public static async Task DumpSubspace(IFdbReadOnlyTransaction tr, IKeySubspace subspace) { Assert.That(tr, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(subspace, Is.Not.Null); FdbTest.Log($"Dumping content of {subspace} at {subspace.GetPrefix():K}:"); int count = 0; await tr .GetRange(KeyRange.StartsWith(subspace.GetPrefix())) .ForEachAsync((kvp) => { var key = subspace.ExtractKey(kvp.Key, boundCheck: true); ++count; string keyDump; try { // attempts decoding it as a tuple keyDump = TuPack.Unpack(key).ToString() !; } catch (Exception) { // not a tuple, dump as bytes keyDump = "'" + key.ToString() + "'"; } FdbTest.Log("- " + keyDump + " = " + kvp.Value.ToString()); }); if (count == 0) { FdbTest.Log("> empty !"); } else { FdbTest.Log("> Found " + count + " values"); } }
/// <summary>Delete a document from the collection</summary> /// <param name="trans"></param> /// <param name="ids"></param> public async Task DeleteMultipleAsync(IFdbTransaction trans, IEnumerable <TId> ids) { if (trans == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(trans)); } if (ids == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ids)); } var subspace = await this.Location.Resolve(trans); if (subspace == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Location '{this.Location}' referenced by Document Collection Layer was not found."); } foreach (var id in ids) { var key = subspace.EncodePartial(id); trans.ClearRange(KeyRange.StartsWith(key)); } }
public static async Task DumpSubspace([NotNull] IFdbReadOnlyTransaction tr, [NotNull] IFdbSubspace subspace) { Assert.That(tr, Is.Not.Null); Console.WriteLine("Dumping content of subspace " + subspace.ToString() + " :"); int count = 0; await tr .GetRange(KeyRange.StartsWith(subspace.Key)) .ForEachAsync((kvp) => { var key = subspace.ExtractKey(kvp.Key, boundCheck: true); ++count; string keyDump = null; try { // attemps decoding it as a tuple keyDump = key.ToTuple().ToString(); } catch (Exception) { // not a tuple, dump as bytes keyDump = "'" + key.ToString() + "'"; } Console.WriteLine("- " + keyDump + " = " + kvp.Value.ToString()); }); if (count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("> empty !"); } else { Console.WriteLine("> Found " + count + " values"); } }
/// <summary>Find the DCs, machines and processes in the cluster</summary> public static async Task Topology(string[] path, IVarTuple extras, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct) { var coords = await Fdb.System.GetCoordinatorsAsync(db, ct); log.WriteLine($"[Cluster] {coords.Id}"); var servers = await db.QueryAsync(tr => tr .WithReadAccessToSystemKeys() .GetRange(KeyRange.StartsWith(Fdb.System.ServerList)) .Select(kvp => new { // Offsets Size Type Name Description // 0 2 Word Version? 0100 (1.0 ?) // 2 4 DWord ??? 0x00 0x20 0xA2 0x00 // 6 2 Word FDBMagic 0xDB 0x0F "FDB" // 8 16 Guid NodeId Unique Process ID // 24 16 Guid Machine "machine_id" field in foundationdb.conf (ends with 8x0 if manually specified) // 40 16 Guid DataCenter "datacenter_id" field in foundationdb.conf (ends with 8x0 if manually specified) // 56 4 ??? ?? 