/// <summary>
        /// call this from your client projects to queue a job
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <TKey> QueueJobAsync <TJob, TRequest, TKey>(this QueueClient queueClient,
                                                                             string userName, TRequest request,
                                                                             JobRepositoryBase <TJob, TKey> repository,
                                                                             ILogger logger) where TJob : BackgroundJobInfo <TKey>, new()
            // this enables visibility of the job over its lifetime (enabling dashboards, notifications, retry and tracking features)
            var job = await SaveJobAsync(repository, userName, request);

            logger.LogDebug($"Job Id {job.Id} was saved with request data {job.RequestData}");

                // this queues the job for execution
                await SendJsonAsync(queueClient, job.Id);

                logger.LogDebug($"Job Id {job.Id} was added to queue {queueClient.Name}");
            catch (Exception exc)
                // if queuing failed, then we need to indicate that in the stored record
                logger.LogError($"Error queuing Job Id {job.Id} on {queueClient.Name}: {exc.Message}");
                job.Status = JobStatus.Aborted;
                await repository.SaveAsync(job);

        public static async Task <TJob> SaveJobAsync <TJob, TRequest, TKey>(
            this JobRepositoryBase <TJob, TKey> repository, string userName, TRequest request)
            where TJob : BackgroundJobInfo <TKey>, new()
            var job = new TJob();

            job.UserName    = userName;
            job.RequestType = typeof(TRequest).Name;
            job.RequestData = JsonSerializer.Serialize(request);
            job.Status      = JobStatus.Pending;
            job.Started     = null;
            job.Completed   = null;
            job.Created     = DateTime.UtcNow;

            return(await repository.SaveAsync(job));
 public BackgroundJobBase(JobRepositoryBase <TJob, TKey> repository, ILogger logger)
     _repository = repository;
     Logger      = logger;