync(new Uri("")); RequestFailedException ex = Assert.ThrowsAsync <RequestFailedException>(() => client.UnwrapKeyAsync(KeyWrapAlgorithm.A256KW, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 })); Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, ex.Status); }
public override string GetArguments(KeyResolver resolver) { if (this.IntValue.HasValue) { return($"{this.Option.ToString()} = {this.IntValue.Value}"); } if (this.StringValue != null) { return($"{this.Option.ToString()} = '{this.StringValue}'"); } return(this.Option.ToString()); }
public override string GetResult(KeyResolver resolver) { if (this.Result.HasValue) { string s = $"{this.Result.Value.Count:N0} result(s)"; if (this.Result.Value.HasMore) { s += ", has_more"; } return(s); } return(base.GetResult(resolver)); }
public override string GetResult(KeyResolver resolver) { if (this.Result.HasValue) { string s = String.Format("{0} result(s)", this.Result.Value.Count); if (this.Result.Value.HasMore) { s += ", has_more"; } return(s); } return(base.GetResult(resolver)); }
public async Task GetEncryptionKeyAsync_PublicRSA_NoKeysFound_Throws() { // Arrange var keyResolver = new KeyResolver( new List <JsonWebKey>(), this.publicOctJwksService.Object, // Get Oct key this.cacheDurationSeconds); // Act var jsonWebKey = await keyResolver.GetEncryptionKeyAsync(); // Assert // EncryptionException: "Unable to retrieve public EC or RSA key from JWK store.")] }
public override string GetArguments(KeyResolver resolver) { string s = String.Concat("[", this.Keys.Length.ToString(), "] {"); if (this.Keys.Length > 0) { s += resolver.Resolve(this.Keys[0]); } if (this.Keys.Length > 1) { s += " ... " + resolver.Resolve(this.Keys[this.Keys.Length - 1]); } return(s + " }"); }
public async Task <WizardViewResponse> CreateWizardViewAsync(ViewedWizard model) { var validationResult = _validatorLocator.Validate <ViewedWizardValidator>(model); if (!validationResult.IsValid) { _logger.Error("Validation failed while attempting to create a ViewedWizard resource."); throw new ValidationFailedException(validationResult.Errors); } try { var existingWizards = await RetrieveViewedWizardsAsync(model.UserId); var wizardsOfType = existingWizards.Where(w => w.WizardType == model.WizardType).ToList(); if (wizardsOfType.Count > 0) { return(new WizardViewResponse { WizardViews = wizardsOfType, ResultMessage = $"Wizard(s) already viewed by user '{model.UserId}'.", ResultCode = ResultCode.RecordAlreadyExists }); } var viewedWizard = await _dbService.CreateViewedWizardAsync(model); var key = KeyResolver.ViewedWizards(model.UserId); await _cache.KeyDeleteAsync(key, CacheCommandOptions.FireAndForget); return(new WizardViewResponse { WizardViews = new List <ViewedWizard> { viewedWizard }, ResultMessage = $"Wizard marked as viewed successfully for user '{model.UserId}'.", ResultCode = ResultCode.Success }); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error("A ViewedWizard resource has not been created due to an unknown error.", ex); return(new WizardViewResponse() { ResultMessage = ex.ToString(), ResultCode = ResultCode.Failed }); } }
public override string GetArguments(KeyResolver resolver) { if (this.IntValue.HasValue) { return(String.Format("{0} = {1}", this.Option.ToString(), this.IntValue.Value)); } else if (this.StringValue != null) { return(String.Format("{0} = '{1}'", this.Option.ToString(), this.StringValue)); } else { return(this.Option.ToString()); } }
public override string GetResult(KeyResolver resolver) { if (this.Result.HasValue) { if (this.Result.Value.IsNull) { return("not_found"); } if (this.Result.Value.IsEmpty) { return("''"); } } return(base.GetResult(resolver)); }