4 x 0 // 60 12 x24 ARRAY[] ?? array of 12x the same 24-byte struct defined below // ...0 4 DWord IPAddress 01 00 00 7F => // ...4 4 DWord Port 94 11 00 00 -> 4500 // ...8 4 DWord ?? randomish, changes every reboot // ..12 4 DWord ?? randomish, changes every reboot // ..16 4 DWord Size? small L-E integer, usually between 0x20 and 0x40... // ..20 4 DWord ?? randmoish, changes every reboot ProcessId = kvp.Value.Substring(8, 16).ToHexaString(), MachineId = kvp.Value.Substring(24, 16).ToHexaString(), DataCenterId = kvp.Value.Substring(40, 16).ToHexaString(), Parts = Enumerable.Range(0, 12).Select(i => { int p = 60 + 24 * i; return(new { Address = new IPAddress(kvp.Value.Substring(p, 4).GetBytes().Reverse().ToArray()), Port = kvp.Value.Substring(p + 4, 4).ToInt32(), Unknown1 = kvp.Value.Substring(p + 8, 4).ToInt32(), Unknown2 = kvp.Value.Substring(p + 12, 4).ToInt32(), Unknown3 = kvp.Value.Substring(p + 16, 4).ToInt32(), Unknown4 = kvp.Value.Substring(p + 20, 4).ToInt32(), }); }).ToList(), Raw = kvp.Value, }), ct ); var numNodes = servers.Select(s => s.ProcessId).Distinct().Count(); var numMachines = servers.Select(s => s.MachineId).Distinct().Count(); var numDCs = servers.Select(s => s.DataCenterId).Distinct().Count(); var dcs = servers.GroupBy(x => x.DataCenterId).ToArray(); for (int dcIndex = 0; dcIndex < dcs.Length; dcIndex++) { var dc = dcs[dcIndex]; bool lastDc = dcIndex == dcs.Length - 1; string dcId = dc.Key.EndsWith("0000000000000000") ? dc.Key.Substring(0, 16) : dc.Key; log.WriteLine((lastDc ? "`- " : "|- ") + "[DataCenter] {0} (#{1})", dcId, dcIndex); var machines = dc.GroupBy(x => x.MachineId).ToArray(); string dcPrefix = lastDc ? " " : "| "; for (int machineIndex = 0; machineIndex < machines.Length; machineIndex++) { var machine = machines[machineIndex]; var lastMachine = machineIndex == machines.Length - 1; string machineId = machine.Key.EndsWith("0000000000000000") ? machine.Key.Substring(0, 16) : machine.Key; log.WriteLine(dcPrefix + (lastMachine ? "`- " : "|- ") + "[Machine] {0}, {1}", machine.First().Parts[0].Address, machineId); var procs = machine.ToArray(); string machinePrefix = dcPrefix + (lastMachine ? " " : "| "); for (int procIndex = 0; procIndex < procs.Length; procIndex++) { var proc = procs[procIndex]; bool lastProc = procIndex == procs.Length - 1; log.WriteLine(machinePrefix + (lastProc ? "`- " : "|- ") + "[Process] {0}:{1}, {2}", proc.Parts[0].Address, proc.Parts[0].Port, proc.ProcessId); //foreach (var part in proc.Parts) //{ // log.WriteLine(machinePrefix + "| -> {0}, {1}, {2:X8}, {3:X8}, {4}, {5:X8}", part.Address, part.Port, part.Unknown1, part.Unknown2, part.Unknown3, part.Unknown4); //} } } } log.WriteLine(); Program.StdOut(log, $"Found {numNodes:N0} process(es) on {numMachines:N0} machine(s) in {numDCs:N0} datacenter(s)", ConsoleColor.White); log.WriteLine(); }
public static async Task Map(string[] path, IVarTuple extras, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct) { // we want to merge the map of shards, with the map of directories from the Directory Layer, and count for each directory how many shards intersect bool progress = log == Console.Out; var folder = await TryOpenCurrentDirectoryAsync(path, db, ct); if (folder == null) { Program.Error(log, "# Directory not found"); return; } Program.StdOut(log, "Listing all shards..."); // note: this may break in future versions of the DL! Maybe we need a custom API to get a flat list of all directories in a DL that span a specific range ? var span = folder.DirectoryLayer.ContentSubspace.Keys.ToRange(); var shards = await Fdb.System.GetChunksAsync(db, span, ct); int totalShards = shards.Count; Program.StdOut(log, $"> Found {totalShards} shard(s) in partition /{folder.DirectoryLayer.FullName}", ConsoleColor.Gray); Program.StdOut(log, "Listing all directories..."); var map = new Dictionary <string, int>(StringComparer.Ordinal); void Account(string[] p, int c) { for (int i = 1; i <= p.Length; i++) { var s = "/" + string.Join("/", p, 0, i); map[s] = map.TryGetValue(s, out int x) ? (x + c) : c; } } var work = new Stack <IFdbDirectory>(); work.Push(folder); var dirs = new List <IFdbDirectory>(); int n = 0; while (work.Count > 0) { var cur = work.Pop(); // skip sub partitions var names = await cur.ListAsync(db, ct); foreach (var name in names) { var sub = await cur.TryOpenAsync(db, name, ct); if (sub != null) { var p = sub.FullName; if (sub is FdbDirectoryPartition) { if (progress) { log.Write("\r"); } Program.StdOut(log, $"! Skipping partition {sub.Name} ", ConsoleColor.DarkRed); n = 0; continue; } if (progress) { log.Write($"\r/{p}{(p.Length > n ? String.Empty : new string(' ', n - p.Length))}"); } n = p.Length; work.Push(sub); dirs.Add(sub); } } } if (progress) { log.Write("\r" + new string(' ', n + 2) + "\r"); } Program.StdOut(log, $"> Found {dirs.Count} sub-directories", ConsoleColor.Gray); log.WriteLine(); Program.StdOut(log, "Estimating size of each directory..."); int foundShards = 0; n = 0; int max = 0; IFdbDirectory bigBad = null; foreach (var dir in dirs) { if (progress) { log.Write($"\r> {dir.Name}{(dir.Name.Length > n ? String.Empty : new string(' ', n - dir.Name.Length))}"); } n = dir.Name.Length; var p = dir.Path.ToArray(); var key = ((KeySubspace)dir).GetPrefix(); // verify that the subspace has at least one key inside var bounds = await db.ReadAsync(async (tr) => { var kvs = await Task.WhenAll( tr.GetRange(KeyRange.StartsWith(key)).FirstOrDefaultAsync(), tr.GetRange(KeyRange.StartsWith(key)).LastOrDefaultAsync() ); return(new { Min = kvs[0].Key, Max = kvs[1].Key }); }, ct); if (bounds.Min.HasValue) { // folder is not empty shards = await Fdb.System.GetChunksAsync(db, KeyRange.StartsWith(key), ct); //TODO: we still need to check if the first and last shard really intersect the subspace // we need to check if the shards actually contain data //Console.WriteLine("/{0} under {1} with {2} shard(s)", string.Join("/", p), FdbKey.Dump(key), shards.Count); foundShards += shards.Count; Account(p, shards.Count); if (shards.Count > max) { max = shards.Count; bigBad = dir; } } else { Account(p, 0); } } if (progress) { log.Write("\r" + new string(' ', n + 2) + "\r"); } Program.StdOut(log, $"> Found a total of {foundShards:N0} shard(s) in {dirs.Count:N0} folder(s)", ConsoleColor.Gray); log.WriteLine(); Program.StdOut(log, "Shards %Total Path"); foreach (var kvp in map.OrderBy(x => x.Key)) { Program.StdOut(log, $"{kvp.Value,6} {RobustHistogram.FormatHistoBar((double)kvp.Value / foundShards, 20),-20} {kvp.Key}", ConsoleColor.Gray); } log.WriteLine(); if (bigBad != null) { Program.StdOut(log, $"Biggest folder is /{bigBad.FullName} with {max} shards ({100.0 * max / totalShards:N1}% total, {100.0 * max / foundShards:N1}% subtree)"); log.WriteLine(); } }
public static async Task ClearRange(string[] path, IVarTuple extras, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct) { if (path == null || path.Length == 0) { Program.Error(log, "Cannot directory list the content of Root Partition."); return; } var folder = await db.Directory.TryOpenAsync(db, path, ct : ct); if (folder == null) { Program.Error(log, "The directory does not exist anymore"); return; } if (folder.Layer == FdbDirectoryPartition.LayerId) { Program.Error(log, "Cannot clear the content of a Directory Partition!"); return; } if (extras.Count == 0) { Program.Error(log, "You must specify a key of range of keys!"); return; } KeyRange range; if (extras.Get <string>(0) == "*") { // clear all! range = folder.ToRange(); } else { object from = extras[0]; object to = extras.Count > 1 ? extras[1] : null; if (to == null) { range = KeyRange.StartsWith(MakeKey(folder, from)); } else { range = new KeyRange( MakeKey(folder, from), MakeKey(folder, to) ); } } Program.Comment(log, "Clearing range " + range.ToString()); bool empty = await db.ReadWriteAsync(async tr => { var any = await tr.GetRangeAsync(range, new FdbRangeOptions { Limit = 1 }); if (any.Count == 0) { return(true); } tr.ClearRange(folder.ToRange()); return(false); }, ct); if (empty) { Program.StdOut(log, $"Directory {String.Join("/", path)} was already empty.", ConsoleColor.Cyan); } else { Program.Success(log, $"Cleared all content of Directory {String.Join("/", path)}."); } }
