protected void compareDates() { DateTime doB; var leohii = DateTime.Today; var dofB = dateofBirth.Value.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dofB)) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Select a valid date!"); dateofBirth.Focus(); return; } else { doB = DateTime.Parse(dofB); } var myAge = (leohii - doB).TotalDays; if (myAge < 18) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("PG 13 pls go to bed"); } else { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("18 and above, greenlight"); } }
public bool CheckConsultant(string idNoReg) { bool status = false; var credentials = new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_USER"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_PWD"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DOMAIN"]); Portals sup = new Portals(); sup.Credentials = credentials; sup.PreAuthenticate = true; if (sup.FnVerifyConsultant(idNoReg) == true) { status = true; KCDFAlert.ShowAlert(status.ToString() + "That Reg No/ID No is already taken"); //Session["myStatusIs"] = status; //lblStatus.Text = Session["myStatusIs"].ToString(); } else { status = false; //Session["myStatusIsFalse"] = status; // KCDFAlert.ShowAlert(status.ToString()+"Not Taken"); CreateAConsultant(); } return(status); }
protected void readEducBgData() { var edctnData = nav.studentsRegister.ToList().Where(r => r.Username == Session["username"].ToString()); try { var ggNN = edctnData.Select(p => p.Parent_or_Guardian_Phone).SingleOrDefault(); if (ggNN != null) { var mobileBuilder = new StringBuilder(ggNN); mobileBuilder.Remove(0, 4); //Trim four characters from position 1 mobileBuilder.Insert(0, "0"); // replace position +254 with 0 ggNN = mobileBuilder.ToString(); txtGuardianPhone.Text = ggNN; } } catch (Exception ex) { txtGuardianPhone.Text = ""; } try { var secsh = edctnData.Select(se => se.Secondary_School).SingleOrDefault(); txtSecon.Text = secsh; txtCollg.Text = edctnData.Select(un => un.University_or_College).SingleOrDefault(); txtDegree.Text = edctnData.Select(fc => fc.Course).SingleOrDefault(); txtFaculty.Text = edctnData.Select(fc => fc.Course).SingleOrDefault(); txtYearofStd.Text = edctnData.Select(yos => yos.Year_of_Study).Single(); txtForm.Text = edctnData.Select(yos => yos.Year_of_Study).Single(); var yoAd = edctnData.Select(yoa => Convert.ToDateTime(yoa.Year_of_Admission)).SingleOrDefault(); var yoC = edctnData.Select(yoc => Convert.ToDateTime(yoc.Year_of_Completion)).SingleOrDefault(); txtGuardianEmail.Text = edctnData.Select(em => em.Parent_or_Guardian_Email).SingleOrDefault(); txtGuardianAddress.Text = edctnData.Select(ad => ad.Parent_or_Guardian_Address).SingleOrDefault(); txtYoAdmn.Text = yoAd.ToShortDateString(); txtSecoYofAdm.Text = yoAd.ToShortDateString(); txtYofcomplt.Text = yoC.ToShortDateString(); txtSecoEndYear.Text = yoC.ToShortDateString(); int marsk = edctnData.Select(mk => Convert.ToInt32(mk.KCPE_Marks)).SingleOrDefault(); var fGrade = edctnData.Select(grd => grd.KCSE_Grade).SingleOrDefault(); int ttMks = edctnData.Select(ttm => Convert.ToInt32(ttm.KCPE_Total_Marks)).SingleOrDefault(); txtMarks.Text = Convert.ToString(marsk); txtTotalMarks.Text = Convert.ToString(ttMks); rdoBtnListGrade.SelectedValue = fGrade; txtMyPrimo.Text = edctnData.Select(pr => pr.Primary_School).SingleOrDefault(); } catch (Exception exr) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Your Data is Incomplete, Please Fill all the data!"); } }
protected void loadRefs() { try { var allmyrefs = nav.myReferees.ToList().Where(us => us.Username == Session["username"].ToString()); tblRefs.AutoGenerateColumns = false; tblRefs.DataSource = allmyrefs; tblRefs.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert(ex.Message); } }
protected void readData() { try { var granteeData = nav.grantees_Register.ToList().Where(r => r.Organization_Username == Session["username"].ToString()); txPhoneNo.Text = granteeData.Select(pn => pn.Phone).SingleOrDefault().ToString(); txOrgname.Text = granteeData.Select(fn => fn.Organization_Name).SingleOrDefault().ToString(); txEmailAdd.Text = granteeData.Select(em => em.Email).SingleOrDefault().ToString(); } catch (Exception exp) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Your Information is not Up to Date, update!"); } }
