/// <summary>
        /// Function callback to post a message in Teams.
        /// TODO: work on the "message" parameter, so far just a simple text mokup
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The object posted should be like this:
        /// {
        ///     "message":"error test with objects",
        ///     "emp_json_log_entry": {
        ///         "trigram": "abc",
        ///         "application": "Axaim.Membership.Admin",
        ///         "layer": "lifetest",
        ///         "level": "DEBUG",
        ///         "date": "Z2020etcetc",
        ///         "message": "the original message",
        ///         "WebhookURL": ""
        ///     }
        /// }
        /// TODO: adjust this based on the real emp_json_log_entry class
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="req">The http request</param>
        /// <param name="log">Logger to log</param>
        /// <returns>a result action wit OK if all goes right or BadRequestObjectResult in case of issue</returns>
        public static async Task <IActionResult> RunFromDataString(string requestBody, ILogger log)
            // Get the message from the body
            string  message;
            dynamic data;

                data    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);
                message = data?.message;
            catch (JsonReaderException ex)
                log?.LogError(ex, "Error deserializing the message");
                return((ActionResult) new BadRequestObjectResult($"Error: {ex}"));

            log?.LogInformation("Processing a request to post an error on a Teams channel");
            if (message == null)
                log?.LogError("No error message provided");
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Please pass a name on the query string or in the request body"));

            // Get the emp_json_log_entry from the body
            JsonLogEntry logEntry = new JsonLogEntry();

            logEntry.Trigram = data?.emp_log_entry?.trigram;
            logEntry.Level   = data?.emp_log_entry?.level;
            logEntry.Date    = data?.emp_log_entry?.date;
            logEntry.Message = data?.emp_log_entry?.message;
            string webhookURL = data?.WebhookURL;

            return(await PostOnTeams(message, webhookURL, logEntry, log));
        public void ValidVariousDates()

            Assert.False(JsonLogEntry.IsValidIso8601Date("Non date format"));
        protected System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable <JsonLogEntry> GetEntries()
            Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer oJsonSerializer = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer();
            foreach (System.Tuple <string, System.IO.Stream> st in StreamFactory.GetStreams(From, this.Recurse))
                this.StreamLineNumber  = 0;
                this.CurrentStreamName = st.Item1;
                this.RecordIndex       = 0;

                using (AdvancedTextReader srdr = new AdvancedTextReader(st.Item2, this.TextReaderOptions))
                    using (var m_JsonReader = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader(srdr)
                        SupportMultipleContent = true
                        bool bStartRead = string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonPropertyToRead);
                        while (m_JsonReader.Read())
                            if (!bStartRead && !(m_JsonReader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName && m_JsonReader.Value == JsonPropertyToRead))
                                bStartRead = true;

                            if (m_JsonReader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)
                                // Additional fields
                                this.StreamLineNumber = m_JsonReader.LineNumber;
                                this.RecordIndex     += 1;

                                // Deserialize entries and yield
                                JsonLogEntry le = oJsonSerializer.Deserialize <JsonLogEntry>(m_JsonReader);
                                yield return(le);
        protected override void InitValueExtractor()
            // Init value extractor from first record

            ValueExtractor = new DictionaryExtractor(new string[] { }); // init empty first if can't init later

            Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer oJsonSerializer = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer();
            foreach (var st in StreamFactory.GetStreams(this.From, this.Recurse)) // returns touplse (stream name as string, Stream object implementaion)
                using (AdvancedTextReader srdr = new AdvancedTextReader(st.Item2, this.TextReaderOptions))
                    using (var m_JsonReader = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader(srdr)
                        SupportMultipleContent = true
                        bool bStartRead = string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonPropertyToRead);
                        while (m_JsonReader.Read())
                            if (!bStartRead && !(m_JsonReader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName && m_JsonReader.Value == JsonPropertyToRead))
                                bStartRead = true;

                            if (m_JsonReader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)
                                // Deserialize
                                JsonLogEntry logentry = oJsonSerializer.Deserialize <JsonLogEntry>(m_JsonReader);