public static async Task Sampling(string[] path, IVarTuple extras, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct) { double ratio = 0.1d; bool auto = true; if (extras.Count > 0) { double x = extras.Get <double>(0); if (x > 0 && x <= 1) { ratio = x; } auto = false; } var folder = await TryOpenCurrentDirectoryAsync(path, db, ct); KeyRange span; if (folder is FdbDirectorySubspace) { span = KeyRange.StartsWith((folder as FdbDirectorySubspace).Copy().GetPrefix()); log.WriteLine($"Reading list of shards for /{String.Join("/", path)} under {FdbKey.Dump(span.Begin)} ..."); } else { log.WriteLine("Reading list of shards for the whole cluster ..."); span = KeyRange.All; } // dump keyServers var ranges = await Fdb.System.GetChunksAsync(db, span, ct); log.WriteLine($"> Found {ranges.Count:N0} shard(s)"); // take a sample var samples = new List <KeyRange>(); if (ranges.Count <= 32) { // small enough to scan it all samples.AddRange(ranges); log.WriteLine($"Sampling all {samples.Count:N0} shards ..."); } else { // need to take a random subset var rnd = new Random(); int sz = Math.Max((int)Math.Ceiling(ratio * ranges.Count), 1); if (auto) { if (sz > 100) { sz = 100; //SAFETY } if (sz < 32) { sz = Math.Max(sz, Math.Min(32, ranges.Count)); } } var population = new List <KeyRange>(ranges); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { int p = rnd.Next(population.Count); samples.Add(population[p]); population.RemoveAt(p); } log.WriteLine($"Sampling {samples.Count:N0} out of {ranges.Count:N0} shards ({(100.0 * samples.Count / ranges.Count):N1}%) ..."); } log.WriteLine(); const string FORMAT_STRING = "{0,9} ║{1,10}{6,6} {2,-29} ║{3,10}{7,7} {4,-37} ║{5,10}"; const string SCALE_KEY = "....--------========########M"; const string SCALE_VAL = "....--------========########@@@@@@@@M"; log.WriteLine(FORMAT_STRING, "Count", "Keys", SCALE_KEY, "Values", SCALE_VAL, "Total", "med.", "med."); var rangeOptions = new FdbRangeOptions { Mode = FdbStreamingMode.WantAll }; samples = samples.OrderBy(x => x.Begin).ToList(); long globalSize = 0; long globalCount = 0; int workers = 8; // Math.Max(4, Environment.ProcessorCount); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var tasks = new List <Task>(); int n = samples.Count; while (samples.Count > 0) { while (tasks.Count < workers && samples.Count > 0) { var range = samples[0]; samples.RemoveAt(0); tasks.Add(Task.Run(async() => { var kk = new RobustHistogram(RobustHistogram.TimeScale.Ticks); var vv = new RobustHistogram(RobustHistogram.TimeScale.Ticks); #region Method 1: get_range everything... using (var tr = db.BeginTransaction(ct)) { long keySize = 0; long valueSize = 0; long count = 0; int iter = 0; var beginSelector = KeySelector.FirstGreaterOrEqual(range.Begin); var endSelector = KeySelector.FirstGreaterOrEqual(range.End); while (true) { FdbRangeChunk data = default(FdbRangeChunk); FdbException error = null; try { data = await tr.Snapshot.GetRangeAsync( beginSelector, endSelector, rangeOptions, iter ).