protected void readData() { var studData = nav.studentsRegister.ToList().Where(r => r.Username == Session["username"].ToString()); try { var ppNN = studData.Select(p => p.Phone_Number).SingleOrDefault(); if (ppNN != null) { var mobileBuilder = new StringBuilder(ppNN); mobileBuilder.Remove(0, 4); //Trim four characters from position 1 mobileBuilder.Insert(0, "0"); // replace position +254 with 0 ppNN = mobileBuilder.ToString(); txtPhoneNo.Text = ppNN; } } catch (Exception ex) { txtPhoneNo.Text = ""; } try { txtfNname.Text = studData.Select(fn => fn.First_name).SingleOrDefault(); txtMname.Text = studData.Select(mn => mn.Middle_name).SingleOrDefault(); txtLname.Text = studData.Select(ln => ln.Last_name).SingleOrDefault(); txtResidence.Text = studData.Select(r => r.Residence).SingleOrDefault(); txtIDNo.Text = studData.Select(id => id.ID_No).SingleOrDefault(); txtEmailAdd.Text = studData.Select(em => em.Email).SingleOrDefault(); txtCounty.Text = studData.Select(em => em.County).SingleOrDefault(); txtSubCounty.Text = studData.Select(em => em.SubCounty).SingleOrDefault(); var dtB = studData.Select(dtoB => dtoB.Date_of_Birth).SingleOrDefault().ToString(); var dt1 = DateTime.Parse(dtB); dateOFBirth.Value = dt1.ToShortDateString(); var gent = studData.Select(g => g.Gender).SingleOrDefault(); if (gent == "Male") { lstGender.SelectedIndex = 1; } else { lstGender.SelectedIndex = 2; } } catch (Exception exr) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Your Data is Incomplete, please fill all your information"); } }
protected void getPostaCodes() { try { var posta = nav.list_myPosta.ToList(); ddlPostalCode.DataSource = posta; ddlPostalCode.DataTextField = "Postal_Code"; ddlPostalCode.DataValueField = "Postal_Code"; ddlPostalCode.DataBind(); ddlPostalCode.Items.Insert(0, "--Select Postal Code--"); } catch (Exception exp) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Your Postal code is not updated, Please update"); } }
protected void btnAddRefer_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var usernaMe = Session["username"].ToString(); var studNo = nav.studentsRegister.ToList() .Where(s => s.Username == Session["username"].ToString()) .Select(sn => sn.No) .SingleOrDefault(); var refFname = txtrefFname.Text.Trim(); var refmname = refMidName.Text.Trim(); var refLname = refLName.Text.Trim(); var refemail = refEmail.Text.Trim(); var ferPhneNo = refMobile.Text.Trim(); var mobileBuilder = new StringBuilder(ferPhneNo); mobileBuilder.Remove(0, 1); //Trim one character from position 1 mobileBuilder.Insert(0, "+254"); // replace position 0 with +254 ferPhneNo = mobileBuilder.ToString(); try { var credentials = new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_USER"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_PWD"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DOMAIN"]); var nws = new Portals(); nws.Credentials = credentials; nws.PreAuthenticate = true; nws.FnAddReferee(usernaMe, studNo, refFname, refmname, refLname, ferPhneNo, refemail); KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Referee Added Successfully!"); loadRefs(); txtrefFname.Text = ""; refMidName.Text = ""; refLName.Text = ""; refEmail.Text = ""; refMobile.Text = ""; } catch (Exception ep) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert(ep.Message); } }
protected void ddlnonPartisan_OnSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int selVal = ddlnonPartisan.SelectedIndex; if (selVal == 0) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Please select a valid choice"); } else if (selVal == 1) { txtAreaPartisan.Visible = true; txtAreaPartisan.Focus(); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "anything", "pageLoad();", true); } else { txtAreaPartisan.Visible = false; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "anything", "pageLoad();", true); } }
protected void lnkDelete_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var usnme = Session["username"].ToString(); var refNo = Session["ref_no"].ToString(); try { } catch (Exception ex) { var credentials = new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_USER"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_PWD"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DOMAIN"]); var nws = new Portals(); nws.Credentials = credentials; nws.PreAuthenticate = true; nws.FnDeleteReferee(usnme, refNo); KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Referee Deleted!"); loadRefs(); } }
