 /// <summary>
 /// List all the stream analytics jobs in the given subscription.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// Reference to the
 /// Microsoft.Azure.Management.StreamAnalytics.IJobOperations.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='parameters'>
 /// Required. The parameters required to list all the stream analytics
 /// job in the same subscription.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The response of the list stream analytics job operation.
 /// </returns>
 public static JobListResponse ListJobsInSubscription(this IJobOperations operations, JobListParameters parameters)
     return(Task.Factory.StartNew((object s) =>
         return ((IJobOperations)s).ListJobsInSubscriptionAsync(parameters);
                                  , operations, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default).Unwrap().GetAwaiter().GetResult());
 /// <summary>
 /// List all the stream analytics jobs in the given subscription.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// Reference to the
 /// Microsoft.Azure.Management.StreamAnalytics.IJobOperations.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='parameters'>
 /// Required. The parameters required to list all the stream analytics
 /// job in the same subscription.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The response of the list stream analytics job operation.
 /// </returns>
 public static Task <JobListResponse> ListJobsInSubscriptionAsync(this IJobOperations operations, JobListParameters parameters)
     return(operations.ListJobsInSubscriptionAsync(parameters, CancellationToken.None));
 /// <summary>
 /// List all the stream analytics jobs in the given resource group.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// Reference to the
 /// Microsoft.Azure.Management.StreamAnalytics.IJobOperations.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='resourceGroupName'>
 /// Required. The resource group name of the stream analytics job.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='parameters'>
 /// Required. The parameters required to list all the stream analytics
 /// job in the same resource group.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The response of the list stream analytics job operation.
 /// </returns>
 public static Task <JobListResponse> ListJobsInResourceGroupAsync(this IJobOperations operations, string resourceGroupName, JobListParameters parameters)
     return(operations.ListJobsInResourceGroupAsync(resourceGroupName, parameters, CancellationToken.None));