public static string Create(string name, string short_desc, string long_desc, Guid parent) { try { JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); if (parent == null || parent == Guid.Empty) { int parent_count = db.Categories.Where(x => x.parent == null || x.parent == Guid.Empty).Count(); if (parent_count >= 4) { throw new Exception("There are already (4) parent categories in the system. You may not exceed (4) parent categories. Please add the category a sub-category"); } } Category cat = new Category { id = Guid.NewGuid(), name = name, short_desc = short_desc, long_desc = long_desc, date_added = DateTime.Now, parent = parent }; db.Categories.InsertOnSubmit(cat); db.SubmitChanges(); return ""; } catch (Exception e) { return e.Message; } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieve a specific Contact record from the database /// </summary> /// <param name="id">Identification of the contact record</param> /// <returns>DisposableContact</returns> public static DisplayableContact Get(Guid id) { try { JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); DisplayableContact contact = (from c in db.Contacts join s in db.States on c.state_id equals into DefaultStates from ds in DefaultStates.DefaultIfEmpty() where select new DisplayableContact { id =, name =, street = c.street, city =, state_id = c.state_id, state = ds.state1, abbr = ds.abbr, phone =, fax = c.fax, email =, username = c.username, password = c.password, listing_count = db.Jobs.Where(x => ==, level = c.level }).FirstOrDefault<DisplayableContact>(); return contact; } catch (Exception) { return new DisplayableContact(); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="contact_id"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool checkAuth(string contact_id) { try { Guid id = new Guid(contact_id); if (id.ToString().Length > 0) { // Make sure the id is a valid contact id JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); Contact contact = db.Contacts.Where(x => == id && x.level != "DISABLED").FirstOrDefault<Contact>(); if (contact == null) { throw new Exception(); } ViewBag.user = contact; Session["contact_id"] = id; HttpCookie contactID = new HttpCookie("contact_id"); contactID.Value = id.ToString(); contactID.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30); Response.Cookies.Add(contactID); return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception) { return false; } }
public static List<Education> GetEducation() { try { JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); return db.Educations.ToList<Education>(); } catch (Exception) { return new List<Education>(); } }
public static Guid Login(string username, string password) { if (username.Length == 0 || password.Length == 0) { throw new Exception(); } JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); Guid contact = db.Contacts.Where(x => x.username == username && x.password == password && x.level != "DISABLED").Select(x =><Guid>(); return contact; }
public static List<TieredCategories> GetMenu() { try { JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); List<TieredCategories> cats = new List<TieredCategories>(); // Get the parent categories List<Category> parents = db.Categories.Where(x => x.parent.Equals(Guid.Empty)).ToList<Category>(); foreach (Category parent in parents) { // Get the subs of this category List<Category> subs = (from c in db.Categories join jc in db.JobCategories on equals join j in db.Jobs on jc.job equals where c.parent.Equals( && j.jobState.Equals(JobState.PUBLISHED.ToString()) select c).ToList<Category>(); // Check to see if there are any jobs tied to this category //int job_count = db.JobCategories.Where(x => ==; int job_count = (from jc in db.JobCategories join j in db.Jobs on jc.job equals where && j.jobState.Equals(JobState.PUBLISHED.ToString()) select jc.job).Count(); if (subs.Count > 0 || job_count > 0) { TieredCategories cat = new TieredCategories { id =, name =, short_desc = parent.short_desc, long_desc = parent.long_desc, date_added = parent.date_added, parent = parent.parent, subs = subs, jobCount = job_count }; cats.Add(cat); } } /*List<TieredCategories> cats = (from c in db.Categories from parent_jobs in c.JobCategories.ToList() join c2 in db.Categories on equals c2.parent into SubCats from sub_jobs in SubCats.ToList() where (c.parent.Equals(Guid.Empty) || sub_jobs.JobCategories.Count > 0) && (parent_jobs.Jobs.Count > 0 || sub_jobs.JobCategories.Count > 0) select new TieredCategories { id =, name =, short_desc = c.short_desc, long_desc = c.long_desc, date_added = c.date_added, parent = c.parent, subs = SubCats.ToList<Category>() }).ToList<TieredCategories>();*/ return cats; } catch (Exception) { return new List<TieredCategories>(); } }
