internal static object StringToType(ReadOnlySpan <char> strType, TypeConfig typeConfig, EmptyCtorDelegate ctorFn, KeyValuePair <string, TypeAccessor>[] typeAccessors) { var index = 0; var type = typeConfig.Type; if (strType.IsEmpty) { return(null); } var buffer = strType; var strTypeLength = strType.Length; //if (!Serializer.EatMapStartChar(strType, ref index)) for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (buffer[index] != JsWriter.MapStartChar) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.CreateSerializationError(type, strType.ToString()); } index++; if (JsonTypeSerializer.IsEmptyMap(strType, index)) { return(ctorFn()); } var config = JsConfig.GetConfig(); object instance = null; var lenient = config.PropertyConvention == PropertyConvention.Lenient; for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline while (index < strTypeLength) { var propertyName = JsonTypeSerializer.UnescapeJsString(strType, JsonUtils.QuoteChar, removeQuotes: true, ref index); //Serializer.EatMapKeySeperator(strType, ref index); for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (strTypeLength != index) { index++; } var propertyValueStr = Serializer.EatValue(strType, ref index); var possibleTypeInfo = propertyValueStr != null && propertyValueStr.Length > 1; //if we already have an instance don't check type info, because then we will have a half deserialized object //we could throw here or just use the existing instance. if (instance == null && possibleTypeInfo && propertyName.Equals(typeAttr.Span, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var explicitTypeName = Serializer.ParseString(propertyValueStr); var explicitType = config.TypeFinder(explicitTypeName); if (explicitType == null || explicitType.IsInterface || explicitType.IsAbstract) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not find type: " + propertyValueStr.ToString()); } else if (!type.IsAssignableFrom(explicitType)) { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("Could not assign type: " + propertyValueStr.ToString()); } else { JsWriter.AssertAllowedRuntimeType(explicitType); instance = explicitType.CreateInstance(); } if (instance != null) { //If __type info doesn't match, ignore it. if (!type.IsInstanceOfType(instance)) { instance = null; } else { var derivedType = instance.GetType(); if (derivedType != type) { var map = DeserializeTypeRef.GetCachedTypeAccessors(derivedType, Serializer); if (map != null) { typeAccessors = map; } } } } Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); continue; } if (instance == null) { instance = ctorFn(); } var typeAccessor = typeAccessors.Get(propertyName, lenient); var propType = possibleTypeInfo && propertyValueStr[0] == '_' ? TypeAccessor.ExtractType(Serializer, propertyValueStr) : null; if (propType != null) { try { if (typeAccessor != null) { //var parseFn = Serializer.GetParseFn(propType); var parseFn = JsonReader.GetParseStringSpanFn(propType); var propertyValue = parseFn(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName.ToString(), propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (index != strTypeLength) { var success = buffer[index] == JsWriter.ItemSeperator || buffer[index] == JsWriter.MapEndChar; index++; if (success) { for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline } } continue; } catch (Exception e) { config.OnDeserializationError?.Invoke(instance, propType, propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString(), e); if (config.ThrowOnError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString(), propType, e); } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set dynamic property {0} with: {1}", propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString()); } } } if (typeAccessor?.GetProperty != null && typeAccessor.SetProperty != null) { try { var propertyValue = typeAccessor.GetProperty(propertyValueStr); if (typeConfig.OnDeserializing != null) { propertyValue = typeConfig.OnDeserializing(instance, propertyName.ToString(), propertyValue); } typeAccessor.SetProperty(instance, propertyValue); } catch (NotSupportedException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { config.OnDeserializationError?.Invoke(instance, propType ?? typeAccessor.PropertyType, propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString(), e); if (config.ThrowOnError) { throw DeserializeTypeRef.GetSerializationException(propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString(), typeAccessor.PropertyType, e); } else { Tracer.Instance.WriteWarning("WARN: failed to set property {0} with: {1}", propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString()); } } } else { // the property is not known by the DTO typeConfig.OnDeserializing?.Invoke(instance, propertyName.ToString(), propertyValueStr.ToString()); } //Serializer.EatItemSeperatorOrMapEndChar(strType, ref index); for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline if (index != strType.Length) { var success = buffer[index] == JsWriter.ItemSeperator || buffer[index] == JsWriter.MapEndChar; index++; if (success) { for (; index < strTypeLength; index++) { if (!JsonUtils.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[index])) { break; } } //Whitespace inline } } } return(instance); }