/// <summary>
	/// Grabs the point mass.
	/// </summary>
	public void GrabPointMass()
		//i am now pulling the body.
		pulling = true;
		//clear old values from last pull

		//set the position to lock it in place while pulling the body
		position = body.Position;

		//get the closest point mass to the mouse positions and cache some information about it.
		mousePosInWorld = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
		pmIndex = body.getClosestPointMass(mousePosInWorld, false); //only grab edge point masses
		pointmass = body.getEdgePointMass(pmIndex);
		oldMultipliers.Add (pointmass.shapeMatchingMultiplier);
		pointmass.shapeMatchingMultiplier = 0f;
		adjacentPointMasses.Add (pointmass);

		//Set the body to kinematic to keep it in place while pulling.
		body.IsKinematic = true; 
		int adjIndex = 0;
		int numFromStart = 0;
		//grab adjacent point masses further in the array.
		for(int i = pmIndex; i < pmIndex + numAdjacentPoints; i++)
			adjIndex = i > body.EdgePointMassCount - 1 ? i - body.EdgePointMassCount : i;
			if(adjIndex > body.EdgePointMassCount - 1 || adjacentPointMasses.Contains(body.getEdgePointMass(adjIndex)))

			//cache the point mass info and modify the shape matching values by how close it is to the grabbed point mass
			adjacentPointMasses.Add (body.getEdgePointMass(adjIndex));
			body.getEdgePointMass(adjIndex).shapeMatchingMultiplier = numFromStart / (numAdjacentPoints + 1 + adjacentDropoff);
		numFromStart = 0;
		//grab adjacent point masses before the current index in the array.
		for(int i = pmIndex; i > pmIndex - numAdjacentPoints; i--)
			adjIndex = i < 0 ? i + body.EdgePointMassCount: i;
			if(adjIndex < 0 || adjacentPointMasses.Contains(body.getEdgePointMass(adjIndex)))

			//cache the point mass info and modify the shape matching values by how close it is to the grabbed point mass
			adjacentPointMasses.Add (body.getEdgePointMass(adjIndex));
			body.getEdgePointMass(adjIndex).shapeMatchingMultiplier = numFromStart / (numAdjacentPoints + 1 + adjacentDropoff);
		//find any internal point masses connected to the selected point mass (via spring) and cache/modify its shape matching multiplier.
		for(int i = 0; i < body.SpringCount; i++)
			if(body.getSpring(i).pointMassA == pmIndex || body.getSpring(i).pointMassB == pmIndex)
				if(body.getSpring(i).pointMassA >= body.EdgePointMassCount)
					adjacentPointMasses.Add (body.getPointMass(body.getSpring(i).pointMassA));
					oldMultipliers.Add (body.getPointMass(body.getSpring(i).pointMassA).shapeMatchingMultiplier);
					body.getPointMass(body.getSpring(i).pointMassA).shapeMatchingMultiplier = 1 / (2 + adjacentDropoff);
				else if(body.getSpring(i).pointMassB >= body.EdgePointMassCount)
					adjacentPointMasses.Add (body.getPointMass(body.getSpring(i).pointMassB));
					oldMultipliers.Add (body.getPointMass(body.getSpring(i).pointMassB).shapeMatchingMultiplier);
					body.getPointMass(body.getSpring(i).pointMassB).shapeMatchingMultiplier = 1 / (2 + adjacentDropoff);