public static List<Experience> GetExperience() { try { JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); return db.Experiences.ToList<Experience>(); } catch (Exception) { return new List<Experience>(); } }
public static Category Get(Guid id) { try { JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); return db.Categories.Where(x => == id).FirstOrDefault<Category>(); } catch (Exception) { return new Category(); } }
public static List<Shift> GetAll() { try { JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); return db.Shifts.ToList<Shift>(); } catch (Exception) { return new List<Shift>(); } }
public ActionResult DeleteFile(Guid id = new Guid(), Guid file_id = new Guid()) { JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); Application app = db.Applications.Where(x =><Application>(); ApplicationFile file = app.ApplicationFiles.Where(x =><ApplicationFile>(); db.ApplicationFiles.DeleteOnSubmit(file); db.SubmitChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Resume", new { id = id }); }
public static Shift Get(Guid id) { try { if (id == null || id == Guid.Empty) { throw new Exception("Invalid reference."); } // Get the Shift record JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); return db.Shifts.Where(x => == id).FirstOrDefault<Shift>(); } catch (Exception) { return new Shift(); } }
public static List<Job> GetJobs(Guid id) { try { if (id == null || id == Guid.Empty) { throw new Exception("Invalid reference."); } // Get the jobs for the given experience level JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); return db.Jobs.Where(x => == id).ToList<Job>(); } catch (Exception) { return new List<Job>(); } }
public static List<Job> GetJobs(Guid id) { try { if (id == null || id == Guid.Empty) { throw new Exception("Invalid reference."); } // Get the jobs for the given experience level JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); List<Job> jobs = (from j in db.Jobs join js in db.JobShifts on equals js.job where js.shift.Equals(id) select j).ToList<Job>(); return jobs; } catch (Exception) { return new List<Job>(); } }
public static List<DisplayableLocation> GetLocations() { try { JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); List<DisplayableLocation> locs = (from l in db.Locations join s in db.States on l.state_id equals select new DisplayableLocation { id =, city =, state_id = l.state_id, state = s.state1, abbr = s.abbr }).ToList<DisplayableLocation>(); return locs; } catch (Exception) { return new List<DisplayableLocation>(); } }
public static string AddJobShift(Guid job_id, Guid shift_id) { JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); // Lets make sure we don't already have an association for this category int exists = db.JobShifts.Where(x => x.shift == shift_id && x.job == job_id).Count(); if (exists > 0) { return "You may not add this shift more than once."; } JobShift js = new JobShift { id = Guid.NewGuid(), job = job_id, shift = shift_id }; db.JobShifts.InsertOnSubmit(js); db.SubmitChanges(); JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer(); return jss.Serialize(js); }
public static void Delete(Guid id) { if (id == null || id == Guid.Empty) { throw new Exception("Invalid reference."); } // Retrieve the record to delete JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); Experience exp = db.Experiences.Where(x => == id).FirstOrDefault<Experience>(); // Get the jobs listings for this expeience level and set their experience to blank List<Job> jobs = db.Jobs.Where(x => x.experience == id).ToList<Job>(); foreach (Job j in jobs) { j.experience = Guid.Empty; } // Save changes db.Experiences.DeleteOnSubmit(exp); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public static void Delete(Guid id) { if (id == null || id == Guid.Empty) { throw new Exception("Invalid reference."); } // Retrieve the record to delete JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); Location loc = db.Locations.Where(x => == id).FirstOrDefault<Location>(); // Get the jobs listings for this location and set their location to blank List<Job> jobs = db.Jobs.Where(x => x.location == id).ToList<Job>(); foreach (Job j in jobs) { j.location = Guid.Empty; } // Save changes db.Locations.DeleteOnSubmit(loc); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public static void Create(string education) { if (education.