InsertAtDB() public method

public InsertAtDB ( bool dbconOpened, string tableName ) : int
dbconOpened bool
tableName string
return int
    //recuperate temp jumpRj or RunI if chronojump hangs
    private string recuperateBrokenEvents()
        string returnString = "";

        string tableName      = "tempJumpRj";
        int    existsTempData = Sqlite.TempDataExists(tableName);

        if (existsTempData > 0)
            JumpRj myJumpRj = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData("tempJumpRj", existsTempData, false);
            try {
                myJumpRj.InsertAtDB(true, Constants.JumpRjTable);
            } catch {}             //pitty, cannot insert

            returnString = "Recuperated last Reactive Jump";

        tableName      = "tempRunInterval";
        existsTempData = Sqlite.TempDataExists(tableName);
        if (existsTempData > 0)
            RunInterval myRun = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData("tempRunInterval", existsTempData, false);
            try {
                myRun.InsertAtDB(true, Constants.RunIntervalTable);
            } catch {}             //pitty, cannot insert

            returnString = "Recuperated last Intervallic Run";

    public int UploadJumpRj(JumpRj myTest)
        int temp = myTest.UniqueID;

        myTest.UniqueID = -1;
        int id = myTest.InsertAtDB(false, Constants.JumpRjTable);

        myTest.UniqueID = temp;
        return(id);        //uniqueID of person at server
 public int UploadJumpRj(JumpRj myTest)
     int temp = myTest.UniqueID;
     myTest.UniqueID = -1;
     int id = myTest.InsertAtDB(false, Constants.JumpRjTable);
     myTest.UniqueID = temp;
     return id; //uniqueID of person at server