public IActionResult UpdateKnifeStore(string id, [FromBody] Kes_Bolt newKnifeStore) { try { knifeStoreLogic.UpdateKes_Bolt(id, newKnifeStore); return(Ok()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(StatusCode(400, $"Bad request error: {ex}")); } }
public IActionResult AddKnifeStore([FromBody] Kes_Bolt k) { try { k.Raktar_Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); knifeStoreLogic.AddKesBolt(k); return(Ok()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(StatusCode(500, $"Internal server error: {ex}")); } }
/// <summary> /// Modifies an element of the knifeStore list as intended. /// </summary> /// <param name="knifeStoreToModify">The KnifeStore entity which should be modified.</param> public void ModKnifeStore(KnifeStore knifeStoreToModify, string token) { if (knifeStoreToModify == null) { this.messengerService.Send("MÓDOSÍTÁS SIKERTELEN", "LogicResult"); return; } KnifeStore clone = new KnifeStore(); clone.CopyFrom(knifeStoreToModify); if (this.editorService.EditKnifeStore(clone) == true) { knifeStoreToModify.CopyFrom(clone); Kes_Bolt kb = new Kes_Bolt() { Raktar_Id = clone.StorageId, Bolt_Nev = clone.Name, Cim = clone.Address, Weboldal = clone.Website, }; string api = hostSettings.Address() + $"KnifeStore" + $"/{knifeStoreToModify.StorageId}"; try { WebClient wc = new WebClient(); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(kb); wc.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization] = $"Bearer {token}"; wc.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/json"; wc.UploadString(api, "PUT", json); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.ToString().Contains("403")) { this.messengerService.Send("MÓDOSÍTÁS SIKERTELEN\nNINCS ENGEDÉLYE EHHEZ", "LogicResult"); return; } this.messengerService.Send("MÓDOSÍTÁS SIKERTELEN", "LogicResult"); return; } //this.knifeStoreLogic.UpdateKes_Bolt(knifeStoreToModify.StorageId, kb); this.messengerService.Send("MÓDOSÍTÁS SIKERES", "LogicResult"); return; } this.messengerService.Send("MÓDOSÍTÁS MEGSZAKÍTVA", "LogicResult"); }
public void GetKesBolt() { Mock <IRepository <Kes_Bolt> > MockoltKesBoltRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Kes_Bolt> >(MockBehavior.Loose); Kes_Bolt TesztKesBolt = new Kes_Bolt() { Raktar_Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Bolt_Nev = "Extrametál Kés (üzlethálózat)", Cim = "Extrametál,Magyarország", Weboldal = "" }; Kes_Bolt ElvartKesBolt = TesztKesBolt; MockoltKesBoltRepo.Setup(x => x.Read(TesztKesBolt.Raktar_Id)).Returns(TesztKesBolt); KesBoltLogic kesBoltLogic = new KesBoltLogic(MockoltKesBoltRepo.Object); var Kimenet = kesBoltLogic.GetKes_Bolt(TesztKesBolt.Raktar_Id); Assert.That(Kimenet, Is.EqualTo(ElvartKesBolt)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new KnifeStore to it's list and calls the database operation to syncronhize them. /// </summary> /// <param name="list">The entity list where the entity should be added.</param> public void AddKnifeStore(IList <KnifeStore> list, string token) { try { KnifeStore newKnifeStore = new KnifeStore(); if (this.editorService.EditKnifeStore(newKnifeStore) == true) { Kes_Bolt kb = new Kes_Bolt() { Raktar_Id = string.Empty, Bolt_Nev = newKnifeStore.Name, Cim = newKnifeStore.Address, Weboldal = newKnifeStore.Website, }; string api = hostSettings.Address() + $"KnifeStore"; WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization] = $"Bearer {token}"; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(kb); wc.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/json"; wc.UploadString(api, "POST", json); this.messengerService.Send("HOZZÁADÁS SIKERES", "LogicResult"); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.ToString().Contains("403")) { this.messengerService.Send("HOZZÁADÁS SIKERTELEN\nNINCS ENGEDÉLYE EHHEZ", "LogicResult"); return; } this.messengerService.Send("HOZZÁADÁS SIKERTELEN", "LogicResult"); return; } this.messengerService.Send("HOZZÁADÁS MEGSZAKÍTVA", "LogicResult"); }
public IActionResult EditKesBolt(Kes_Bolt kb) { KnifeStoreLogic.UpdateKes_Bolt(kb.Raktar_Id, kb); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ListKesBolt))); }
public IActionResult EditKesBolt(string id) { Kes_Bolt kb = KnifeStoreLogic.GetKes_Bolt(id); return(View(kb)); }
public IActionResult AddKesBolt(Kes_Bolt kesbolt) { kesbolt.Raktar_Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); KnifeStoreLogic.AddKesBolt(kesbolt); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ListKesBolt))); }
public void UpdateKes_Bolt(string o_kbid, Kes_Bolt n_kesbolt) { KesBoltRepo.Update(o_kbid, n_kesbolt); }
public void AddKesBolt(Kes_Bolt kesBolt) { this.KesBoltRepo.Add(kesBolt); }