private IEnumerator ProcessBulkedRequests()
            while (true)
                //Debug.Log(DateTime.UtcNow + ": Checking bulked requests");

                // When available, authorized, and root context is restored try to send out chunks
                if (IsAvailable && Authorized && _authorizationContext.Status != RDataContextStatus.Interrupted)
                    bool hasErrors       = false;
                    var  localDataChunks = LocalDataRepository.LoadDataChunksJson(UserId);

                    if (localDataChunks != null)
                        foreach (var chunk in localDataChunks)
                            if (RData.RDataLogging.DoLog)
                                Debug.Log(DateTime.UtcNow + ": Sending the chunk " + chunk.requestId);
                            yield return(CoroutineManager.StartCoroutine(JsonRpcClient.SendJson <BooleanResponse>(chunk.requestJson, chunk.requestId, (response) =>
                                if (RData.RDataLogging.DoLog)
                                    Debug.Log(DateTime.UtcNow + ": Sent the chunk " + chunk.requestId);

                                if (response.Result)
                                    LocalDataRepository.RemoveDataChunk(UserId, chunk.requestId); // At this point we received a positive answer from the server
                                // Most realistic scenario here is
                                if (response.HasError)
                                    if (response.Error.Data == kContextValidationError)
                                        // This is a very specific case that happens when we are trying to re-send a chunk with context operations after that context was closed.
                                        // This means this chunk was already received by the server and we can safely delete it.
                                        LocalDataRepository.RemoveDataChunk(UserId, chunk.requestId);
                                        if (RData.RDataLogging.DoError)
                                            Debug.LogError("Context validation error. This chunk was already received by the server. Deletting the chunk");
                                        hasErrors = true;

                            // If any unknown errors happened this means that most likely something horribly wrong with the server.
                            // Let's take some timeout to prevent spamming it
                            if (hasErrors)
                                if (RData.RDataLogging.DoLog)
                                    Debug.Log(DateTime.UtcNow + ": Unknown error happened, waiting for " + kTimeoutAfterError + " seconds");
                                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(kTimeoutAfterError));

                    // Check if the current chunk has items and expired. If so, save and refresh it
                    if (_activeChunk.Length > 0 && DateTime.UtcNow > Tools.Time.UnixTimeMillisecondsToDateTime(_activeChunk.CreatedAt) + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ChunkLifeTime))

                yield return(null);