public void Test_KC_FloatVector_CosineSim()
            float[] vec1      = { 31.5202609F, 40.01996581F, 49.89208719F, 73.88465236F, 61.65325936F };
            float[] vec2      = { 60.74887955F, 69.51020825F, 21.68914134F, 24.71560093F, 86.70878694F };
            double  cosignsim = 0.8263762988702843;

            var fv1 = new KC_FloatVector(vec1);
            var fv2 = new KC_FloatVector(vec2);

            // Test combinations without normalized vectors
            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(cosignsim, fv1.CosineSim(vec2)));
            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(cosignsim, fv2.CosineSim(vec1)));
            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(cosignsim, fv1.CosineSim(fv2)));
            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(cosignsim, fv2.CosineSim(fv1)));

            // Normalize first vector and test combos
            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(cosignsim, fv1.CosineSim(vec2)));
            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(cosignsim, fv2.CosineSim(vec1)));
            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(cosignsim, fv1.CosineSim(fv2)));
            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(cosignsim, fv2.CosineSim(fv1)));

            // Normalize second vector and test combos
            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(cosignsim, fv1.CosineSim(vec2)));
            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(cosignsim, fv2.CosineSim(vec1)));
            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(cosignsim, fv1.CosineSim(fv2)));
            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(cosignsim, fv2.CosineSim(fv1)));
 public void Test_KC_FloatVector_Constructors(KC_FloatVector fv, float[] floatArray, bool readOnly)
     Assert.Equal(floatArray, fv.FloatArray);
     Assert.Equal(readOnly, fv.ReadOnly);
        public void Test_KC_FloatVector_Dot()
            // Two random five dimensional arrays (generated in python)
            float[] vec1    = { 31.5202609F, 40.01996581F, 49.89208719F, 73.88465236F, 61.65325936F };
            float[] vec2    = { 60.74887955F, 69.51020825F, 21.68914134F, 24.71560093F, 86.70878694F };
            double  dotProd = 12950.716133892063;

            var fv1 = new KC_FloatVector(vec1);
            var fv2 = new KC_FloatVector(vec2);

            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(dotProd, fv1.Dot(vec2)));
            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(dotProd, fv2.Dot(vec1)));
            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(dotProd, fv1.Dot(fv2)));
            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(dotProd, fv2.Dot(fv1)));

            float[]        vec3 = null;
            float[]        vec4 = { 0.1F, 0.2F };
            var            fv3  = new KC_FloatVector();
            KC_FloatVector fv4  = null;

            // Attempt to take dot product with float vector that has not been initialized.
                Assert.True(false, "Dot product with null float[] succeeded.");
            catch (ArgumentNullException) { }

            // Attempt to take dot product with uninitialized KC_FloatVector
                Assert.True(false, "Calling dot product on initialized KC_FloatVector succeeded.");
            catch (InvalidOperationException) { }

            // Attempt to take dot product with vectors that are not the same length.
                Assert.True(false, "Dot product with two dissimilar length vectors succeeded.");
            catch (ArgumentException) { }

            // Attempt to take dot product with null KC_FloatVector
                Assert.True(false, "Dot product with null KC_FloatVector succeeded.");
            catch (ArgumentNullException) { }

            // Attempt to take dot product with KC_Float fector that has not been initialized
                Assert.True(false, "Dot product with uninitilized KC_FloatVector succeeded.");
            catch (InvalidOperationException) { }
        public void Test_KC_FloatVector_Normalize()
            float[]        floats = { 0.1F, 0.2F, 0.3F, 0.4F, 0.5F };
            KC_FloatVector fv     = new KC_FloatVector(floats);


            Assert.Equal(floats, fv.FloatVector);
            float[] normfloats = { 0.13483997249264842F, 0.26967994498529685F, 0.40451991747794525F, 0.5393598899705937F, 0.674199862463242F };
            for (int i = 0; i < floats.Length; i++)
                Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(normfloats[i], fv.NormalizedVector[i]));

            float[] normalized = new float [fv.NormalizedVector.Count];
            fv.NormalizedVector.CopyTo(normalized, 0);
            double normlen = KC_FloatVector.Length(normalized);

