        public JobType(
            JobStateRepository jobStateRepository,
            JobRepository jobRepository,
            SkillRepository skillRepository,
            JobSkillRepository jobSkillRepository
            Field(x => x.Id, type: typeof(IdGraphType));
            Field(x => x.Title, nullable: true);
            Field(x => x.Description, nullable: true);

            Field <JobStateType>(
                resolve: context =>
                if (context.Source.JobStateId != null)

            //// Async test
            //    "jobState",
            //    resolve: async context =>
            //    {
            //        if (context.Source.JobStateId != null) {
            //            return await context.TryAsyncResolve(
            //                async c => await jobStateRepository.GetByIdAsync((Guid)context.Source.JobStateId)
            //            );
            //        }
            //        return null;
            //    }

            Field <ListGraphType <SkillType> >(
                resolve: context => skillRepository.GetByJobId(context.Source.Id)

            //// Async test
            //    "skills",
            //    resolve: async context =>
            //    {
            //        return await context.TryAsyncResolve(
            //            async c => await skillRepository.GetByJobIdAsync(context.Source.Id)
            //        );
            //    }

            Field(x => x.CreatedByUserId, type: typeof(IdGraphType));
            // TODO: Field(x => x.CreatedByUser, type: typeof(UserType));
            Field(x => x.ModifiedByUserId, type: typeof(IdGraphType));
            // TODO: Field(x => x.ModifiedByUser, type: typeof(UserType));
 public UnitOfWork(EMSDbContext context, IPropertyMappingService propertyMappingService)
     _context  = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
     Jobs      = new JobRepository(context);
     JobSkills = new JobSkillRepository(context);
     Skills    = new SkillRepository(context, propertyMappingService);
     Employees = new EmployeeRepository(context);
 /// <summary>
 /// The constructor of the Job business logic layer.
 /// </summary>
 public JobBLL(
     JobRepository jobRepository,
     SkillRepository skillRepository,
     JobSkillRepository jobSkillRepository
     this.jobRepository      = jobRepository;
     this.skillRepository    = skillRepository;
     this.jobSkillRepository = jobSkillRepository;
 /// <summary>
 /// The constructor of the Skill business logic layer.
 /// </summary>
 public SkillBLL(
     SkillRepository skillRepository,
     ResumeRepository resumeRepository,
     ResumeSkillRepository resumeSkillRepository,
     JobRepository jobRepository,
     JobSkillRepository jobSkillRepository
     this.skillRepository       = skillRepository;
     this.resumeRepository      = resumeRepository;
     this.resumeSkillRepository = resumeSkillRepository;
     this.jobRepository         = jobRepository;
     this.jobSkillRepository    = jobSkillRepository;
        public SkillType(
            SkillAliasRepository skillAliasRepository,
            SkillRepository skillRepository,
            ResumeRepository resumeRepository,
            ResumeSkillRepository resumeSkillRepository,
            JobRepository jobRepository,
            JobSkillRepository jobSkillRepository
            Field(x => x.Id, type: typeof(IdGraphType));
            Field(x => x.Name);
            Field(x => x.DisplayName);
            Field(x => x.Description, nullable: true);

            Field <ListGraphType <SkillAliasType> >(
                resolve: context => skillAliasRepository.GetBySkillId(context.Source.Id)

            //// Async test
            //    "skillAliases",
            //    resolve: async context =>
            //    {
            //        return await context.TryAsyncResolve(
            //            async c => await skillAliasRepository.GetBySkillIdAsync(context.Source.Id)
            //        );
            //    }

            Field <ListGraphType <ResumeType> >(
                resolve: context => resumeRepository.GetBySkillId(context.Source.Id)

            //// Async test
            //    "resumes",
            //    resolve: async context =>
            //    {
            //        return await context.TryAsyncResolve(
            //            async c => await resumeRepository.GetBySkillIdAsync(context.Source.Id)
            //        );
            //    }

            Field <ListGraphType <JobType> >(
                resolve: context => jobRepository.GetBySkillId(context.Source.Id)

            //// Async test
            //    "jobs",
            //    resolve: async context =>
            //    {
            //        return await context.TryAsyncResolve(
            //            async c => await jobRepository.GetBySkillIdAsync(context.Source.Id)
            //        );
            //    }

            Field(x => x.CreatedByUserId, type: typeof(IdGraphType));
            // TODO: Field(x => x.CreatedByUser, type: typeof(UserType));
            Field(x => x.ModifiedByUserId, type: typeof(IdGraphType));
            // TODO: Field(x => x.ModifiedByUser, type: typeof(UserType));