static void Main(string[] args)
            /* Get credentials */
            Console.WriteLine("Enter your tenant url (e.g. : ");
            var tenant = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("Enter your username: "******"Enter your password: "******"The credentials you have provided are valid");

                /* Retreival */
                var reportsHelper = new ReportsHelper(client);
                var allReports = reportsHelper.GetAllReports();

                /* Manipulation */
                var reportsWithoutAttachments = reportsHelper.RemoveAttachments(allReports);

                /* Transformation */
                var xml = TransformHelper.ToXml(reportsWithoutAttachments);

                /* Output */
                var outputHelper = new OutputHelper();
                outputHelper.WriteToXmlFile(xml, "../../TransformedReports.xml");

                Console.WriteLine("ReportList extraction, manipulation, transform and output completed");
                Console.WriteLine("The authentication you provided is invalid");