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid experience."); } JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); // Make sure we don't already have a education entry for this int existing = db.Educations.Where(x => x.edu_level == education).Count(); if (existing > 0) { throw new Exception("Existing entry."); } // Create new education level Education ed = new Education { id = Guid.NewGuid(), edu_level = education, date_added = DateTime.Now }; // Save education db.Educations.InsertOnSubmit(ed); db.SubmitChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets all the Category records with references to their parent category /// </summary> /// <returns>List of CategoryWithParent</returns> public static List<CategoryWithParent> GetAll() { try { JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); List<CategoryWithParent> cats = (from c in db.Categories join c2 in db.Categories on c.parent equals into DefaultCats from c3 in DefaultCats.DefaultIfEmpty() select new CategoryWithParent { id =, name =, short_desc = c.short_desc, long_desc = c.long_desc, date_added = c.date_added, parent = c.parent, parent_name = }).ToList<CategoryWithParent>(); return cats; } catch (Exception) { return new List<CategoryWithParent>(); } }
public static void Create(string shift) { if (shift.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid shift."); } JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); // Make sure we don't already have a education entry for this int existing = db.Shifts.Where(x => x.shift1 == shift).Count(); if (existing > 0) { throw new Exception("Existing entry."); } // Create new education level Shift sh = new Shift { id = Guid.NewGuid(), shift1 = shift, date_added = DateTime.Now }; // Save education db.Shifts.InsertOnSubmit(sh); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public static void Create(string experience) { if (experience.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid experience."); } JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); // Make sure we don't already have a experience entry for this int existing = db.Experiences.Where(x => x.experience1 == experience).Count(); if (existing > 0) { throw new Exception("Existing entry."); } // Create new experience level Experience exp = new Experience { id = Guid.NewGuid(), experience1 = experience, date_added = DateTime.Now }; // Save experience db.Experiences.InsertOnSubmit(exp); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public static void Delete(Guid id) { if (id == null || id == Guid.Empty) { throw new Exception("Invalid reference."); } // Retrieve the record to delete JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); Shift shift = db.Shifts.Where(x => == id).FirstOrDefault<Shift>(); // Get the jobs listings for this education level and set their education to blank List<JobShift> jobs = (from js in db.JobShifts where js.shift.Equals( select js).ToList<JobShift>(); db.JobShifts.DeleteAllOnSubmit(jobs); db.SubmitChanges(); // Save changes db.Shifts.DeleteOnSubmit(shift); db.SubmitChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Contact record /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="street"></param> /// <param name="city"></param> /// <param name="state_id"></param> /// <param name="phone"></param> /// <param name="fax"></param> /// <param name="email"></param> /// <param name="username"></param> /// <param name="password"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string Create(string name, string street, string city, Guid state_id, string phone, string fax, string email, string username, string password, string level) { JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); if (password.Length == 0) { username = ""; } Contact con = new Contact { id = Guid.NewGuid(), name = name, street = street, city = city, state_id = state_id, phone = phone, fax = fax, email = email, username = username, password = password, level = level.Trim().ToUpper() }; db.Contacts.InsertOnSubmit(con); db.SubmitChanges(); return "Contact saved."; }
public static void Create(string city, Guid state_id) { if (city.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid city."); } if (state_id == null || state_id == Guid.Empty) { throw new Exception("Invalid state."); } JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); // Make sure we don't already have a location entry for this int existing = db.Locations.Where(x => == city && x.state_id == state_id).Count(); if (existing > 0) { throw new Exception("Existing entry."); } // Create new location Location loc = new Location { id = Guid.NewGuid(), city = city, state_id = state_id }; // Save location db.Locations.InsertOnSubmit(loc); db.SubmitChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Display job categories /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult Categories() { JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); Contact user = ViewBag.user; // Get all the jobs List<CategoryWithParent> categories = CategoryModel.GetAll(); foreach (CategoryWithParent category in categories) { // instead of extending category again, we'll just reuse the job count field for application count