protected void ddlSelCounty_OnSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int selIndex = ddlSelCounty.SelectedIndex; switch (selIndex) { case 0: KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Invalid County selection"); break; default: var sbCntysplit00 = ddlSelCounty.SelectedValue; var subCnty = nav.mysubCountyIs.Where(sc => sc.County_Code == sbCntysplit00).ToList(); ddlConstituency.DataSource = subCnty; ddlConstituency.DataTextField = "Sub_County_Name"; ddlConstituency.DataValueField = "Sub_County_Name"; ddlConstituency.DataBind(); ddlConstituency.Items.Insert(0, "--Select your Sub County--"); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "anything", "pageLoad();", true); //KCDFAlert.ShowAlert(sbCntysplit00); break; } }
protected void editProfile() { var MobileString = txPhoneNo.Text.Trim(); var mobileBuilder = new StringBuilder(MobileString); mobileBuilder.Remove(0, 1); //Trim one character from position 1 mobileBuilder.Insert(0, "+254"); // replace position 0 with +254 MobileString = mobileBuilder.ToString(); string usname = Session["username"].ToString(); string coName = txOrgname.Text.Trim(); string eAddr = txEmailAdd.Text.Trim(); var credentials = new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_USER"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_PWD"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DOMAIN"]); Portals sup = new Portals(); sup.Credentials = credentials; sup.PreAuthenticate = true; // sup.FnRegisterStudent(fname, mname, lname, idno, resid, MobileString, usname, gentype); KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Your account succcessfully Edited"); }
protected void CreateStudentUser() { string fname = txtFirstname.Text.Trim(); string mname = txtMiddlename.Text.Trim(); string lname = txtLastname.Text.Trim(); string email = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); string username = txtUserName.Text.Trim(); string passW1 = txtPassword1.Text.Trim(); string confirPwd = txtPassConfirmed.Text.Trim(); string activationCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); int gender = Convert.ToInt32(Session["gender"].ToString()); string admNo = txtIDorRegNo.Text.Trim(); string passEncrypt = EncryptP(confirPwd); DateTime doB; var leohii = DateTime.Today; var dofB = dateofBirth.Value.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dofB)) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Select a valid date!"); dateofBirth.Focus(); return; } else { doB = DateTime.Parse(dofB); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fname) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(lname) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(email) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(passW1) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(confirPwd)) { lblError.Text = "Please fill all the empty required fields!"; return; } if (passW1 != confirPwd) { lblError.Text = "Password Mismatch, try again!"; KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Password Mismatch, try again!"); txtPassword1.Text = ""; txtPassConfirmed.Text = ""; } else { try { var credentials = new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_USER"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_PWD"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DOMAIN"]); Portals sup = new Portals(); sup.Credentials = credentials; sup.PreAuthenticate = true; if (sup.FnCreateAccount(fname, mname, lname, email, username, passEncrypt, activationCode, gender, doB, admNo)) { this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "getmeTohomeConfirm()", true); //call goback to login to load Default page for user InsertToActivationDB(username, activationCode); using (MailMessage mm = new MailMessage("*****@*****.**", email)) { string ActivationUrl = string.Empty; ActivationUrl = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Account/Activated.aspx?ActivationCode=" + activationCode + "&username="******""; //Click here to activate your account //var contactUsUrl = Page.ResolveClientUrl("~/Account/Register.aspx"); mm.Subject = "KCDF Account Activation"; string body = "Hello " + username + ","; body += "<br /><br />Please click the following link to activate your account"; // body += "<br /><a href = '" + Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace("/Account/Register.aspx", "/Account/Activated.aspx?ActivationCode=" + activationCode) + "'>Click here to activate your account.</a>"; body += "<br />" + ActivationUrl + ""; body += "<br /><br />Thanks"; mm.Body = body; mm.IsBodyHtml = true; SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); smtp.Host = ""; smtp.EnableSsl = true; NetworkCredential NetworkCred = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Kcdfportal@4321*~"); smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = true; smtp.Credentials = NetworkCred; smtp.Port = 587; smtp.Send(mm); // KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Activation link has been send to your email"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message; return; } } }
