private void Report2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Cow c = new Cow(); JersyCow j = new JersyCow(); Sheep s = new Sheep(); Goat g = new Goat(); cowprofit.Text = c.Profitability().ToString(); jcowprofit.Text = j.Profitability().ToString(); goatprofit.Text = g.Profitability().ToString(); sheepprofit.Text = s.Profitability().ToString(); totalprofit.Text = (c.Profitability() + j.Profitability() + g.Profitability() + s.Profitability()).ToString(); }
private void Report12_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { JersyCow jc = new JersyCow(); totalmilk.Text = jc.totalMilk().ToString(); income.Text = (jc.totalMilk() * Rates.cowMilkPrice).ToString(); water.Text = jc.totalWater().ToString(); dcost.Text = jc.dailycost().ToString(); double tax = ((Rates.govtTax + Rates.jersyCowTax) * jc.totalMilk()); expenses.Text = ((jc.totalWater() * Rates.waterPice) + (tax) + jc.dailycost()).ToString(); profitability.Text = jc.Profitability().ToString(); }
private void Report8_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Database.arr.Clear();//clear the arr hash table as we will fill it again so no duplicate error occurs Cow c = new Cow(); JersyCow jc = new JersyCow(); Goat g = new Goat(); Sheep s = new Sheep(); //fill the hash table named arr with id and profit of all animals c.SingleAnimalProfitability(); jc.SingleAnimalProfitability(); g.SingleAnimalProfitability(); s.SingleAnimalProfitability(); double tempVal; int tempid; int count = 0; sorting[] data = new sorting[Database.arr.Count]; //declare a struct array foreach (KeyValuePair <int, double> animal in Database.arr) //fill that array with hash table data { data[count].id = animal.Key; data[count].profit = animal.Value; count++; } for (int i = 0; i < Database.arr.Count; i++)//here is the array sorting algorithm { for (int j = i + 1; j < Database.arr.Count; j++) { if (data[i].profit > data[j].profit) { tempid = data[i].id; tempVal = data[i].profit; data[i].id = data[j].id; data[i].profit = data[j].profit; data[j].id = tempid; data[j].profit = tempVal; } } } textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + "Animal ID" + " " + "Profitability" + "\r\n";//fill textbox with the array data textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + "----------------------------------------------------" + "\r\n"; FileStream fs = new FileStream("sortedData.txt", FileMode.Create); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs); for (int i = 0; i < Database.arr.Count; i++)//save that data into text file { textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + data[i].id.ToString() + " " + data[i].profit.ToString() + "\r\n"; sw.WriteLine(data[i].id); } sw.Close(); }