 public void JobParametersTest()
     JobParameters jp = new JobParameters();
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy constructor. Initializes the builder with the supplied parameters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jobParameters"></param>
 public JobParametersBuilder(JobParameters jobParameters)
     _parameterMap = new OrderedDictionary<string, JobParameter>(jobParameters.GetParameters().Count);
     IDictionary<string, JobParameter> givenJobParameters = jobParameters.GetParameters();
     KeyValuePair<string, JobParameter>[] jbArray =
         new KeyValuePair<string, JobParameter>[givenJobParameters.Count];
     jobParameters.GetParameters().CopyTo(jbArray, 0);
     foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JobParameter> mapEntry in jbArray)
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the same suffixes to create properties (omitting the string suffix
        /// because it is the default).  Non-identifying parameters will be prefixed
        /// with the <see cref="NonIdentifyingFlag"/>.  However, since parameters are
        /// identifying by default, they will <em>not</em> be prefixed with the
        /// <see cref="IdentifyingFlag"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parms"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public NameValueCollection GetProperties(JobParameters parms)
            if (parms == null || parms.IsEmpty())
                return(new NameValueCollection());

            IDictionary <string, JobParameter> parameters = parms.GetParameters();
            NameValueCollection result = new NameValueCollection();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JobParameter> entry in parameters)
                string       key          = entry.Key;
                JobParameter jobParameter = entry.Value;
                Object       value        = jobParameter.Value;
                if (value != null)
                    key = (!jobParameter.Identifying ? NonIdentifyingFlag : "") + key;
                    if (jobParameter.Type == JobParameter.ParameterType.Date)
                        result.Set(key + DateType, string.Format(_dateFormat, value));
                    else if (jobParameter.Type == JobParameter.ParameterType.Long)
                        result.Set(key + LongType, string.Format(_numberFormat, value));
                    else if (jobParameter.Type == JobParameter.ParameterType.Double)
                        result.Set(key + DoubleType, string.Format(_decimalFormat, (double)value));
                        result.Set(key, "" + value);

        /// <summary>
        /// Check the parameters meet the specification provided. If optional keys
        /// are explicitly specified then all keys must be in that list, or in the
        /// required list. Otherwise all keys that are specified as required must be
        /// present.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <exception cref="JobParametersInvalidException">&nbsp;</exception>
        public void Validate(JobParameters parameters)
            if (parameters == null)
                throw new JobParametersInvalidException("The JobParameters can not be null");

            HashSet<string> keys =
                new HashSet<string>(parameters.GetParameters().Keys);

            // If there are explicit optional keys then all keys must be in that
            // group, or in the required group.
            if (OptionalKeys.Any())

                ICollection<string> missingKeys = new HashSet<string>();
                foreach (string key in keys)
                    if (!OptionalKeys.Contains(key) && !RequiredKeys.Contains(key))
                if (missingKeys.Any())
                    throw new JobParametersInvalidException(
                            string.Format("The JobParameters contains keys that are not explicitly optional or required: {0} "
                            , missingKeys));


            ICollection<string> missingKeys2 = new HashSet<string>();
            foreach (string key in RequiredKeys)
                if (!keys.Contains(key))
            if (missingKeys2.Any())
                throw new JobParametersInvalidException(
                    string.Format("The JobParameters do not contain required keys: {0}", missingKeys2));
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the same suffixes to create properties (omitting the string suffix
        /// because it is the default).  Non-identifying parameters will be prefixed
        /// with the <see cref="NonIdentifyingFlag"/>.  However, since parameters are
        /// identifying by default, they will <em>not</em> be prefixed with the
        /// <see cref="IdentifyingFlag"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parms"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public NameValueCollection GetProperties(JobParameters parms)
            if (parms == null || parms.IsEmpty())
                return new NameValueCollection();

            IDictionary<string, JobParameter> parameters = parms.GetParameters();
            NameValueCollection result = new NameValueCollection();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JobParameter> entry in parameters)
                string key = entry.Key;
                JobParameter jobParameter = entry.Value;
                Object value = jobParameter.Value;
                if (value != null)
                    key = (!jobParameter.Identifying ? NonIdentifyingFlag : "") + key;
                    if (jobParameter.Type == JobParameter.ParameterType.Date)
                        result.Set(key + DateType, string.Format(_dateFormat, value));
                    else if (jobParameter.Type == JobParameter.ParameterType.Long)
                        result.Set(key + LongType, string.Format(_numberFormat, value));
                    else if (jobParameter.Type == JobParameter.ParameterType.Double)
                        result.Set(key + DoubleType, string.Format(_decimalFormat, (double)value));
                        result.Set(key, "" + value);

            return result;