        private static void Main()
            // Here we declare that our samples will be 2 dimensional column vectors.
            // (Note that if you don't know the dimensionality of your vectors at compile time
            // you can change the 2 to a 0 and then set the size at runtime)

            // Now we are making a typedef for the kind of kernel we want to use.  I picked the
            // radial basis kernel because it only has one parameter and generally gives good
            // results without much fiddling.
            using (var rbk = new RadialBasisKernel <double, Matrix <double> >(0.1d, 2, 1))
                // Here we declare an instance of the kcentroid object.  The kcentroid has 3 parameters
                // you need to set.  The first argument to the constructor is the kernel we wish to
                // use.  The second is a parameter that determines the numerical accuracy with which
                // the object will perform the centroid estimation.  Generally, smaller values
                // give better results but cause the algorithm to attempt to use more dictionary vectors
                // (and thus run slower and use more memory).  The third argument, however, is the
                // maximum number of dictionary vectors a kcentroid is allowed to use.  So you can use
                // it to control the runtime complexity.
                using (var test = new KCentroid <double, RadialBasisKernel <double, Matrix <double> > >(rbk, 0.01, 15))
                    // now we train our object on a few samples of the sinc function.
                    using (var m = Matrix <double> .CreateTemplateParameterizeMatrix(2, 1))
                        for (double x = -15; x <= 8; x += 1)
                            m[0] = x;
                            m[1] = Sinc(x);

                        using (var rs = new RunningStats <double>())
                            // Now let's output the distance from the centroid to some points that are from the sinc function.
                            // These numbers should all be similar.  We will also calculate the statistics of these numbers
                            // by accumulating them into the running_stats object called rs.  This will let us easily
                            // find the mean and standard deviation of the distances for use below.
                            Console.WriteLine("Points that are on the sinc function:");
                            m[0] = -1.5; m[1] = Sinc(m[0]); Console.WriteLine($"   {test.Operator(m)}"); rs.Add(test.Operator(m));
                            m[0] = -1.5; m[1] = Sinc(m[0]); Console.WriteLine($"   {test.Operator(m)}"); rs.Add(test.Operator(m));
                            m[0] = -0;   m[1] = Sinc(m[0]); Console.WriteLine($"   {test.Operator(m)}"); rs.Add(test.Operator(m));
                            m[0] = -0.5; m[1] = Sinc(m[0]); Console.WriteLine($"   {test.Operator(m)}"); rs.Add(test.Operator(m));
                            m[0] = -4.1; m[1] = Sinc(m[0]); Console.WriteLine($"   {test.Operator(m)}"); rs.Add(test.Operator(m));
                            m[0] = -1.5; m[1] = Sinc(m[0]); Console.WriteLine($"   {test.Operator(m)}"); rs.Add(test.Operator(m));
                            m[0] = -0.5; m[1] = Sinc(m[0]); Console.WriteLine($"   {test.Operator(m)}"); rs.Add(test.Operator(m));

                            // Let's output the distance from the centroid to some points that are NOT from the sinc function.
                            // These numbers should all be significantly bigger than previous set of numbers.  We will also
                            // use the rs.scale() function to find out how many standard deviations they are away from the
                            // mean of the test points from the sinc function.  So in this case our criterion for "significantly bigger"
                            // is > 3 or 4 standard deviations away from the above points that actually are on the sinc function.
                            Console.WriteLine("Points that are NOT on the sinc function:");
                            m[0] = -1.5; m[1] = Sinc(m[0]) + 4;   Console.WriteLine($"   {test.Operator(m)} is {rs.Scale(test.Operator(m))} standard deviations from sinc.");
                            m[0] = -1.5; m[1] = Sinc(m[0]) + 3;   Console.WriteLine($"   {test.Operator(m)} is {rs.Scale(test.Operator(m))} standard deviations from sinc.");
                            m[0] = -0;   m[1] = -Sinc(m[0]);      Console.WriteLine($"   {test.Operator(m)} is {rs.Scale(test.Operator(m))} standard deviations from sinc.");
                            m[0] = -0.5; m[1] = -Sinc(m[0]);      Console.WriteLine($"   {test.Operator(m)} is {rs.Scale(test.Operator(m))} standard deviations from sinc.");
                            m[0] = -4.1; m[1] = Sinc(m[0]) + 2;   Console.WriteLine($"   {test.Operator(m)} is {rs.Scale(test.Operator(m))} standard deviations from sinc.");
                            m[0] = -1.5; m[1] = Sinc(m[0]) + 0.9; Console.WriteLine($"   {test.Operator(m)} is {rs.Scale(test.Operator(m))} standard deviations from sinc.");
                            m[0] = -0.5; m[1] = Sinc(m[0]) + 1;   Console.WriteLine($"   {test.Operator(m)} is {rs.Scale(test.Operator(m))} standard deviations from sinc.");

                            // And finally print out the mean and standard deviation of points that are actually from sinc().
                            Console.WriteLine($"\nmean: {rs.Mean}");
                            Console.WriteLine($"standard deviation: {rs.StdDev}");

                            // The output is as follows:

                             *  Points that are on the sinc function:
                             *      0.869913
                             *      0.869913
                             *      0.873408
                             *      0.872807
                             *      0.870432
                             *      0.869913
                             *      0.872807
                             *  Points that are NOT on the sinc function:
                             *      1.06366 is 119.65 standard deviations from sinc.
                             *      1.02212 is 93.8106 standard deviations from sinc.
                             *      0.921382 is 31.1458 standard deviations from sinc.
                             *      0.918439 is 29.3147 standard deviations from sinc.
                             *      0.931428 is 37.3949 standard deviations from sinc.
                             *      0.898018 is 16.6121 standard deviations from sinc.
                             *      0.914425 is 26.8183 standard deviations from sinc.
                             *      mean: 0.871313
                             *      standard deviation: 0.00160756

