private void Start() { if (PathsSelected()) { ResultText = string.Empty; IList <JournalArticle> sources = new List <JournalArticle>(); // Convert from text to objects: try { var parser = new JournalArticleParser(); sources = parser.ParseFromFile(InputPath); } catch (ParsingException e) { ResultText = e.Message; return; } catch (Exception) { ResultText = "BŁĄD odczytu wybranego pliku .txt"; return; } // Convert from objects to MS Office bibliography XML file: try { var XMLCreator = new XMLBibliographyCreator(); XMLCreator.Initialize(OutputPath); foreach (Source source in sources) { XMLCreator.AddSource(source); } XMLCreator.ApplyChanges(); } catch (Exception) { ResultText = "BŁĄD zapisu pliku .xml"; return; } } else { ResultText = "BŁĄD! Najpierw wybierz plik wejściowy i wyjściowy."; return; } ResultText = "Plik przekonwertowany pomyślnie! :)"; bool PathsSelected() => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(InputPath) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(OutputPath); }
public void InitializeTest() { parser = new JournalArticleParser(); }