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (FdbException e) { error = e; } if (error != null) { await tr.OnErrorAsync(error.Code).ConfigureAwait(false); continue; } if (data.Count == 0) { break; } count += data.Count; foreach (var kvp in data) { keySize += kvp.Key.Count; valueSize += kvp.Value.Count; kk.Add(TimeSpan.FromTicks(kvp.Key.Count)); vv.Add(TimeSpan.FromTicks(kvp.Value.Count)); } if (!data.HasMore) { break; } beginSelector = KeySelector.FirstGreaterThan(data.Last); ++iter; } long totalSize = keySize + valueSize; Interlocked.Add(ref globalSize, totalSize); Interlocked.Add(ref globalCount, count); lock (log) { log.WriteLine(FORMAT_STRING, count.ToString("N0"), FormatSize(keySize), kk.GetDistribution(begin: 1, end: 12000, fold: 2), FormatSize(valueSize), vv.GetDistribution(begin: 1, end: 120000, fold: 2), FormatSize(totalSize), FormatSize((int)Math.Ceiling(kk.Median)), FormatSize((int)Math.Ceiling(vv.Median))); } } #endregion #region Method 2: estimate the count using key selectors... //long counter = await Fdb.System.EstimateCountAsync(db, range, ct); //Console.WriteLine("COUNT = " + counter.ToString("N0")); #endregion }, ct)); } var done = await Task.WhenAny(tasks); tasks.Remove(done); } await Task.WhenAll(tasks); sw.Stop(); log.WriteLine(); if (n != ranges.Count) { log.WriteLine($"Sampled {FormatSize(globalSize)} ({globalSize:N0} bytes) and {globalCount:N0} keys in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:N1} sec"); log.WriteLine($"> Estimated total size is {FormatSize(globalSize * ranges.Count / n)}"); } else { log.WriteLine($"Found {FormatSize(globalSize)} ({globalSize:N0} bytes) and {globalCount:N0} keys in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:N1} sec"); // compare to the whole cluster ranges = await Fdb.System.GetChunksAsync(db, FdbKey.MinValue, FdbKey.MaxValue, ct); log.WriteLine($"> This directory contains ~{(100.0 * n / ranges.Count):N2}% of all data"); } log.WriteLine(); }
private async Task RunAsync(IFdbDatabase db, IDynamicKeySubspace location, CancellationToken ct, Action done, int N, int K, int W) { if (db == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(db)); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); db = new FdbLoggedDatabase(db, false, false, (log) => { sb.AppendLine(log.Log.GetTimingsReport(true)); //Console.WriteLine(log.Log.GetTimingsReport(true)); }); try { var workerPool = new FdbWorkerPool(location); Console.WriteLine($"workerPool at {location.GetPrefix():P}"); var workerSignal = new AsyncCancelableMutex(ct); var clientSignal = new AsyncCancelableMutex(ct); int taskCounter = 0; int msgSent = 0; int msgReceived = 0; Func <FdbWorkerMessage, CancellationToken, Task> handler = async(msg, _ct) => { Interlocked.Increment(ref msgReceived); //await Task.Delay(10 + Math.Abs(msg.Id.GetHashCode()) % 50); await Task.Delay(10).ConfigureAwait(false); }; Func <int, Task> worker = async(id) => { await workerSignal.Task.ConfigureAwait(false); Console.WriteLine("Worker #" + id + " is starting"); try { await workerPool.RunWorkerAsync(db, handler, ct).ConfigureAwait(false); } finally { Console.WriteLine("Worker #" + id + " has stopped"); } }; Func <int, Task> client = async(id) => { await clientSignal.Task.ConfigureAwait(false); await Task.Delay(10).ConfigureAwait(false); var rnd = new Random(id * 111); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { var taskId = Slice.FromString("T" + Interlocked.Increment(ref taskCounter)); var taskBody = Slice.FromString("Message " + (i + 1) + " of " + N + " from client #" + id); await workerPool.ScheduleTaskAsync(db, taskId, taskBody, ct).ConfigureAwait(false); Interlocked.Increment(ref msgSent); //if (i > 0 && i % 10 == 0) Console.WriteLine("@@@ Client#" + id + " pushed " + (i + 1) + " / " + N + " messages"); switch (rnd.Next(5)) { case 0: await Task.Delay(10).