                                // Set the value extractor from the first JSON record and exit
                                ValueExtractor = new DictionaryExtractor(logentry);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a message card ready to publish in Teams
        /// TODO: rather than string, need to create a class or have multiple parameters to the message to post
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The message to post see TODO</param>
        /// <returns>A message card ready to post</returns>
        public static MessageCard CreateMessageCard(string message, JsonLogEntry logEntry)
            MessageCard card = new MessageCard();

            card.Title = "Log entry error";
            card.Text  = $"Error: {message}";

            card.Sections = new List <Section>
                new Section
                    ActivityTitle    = logEntry?.Trigram,
                    ActivitySubtitle = DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                    Facts            = new List <Fact>
                        new Fact {
                            Name = $"{nameof(logEntry.Date)}", Value = logEntry?.Date
                        new Fact {
                            Name = $"{nameof(logEntry.Level)}", Value = logEntry?.Level
                    Text = $"Original message: {logEntry?.Message}"

            card.Actions = new List <IAction>
                new OpenUriAction
                    Type    = ActionType.OpenUri,
                    Name    = "View on site",
                    Targets = new List <Target> {
                        new Target {
                            OS = TargetOs.Default, Uri = string.Format(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(DefaultKibanaUrl), logEntry?.Trigram)

        public void FailJsonWithEmptyMessageParts()
            string message = ValidMessage;

            // testing date
            message        = message.Replace(@"""date"": ""2020-02-11T17:38:36.9218638Z""", @"""date"": """"");
            var(emp, mess) = JsonLogEntry.ValidateJsonLogEntry(message, null);

            // testing trigram
            message     = message.Replace(@"""trigram"" : ""arc""", @"""trigram"" : """"");
            (emp, mess) = JsonLogEntry.ValidateJsonLogEntry(message, null);

            // testing trigram
            message     = message.Replace(@"""trigram"" : ""arc""", @"""trigram"" : """"");
            (emp, mess) = JsonLogEntry.ValidateJsonLogEntry(message, null);

            // testing message
            message     = message.Replace(@"""message"" : ""Life Test Requested""", @"""message"" : """"");
            (emp, mess) = JsonLogEntry.ValidateJsonLogEntry(message, null);

            // testing level
            message     = message.Replace(@"""level"": ""DEBUG""", @"""level"": ""DEBUG""");
            (emp, mess) = JsonLogEntry.ValidateJsonLogEntry(message, null);

            // testing level must be uppercase
            message     = message.Replace(@"""level"": ""DEBUG""", @"""level"": ""DEbUG""");
            (emp, mess) = JsonLogEntry.ValidateJsonLogEntry(message, null);

            // testing length (must be 3)
            message     = message.Replace(@"""trigram"" : ""arc""", @"""trigram"" : ""ABCD""");
            (emp, mess) = JsonLogEntry.ValidateJsonLogEntry(message, null);
            message     = message.Replace(@"""trigram"" : ""arc""", @"""trigram"" : ""AD""");
            (emp, mess) = JsonLogEntry.ValidateJsonLogEntry(message, null);
    public void Log <TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception exception, Func <TState, Exception, string> formatter)
        if (formatter is null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(formatter));

        var message = new JsonLogEntry
            Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
            LogLevel  = logLevel.ToString(),
            Category  = _categoryName,
            Exception = exception?.ToString(),
            Message   = formatter(state, exception),

        // Append the data of all BeginScope and LogXXX parameters to the message dictionary
        // REMOVED: AppendScope(message.Scope, state); - This line in original JsonLogger from Microsoft it's adding duplicated message details

        _writer.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(message, Formatting.None));
        /// <summary>
        /// Post a message in Teams.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">A message</param>
        /// <param name="webhookURL">The webhook URL</param>
        /// <param name="logEntry">A log entry</param>
        /// <param name="log">The logger</param>
        /// <returns>>a result action wit OK if all goes right or BadRequestObjectResult in case of issue</returns>
        public static async Task <IActionResult> PostOnTeams(string message, string webhookURL, JsonLogEntry logEntry, ILogger log)
            string url = string.IsNullOrEmpty(webhookURL) ? Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(DefaultWebhookUrlEnvironmenent) : webhookURL;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                log?.LogError($"No default {DefaultWebhookUrlEnvironmenent} environment variable provided");
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult($"A default WebhookURL needs to be provided"));