private async Task <List <ViewedWizard> > RetrieveViewedWizardsAsync(Guid userId) { var key = KeyResolver.ViewedWizards(userId); if (_cache.KeyExists(key)) { return(await _cache.ItemGetAsync <List <ViewedWizard> >(key)); } var wizardViews = await _dbService.GetViewedWizardsAsync(userId); await _cache.ItemSetAsync(key, wizardViews, _expirationTime); return(wizardViews); }
public override string GetArguments(KeyResolver resolver) { string s = String.Concat("[", this.Selectors.Length.ToString(), "] {"); //TODO: use resolver! if (this.Selectors.Length > 0) { s += this.Selectors[0].ToString(); } if (this.Selectors.Length > 1) { s += " ... " + this.Selectors[this.Selectors.Length - 1].ToString(); } return(s + " }"); }
public async Task TestKeyResolverReturnsKey() { var mockKeyStoreClient = new Mock <IKeyStoreClient>(); mockKeyStoreClient.Setup(x => x.Keys.GetWithHttpMessagesAsync("keyId", null, It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())) .ReturnsAsync(new HttpOperationResponse <object> { Body = new KeyCreatedResponse("testBody", "keyId") }); var keyResolver = new KeyResolver(mockKeyStoreClient.Object); var key = await keyResolver.ResolveKey("keyId"); Assert.AreEqual("testBody", key); }
public void TestKeyResolverThrowsWhenKeyIsNotFound() { var mockKeyStoreClient = new Mock <IKeyStoreClient>(); mockKeyStoreClient.Setup(x => x.Keys.GetWithHttpMessagesAsync("keyId", null, It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())) .ReturnsAsync(new HttpOperationResponse <object> { Body = new ProblemDetails { Status = StatusCodes.Status404NotFound } }); var keyResolver = new KeyResolver(mockKeyStoreClient.Object); Assert.ThrowsAsync <KeyNotFoundException>(() => keyResolver.ResolveKey("keyId"), "key: 'keyId' not found"); }
// <Main> public static async Task Main(string[] _) { try { // Read the Cosmos endpointUrl and authorizationKey from configuration. // These values are available from the Azure Management Portal on the Cosmos Account Blade under "Keys". // Keep these values in a safe and secure location. Together they provide administrative access to your Cosmos account. IConfigurationRoot configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder() .AddJsonFile("appSettings.json") .Build(); // Get the Akv Master Key Path. MasterKeyUrl = configuration["MasterKeyUrl"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MasterKeyUrl)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Please specify a valid Azure Key Path in the appSettings.json"); } // Get the Token Credential that is capable of providing an OAuth Token. TokenCredential tokenCredential = GetTokenCredential(configuration); KeyResolver keyResolver = new KeyResolver(tokenCredential); Program.client = Program.CreateClientInstance(configuration, keyResolver); await Program.AdminSetupAsync(client); await Program.RunDemoAsync(); } catch (CosmosException cre) { Console.WriteLine(cre.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Exception baseException = e.GetBaseException(); Console.WriteLine("Message: {0} Error: {1}", baseException.Message, e); } finally { Console.WriteLine("End of demo, press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); await Program.CleanupAsync(); } }
