private void GridViewClickHandler(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            JcwDataGridView gridView = sender as JcwDataGridView;

            if (gridView != null && gridView.CurrentRow != null)
                // Validate that the row being edited in fact can be edited by checking the CanIncludeInAggregate property on the data bound object.
                ChartStatistic statistic = gridView.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem as ChartStatistic;
                if (statistic != null)
                    if (statistic.CanIncludeInAggregate)
                        // If the current cell is the include column cell, raise the recalculate aggregate event.
                        if (gridView.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex.Equals(IncludeColumn.Index))
                            if (OnRecalculateAggregate != null)
                                OnRecalculateAggregate(this, EventArgs.Empty);
        private void GridView_CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            JcwDataGridView gridView = sender as JcwDataGridView;

            if (gridView != null)
                // Validate that the row being edited in fact can be edited by checking the CanIncludeInAggregate property on the data bound object.
                ChartStatistic statistic = gridView.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem as ChartStatistic;
                if (statistic != null)
                    if (statistic.CanIncludeInAggregate)
                        // Commit the change when a checkbox cell is clicked so that by the time we get into the CellContentClick
                        // handler the cells value has already been updated.
                        if (gridView.CurrentCell is DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)