            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(1.0, normlen));
            fv.FloatVector = new float[] { 9.0F, 8.0F, 7.0F };
        public void Test_KC_FloatVector_CloneAssignment()
            float[] floats = { 10F, 11F, 12F };
            var     fv1    = new KC_FloatVector(floats);
            var     fv2    = new KC_FloatVector(fv1);

            fv2.FloatVector[0] = 1F;
            Assert.NotEqual(fv1.FloatVector[0], fv2.FloatVector[0]);
        public void Test_KC_FloatVector_Length()
            float[] floats = { 1.0F, 2.0F, 3.0F, 4.0F, 5.0F };
            double  len    = KC_FloatVector.Length(floats);

            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(len, 7.416198));

            KC_FloatVector fv = new KC_FloatVector(floats);

            Assert.True(EqualWithinTolerance(fv.Length(), 7.416198));
        public void Test_KC_FloatVector_Assignment()
            float[]        floats1 = { 0.1F, 0.2F, 0.3F };
            KC_FloatVector fv      = new KC_FloatVector(floats1, false);

            float[] floats2 = { 1.0F, 2.0F, 3.0F, 4.0F };

            fv.FloatVector = floats2;
            Assert.Equal(floats2, fv.FloatVector);

            fv.FloatVector[0] = 0.0F;
            Assert.Equal(0.0F, fv.FloatVector[0]);

            float[] myFloats = (float[])fv.FloatVector;
            myFloats[1] = 0.0F;
            Assert.Equal(0.0F, fv.FloatVector[1]);

            fv.ReadOnly = true;

                fv.FloatVector = floats1;
                Assert.True(false, "Assignment to FloatVector property of a read only FloatVector succeeded");
            catch (InvalidOperationException) { }

                fv.ReadOnly = false;
                Assert.True(false, "Assignment to ReadOnly property of a read only FloatVector suycceeded.");
            catch (InvalidOperationException) { }

                fv.FloatVector[0] = 0.0F;
                Assert.True(false, "Assignment to FloatVector index of a read only FloatVector succeeded.");
            catch (NotSupportedException) { }

                float[] myfloats = (float[])fv.FloatVector;
                myfloats[0] = 0.0F;
                Assert.True(false, "Assignment to FloatVector index of a read only FloatVector succeeded.");
            catch (InvalidCastException) { }
         * Tests for KC_FloatVector.
        #region KC_FloatVector tests

         * Data and test method for testing KC_FloatVector constructors.
        #region KC_FloatVector constructor tests
        public static IEnumerable <object[]> Data_KC_FloatVector_Constructors()
            KC_FloatVector fv1 = new KC_FloatVector();

            float[]        floats1 = { 0.1F, 0.2F, 0.3F, 0.4F };
            KC_FloatVector fv2     = new KC_FloatVector(floats1);

            float[]        floats2 = { 1.1F, 2.2F, 3.3F, 4.4F };
            KC_FloatVector fv3     = new KC_FloatVector(floats2, false);
            KC_FloatVector fv4     = new KC_FloatVector(floats2, true);

            KC_FloatVector fv5 = new KC_FloatVector(fv4);

             * Structure of object[]
             * KC_FloatVector - the KC_FloatVector to test
             * float[] - value of FloatVector
             * bool - value of ReadOnly
            return(new List <object[]>
                // KC_FloatVector()
                new object[] { fv1, null, false },

                // KC_FloatVector(floats1)
                new object[] { fv2, floats1, false },

                // KC_FloatVector(floats2, false)
                new object[] { fv3, floats2, false },

                // KC_FloatVector(floats2, true)
                new object[] { fv4, floats2, true },

                // KC_FloatVector(fv4)
                new object[] { fv5, floats2, true },