public override string GetResult(KeyResolver resolver) { if (!this.Result.HasValue) { return(base.GetResult(resolver)); } var res = this.Result.Value; string s = String.Concat("[", res.Length.ToString(), "] {"); if (res.Length > 0) { s += res[0].ToString("P"); } if (res.Length > 1) { s += " ... " + res[res.Length - 1].ToString("P"); } return(s + " }"); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Index(string submitButton, string encryptedJwe, EncryptedJweViewModel encryptedJweViewModel) { try { var jwksUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["JwksUrl"]; var cacheDurationSeconds = long.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CacheDurationSeconds"]); var privateJsonWebKeyList = new List <JsonWebKey>(); var privateRsaJson = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.RelativeSearchPath + @"\TestData\RsaPrivate.json"); var privateRsaJsonWebKey = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonWebKey>(privateRsaJson); privateJsonWebKeyList.Add(privateRsaJsonWebKey); var httpClient = new HttpClient(); var jwksService = new JwksService(httpClient, jwksUrl); var keyResolver = new KeyResolver(privateJsonWebKeyList, jwksService, cacheDurationSeconds); var loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory(); var logger = LoggerFactoryExtensions.CreateLogger <Encryption>(loggerFactory); var encryption = new Encryption(keyResolver, logger); if (submitButton == "Encrypt") { encryptedJweViewModel.EncryptedJwe = await encryption.EncryptAsync(encryptedJweViewModel.PhoneNumber); } else if (submitButton == "Decrypt") { encryptedJweViewModel.DecryptedPhoneNumber = await encryption.DecryptAsync(encryptedJwe); } } catch (Exception ex) { encryptedJweViewModel.DecryptedPhoneNumber = string.Empty; encryptedJweViewModel.ErrorMessage = ex.Message; if (ex.InnerException != null) { encryptedJweViewModel.ErrorMessage += " " + ex.InnerException.Message; } } return(View(encryptedJweViewModel)); }
public async Task GetEncryptionKeyAsync_PublicRSA_TimerExpires_Success() { // Arrange int cacheDurationSeconds = 2; var keyResolver = new KeyResolver( new List <JsonWebKey>(), this.publicRsaJwksService.Object, cacheDurationSeconds); // Act var jsonWebKey = await keyResolver.GetEncryptionKeyAsync(); // Initial call to JWKS Thread.Sleep(2050); jsonWebKey = await keyResolver.GetEncryptionKeyAsync(); // Timer expired. Call JWKS Thread.Sleep(1); jsonWebKey = await keyResolver.GetEncryptionKeyAsync(); // Timer not expired. Use cache // Assert this.publicRsaJwksService.Verify(m => m.GetJsonWebKeyListAsync(), Times.Exactly(2)); }
public virtual string ToString(KeyResolver resolver) { resolver = resolver ?? KeyResolver.Default; var arg = this.GetArguments(resolver); var res = this.GetResult(resolver); var sb = new StringBuilder(255); if (this.Snapshot) { sb.Append("Snapshot."); } sb.Append(this.Op.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg)) { sb.Append(' ').Append(arg); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { sb.Append(" => ").Append(res); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public async Task GetEncryptionKeyAsync_PublicRSA_Success() { // Arrange var keyResolver = new KeyResolver( new List <JsonWebKey>(), this.publicRsaJwksService.Object, this.cacheDurationSeconds); // Act var jsonWebKey = await keyResolver.GetEncryptionKeyAsync(); // Assert Assert.IsNotNull(jsonWebKey); Assert.IsFalse(jsonWebKey.HasPrivateKey); Assert.AreEqual("RSA", jsonWebKey.Kty); Assert.AreEqual(false, jsonWebKey.HasPrivateKey); Assert.AreEqual("0vx7agoebGcQSuuPiLJXZptN9nndrQmbXEps2aiAFbWhM78LhWx4cbbfAAtVT86zwu1RK7aPFFxuhDR1L6tSoc_BJECPebWKRXjBZCiFV4n3oknjhMstn64tZ_2W-5JsGY4Hc5n9yBXArwl93lqt7_RN5w6Cf0h4QyQ5v-65YGjQR0_FDW2QvzqY368QQMicAtaSqzs8KJZgnYb9c7d0zgdAZHzu6qMQvRL5hajrn1n91CbOpbISD08qNLyrdkt-bFTWhAI4vMQFh6WeZu0fM4lFd2NcRwr3XPksINHaQ-G_xBniIqbw0Ls1jF44-csFCur-kEgU8awapJzKnqDKgw", jsonWebKey.N); Assert.AreEqual("AQAB", jsonWebKey.E); Assert.AreEqual("RS256", jsonWebKey.Alg); Assert.AreEqual("3072F4C6-193D-481B-BDD2-0F09F5A7DDFB", jsonWebKey.Kid); Assert.AreEqual(2048, jsonWebKey.KeySize); }