            MessageCard card;

            // Prepare the message
            if (logEntry != null)
                card = CreateMessageCard(message, logEntry);
                card = CreateBasicMessage(message);

            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(card);

            return(await PostOnTeamsMessage(json, url, log));
        public static async Task Run([EventHubTrigger("%EMP_EVENT_HUB_NAME%", Connection = "EMP_EVENTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING")] EventData[] events, ILogger log, ExecutionContext executionContext)
            var    exceptions = new List <Exception>();
            string infoMessage;
            string errorMessage;

            string jsonSettingsPath = executionContext.FunctionAppDirectory;

            //App Settings from local.settings.json
            string storageConnectionString = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STRING;
            string teamsQueueName          = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_TEAMS_QUEUE_NAME;
            string errorQueueName          = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ERROR_QUEUE_NAME;
            string trigramTableName        = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_TRIGRAM_TABLE_NAME;
            string elasticSearchClusterURI = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_ELASTIC_SEARCH_CLUSTER_URI;
            string elasticSearchAPIId      = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_ELASTIC_SEARCH_API_ID;
            string elasticSearchAPIKey     = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_ELASTIC_SEARCH_API_KEY;

            foreach (EventData eventData in events)
                JsonLogEntry logEntry     = null;
                string       webhookUrl   = null;
                bool         validTrigram = false;
                string       messageBody  = null;

                    messageBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.Array, eventData.Body.Offset, eventData.Body.Count);
                    log?.LogInformation($"FROM EVENTHUB {messageBody}");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageBody))
                        infoMessage = $"Task Run: Event is null";
                        // Validate semantically the json schema
                        logEntry = JsonLogEntry.DeserializeJsonLogEntry(messageBody, log);
                        var(validJson, errorValidation) = JsonLogEntry.ValidateJsonLogEntry(messageBody, log);
                        //Validate Trigram - compare entry from the json log with the trigram azure table storage
                        (validTrigram, webhookUrl) = Trigram.ValidateTrigram(storageConnectionString, logEntry, trigramTableName, log);

                        if (validJson)
                            infoMessage = $"Task Run: Json Schema valid: {messageBody}";
                            if (validTrigram)
                                //Insert into ElasticSearch Cluster
                                var elasticLowLevelClient = emp_elastic_operations.ElasticConnect(elasticSearchClusterURI, elasticSearchAPIId, elasticSearchAPIKey, log);
                                await emp_elastic_operations.ElasticPutAsync(elasticLowLevelClient, logEntry, log);
                                // If not successful send to the Azure Storage  Teams queue
                                log?.LogInformation($"Task Run: Application Trigram NOT valid: {messageBody}");
                                CloudQueue cloudQueue = AzureStorageQueueOperations.CreateAzureQueue(storageConnectionString, teamsQueueName, log);
                                var        logQueue   = new QueueLog()
                                    ErrorMessage = $"Invalid trigram", LogEntry = logEntry, WebhookUrl = webhookUrl
                                AzureStorageQueueOperations.InsertMessageQueue(cloudQueue, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logQueue), log);
                            // If not valid  send to the Azure Storage Teams queue
                            infoMessage = $"Task Run: Json Schema NOT valid: {messageBody}";
                            CloudQueue cloudQueue = AzureStorageQueueOperations.CreateAzureQueue(storageConnectionString, teamsQueueName, log);
                            var        logQueue   = new QueueLog()
                                ErrorMessage = errorValidation, LogEntry = logEntry, WebhookUrl = webhookUrl
                            AzureStorageQueueOperations.InsertMessageQueue(cloudQueue, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logQueue), log);
                        await Task.Yield();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (logEntry != null)
                        // send to the Azure Storage teams queue
                        log?.LogInformation($"Task Run: exception raised {ex}");
                        CloudQueue cloudQueue = AzureStorageQueueOperations.CreateAzureQueue(storageConnectionString, teamsQueueName, log);
                        var        logQueue   = new QueueLog()
                            ErrorMessage = $"{ex}", LogEntry = logEntry, WebhookUrl = webhookUrl
                        AzureStorageQueueOperations.InsertMessageQueue(cloudQueue, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logQueue), log);