                            // So we can see that in this example the kcentroid object correctly indicates that
                            // the non-sinc points are definitely not points from the sinc function.
        private static void Main()
            // Here we declare that our samples will be 2 dimensional column vectors.
            // (Note that if you don't know the dimensionality of your vectors at compile time
            // you can change the 2 to a 0 and then set the size at runtime)

            // Now we are making a typedef for the kind of kernel we want to use.  I picked the
            // radial basis kernel because it only has one parameter and generally gives good
            // results without much fiddling.
            using (var rbk = new RadialBasisKernel <double, Matrix <double> >(0.1d, 2, 1))
                // Here we declare an instance of the kcentroid object.  It is the object used to
                // represent each of the centers used for clustering.  The kcentroid has 3 parameters
                // you need to set.  The first argument to the constructor is the kernel we wish to
                // use.  The second is a parameter that determines the numerical accuracy with which
                // the object will perform part of the learning algorithm.  Generally, smaller values
                // give better results but cause the algorithm to attempt to use more dictionary vectors
                // (and thus run slower and use more memory).  The third argument, however, is the
                // maximum number of dictionary vectors a kcentroid is allowed to use.  So you can use
                // it to control the runtime complexity.
                using (var kc = new KCentroid <double, RadialBasisKernel <double, Matrix <double> > >(rbk, 0.01, 8))
                    // Now we make an instance of the kkmeans object and tell it to use kcentroid objects
                    // that are configured with the parameters from the kc object we defined above.

                    using (var test = new KKMeans <double, RadialBasisKernel <double, Matrix <double> > >(kc))
                        var samples = new List <Matrix <double> >();

                        using (var m = Matrix <double> .CreateTemplateParameterizeMatrix(2, 1))
                            using (var rnd = new Rand())
                                // we will make 50 points from each class
                                const int num = 50;

                                // make some samples near the origin
                                var radius = 0.5d;
                                for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i)
                                    double sign = 1;
                                    if (rnd.GetRandomDouble() < 0.5)
                                        sign = -1;
                                    m[0] = 2 * radius * rnd.GetRandomDouble() - radius;
                                    m[1] = sign * Math.Sqrt(radius * radius - m[0] * m[0]);

                                    // add this sample to our set of samples we will run k-means

                                // make some samples in a circle around the origin but far away
                                radius = 10.0;
                                for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i)
                                    double sign = 1;
                                    if (rnd.GetRandomDouble() < 0.5)
                                        sign = -1;
                                    m[0] = 2 * radius * rnd.GetRandomDouble() - radius;
                                    m[1] = sign * Math.Sqrt(radius * radius - m[0] * m[0]);

                                    // add this sample to our set of samples we will run k-means

                                // make some samples in a circle around the point (25,25)
                                radius = 4.0;
                                for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i)
                                    double sign = 1;
                                    if (rnd.GetRandomDouble() < 0.5)
                                        sign = -1;
                                    m[0] = 2 * radius * rnd.GetRandomDouble() - radius;
                                    m[1] = sign * Math.Sqrt(radius * radius - m[0] * m[0]);

                                    // translate this point away from the origin
                                    m[0] += 25;
                                    m[1] += 25;

                                    // add this sample to our set of samples we will run k-means

                                // tell the kkmeans object we made that we want to run k-means with k set to 3.
                                // (i.e. we want 3 clusters)
                                test.NumberOfCenters = 3;

                                // You need to pick some initial centers for the k-means algorithm.  So here
                                // we will use the dlib::pick_initial_centers() function which tries to find
                                // n points that are far apart (basically).
                                var initialCenters = Dlib.PickInitialCenters(3, samples, test.Kernel);

                                // now run the k-means algorithm on our set of samples.
                                test.Train(samples, initialCenters);

                                // now loop over all our samples and print out their predicted class.  In this example
                                // all points are correctly identified.
                                for (var i = 0; i < samples.Count / 3; ++i)
                                    Console.Write($"{test.Operator(samples[i])} ");
                                    Console.Write($"{test.Operator(samples[i + num])} ");
                                    Console.WriteLine($"{test.Operator(samples[i + 2 * num])}");

                                // Now print out how many dictionary vectors each center used.  Note that
                                // the maximum number of 8 was reached.  If you went back to the kcentroid
                                // constructor and changed the 8 to some bigger number you would see that these
                                // numbers would go up.  However, 8 is all we need to correctly cluster this dataset.
                                Console.WriteLine($"num dictionary vectors for center 0: {test.GetKCentroid(0).DictionarySize}");
                                Console.WriteLine($"num dictionary vectors for center 1: {test.GetKCentroid(1).DictionarySize}");
                                Console.WriteLine($"num dictionary vectors for center 2: {test.GetKCentroid(2).DictionarySize}");

                                // Finally, we can also solve the same kind of non-linear clustering problem with
                                // spectral_cluster().  The output is a vector that indicates which cluster each sample
                                // belongs to.  Just like with kkmeans, it assigns each point to the correct cluster.
                                using (var tmp = new RadialBasisKernel <double, Matrix <double> >(0.1, 2, 1))
                                    var assignments = Dlib.SpectralCluster(tmp, samples, 3);
                                    using (var mat = Dlib.Mat(assignments))