public async Task GetEncryptionKeyAsync_PublicEC_Success() { // Arrange var keyResolver = new KeyResolver( new List <JsonWebKey>(), this.publicEcJwksService.Object, this.cacheDurationSeconds); // Act var jsonWebKey = await keyResolver.GetEncryptionKeyAsync(); // Assert Assert.IsNotNull(jsonWebKey); Assert.IsFalse(jsonWebKey.HasPrivateKey); Assert.AreEqual("EC", jsonWebKey.Kty); Assert.AreEqual(false, jsonWebKey.HasPrivateKey); Assert.AreEqual("P-256", jsonWebKey.Crv); Assert.AreEqual("MKBCTNIcKUSDii11ySs3526iDZ8AiTo7Tu6KPAqv7D4", jsonWebKey.X); Assert.AreEqual("4Etl6SRW2YiLUrN5vfvVHuhp7x8PxltmWWlbbM4IFyM", jsonWebKey.Y); Assert.AreEqual("enc", jsonWebKey.Use); Assert.AreEqual("B7B4F5C7-2B46-4F54-A81A-51E8A886B094", jsonWebKey.Kid); Assert.AreEqual(256, jsonWebKey.KeySize); }
public async Task ShouldNotAttemptSubsequentDownload() { // Test for MockTransport transport = new((MockRequest request) => { if (request.Method == RequestMethod.Get) { // Any attempt to get the key must return 403 Forbidden. return(new MockResponse((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, nameof(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden))); } return(new MockResponse((int)HttpStatusCode.OK).WithContent(@"{""kid"":"""",""value"":""dGVzdA""}")); }); KeyResolver resolver = GetResolver(transport); // This would otherwise throw if "keys/get" permission was denied and #11574 was not resolved. CryptographyClient client = await resolver.ResolveAsync(new Uri("")); WrapResult result = await client.WrapKeyAsync(KeyWrapAlgorithm.A256KW, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }); Assert.AreEqual("", result.KeyId); }
public string GetTimingsReport(bool showCommands = false, KeyResolver keyResolver = null) { var culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; var sb = new StringBuilder(); TimeSpan duration = this.TotalDuration; // ideal range is between 10 and 80 chars double scale = 0.0005d; int width; bool flag = false; int maxWidth = showCommands ? 80 : 160; while ((width = (int)(duration.TotalSeconds / scale)) > maxWidth) { if (flag) { scale *= 5d; } else { scale *= 2d; } flag = !flag; } var cmds = this.Commands.ToArray(); // Header sb.AppendFormat(culture, "Transaction #{0} ({4}, {1} operations, '#' = {2:N1} ms, started {3}Z", this.Id, cmds.Length, (scale * 1000d), this.StartedUtc.TimeOfDay, this.IsReadOnly ? "read-only" : "read/write"); if (this.StoppedUtc.HasValue) { sb.AppendFormat(culture, ", ended {0}Z)", this.StoppedUtc.Value.TimeOfDay); } else { sb.Append(", did not finish"); } sb.AppendLine(); if (cmds.Length > 0) { var bar = new string('─', width + 2); sb.AppendLine(String.Format(culture, "┌ oper. ┬{0}┬──── start ──── end ── duration ──┬─ sent recv ┐", bar)); // look for the timestamps of the first and last commands var first = TimeSpan.Zero; var last = duration; for (int i = 0; i < cmds.Length; i++) { if (cmds[i].Op == Operation.Log) { continue; } first = cmds[i].StartOffset; break; } for (int i = cmds.