                        // send to the Azure Storage Error queue
                        log?.LogInformation($"Task Run: exception raised {ex}");
                        cloudQueue = AzureStorageQueueOperations.CreateAzureQueue(storageConnectionString, errorQueueName, log);
                        AzureStorageQueueOperations.InsertMessageQueue(cloudQueue, messageBody, log);
            // Once processing of the batch is complete, if any messages in the batch failed processing throw an exception so that there is a record of the failure.
            if (exceptions.Count > 1)
                throw new AggregateException(exceptions);

            if (exceptions.Count == 1)
                throw exceptions.Single();
 public void FailJsonWithUndeserializableMessage()
     Assert.Throws <JsonReaderException>(() => JsonLogEntry.ValidateJsonLogEntry("Undeserializable message", null));
 public void FailJsonWithMinimalRequirements()
     var(emp, message) = JsonLogEntry.ValidateJsonLogEntry(NonValidMessage, null);
 public void ValidateJsonWithMinimalRequirements()
     var(emp, message) = JsonLogEntry.ValidateJsonLogEntry(ValidMessage, null);
 public void ValidateDeserializeJsonLogEntryWithMinimalRequirementsFailure()
     Assert.Throws <Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException>(() => JsonLogEntry.DeserializeJsonLogEntry("Non deserialisable message", null));
        public void ValidateDeserializeJsonLogEntryWithMinimalRequirements()
            JsonLogEntry emp = JsonLogEntry.DeserializeJsonLogEntry(ValidMessage, null);

 /// <inheritdoc />
 ValueTask IDataTransferObject.WriteToAsync <TWriter>(TWriter writer, CancellationToken token)
 => JsonLogEntry.SerializeAsync <T, TWriter>(writer, TypeId, Content, token);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method: ElasticPut
        /// Goal: Sends data to the ElasticSearch Cluster
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lowlevelClient">The ElasticSearch LowLevelClient Object, returned after the connection is made</param>
        /// <param name="jsonLogEntry">The emp_json_log_entry object entry with the representation of the log message</param>
        /// <param name="log">The ILogger object to log information and errors</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="UnexpectedElasticsearchClientException">Unknown exceptions, for instance a response from Elasticsearch not properly deserialized. These are sometimes bugs and should be reported.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ElasticsearchClientException">
        ///             Known exceptions that includes: max retries or timeout reached, bad authentication, etc.
        ///             Elasticsearch itself returned an error (could not parse the request, bad query, missing field, etc.
        public static async Task ElasticPutAsync(ElasticLowLevelClient lowlevelClient, JsonLogEntry jsonLogEntry, ILogger log)
                string   indexString;
                DateTime dt      = Convert.ToDateTime(jsonLogEntry.Date);
                string   strYear = (dt.Year.ToString());
                indexString = $"apps_{jsonLogEntry.Trigram.ToLower()}_{strYear}";
                var asyncIndexResponse = await lowlevelClient.IndexAsync <StringResponse>(indexString, PostData.Serializable(jsonLogEntry));

                string indexResponse = asyncIndexResponse.Body;
                var    success       = asyncIndexResponse.Success;
                if (success)
                    log?.LogInformation($"ElasticPut: Log entry successfully sent to Elastic Cluster {asyncIndexResponse.Body}");
                    log?.LogInformation($"ElasticPut: An exception was thrown by the Elastic method {asyncIndexResponse.OriginalException}");
                    throw new Exception("Could not write in elastic");
            catch (UnexpectedElasticsearchClientException e)
                log?.LogError($"ElasticPut: UnexpectedElasticsearchClientException : {e.Message}");
                throw e;
            catch (ElasticsearchClientException e)
                log?.LogError($"ElasticPut: ElasticsearchClientException : {e.Message}");
                throw e;