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case 1: await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case 2: await Task.Delay(500).ConfigureAwait(false); break; } } Console.WriteLine("@@@ Client#" + id + " has finished!"); }; Func <string, Task> dump = async(label) => { Console.WriteLine($"<dump label=\'{label}\' key=\'{location.GetPrefix():P}\'>"); using (var tr = db.BeginTransaction(ct)) { await tr.Snapshot .GetRange(KeyRange.StartsWith(location.GetPrefix())) .ForEachAsync((kvp) => { Console.WriteLine($" - {location.Keys.Unpack(kvp.Key)} = {kvp.Value:V}"); }).ConfigureAwait(false); } Console.WriteLine("</dump>"); }; var workers = Enumerable.Range(0, W).Select((i) => worker(i)).ToArray(); var clients = Enumerable.Range(0, K).Select((i) => client(i)).ToArray(); DateTime start = DateTime.Now; DateTime last = start; int lastHandled = -1; using (var timer = new Timer((_) => { var now = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine("@@@ T=" + now.Subtract(start) + ", sent: " + msgSent.ToString("N0") + ", recv: " + msgReceived.ToString("N0")); Console.WriteLine("### Workers: " + workerPool.IdleWorkers + " / " + workerPool.ActiveWorkers + " (" + new string('#', workerPool.IdleWorkers) + new string('.', workerPool.ActiveWorkers - workerPool.IdleWorkers) + "), sent: " + workerPool.MessageScheduled.ToString("N0") + ", recv: " + workerPool.MessageReceived.ToString("N0") + ", delta: " + (workerPool.MessageScheduled - workerPool.MessageReceived).ToString("N0") + ", busy: " + workerPool.WorkerBusyTime + " (avg " + workerPool.WorkerAverageBusyDuration.TotalMilliseconds.ToString("N3") + " ms)"); if (now.Subtract(last).TotalSeconds >= 10) { //dump("timer").GetAwaiter().GetResult(); last = now; if (lastHandled == msgReceived) { // STALL ? Console.WriteLine("STALL! "); done(); } lastHandled = msgReceived; } if (msgReceived >= K * N) { dump("complete").GetAwaiter().GetResult(); done(); } }, null, 1000, 1000)) { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // start the workers workerSignal.Set(async: true); await Task.Delay(500); await dump("workers started"); // start the clients clientSignal.Set(async: true); await Task.WhenAll(clients); Console.WriteLine("Clients completed after " + sw.Elapsed); await Task.WhenAll(workers); Console.WriteLine("Workers completed after " + sw.Elapsed); } } finally { Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Transaction logs:"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); } }
public async Task Run(IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct) { // estimate the number of machines... Console.WriteLine("# Detecting cluster topology..."); var servers = await db.QueryAsync(tr => tr .WithReadAccessToSystemKeys() .GetRange(KeyRange.StartsWith(Fdb.System.ServerList)) .Select(kvp => new { Node = kvp.Value.Substring(8, 16).ToHexaString(), Machine = kvp.Value.Substring(24, 16).ToHexaString(), DataCenter = kvp.Value.Substring(40, 16).ToHexaString() }), ct ); var numNodes = servers.Select(s => s.Node).Distinct().Count(); var numMachines = servers.Select(s => s.Machine).Distinct().Count(); var numDCs = servers.Select(s => s.DataCenter).Distinct().Count(); Console.WriteLine("# > Found " + numNodes + " process(es) on " + numMachines + " machine(s) in " + numDCs + " datacenter(s)"); Console.WriteLine("# Reading list of shards..."); // dump keyServers var ranges = await Fdb.System.GetChunksAsync(db, FdbKey.MinValue, FdbKey.MaxValue, ct); Console.WriteLine("# > Found " + ranges.Count + " shards:"); // take a sample var rnd = new Random(1234); int sz = Math.Max((int)Math.Ceiling(this.Ratio * ranges.Count), 1); if (sz > 500) { sz = 500; //SAFETY } if (sz < 50) { sz = Math.Max(sz, Math.Min(50, ranges.Count)); } var samples = new List <KeyRange>(); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { int p = rnd.Next(ranges.Count); samples.Add(ranges[p]); ranges.RemoveAt(p); } Console.WriteLine("# Sampling " + sz + " out of " + ranges.Count + " shards (" + (100.0 * sz / ranges.Count).ToString("N1") + "%) ..."); Console.WriteLine("{0,9}{1,10}{2,10}{3,10} : K+V size distribution", "Count", "Keys", "Values", "Total"); var rangeOptions = new FdbRangeOptions { Mode = FdbStreamingMode.WantAll }; samples = samples.OrderBy(x => x.Begin).ToList(); long total = 0; int workers = Math.Min(numMachines, 8); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var tasks = new List <Task>(); while (samples.Count > 0) { while (tasks.Count < workers && samples.Count > 0) { var range = samples[0]; samples.RemoveAt(0); tasks.Add(Task.Run(async() => { var hh = new RobustHistogram(RobustHistogram.TimeScale.Ticks); #region Method 1: get_range everything... using (var tr = await db.BeginTransactionAsync(ct)) { long keySize = 0; long valueSize = 0; long count = 0; int iter = 0; var beginSelector = KeySelector.FirstGreaterOrEqual(range.Begin); var endSelector = KeySelector.FirstGreaterOrEqual(range.End); while (true) { FdbRangeChunk data = default(FdbRangeChunk); FdbException error = null; try { data = await tr.Snapshot.GetRangeAsync( beginSelector, endSelector, rangeOptions, iter ).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (FdbException e) { error = e; } if (error != null) { await tr.OnErrorAsync(error.Code).ConfigureAwait(false); continue; } if (data.Count == 0) { break; } count += data.Count; foreach (var kvp in data) { keySize += kvp.Key.Count; valueSize += kvp.Value.Count; hh.Add(TimeSpan.FromTicks(kvp.Key.Count + kvp.Value.Count)); } if (!data.HasMore) { break; } beginSelector = KeySelector.FirstGreaterThan(data.Last); ++iter; } long totalSize = keySize + valueSize; Interlocked.Add(ref total, totalSize); Console.WriteLine("{0,9}{1,10}{2,10}{3,10} : {4}", count.ToString("N0"), FormatSize(keySize), FormatSize(valueSize), FormatSize(totalSize), hh.GetDistribution(begin: 1, end: 10000, fold: 2)); } #endregion #region Method 2: estimate the count using key selectors... //long counter = await Fdb.System.EstimateCountAsync(db, range, ct); //Console.WriteLine("COUNT = " + counter.ToString("N0")); #endregion }, ct)); } var done = await Task.WhenAny(tasks); tasks.Remove(done); } await Task.WhenAll(tasks); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("> Sampled " + FormatSize(total) + " (" + total.ToString("N0") + " bytes) in " + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("N1") + " sec"); Console.WriteLine("> Estimated total size is " + FormatSize(total * ranges.Count / sz)); }
public async Task Test_Can_Log_A_Transaction() { const int N = 10; using (var db = await OpenTestPartitionAsync()) { // get a tuple view of the directory var location = (await GetCleanDirectory(db, "Logging")).Keys; // note: ensure that all methods are JITed await db.ReadWriteAsync(async (tr) => { await tr.GetReadVersionAsync(); tr.Set(location.Encode("Warmup", 0), Slice.FromInt32(1)); tr.Clear(location.Encode("Warmup", 1)); await tr.GetAsync(location.Encode("Warmup", 2)); await tr.GetRange(KeyRange.StartsWith(location.Encode("Warmup", 3))).ToListAsync(); tr.ClearRange(location.Encode("Warmup", 4), location.Encode("Warmup", 5)); }, this.Cancellation); await