        /// <summary>
        /// use this to round to a percent (0 to 100)
        /// </summary>
        public static double RoundNumber(double num)
            int    dec    = 2;
            double result = 100 * JsMath.Round(num * JsMath.Pow(10, dec)) / JsMath.Pow(10, dec);

        //the following function handles the "physics" of how the can moves
        //calculating roation of the can and the direction of movement etc.
        //can be ignored if you only care about how to grab accelerometer readings
        //and do animations.
        //        //the can wants to slide in the direction of the slope of the table.
        //        //and wants to rotate such that the can is perpendicular to that direction (has reciprocal slope)
        //        //the label of the can want to rotate in the direction opposite to gravity.
        public static void DoCanPhysics(XdkAcceleration a)
            x_ispos = 1;
            y_ispos = 1;

            //take the abs tilt values so we don't
            //get stupid results while doing interim
            absx = JsMath.Abs(a.x);
            absy = JsMath.Abs(a.y);

            if (absx < .1)
                absx = 0;
            if (absy < .1)
                absy = 0;

            //skip the calculations if there is no movement;
            if (absx == absy && absx == 0)
            //var opp;
            //var adj;

            //what is the angle of the vector of motion of the can?
            //first calc without regard to sign of the accelerometer vectors
            lastangle = vectangle;

            vectangle = JsMath.Round(JsMath.Atan2(a.y, a.x) * 180 / JsMath.PI);

            //        //ignore small variations in rotation so that the can doesn't shake incessantly
            //        if (lastangle > vectangle) {
            //            if (Math.abs(lastangle - vectangle) < 10) {
            //                vectangle = lastangle;
            //            }
            //        }
            //        else {
            //            if (Math.abs(vectangle - lastangle) < 10) {
            //                vectangle = lastangle;
            //            }
            //        }

            //now, adjust the arctan calculation for direction of the accel vectors
            //by adding the correct angle based on the quatrant
            // that the motion occurs in.
            //quadrant 1
            if (x_ispos > 0 && y_ispos > 0)
                vectangle = 90 - vectangle;
            //quadrant 2
            else if (x_ispos > 0 && y_ispos < 0)
                vectangle = 90 + vectangle;
            //quadrant 3
            else if (x_ispos < 0 && y_ispos < 0)
                vectangle = 270 - vectangle;
            //quadrant 4
            else if (x_ispos < 0 && y_ispos > 0)
                vectangle = 270 + vectangle;

            //make the motion vect angle positive.
            if (vectangle < 0)
                vectangle = (vectangle + 360) % 360;

            //allow some accelerated movement based on how tilted the device is
            dx = JsMath.Floor(JsMath.Log(RoundNumber(absx) * 5));
            dx = JsMath.Max(dx, 0);

            dy = JsMath.Floor(JsMath.Log(RoundNumber(absy) * 5));
            dy = JsMath.Max(dy, 0);

            x_ispos = 1;
            y_ispos = 1;

            if (a.x < 0)
                x_ispos = -1;
            if (a.y < 0)
                y_ispos = -1;

            //now put back the sign
            dx = dx * x_ispos;
            dy = dy * y_ispos;

            //calculate can movements
            current_left += dx;
            current_top  -= dy;

            canangle = (canangle + 360) % 360;

            double a1, a2, a3, a4, af;

            //a1 and a2 then can is within 90
            //a3 and a4 can is upside down relative to
            //the motion vector
            labeldirection = 1;
            a1             = vectangle + 90 - canangle;
            //HtmlElement.GetById("accel_z").innerHTML = "case 1: " ;
            af = a1;
            a2 = vectangle - 90 - canangle;

            if (JsMath.Abs(a2) < JsMath.Abs(af))
                af = a2;
                // HtmlElement.GetById("accel_z").innerHTML = "case 2: ";
            a3 = vectangle + 90 - canangle + 180;
            if (JsMath.Abs(a3) < JsMath.Abs(af))
                af = a3;
                //HtmlElement.GetById("accel_z").innerHTML = "case 3: ";
                labeldirection = -1;
            a4 = vectangle - 90 - canangle + 180;
            if (JsMath.Abs(a4) < JsMath.Abs(af))
                af = a4;
                // HtmlElement.GetById("accel_z").innerHTML = "case 4: a4 = " + a4 + "a3 = " + a3 + "a2 = " + a2 + "a1 = " + a1;
                labeldirection = -1;

            if (af > 180)
                af = -1 * (360 - af);

            //HtmlElement.GetById("accel_y").innerHTML = "vectangle= " + vectangle + "; canangle=" + canangle + " rotpos=" + af; //  + "; rotneg=" + rotneg + "; nextrot=" + nextrot;
            // HtmlElement.GetById("accel_x").innerHTML = "a.x = " + a.x + ", a.y = " + a.y;

            //which way should the label spin?
            //it should spin right when moving at 90deg to the
            //motion vector, spin left when moving at 270deg
            if (canangle > vectangle)
                labeldirection = -1;

            if (JsMath.Abs(canangle - vectangle) > 180)
                labeldirection = labeldirection * -1;

            //if the movement is right or down then the label and can is upright, label move left
            labelleft += labeldirection * JsMath.Ceil(JsMath.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy));

            if (af > 3)
            else if (af < -3)