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (cmds[i].Op == Operation.Log) { continue; } if (cmds[i].EndOffset.HasValue) { duration = cmds[i].EndOffset.Value; } break; } duration -= first; int step = -1; bool previousWasOnError = false; int attempts = 1; int charsToSkip = 0; foreach (var cmd in cmds) { if (previousWasOnError) { sb.AppendLine(String.Format(culture, "├────────┼{0}┼──────────────────────────────────┼─────────────┤ == Attempt #{1:N0} ==", bar, (++attempts))); } long ticks = cmd.Duration.Ticks; string w = GetFancyGraph(width, (cmd.StartOffset - first).Ticks, ticks, duration.Ticks, charsToSkip); if (ticks > 0) { sb.AppendFormat( culture, "│{6}{1,-3:##0}{10}{0,2}{7}│ {2} │ T+{3,7:##0.000} ~ {4,7:##0.000} ({5,7:##,##0} µs) │ {8,5} {9,5} │ {11}", /* 0 */ cmd.ShortName, /* 1 */ cmd.Step, /* 2 */ w, /* 3 */ cmd.StartOffset.TotalMilliseconds, /* 4 */ (cmd.EndOffset ?? TimeSpan.Zero).TotalMilliseconds, /* 5 */ ticks / 10.0, /* 6 */ cmd.Step == step ? ":" : " ", /* 7 */ ticks >= TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond * 10 ? '*' : ticks >= TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond ? '°' : ' ', /* 8 */ cmd.ArgumentBytes, /* 9 */ cmd.ResultBytes, /* 10 */ cmd.Error != null ? "!" : " ", /* 11 */ showCommands ? cmd.ToString(keyResolver) : String.Empty ); } else { // annotation sb.AppendFormat( culture, "│{0}{1,-3:##0}{2}{3,2}{4}│ {5} │ T+{6,7:##0.000} │ - - │ {7}", /* 0 */ cmd.Step == step ? ":" : " ", /* 1 */ cmd.Step, /* 2 */ cmd.Error != null ? "!" : " ", /* 3 */ cmd.ShortName, /* 4 */ ticks >= TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond * 10 ? '*' : ticks >= TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond ? '°' : ' ', /* 5 */ w, /* 6 */ cmd.StartOffset.TotalMilliseconds, /* 7 */ showCommands ? cmd.ToString(keyResolver) : String.Empty ); } if (showCommands && cmd.CallSite != null) { var f = GetFirstInterestingStackFrame(cmd.CallSite); if (f != null) { var m = f.GetMethod(); string name = GetUserFriendlyMethodName(m); sb.Append(" // ").Append(name); string fn = f.GetFileName(); if (fn != null) { sb.AppendFormat(culture, " at {0}:{1}", fn, f.GetFileLineNumber()); } } } sb.AppendLine(); previousWasOnError = cmd.Op == Operation.OnError; if (previousWasOnError) { charsToSkip = (int)Math.Floor(1.0d * width * (cmd.EndOffset ?? TimeSpan.Zero).Ticks / duration.Ticks); } step = cmd.Step; } sb.AppendLine(String.Format(culture, "└────────┴{0}┴──────────────────────────────────┴─────────────┘", bar)); // Footer if (this.Completed) { sb.Append("> "); flag = false; if (this.ReadSize > 0) { sb.AppendFormat(culture, "Read {0:N0} bytes", this.ReadSize); flag = true; } if (this.CommitSize > 0) { if (flag) { sb.Append(" and "); } sb.AppendFormat(culture, "Committed {0:N0} bytes", this.CommitSize); flag = true; } if (!flag) { sb.Append("Completed"); } sb.AppendLine(String.Format(culture, " in {0:N3} ms and {1:N0} attempt(s)", this.TotalDuration.TotalMilliseconds, attempts)); } } else { // empty transaction sb.AppendLine(String.Format(culture, "> Completed after {0:N3} ms without performing any operation", this.TotalDuration.TotalMilliseconds)); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public Modem(KeyResolver<IDeviceState, DeviceState> states) { _states = states; SwitchOn(); }
public override void ExecuteCmdlet() { if (ParameterSetName.Equals(ParentObjectParameterSet, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { ResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier = new ResourceIdentifier(SqlDatabaseObject.Id); ResourceGroupName = resourceIdentifier.ResourceGroupName; DatabaseName = resourceIdentifier.ResourceName; AccountName = ResourceIdentifierExtensions.GetDatabaseAccountName(resourceIdentifier); } KeyWrapMetadata encryptionKeyWrapMetadata; if (KeyWrapMetadata != null) { encryptionKeyWrapMetadata = PSSqlKeyWrapMetadata.ToSDKModel(KeyWrapMetadata); } else { throw new ArgumentException("KeyWrapMetadata cannot be null"); } if (!string.Equals(EncryptionAlgorithmName, "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA256")) { throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid encryption algorithm '{EncryptionAlgorithmName}' passed. Please refer to for more details."); } if (!string.Equals(encryptionKeyWrapMetadata.Algorithm, "RSA-OAEP")) { throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid key wrap algorithm '{encryptionKeyWrapMetadata.Algorithm}' passed. Please refer to for more details."); } if (string.Equals(encryptionKeyWrapMetadata.Type, "AZURE_KEY_VAULT") && KeyEncryptionKeyResolver == null) { // get the token credential for key vault audience. TokenCredential tokenCredential = new CosmosDBSessionCredential(DefaultContext, AzureEnvironment.Endpoint.AzureKeyVaultServiceEndpointResourceId); KeyEncryptionKeyResolver = new KeyResolver(tokenCredential); } else { if (KeyEncryptionKeyResolver == null) { throw new ArgumentException("KeyEncryptionKeyResolver cannot be null."); } } byte[] plainTextDataEncryptionKey = new byte[32]; RandomNumberGenerator rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create(); rng.GetBytes(plainTextDataEncryptionKey); byte[] wrappedDataEncryptionKey = KeyEncryptionKeyResolver.Resolve(encryptionKeyWrapMetadata.Value) .WrapKey(encryptionKeyWrapMetadata.Algorithm, plainTextDataEncryptionKey); ClientEncryptionKeyResource clientEncryptionKeyResource = new ClientEncryptionKeyResource { Id = Name, EncryptionAlgorithm = EncryptionAlgorithmName, KeyWrapMetadata = encryptionKeyWrapMetadata, WrappedDataEncryptionKey = wrappedDataEncryptionKey }; ClientEncryptionKeyCreateUpdateParameters clientEncryptionKeyCreateUpdateParameters = new ClientEncryptionKeyCreateUpdateParameters { Resource = clientEncryptionKeyResource }; if (ShouldProcess(Name, "Creating a new CosmosDB Client Encryption Key")) { // FIXME : This requires a backend fix since its not honoring If-None-Match header with a *. This is required to prevent a race which might result in // accidental replace of a key. This is a best effort approach to check for resource conflict. ClientEncryptionKeyGetResults readClientEncryptionKeyGetResults = null; try { readClientEncryptionKeyGetResults = CosmosDBManagementClient.SqlResources.GetClientEncryptionKey(ResourceGroupName, AccountName, DatabaseName, Name); } catch (CloudException e) { if (e.Response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { throw; } } if (readClientEncryptionKeyGetResults != null) { throw new ConflictingResourceException(message: string.Format(ExceptionMessage.Conflict, Name)); } ClientEncryptionKeyGetResults clientEncryptionKeyGetResults = CosmosDBManagementClient.SqlResources.CreateUpdateClientEncryptionKeyWithHttpMessagesAsync(ResourceGroupName, AccountName, DatabaseName, Name, clientEncryptionKeyCreateUpdateParameters).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Body; WriteObject(new PSSqlClientEncryptionKeyGetResults(clientEncryptionKeyGetResults)); } }
public string GetTimingsReport(bool showCommands = false, KeyResolver keyResolver = null) { var culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; var sb = new StringBuilder(); TimeSpan duration = this.TotalDuration; // ideal range is between 10 and 80 chars double scale = 0.0005d; int width; bool flag = false; int maxWidth = showCommands ? 80 : 160; while ((width = (int)(duration.TotalSeconds / scale)) > maxWidth) { if (flag) scale *= 5d; else scale *= 2d; flag = !flag; } var cmds = this.Commands.ToArray(); // Header sb.AppendFormat(culture, "Transaction #{0} ({4}, {1} operations, '#' = {2:N1} ms, started {3}Z", this.Id, cmds.Length, (scale * 1000d), this.StartedUtc.TimeOfDay, this.IsReadOnly ? "read-only" : "read/write"); if (this.StoppedUtc.HasValue) sb.AppendFormat(culture, ", ended {0}Z)", this.StoppedUtc.Value.TimeOfDay); else sb.Append(", did not finish"); sb.AppendLine(); if (cmds.Length > 0) { var bar = new string('─', width + 2); sb.AppendLine(String.Format(culture, "┌ oper. ┬{0}┬──── start ──── end ── duration ──┬─ sent recv ┐", bar)); // look for the timestamps of the first and last commands var first = TimeSpan.Zero; var last = duration; for (int i = 0; i < cmds.Length;i++) { if (cmds[i].Op == Operation.Log) continue; first = cmds[i].StartOffset; break; } for(int i = cmds.