public JediQuery(JediService service) { Field <JediType>( "jedi", "Get one droid by id", arguments: new QueryArguments() { new QueryArgument <IntGraphType> { Name = "id", Description = "Command to list jedis" } }, resolve: context => { var userConterxt = context.UserContext as JediUserContext; var id = context.GetArgument <int>("id"); return(service.Get(id)); } ); Field <ListGraphType <JediType> >( "jedis", "Get lists jedi by param", arguments: new QueryArguments() { new QueryArgument <ListInputType> { Name = "param", DefaultValue = new FindJediCmd(), Description = "Command to list jedis" }, new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <IntGraphType> > { Name = "id", Description = "Command to list jedis" }, new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> { Name = "keyworks", Description = "Command to list jedis" } }, resolve: context => { var userConterxt = context.UserContext as JediUserContext; var param = context.GetArgument <FindJediCmd>("param"); var keyworks = context.GetArgument <string>("keyworks"); var jedi = context.GetArgument <int[]>("id"); param.Keyworks = keyworks ?? param.Keyworks; param.Jedi = jedi ?? param.Jedi; return(service.Find(param)); } ); }
public JediMutation(JediService service) { Field <JediType>( "createJedi", "Get one droid by id", arguments: new QueryArguments() { new QueryArgument <CreateInputType> { Name = "command", Description = "Command to list jedis", DefaultValue = new CreateJediCmd(), } }, resolve: context => { var userConterxt = context.UserContext as JediUserContext; var command = context.GetArgument <CreateJediCmd>("command"); return(service.Create(command)); } ); Field <JediType>( "updateJedi", "Get one droid by id", arguments: new QueryArguments() { new QueryArgument <UpdateInputType> { Name = "command", Description = "Command to list jedis", DefaultValue = new UpdateJediCmd(), } }, resolve: context => { var userConterxt = context.UserContext as JediUserContext; var command = context.GetArgument <UpdateJediCmd>("command"); return(service.Update(command)); } ); }