public void TestValidText()
            double[] longitudes = { -6.043701, -10.27699, -10.4240951, -7.915833, -7 };
            double[] latitudes  = { 52.986375, 51.92893, 51.8856167, 53.74452, 51.999447 };
            int[]    userIds    = { 12, 1, 2, 20, 31 };
            string[] names      = { "Christina McArdle", "Alice Cahill", "Ian McArdle", "Georgina Gallagher", "Jack Dempsey" };

            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < longitudes.Length; ++i)
                .AppendFormat("{{\"latitude\": \"{0}\", \"user_id\": {1}, \"name\": \"{2}\", \"longitude\": \"{3}\"}}",
                              latitudes[i].ToString().Replace(',', '.'), userIds[i], names[i], longitudes[i].ToString().Replace(',', '.'))

            var jsonReader = new JsonTextParser();
            var customers  = jsonReader.ParseText(builder.ToString().TrimEnd());

            Assert.AreEqual(customers.Count, longitudes.Length,
                            string.Format("Wrong number of customers read! Expected number of customers: {0}, number of read customers: {1}.",
                                          longitudes.Length, customers.Count));

            for (int i = 0; i < customers.Count; ++i)
                var customer          = customers[i];
                var customerLongitude = customer.Location.DegreeLongitude;
                var customerLatitude  = customer.Location.DegreeLatitude;
                Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(customerLongitude - longitudes[i]) < 2 * double.Epsilon,
                              string.Format("Wrong customer longitude read! Expected: {0}, got: {1}", longitudes[i], customerLongitude));
                Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(customerLatitude - latitudes[i]) < 2 * double.Epsilon,
                              string.Format("Wrong customer latitude read! Expected: {0}, got: {1}", latitudes[i], customerLatitude));
                Assert.AreEqual(customer.UserId, userIds[i],
                                string.Format("Wrong user ID read! Expected {0}, got {1}.", userIds[i], customer.UserId));
                Assert.AreEqual(customer.Name, names[i],
                                string.Format("Wrong customer name read! Expected {0}, got {1}.", names[i], customer.Name));