        /// <summary>
        /// 同步卸样命令
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="output"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void SyncJXCYControlUnloadCMD(Action <string, eOutputType> output)
            int res = 0;

            // 集中管控 > 第三方
            foreach (InfQCJXCYUnLoadCMD entity in CarSamplerDAO.GetInstance().GetWaitForSyncJXCYSampleUnloadCmd(MachineCode))
                bool isSuccess = false;

                KY_CYJ_OutRun outrun = this.EquDber.Entity <KY_CYJ_OutRun>(" where CYJ_Machine=@CYJ_Machine", new { CYJ_Machine = DataToKYMachine(this.MachineCode) });
                if (outrun == null)
                    outrun             = new KY_CYJ_OutRun();
                    outrun.CYJ_Machine = DataToKYMachine(this.MachineCode);
                    outrun.CY_Code     = entity.SampleCode;
                    outrun.CY_Type     = "机械采样";
                    outrun.CY_Control  = (int)eSamplingControl.卸料指令;
                    outrun.Send_Time   = DateTime.Now;
                    isSuccess          = this.EquDber.Insert(outrun) > 0;
                    outrun.CY_Code    = entity.SampleCode;
                    outrun.CY_Type    = "机械采样";
                    outrun.CY_Control = (int)eSamplingControl.卸料指令;
                    outrun.Send_Time  = DateTime.Now;
                    isSuccess         = this.EquDber.Update(outrun) > 0;
                string SqlWhere = "where CY_Code=@CY_Code";
                if (entity.UnLoadType != "到制样机")
                    SqlWhere += " and Barrel_Code=@Barrel_Code";
                IList <KY_CYJ_BarrelStatus> barrel_codes = this.EquDber.Entities <KY_CYJ_BarrelStatus>(SqlWhere, new { CY_Code = entity.SampleCode, Barrel_Code = entity.BarrelNumber });
                foreach (var item in barrel_codes)
                    KY_CYJ_Down down = this.EquDber.Entity <KY_CYJ_Down>("where Barrel_Code=@Barrel_Code", new { Barrel_Code = item.Barrel_Code });
                    if (down != null)
                        down.XL_Start  = 1;
                        down.XL_Finish = 0;
                        down.Down_Type = entity.UnLoadType == "到制样机" ? "0" : "1";
                if (isSuccess)
                    entity.SyncFlag = 1;

            output(string.Format("同步卸样命令 {0} 条(集中管控 > 第三方)-{1}", res, this.MachineCode), eOutputType.Normal);
        /// <summary>
        /// 同步采样命令
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="output"></param>
        public void SyncSampleCmd(Action <string, eOutputType> output)
            string CarNumber = string.Empty;
            int    res       = 0;

            // 集中管控 > 第三方
            foreach (InfQCJXCYSampleCMD entity in CarSamplerDAO.GetInstance().GetWaitForSyncSampleCMD(this.MachineCode))
                bool          isSuccess = false;
                CmcsAutotruck AutoTruck = commonDAO.SelfDber.Entity <CmcsAutotruck>(" where CarNumber=:CarNumber", new { CarNumber = entity.CarNumber });
                if (AutoTruck != null)
                    CarNumber = AutoTruck.CarNumber;
                    KY_CarInfo car = this.EquDber.Get <KY_CarInfo>(entity.CarNumber);
                    if (car == null)
                        car            = new KY_CarInfo();
                        car.Car_Number = AutoTruck.CarNumber;
                        car.Car_Long   = AutoTruck.CarriageLength;
                        car.Car_Width  = AutoTruck.CarriageWidth;
                        car.Car_Height = AutoTruck.CarriageBottomToFloor;
                        car.LJ_Sum     = SumObstacle(AutoTruck);
                        car.LJ_0       = 0;
                        car.LJ_1       = AutoTruck.LeftObstacle1;
                        car.LJ_2       = AutoTruck.LeftObstacle2;
                        car.LJ_3       = AutoTruck.LeftObstacle3;
                        car.LJ_4       = AutoTruck.LeftObstacle4;
                        car.LJ_5       = AutoTruck.LeftObstacle5;
                        car.LJ_6       = AutoTruck.LeftObstacle6;
                        car.UserName   = AutoTruck.Driver;
                        car.EditDate   = DateTime.Now;
                        car.Car_Number = AutoTruck.CarNumber;
                        car.Car_Long   = AutoTruck.CarriageLength;
                        car.Car_Width  = AutoTruck.CarriageWidth;
                        car.Car_Height = AutoTruck.CarriageBottomToFloor;
                        car.LJ_Sum     = SumObstacle(AutoTruck);
                        car.LJ_0       = 0;
                        car.LJ_1       = AutoTruck.LeftObstacle1;
                        car.LJ_2       = AutoTruck.LeftObstacle2;
                        car.LJ_3       = AutoTruck.LeftObstacle3;
                        car.LJ_4       = AutoTruck.LeftObstacle4;
                        car.LJ_5       = AutoTruck.LeftObstacle5;
                        car.LJ_6       = AutoTruck.LeftObstacle6;
                        car.UserName   = AutoTruck.Driver;
                        car.EditDate   = DateTime.Now;