db.WriteAsync((tr) => { var rnd = new Random(); tr.Set(location.Encode("One"), Slice.FromString("111111")); tr.Set(location.Encode("Two"), Slice.FromString("222222")); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { tr.Set(location.Encode("Range", j, rnd.Next(1000)), Slice.Empty); } } for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { tr.Set(location.Encode("X", j), Slice.FromInt32(j)); tr.Set(location.Encode("Y", j), Slice.FromInt32(j)); tr.Set(location.Encode("Z", j), Slice.FromInt32(j)); tr.Set(location.Encode("W", j), Slice.FromInt32(j)); } }, this.Cancellation); bool first = true; Action <FdbLoggedTransaction> logHandler = (tr) => { if (first) { Log(tr.Log.GetCommandsReport()); first = false; } Log(tr.Log.GetTimingsReport(true)); }; // create a logged version of the database var logged = new FdbLoggedDatabase(db, false, false, logHandler); for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) { Log("==== " + k + " ==== "); Log(); await logged.ReadWriteAsync(async (tr) => { Assert.That(tr, Is.InstanceOf <FdbLoggedTransaction>()); //tr.SetOption(FdbTransactionOption.CausalReadRisky); long ver = await tr.GetReadVersionAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); await tr.GetAsync(location.Encode("One")).ConfigureAwait(false); await tr.GetAsync(location.Encode("NotFound")).ConfigureAwait(false); tr.Set(location.Encode("Write"), Slice.FromString("abcdef" + k.ToString())); //tr.Annotate("BEFORE"); //await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10)); //tr.Annotate("AFTER"); //await tr.Snapshot.GetAsync(location.Pack("Snap")).ConfigureAwait(false); tr.Annotate("This is a comment"); //await tr.GetRangeAsync(KeySelector.LastLessOrEqual(location.Pack("A")), KeySelector.FirstGreaterThan(location.Pack("Z"))).ConfigureAwait(false); await Task.WhenAll( tr.GetRange(KeyRange.StartsWith(location.Encode("Range", 0))).ToListAsync(), tr.GetRange(location.Encode("Range", 1, 0), location.Encode("Range", 1, 200)).ToListAsync(), tr.GetRange(location.Encode("Range", 2, 400), location.Encode("Range", 2, 600)).ToListAsync(), tr.GetRange(location.Encode("Range", 3, 800), location.Encode("Range", 3, 1000)).ToListAsync() ).ConfigureAwait(false); await tr.GetAsync(location.Encode("Two")).ConfigureAwait(false); await tr.GetValuesAsync(Enumerable.Range(0, N).Select(x => location.Encode("X", x))).ConfigureAwait(false); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { await tr.GetAsync(location.Encode("Z", i)).ConfigureAwait(false); } await Task.WhenAll(Enumerable.Range(0, N / 2).Select(x => tr.GetAsync(location.Encode("Y", x)))).ConfigureAwait(false); await Task.WhenAll(Enumerable.Range(N / 2, N / 2).Select(x => tr.GetAsync(location.Encode("Y", x)))).ConfigureAwait(false); await Task.WhenAll( tr.GetAsync(location.Encode("W", 1)), tr.GetAsync(location.Encode("W", 2)), tr.GetAsync(location.Encode("W", 3)) ).ConfigureAwait(false); tr.Set(location.Encode("Write2"), Slice.FromString("ghijkl" + k.ToString())); tr.Clear(location.Encode("Clear", "0")); tr.ClearRange(location.Encode("Clear", "A"), location.Encode("Clear", "Z")); if (tr.Context.Retries == 0) { // make it fail //throw new FdbException(FdbError.PastVersion, "fake timeout"); } }, this.Cancellation); } } }
/// <summary>Remove all the values for a specific key</summary> /// <param name="trans"></param> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <returns></returns> public void Remove([NotNull] IFdbTransaction trans, TKey key) { if (trans == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(trans)); trans.ClearRange(KeyRange.StartsWith(this.Subspace.Keys.EncodePartial(key))); }