public /* Interface KGuiControl */ void GuiLegendUpdate() { if (NSThread.IsMain) { KChartHandler.VisibilityRestore(); // this is needed to hide the series in the legend KGui.kControls.SetLegend(); } else { _ = BeginInvokeOnMainThreadAsync(() => { GuiLegendUpdate(); return(ack); }).Result; } }
public /* Interface KGuiControl */ void GuiChartUpdate() { if (NSThread.IsMain) { KChartHandler.VisibilityRestore(); // this is needed to hide the series in the chart this.kaemikaChart.Invalidate(); } else { _ = BeginInvokeOnMainThreadAsync(() => { GuiChartUpdate(); return(ack); }).Result; } }
public /* Interface KGuiControl */ void GuiLegendUpdate() { if (!this.InvokeRequired) { KChartHandler.VisibilityRestore(); // this is needed to hide the series in the legend KGui.kControls.SetLegend(); KGui.kControls.InvalidateLegend(); } else { this.Invoke((Action) delegate { GuiLegendUpdate(); }); } }
public /* Interface KGuiControl */ void GuiChartUpdate() { if (!this.InvokeRequired) { KChartHandler.VisibilityRestore(); // this is needed to hide the series in the chart KChartSKControl.SetSize(panel_KChart.Size); KChartSKControl.InvalidateAndUpdate(); } else { this.Invoke((Action) delegate { GuiChartUpdate(); }); } }