protected void GetScholarAccount() { string email = txtExEmail.Text.Trim(); string username = txtExUsername.Text.Trim(); string passW1 = txtXPass1.Text.Trim(); string confirPwd = txtXPass2.Text.Trim(); string activationCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(passW1) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(confirPwd)) { lblError.Text = "Please fill all the empty required fields!"; return; } if (passW1 != confirPwd) { lblError.Text = "Password Mismatch, try again!"; KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Password Mismatch, try again!"); txtPassword1.Text = ""; txtPassConfirmed.Text = ""; return; } else { try { var credentials = new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_USER"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_PWD"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DOMAIN"]); Portals sup = new Portals(); sup.Credentials = credentials; sup.PreAuthenticate = true; if (sup.FnAddXstingScholar(email, username, EncryptP(confirPwd), activationCode)) { this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "getmeTohomeConfirm()", true); //call goback to login to load Default page for user InsertToActivationDB(username, activationCode); using (MailMessage mm = new MailMessage("*****@*****.**", email)) { string ActivationUrl = string.Empty; ActivationUrl = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Account/Activated.aspx?ActivationCode=" + activationCode + ""; //Click here to activate your account //var contactUsUrl = Page.ResolveClientUrl("~/Account/Register.aspx"); mm.Subject = "KCDF Grantee Account Activation"; string body = "Hello " + username + ","; body += "<br /><br />Please click the following link to activate your account"; // body += "<br /><a href = '" + Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace("/Account/Register.aspx", "/Account/Activated.aspx?ActivationCode=" + activationCode) + "'>Click here to activate your account.</a>"; body += "<br />" + ActivationUrl + ""; body += "<br /><br />Thanks"; mm.Body = body; mm.IsBodyHtml = true; SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); smtp.Host = ""; smtp.EnableSsl = true; NetworkCredential NetworkCred = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Kcdfportal@4321*~"); smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = true; smtp.Credentials = NetworkCred; smtp.Port = 587; smtp.Send(mm); // KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Activation link has been send to your email"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message; KCDFAlert.ShowAlert(ex.Message); return; } } }
protected void loadApplicationInfo() { try { var granteeInfo = nav.grantees_Register.ToList() .Where(n => n.Organization_Username.Equals(Session["username"].ToString())); TextBxcont.Text = granteeInfo.Select(co => co.Contact_Person).SingleOrDefault(); TextBoposition.Text = granteeInfo.Select(po => po.Current_Position).SingleOrDefault(); TextBxpostal.Text = granteeInfo.Select(pa => pa.Postal_Address).SingleOrDefault(); txtMyPostaIs.Text = granteeInfo.Select(pc => Convert.ToString(pc.Postal_Code)).SingleOrDefault(); // KCDFAlert.ShowAlert(txtMyPostaIs.Text); txtPostalTown.Text = granteeInfo.Select(ta => ta.Town).SingleOrDefault(); TextBoxphone.Text = granteeInfo.Select(pn => pn.Phone).SingleOrDefault(); txPhoneNo.Text = granteeInfo.Select(pn => pn.Phone).SingleOrDefault(); TextBoxweb.Text = granteeInfo.Select(wb => wb.Website).SingleOrDefault(); txtPhysicallAddr.Text = granteeInfo.Select(pad => pad.Physical_Address).SingleOrDefault(); var ngO = granteeInfo.Select(ot => ot.NGO).SingleOrDefault(); txtNgO.Text = ngO.ToString(); if (ngO == false) { ddlOrgType.SelectedIndex = 1; } if (ngO == true) { ddlOrgType.SelectedIndex = 2; } if (ngO == null) { ddlOrgType.SelectedIndex = 0; } var partsn = granteeInfo.Select(pt => pt.Partisan).SingleOrDefault(); txtpartsan.Text = partsn.ToString(); if (partsn == true) { ddlnonPartisan.SelectedIndex = 2; } if (partsn == false) { ddlnonPartisan.SelectedIndex = 1; txtAreaPartisan.Visible = true; txtAreaPartisan.Text = granteeInfo.Select(p => p.Non_Partisan_Describe).SingleOrDefault(); } var nonPr = granteeInfo.Select(np => np.Profitable).SingleOrDefault(); if (nonPr == false) { ddlNonProfitable.SelectedIndex = 1; } if (nonPr == true) { ddlNonProfitable.SelectedIndex = 2; } var legl = granteeInfo.Select(lg => lg.Legally_registered).SingleOrDefault(); txtlegalY.Text = legl.ToString(); if (legl == false) { ddlLegal.SelectedIndex = 1; } if (legl == true) { ddlLegal.SelectedIndex = 2; } ddlRegtype.SelectedItem.Text = granteeInfo.Select(rt => rt.Type_Of_Organization).SingleOrDefault(); txtOrgtype.Text = granteeInfo.Select(rt => rt.Type_Of_Organization).SingleOrDefault(); var doR = granteeInfo.Select(dr => Convert.ToDateTime(dr.Date_Registered)).SingleOrDefault(); dateofReg.Value = doR.ToShortDateString(); TextBoxreg.Text = granteeInfo.Select(rg => rg.Registration_No).SingleOrDefault(); txtregtypeIs.Text = granteeInfo.Select(rT => rT.Type_of_registration).SingleOrDefault(); } catch (Exception exp) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Your Information is not up to date, please Update!"); } }
protected void btnCreateAcc_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string orgname = txtOrgName.Text.Trim(); string orgmail = txtOrgEmail.Text.Trim(); string userNm = txtOrgUsername.Text.Trim(); string passMe1 = txtPasswordOne.Text.Trim(); string passMe = txtPassConfir.Text.Trim(); string activationCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (passMe1 != passMe) { lblError.Text = "Password Mismatch, try again!"; txtPassword1.Text = ""; txtPassConfirmed.Text = ""; } else { try { var credentials = new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_USER"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_PWD"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DOMAIN"]); Portals sup = new Portals(); sup.Credentials = credentials; sup.PreAuthenticate = true; sup.FnAddGrantee(orgname, orgmail, userNm, EncryptP(passMe), activationCode); KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Your account succcessfully created, proceed to activation from your email"); InsertToActivationDB(userNm, activationCode); using (MailMessage mm = new MailMessage("*****@*****.**", orgmail)) { string ActivationUrl = string.Empty; ActivationUrl = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Account/Activated_Grantees.aspx?ActivationCode=" + activationCode + "&username="******""; //Click here to activate your account //var contactUsUrl = Page.ResolveClientUrl("~/Account/Register.aspx"); mm.Subject = "KCDF Account Activation"; string body = "Hello " + userNm + ","; body += "<br /><br />Please click the following link to activate your account"; // body += "<br /><a href = '" + Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace("/Account/Register.aspx", "/Account/Activated.aspx?ActivationCode=" + activationCode) + "'>Click here to activate your account.</a>"; body += "<br />" + ActivationUrl + ""; body += "<br /><br />Thanks"; mm.Body = body; mm.IsBodyHtml = true; SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); smtp.Host = ""; smtp.EnableSsl = true; NetworkCredential NetworkCred = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Kcdfportal@4321*~"); smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = true; smtp.Credentials = NetworkCred; smtp.Port = 587; smtp.Send(mm); KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Activation link has been send to your email"); } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message; return; } } }
protected void EditEducationSecLevel() { try { DateTime yearOfAdmn; DateTime yrofCompln; int marks = 0; int ttMarks = 0; string mygradeIs; int optionIs = 0; string uni = ""; string seco; string YroStd; var usname = Session["username"].ToString(); var primo = lblValues.Text; var grdEmail = txtGuardianEmail.Text.Trim(); var grdAddr = txtGuardianAddress.Text.Trim(); //int edlev; //if (rdoBtnListEdLevel.SelectedIndex ==-1) //{ // ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", // "alert('Please select level of Education first');", true); // return; //} //else //{ // edlev = rdoBtnListEdLevel.SelectedIndex; //} int TorF = rdoBtnListEdLevel.SelectedIndex; switch (TorF) { case 0: optionIs = 0; break; case 1: optionIs = 1; break; default: ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Please select level of Education first!');", true); break; } if (ddlSeco.SelectedIndex == 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Please select secondary school');", true); return; } else { seco = ddlSeco.SelectedItem.Text.Trim(); } if (ddlFormwhat.SelectedIndex == 0) { ddlFormwhat.Focus(); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Please select class!');", true); return; } else { YroStd = ddlFormwhat.SelectedItem.Text; } var YoAdm = doAdm.Value; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(YoAdm)) { doAdm.Focus(); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Please select valid date');", true); return; } else { yearOfAdmn = DateTime.Parse(YoAdm); } var YoComptn = doEnd.Value; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(YoComptn)) { doEnd.Focus(); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Please select valid date');", true); return; } else { yrofCompln = DateTime.Parse(YoComptn); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtMarks.Text)) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Please Fill in your marks');", true); txtMarks.Focus(); txtMarks.BorderColor = Color.Red; return; } else { marks = Convert.ToInt32(txtMarks.Text); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtTotalMarks.Text)) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Please Fill in total marks');", true); txtTotalMarks.Focus(); txtTotalMarks.BorderColor = Color.Red; return; } else { ttMarks = Convert.ToInt32(txtTotalMarks.Text); } var grdPhne = txtGuardianPhone.Text.Trim(); var mobileBuilder = new StringBuilder(grdPhne); mobileBuilder.Remove(0, 1); //Trim one character from position 1 mobileBuilder.Insert(0, "+254"); // replace position 0 with +254 grdPhne = mobileBuilder.ToString(); try { if (yrofCompln < yearOfAdmn) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Admision Date should be later than Completion Date!');", true); doEnd.Value = ""; doAdm.Value = ""; return; } } catch (Exception ec) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Please select correct dates!');", true); } try { var credentials = new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_USER"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_PWD"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DOMAIN"]); var sup = new Portals(); sup.Credentials = credentials; sup.PreAuthenticate = true; if (sup.FnEducatBg(usname, primo, seco, uni, yearOfAdmn, YroStd, yrofCompln, grdPhne, grdEmail, grdAddr, "", marks, ttMarks, "", optionIs) == true) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Your Education Data Updated Successfully!');", true); // readEducBgData(); } } catch (Exception exc) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('" + exc.Message + "');", true); } } catch (Exception ex) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert(ex.Message); } }
protected void EditProfile() { //try //{ var MobileString = txtPhoneNo.Text.Trim(); var mobileBuilder = new StringBuilder(MobileString); mobileBuilder.Remove(0, 1); //Trim one character from position 1 mobileBuilder.Insert(0, "+254"); // replace position 0 with +254 MobileString = mobileBuilder.ToString(); DateTime dTOfBth; var gentype = 0; var usname = Session["username"].ToString(); var fname = txtfNname.Text.Trim(); var mname = txtMname.Text.Trim(); var lname = txtLname.Text.Trim(); var idno = txtIDNo.Text.Trim(); var resid = txtResidence.Text.Trim(); var gender = lstGender.SelectedItem.Text; var mycounty = ""; var mysubcounty = ""; if (ddlSelCounty.SelectedIndex == 0) { ddlSelCounty.Focus(); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Please select your county!');", true); return; } else { mycounty = ddlSelCounty.SelectedItem.Text; } if (ddlConstituency.SelectedIndex == 0) { ddlConstituency.Focus(); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Please select your subcounty!');", true); return; } else { mysubcounty = ddlConstituency.SelectedItem.Text; } if (lstGender.SelectedIndex == 0) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Please select a valid gender type!"); return; } if (gender.Equals("Male")) { gentype = 0; } else { gentype = 1; } var dtofBirth = dateOFBirth.Value; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dtofBirth)) { dateOFBirth.Focus(); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Please select valid date');", true); return; } else { dTOfBth = DateTime.Parse(dtofBirth); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(idno)) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Fill in ID Number!');", true); txtIDNo.Focus(); txtIDNo.BorderColor = Color.Red; return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MobileString)) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Fill in Mobile Number!');", true); txtPhoneNo.Focus(); txtPhoneNo.BorderColor = Color.Red; return; } var credentials = new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_USER"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_PWD"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DOMAIN"]); var sup = new Portals(); sup.Credentials = credentials; sup.PreAuthenticate = true; if ( sup.FnRegisterStudent(fname, mname, lname, idno, resid, MobileString, usname, gentype, dTOfBth, mycounty, mysubcounty) == true) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Your account succcessfully Edited!');", true); } //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Select Valid Date"); // ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Error!');", true); //} }
protected void rdoBtnListGrade_OnSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session["myGrade"] = rdoBtnListGrade.SelectedValue; KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("My Grade: " + Session["myGrade"]); }
protected void btnSave_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool ngo = false, notpartisan = false, nonprofit = false, legally = false; DateTime yearOfAdmn; string usanm = Session["username"].ToString(); string contactP = TextBxcont.Text.Trim(); string currposition = TextBoposition.Text.Trim(); string postaddress = TextBxpostal.Text.Trim(); string postcode = ""; string tao = txtPostalTown.Text.Trim(); string phoneNum = TextBoxphone.Text.Trim(); string webs = TextBoxweb.Text.Trim(); string registrationNum = TextBoxreg.Text.Trim(); string physicAddre = txtPhysicallAddr.Text.Trim(); string nonPartisanTxtA = txtAreaPartisan.Text.Trim(); //string nonPtrimmed = txtAreaPartisan.Text.Substring(0, txtAreaPartisan.Text.Length - 1); string regType = ddlRegtype.SelectedItem.Text; int nonG = ddlOrgType.SelectedIndex; if (nonG == 0) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Select valid option!"); } if (nonG == 1) { ngo = false; } if (nonG == 2) { ngo = true; } int nonPart = ddlnonPartisan.SelectedIndex; if (nonPart == 0) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Select valid option!"); } if (nonPart == 1) { notpartisan = false; } if (nonPart == 2) { notpartisan = true; } if (nonPart == 1 && nonPartisanTxtA == "") { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Please describe your partisanship"); return; } int nonProfit = ddlNonProfitable.SelectedIndex; if (nonProfit == 0) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Select valid option!"); } if (nonProfit == 1) { nonprofit = false; } if (nonProfit == 2) { nonprofit = true; } int legal = ddlLegal.SelectedIndex; if (legal == 0) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Select valid option!"); } if (legal == 1) { legally = false; } if (legal == 2) { legally = true; } if (ddlPostalCode.SelectedIndex == 0) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Please select postal code"); return; } else { postcode = ddlPostalCode.SelectedItem.Text; } var YoReg = dateofReg.Value.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(YoReg)) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Select a Valid Date"); dateofReg.Focus(); return; } else { yearOfAdmn = DateTime.Parse(YoReg); } try { var credentials = new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_USER"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["W_PWD"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DOMAIN"]); Portals sup = new Portals(); sup.Credentials = credentials; sup.PreAuthenticate = true; if (sup.FnRegGranteeInfo(usanm, contactP, currposition, phoneNum, postaddress, postcode, tao, ngo, notpartisan, nonprofit, legally, physicAddre, regType, yearOfAdmn, webs, registrationNum, nonPartisanTxtA)) { // KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Organization Information updated successfully!"); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "thisBitchcode", "alert('Organization Information updated successfully!');", true); loadApplicationInfo(); } } catch (Exception exO) { KCDFAlert.ShowAlert("Error Occured, contact System Administrator!"); } }