public HabitDescription(JournalTask.EntryMode _entryMode, int _id)

            id        = _id;
            entryMode = _entryMode;

            db = new DBTools(Properties.Settings.Default.ConnectionString);

            if (entryMode == JournalTask.EntryMode.edit)
                this.Text = "Edit Habit";

                // Query the category name
                string command = "select description, " +
                                 "isvisible " +
                                 "from habit " +
                                 "where id = @id";
                SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[]
                    new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int)
                        Value = id

                DataTable dataTable = db.GenericQueryAction(command, parameters);
                DataRow   dataRow   = dataTable.AsEnumerable().ToList()[0];

                // Set the textbox to the category name
                txt_currentTaskDescription.Text = dataRow.Field <string>("description");
                chk_taskIsVisible.Checked       = dataRow.Field <bool>("isvisible");
        public CurrentTaskDescription(JournalTask.EntryMode _entryMode, int _id, int _layer, JournalTask.EntryType _entryType = JournalTask.EntryType.none)

            // initialize db
            db = new DBTools(Properties.Settings.Default.ConnectionString);

            // store ids
            id    = _id;
            layer = _layer;

            // store mode
            mode      = _entryMode;
            entryType = _entryType;

            cmb_taskType.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // Edit Mode

            if (mode == JournalTask.EntryMode.edit)
                this.Text = "Edit Daily Task";

                // Query the category name
                string command = "select description, " +
                                 "taskisimportant," +
                                 "tasktype " +
                                 "from currenttasks " +
                                 "where id = @id";
                SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[]
                    new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int)
                        Value = id

                DataTable dataTable = db.GenericQueryAction(command, parameters);
                DataRow   dataRow   = dataTable.AsEnumerable().ToList()[0];

                // Set the textbox to the category name
                txt_currentTaskDescription.Text = dataRow.Field <string>("description");
                cmb_taskType.SelectedIndex      = dataRow.Field <int>("tasktype");
                chk_taskIsImportant.Checked     = dataRow.Field <bool>("taskisimportant");
        public NotesDescription(JournalTask.EntryMode _entryMode, int _id, int _layer)

            // initialize db
            db = new DBTools(Properties.Settings.Default.ConnectionString);

            // store ids
            id    = _id;
            layer = _layer;

            // store mode
            mode = _entryMode;

            // Edit Mode
            if (mode == JournalTask.EntryMode.edit)
                this.Text = "Edit Notes";

                // Query the category name
                string command = "select noteDescription " +
                                 "from notes " +
                                 "where id = @id";
                SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[]
                    new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int)
                        Value = id

                DataTable dataTable = db.GenericQueryAction(command, parameters);
                DataRow   dataRow   = dataTable.AsEnumerable().ToList()[0];

                // Set the textbox to the category name
                txt_notes.Text = dataRow.Field <string>("notedescription");