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (cmds[i].Op == Operation.Log) continue; if (cmds[i].EndOffset.HasValue) duration = cmds[i].EndOffset.Value; break; } duration -= first; int step = -1; bool previousWasOnError = false; int attempts = 1; int charsToSkip = 0; foreach (var cmd in cmds) { if (previousWasOnError) { sb.AppendLine(String.Format(culture, "├────────┼{0}┼──────────────────────────────────┼─────────────┤ == Attempt #{1:N0} ==", bar, (++attempts))); } long ticks = cmd.Duration.Ticks; string w = GetFancyGraph(width, (cmd.StartOffset - first).Ticks, ticks, duration.Ticks, charsToSkip); if (ticks > 0) { sb.AppendFormat( culture, "│{6}{1,-3:##0}{10}{0,2}{7}│ {2} │ T+{3,7:##0.000} ~ {4,7:##0.000} ({5,7:##,##0} µs) │ {8,5} {9,5} │ {11}", /* 0 */ cmd.ShortName, /* 1 */ cmd.Step, /* 2 */ w, /* 3 */ cmd.StartOffset.TotalMilliseconds, /* 4 */ (cmd.EndOffset ?? TimeSpan.Zero).TotalMilliseconds, /* 5 */ ticks / 10.0, /* 6 */ cmd.Step == step ? ":" : " ", /* 7 */ ticks >= TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond * 10 ? '*' : ticks >= TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond ? '°' : ' ', /* 8 */ cmd.ArgumentBytes, /* 9 */ cmd.ResultBytes, /* 10 */ cmd.Error != null ? "!" : " ", /* 11 */ showCommands ? cmd.ToString(keyResolver) : String.Empty ); } else { // annotation sb.AppendFormat( culture, "│{0}{1,-3:##0}{2}{3,2}{4}│ {5} │ T+{6,7:##0.000} │ - - │ {7}", /* 0 */ cmd.Step == step ? ":" : " ", /* 1 */ cmd.Step, /* 2 */ cmd.Error != null ? "!" : " ", /* 3 */ cmd.ShortName, /* 4 */ ticks >= TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond * 10 ? '*' : ticks >= TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond ? '°' : ' ', /* 5 */ w, /* 6 */ cmd.StartOffset.TotalMilliseconds, /* 7 */ showCommands ? cmd.ToString(keyResolver) : String.Empty ); } if (showCommands && cmd.CallSite != null) { var f = GetFirstInterestingStackFrame(cmd.CallSite); if (f != null) { var m = f.GetMethod(); string name = GetUserFriendlyMethodName(m); sb.Append(" // ").Append(name); string fn = f.GetFileName(); if (fn != null) sb.AppendFormat(culture, " at {0}:{1}", fn, f.GetFileLineNumber()); } } sb.AppendLine(); previousWasOnError = cmd.Op == Operation.OnError; if (previousWasOnError) { charsToSkip = (int)Math.Floor(1.0d * width * (cmd.EndOffset ?? TimeSpan.Zero).Ticks / duration.Ticks); } step = cmd.Step; } sb.AppendLine(String.Format(culture, "└────────┴{0}┴──────────────────────────────────┴─────────────┘", bar)); // Footer if (this.Completed) { sb.Append("> "); flag = false; if (this.ReadSize > 0) { sb.AppendFormat(culture, "Read {0:N0} bytes", this.ReadSize); flag = true; } if (this.CommitSize > 0) { if (flag) sb.Append(" and "); sb.AppendFormat(culture, "Committed {0:N0} bytes", this.CommitSize); flag = true; } if (!flag) sb.Append("Completed"); sb.AppendLine(String.Format(culture, " in {0:N3} ms and {1:N0} attempt(s)", this.TotalDuration.TotalMilliseconds, attempts)); } } else { // empty transaction sb.AppendLine(String.Format(culture, "> Completed after {0:N3} ms without performing any operation", this.TotalDuration.TotalMilliseconds)); } return sb.ToString(); }