        public string GenerateReport(int daysOffset = 0, TimeSpan?workableHours = null, double targetProductivity = 0.75)
            if (!workableHours.HasValue)
                workableHours = new TimeSpan(12, 0, 0);
            // Check if we can generate the report
            if (!(GoogleClient.SignedIn && KanbanClient.SignedIn))
                exceptionString = "Missing authorization from either Google Client of Kanban Client";
            List <GeneralizedEvent> todaysEvents = GoogleClient.GetTodaysEvents(daysOffset);
            List <GeneralizedTask>  dueToday     = KanbanClient.GetDueToday(daysOffset);
            List <GeneralizedTask>  dueTomorrow  = KanbanClient.GetDueTomorrow(daysOffset);
            List <GeneralizedTask>  dueThisWeek  = KanbanClient.GetDueLaterThisWeek(daysOffset);

            Forecast weatherReport = WeatherReporter.GetDailyWeatherReport("", "", daysOffset);

            TimeSpan obligatedTime = new TimeSpan();

            foreach (GeneralizedEvent e in todaysEvents)
                if (e.Duration.HasValue)
                    obligatedTime += e.Duration.Value;

            // workableHours guaranteed to have value because of first conditional
            double anticipatedMinutes = workableHours.Value.TotalMinutes - obligatedTime.TotalMinutes;

            anticipatedMinutes *= targetProductivity;

            // Note that I'm considering extra time to be "the amount of time I can reasonably do nothing"
            // I'll still allocate 8% of the total time as overhead that I don't consider anywhere. This could be used
            // as travel time, etc.
            var multiplier = 1 - targetProductivity - 0.08;

            if (multiplier < 0)
                multiplier = 0;

            double slackOffMinutes = workableHours.Value.TotalMinutes - obligatedTime.TotalMinutes;

            slackOffMinutes *= multiplier;
            TimeSpan slackOffTime = new TimeSpan(0, (int)slackOffMinutes, 0);

            // Pomodoro Technique:
            // Work 25 minutes then take a 5 minute break. Every 4th break, take a 30 minute break instead
            // 1 cycle: (25 + 5) + (25 + 5) + (25 + 5) + (25 + 30) = 145 minutes
            // 4 pomodoros can be completed every 145 minutes

            int pomCount = (int)((anticipatedMinutes / 145) * 4);

            string path = createDocument(todaysEvents, dueToday, dueTomorrow, dueThisWeek, obligatedTime, weatherReport, pomCount, daysOffset, slackOffTime);

            //Process p = new Process();
            //p.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("Test.pdf");