        public async Task CarbonCode(CommandContext ctx, string theme, [RemainingText] string code)
            if (theme != null && code == null)
                await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Using this command requires you to specify a theme, use `jx themes` to get a list of all available themes");


            if (!JynxExtensions.TryParseCodeBlock(code, out code))
                await ctx.RespondAsync("You need to wrap the code in a code block");


            var cs = code.ParseCodeBlock();

            cs = cs.Remove(cs.LastIndexOf("\n", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
            var csUrl = WebUtility.UrlEncode(cs);

            string validTheme = CarbonService.ThemeMatcher(theme);

            var codeEmbed = CarbonService.BuildCarbonEmbed(ctx.Member.Username, validTheme, csUrl);

            await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(codeEmbed);
        public async Task EvalLua(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string code)
            if (!JynxExtensions.TryParseCodeBlock(code, out code))
                await ctx.RespondAsync("You need to wrap the code in a code block");


            var cs = code.ParseCodeBlock();

                Script script = new Script();

                var res = script.DoString(cs);

                object resString = res.Type switch
                    DataType.String => res.String,
                    DataType.Number => res.Number,
                    DataType.Boolean => res.Boolean,
                    DataType.Function => res.Function,
                    DataType.Nil => "null",
                    DataType.Void => "null",
                    DataType.Table => res.Table,
                    DataType.Tuple => res.Tuple,
                    DataType.UserData => "null",
                    DataType.Thread => "null",
                    DataType.ClrFunction => res.Callback.Name,
                    DataType.TailCallRequest => res.UserData.Descriptor.Name,
                    DataType.YieldRequest => "null",
                    _ => "null"

                var resEmbed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
                               .WithTitle("Evaluation Success")

                await ctx.RespondAsync(resEmbed);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is ScriptRuntimeException runtimeException)
                    var errEmbed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
                                   .WithTitle("An error occurred, Runtime Exception")

                    await ctx.RespondAsync(errEmbed);
                else if (e is SyntaxErrorException syntaxException)
                    var errEmbed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
                                   .WithTitle($"An error occurred, Syntax Exception")

                    await ctx.RespondAsync(errEmbed);