        private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string input   = this.textBox5.Text;
            string pattern = this.textBox4.Text;
            //// string[] words = input.Trim().Split(' ', ',', ';', '.');
            //SuffixArray sa1  = SuffixArray.Build(input);
            KarthicSuffixArray sa            = new KarthicSuffixArray(input);
            List <string>      matchedsuffix = sa.SearchPattern(pattern, sa.SourceString, sa.SuffixArray);

            //var str = input;
            //var sa1 = SuffixArray.Build(str);
            //string pat = pattern;
            //List<string> suffixes = new List<string>();
            //sa1 = sa1.Search(pat);
            // int count = 0;
            // foreach (var pos in sa1)
            // {
            //   count++;
            //   suffixes.Add(input.Substring(pos));

            // }

            // this.textBox6.Text = count.ToString();
            this.textBox6.Text = matchedsuffix.Count.ToString();
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string input1 = this.textBox8.Text;

            string input2 = this.textBox7.Text;

//  - Concatenate S1 and S2.
//- Compute the suffix array.
//- Compute the LCP of all adjacent suffixes.
//the maximum LCP(i,i+1) is the required answer.
//LongestCommonSubstring(input1, input2, out output);
            //update: if u think with eg..u will get this

            KarthicSuffixArray array  = new KarthicSuffixArray();
            string             output = array.FindLongestCommonSubstring(input1, input2);

            this.textBox9.Text = output;
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string input = this.textBox3.Text;

            //string forward = input;
            //char[] chars = input.ToCharArray();
            //string reverse = new string(chars, 0, chars.Length);
            //string palindromecheck = forward + "#" + reverse;
            //KarthicSuffixArray sa = new KarthicSuffixArray(input, true);

            //create two suffix tree..
            //eg: Banana
            //forward suffix tree with chars and end with $              suffix1 =b,a,n,a,n,a, $
            //revese the chars and make another tree and end with #      suffix1= a,n,a,n,a ,b, #

            //For every suffix i in Sf, find the lowest common ancestor with the suffix n - i + 1 in Sr.

            //find the longest common substring of this string and its reverse.

            //string output = sa.LongestPanlindrome;

            //try 2

            KarthicSuffixArray sa = new KarthicSuffixArray();

            string reverse = Reverse(input);

            //f*****g success..logic is
            //reverse the given word
            //concat giveword + '#' + reveser
            //and then find the longest common substring
            this.textBox1.Text = sa.FindLongestCommonSubstring(input, reverse);;

            //Building the suffix tree takes \Theta(N) time (if the size of the alphabet is constant).
            //If the tree is traversed from the bottom up with a bit vector telling which strings are seen below each node, the k-common substring problem can be solved in \Theta(NK) time. If the suffix tree is prepared for constant time lowest common ancestor retrieval, it can be solved in \Theta(N) time.[1]