if(user.isAdmin()) { category.jobCount = (from c in db.Categories join jc in db.JobCategories on equals join j in db.Jobs on jc.job equals join a in db.Applications on equals a.job_id where && j.jobState.Equals(JobState.PUBLISHED.ToString()) && a.status.Equals(ApplicationStatus.ACTIVE.ToString()) && !a.dateSubmitted.Equals(null) && j.jobState.Equals(JobState.PUBLISHED.ToString()) select a).Count(); } else { JobContact contact = new JobContact { contact = }; category.jobCount = (from c in db.Categories join jc in db.JobCategories on equals join j in db.Jobs on jc.job equals join a in db.Applications on equals a.job_id where && j.jobState.Equals(JobState.PUBLISHED.ToString()) && a.status.Equals(ApplicationStatus.ACTIVE.ToString()) && !a.dateSubmitted.Equals(null) && j.Notifications.Contains(contact, new JobContactEqualityComparer()) && j.jobState.Equals(JobState.PUBLISHED.ToString()) select a).Count(); } } ViewBag.categories = categories; return View(); }
public static string AddJobCategory(Guid job_id, Guid cat_id) { JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); // Lets make sure we don't already have an association for this category int exists = db.JobCategories.Where(x => == cat_id && x.job == job_id).Count(); if (exists > 0) { return "You may not add this category more than once."; } JobCategory jc = new JobCategory { job = job_id, cat = cat_id }; db.JobCategories.InsertOnSubmit(jc); db.SubmitChanges(); JobCategory json = new JobCategory { id =, job = jc.job, cat = }; JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); return js.Serialize(json); }
public static string Delete(Guid id, string contact_id) { if (id == null) { throw new Exception(); } JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); Guid con_id = new Guid(contact_id); // Get the job listings that are tied to the contact we're removing List<Job> jobs = db.Jobs.Where(x => == id).ToList<Job>(); List<JobContact> jobcontacts = db.JobContacts.Where(x =><JobContact>(); db.JobContacts.DeleteAllOnSubmit(jobcontacts); // Loop through the jobs and reassign them to the logged in users ID foreach (Job j in jobs) { = con_id; } Contact con = db.Contacts.Where(x => == id).FirstOrDefault<Contact>(); db.Contacts.DeleteOnSubmit(con); db.SubmitChanges(); return ""; }
public static string Delete(Guid id) { try { if (id == null || id == Guid.Empty) { throw new Exception("Invalid category"); } JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); // Get the category record Category cat = db.Categories.Where(x => == id).FirstOrDefault<Category>(); // We need to remove any job listing references to this category List<JobCategory> jobs = db.JobCategories.Where(x => == id).ToList<JobCategory>(); foreach (JobCategory jc in jobs) { db.JobCategories.DeleteOnSubmit(jc); } db.Categories.DeleteOnSubmit(cat); db.SubmitChanges(); return ""; } catch (Exception e) { return e.Message; } }
public static Guid Create(string title, string short_desc, string salary_type, string status, string long_desc, Guid experience, Guid education, Guid location, Guid contact, int isDriving, List<Guid> categories, List<Guid> shifts) { JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); // Create the new job record Job new_job = new Job { id = Guid.NewGuid(), title = title, short_desc = short_desc, long_desc = long_desc.Replace("\n","<br />"), experience = experience, education = education, location = location, contact = contact, date_added = DateTime.Now, isDriving = isDriving, salary_type = salary_type, status = status, jobState = JobState.CREATED.ToString() }; // Save the job record db.Jobs.InsertOnSubmit(new_job); db.SubmitChanges(); // Create the job categories foreach (Guid cat_id in categories) { JobCategory new_jobcat = new JobCategory { job =, cat = cat_id }; db.JobCategories.InsertOnSubmit(new_jobcat); } // Create the job categories foreach (Guid shift_id in shifts) { JobShift new_jobshift = new JobShift { id = Guid.NewGuid(), job =, shift = shift_id }; db.JobShifts.InsertOnSubmit(new_jobshift); } db.SubmitChanges(); return; }
public static void Update(Guid id, string title, string short_desc, string salary_type, string status, string long_desc, Guid experience, Guid education, Guid location, Guid contact, int isDriving, string jobState) { if (id == null || id == Guid.Empty) { throw new Exception("Invalid reference"); } JobBoardDataContext db = new JobBoardDataContext(); Job job = db.Jobs.Where(x => == id).FirstOrDefault<Job>(); job.title = title; job.short_desc = short_desc; job.long_desc = long_desc.Replace("\n", "<br />"); job.experience = experience; = education; job.location = location; = contact; job.isDriving = isDriving; job.salary_type = salary_type; job.status = status; job.jobState = jobState.Trim().ToUpper(); db.SubmitChanges(); }