                    KY_CYJ_OutRun outrun = this.EquDber.Entity <KY_CYJ_OutRun>(" where CYJ_Machine=@CYJ_Machine", new { CYJ_Machine = DataToKYMachine(this.MachineCode) });
                    if (outrun == null)
                        outrun             = new KY_CYJ_OutRun();
                        outrun.CYJ_Machine = DataToKYMachine(this.MachineCode);
                        outrun.Car_Number  = AutoTruck.CarNumber;
                        //outrun.Rcd_Code = commonDAO.SelfDber.Entity<CmcsBuyFuelTransport>(" where CarNumber=:CarNumber", new { CarNumber = AutoTruck.CarNumber }).SerialNumber;
                        outrun.CY_Code      = entity.SampleCode;
                        outrun.CY_Type      = "机械采样";
                        outrun.CY_Point     = entity.PointCount;
                        outrun.Batch_Number = entity.InFactoryBatchId;
                        outrun.CY_Control   = (int)eSamplingControl.采样指令;
                        outrun.CY_State     = (int)eSamplingState.等待采样;
                        outrun.Send_Time    = DateTime.Now;
                        //outrun.Clean_Flag = 0;
                        isSuccess = this.EquDber.Insert(outrun) > 0;
                        //outrun.CYJ_Machine = DataToKYMachine(this.MachineCode);
                        outrun.Car_Number = AutoTruck.CarNumber;
                        //outrun.Rcd_Code = commonDAO.SelfDber.Entity<CmcsBuyFuelTransport>(" where CarNumber=:CarNumber", new { CarNumber = AutoTruck.CarNumber }).SerialNumber;
                        outrun.CY_Code      = entity.SampleCode;
                        outrun.CY_Type      = "机械采样";
                        outrun.CY_Point     = entity.PointCount;
                        outrun.Batch_Number = entity.InFactoryBatchId;
                        outrun.CY_Control   = (int)eSamplingControl.采样指令;
                        outrun.CY_State     = (int)eSamplingState.等待采样;
                        outrun.Send_Time    = DateTime.Now;
                        //outrun.Clean_Flag = 0;
                        isSuccess = this.EquDber.Update(outrun) > 0;

                if (isSuccess)
                    entity.SyncFlag = 1;

            output(string.Format("同步采样计划 {0} 条(集中管控 > 第三方)-{1}", res, this.MachineCode), eOutputType.Normal);

            res = 0;
            // 第三方 > 集中管控 同步采样结果
            foreach (KY_CYJ_Record entity in this.EquDber.Entities <KY_CYJ_Record>("where CYJ_Machine=@CYJ_Machine and datediff(dd,Begin_Date,getdate())=0", new { CYJ_Machine = DataToKYMachine(this.MachineCode) }))
                InfQCJXCYSampleCMD samplecmdInf = Dbers.GetInstance().SelfDber.Entity <InfQCJXCYSampleCMD>("where MachineCode=:MachineCode and SampleCode=:SampleCode and CarNumber=:CarNumber and DataFlag=0 order by createdate desc", new { MachineCode = this.MachineCode, SampleCode = entity.CY_Code, CarNumber = entity.Car_Number });
                if (samplecmdInf == null)

                samplecmdInf.StartTime  = entity.Begin_Date;
                samplecmdInf.EndTime    = entity.End_Date;
                samplecmdInf.SampleUser = entity.CY_User;

                if (Dbers.GetInstance().SelfDber.Update(samplecmdInf) > 0)
            //采样结果 采样完成后采样指令为0 采样状态为采样完成  开元接收到采样命令后会把采样状态改为0 等待采样
            foreach (KY_CYJ_OutRun entity in this.EquDber.Entities <KY_CYJ_OutRun>(" where CYJ_Machine=@CYJ_Machine and CY_Control=0 and CY_State!=0 and Convert(varchar(10),SEND_TIME,120)>=convert(varchar(10),GETDATE(),120)", new { CYJ_Machine = DataToKYMachine(this.MachineCode) }))
                InfQCJXCYSampleCMD samplecmdInf = Dbers.GetInstance().SelfDber.Entity <InfQCJXCYSampleCMD>("where MachineCode=:MachineCode and SampleCode=:SampleCode and CarNumber=:CarNumber and DataFlag=0 order by createdate desc", new { MachineCode = this.MachineCode, SampleCode = entity.CY_Code, CarNumber = entity.Car_Number });
                if (samplecmdInf == null)
                if (entity.CY_State == 2)//采样完成
                    samplecmdInf.ResultCode = eEquInfCmdResultCode.成功.ToString();
                else if (entity.CY_State == 3)
                    samplecmdInf.ResultCode = eEquInfCmdResultCode.失败.ToString();
                samplecmdInf.DataFlag = 1;
                if (Dbers.GetInstance().SelfDber.Update(samplecmdInf) > 0)
            output(string.Format("同步采样计划 {0} 条(第三方 > 集中管控)-{1}", res, this.MachineCode), eOutputType.Normal);