static string GetVisibleReturnTypeString(JavaMethodModel method)
            if (GetVisibleNonSpecialType(method, method.ReturnTypeModel) is JavaTypeReference jtr)

        static void SaveMethod(JavaMethodModel method, XmlWriter writer)
            bool check(JavaMethodModel _) => _.BaseMethod?.DeclaringType?.Visibility == "public" &&
            !method.IsStatic &&
            method.Parameters.All(p => p.InstantiatedGenericArgumentName == null);

            // skip synthetic methods, that's what jar2xml does.
            // However, jar2xml is based on Java reflection and it generates synthetic methods
            // that actually needs to be generated in the output XML (they are not marked as
            // "synthetic" either by asm or java reflection), when:
            // - the synthetic method is actually from non-public ancestor class
            //   (e.g. FileBackupHelperBase.writeNewStateDescription())
            // For such case, it does not skip generation.
            if (method.IsSynthetic && (method.BaseMethod == null || check(method)))

            // Here we skip most of the overriding methods of a virtual method, unless
            // - the method visibility or final-ity has changed: protected Object#clone() is often
            //   overriden as public. In that case, we need a "new" method.
            // - the method is covariant. In that case we need another overload.
            // - they differ in "abstract" or "final" method attribute.
            // - the derived method is static.
            // - the base method is in the NON-public class.
            // - none of the arguments are type parameters.
            // - finally, it is the synthetic method already checked above.
            if (method.BaseMethod != null &&
                !method.BaseMethod.IsAbstract &&
                method.BaseMethod.Visibility == method.Visibility &&
                method.BaseMethod.IsAbstract == method.IsAbstract &&
                method.BaseMethod.IsFinal == method.IsFinal &&
                !method.IsSynthetic &&

            SaveMember(m: method, writer: writer, elementName: "method",
                       abs: XmlConvert.ToString(method.IsAbstract),
                       native: XmlConvert.ToString(method.IsNative),
                       ret: GetVisibleReturnTypeString(method),
                       sync: XmlConvert.ToString(method.IsSynchronized),
                       transient: null,
                       type: null,
                       typeGeneric: null,
                       value: null,
                       volat: null,
                       parameters: method.Parameters,
                       extBridge: method.IsBridge,
                       jniReturn: method.ReturnJni,
                       extSynthetic: method.IsSynthetic,
                       notNull: method.ReturnNotNull);
        public static JavaParameterModel ParseParameter(JavaMethodModel method, XElement element)
            var parameter = new JavaParameterModel(
                declaringMethod: method,
                javaName: element.XGetAttribute("name"),
                javaType: element.XGetAttribute("type"),
                jniType: element.XGetAttribute("jni-type"),
                isNotNull: element.XGetAttributeAsBool("not-null")

        public static JavaMethodModel ParseMethod(JavaTypeModel type, XElement element)
            var method = new JavaMethodModel(
                javaName: element.XGetAttribute("name"),
                javaVisibility: element.XGetAttribute("visibility"),
                javaAbstract: element.XGetAttributeAsBool("abstract"),
                javaFinal: element.XGetAttributeAsBool("final"),
                javaStatic: element.XGetAttributeAsBool("static"),
                javaReturn: element.XGetAttribute("return"),
                javaDeclaringType: type,
                deprecated: element.XGetAttribute("deprecated"),
                jniSignature: element.XGetAttribute("jni-signature"),
                isSynthetic: element.XGetAttributeAsBool("synthetic"),
                isBridge: element.XGetAttributeAsBool("bridge"),
                returnJni: element.XGetAttribute("jni-return"),
                isNative: element.XGetAttributeAsBool("native"),
                isSynchronized: element.XGetAttributeAsBool("synchronized"),
                returnNotNull: element.XGetAttributeAsBool("return-not-null")

            if (element.Element("typeParameters") is XElement tp)
                ParseTypeParameters(method.TypeParameters, tp);

            foreach (var child in element.Elements("parameter"))
                method.Parameters.Add(ParseParameter(method, child));
            foreach (var child in element.Elements("exception"))

            if (element.XGetAttribute("merge.SourceFile") is string source && source.HasValue())
                method.PropertyBag.Add("merge.SourceFile", source);
            if (element.XGetAttribute("deprecated-since") is string dep && dep.HasValue())
                method.PropertyBag.Add("deprecated-since", dep);

        static JavaParameterModel ParseParameterModel(JavaMethodModel declaringMethod, JniTypeName jniParameter, ParameterDefinition managedParameter)
            var raw_type = jniParameter.Type;

            // This covers a special case where we have generated an interface method like:
            // void DoThing (System.Collections.Generics.IList<MyPackage.MyType> p0);
            // However the [Register] JNI signature for this method is missing generic information:
            // "(Ljava/util/List;)V"
            // We need to try to rebuild the generic signature from the [Register] attributes
            // on the type components that make up the signature:
            // java.util.List<mypackage.MyType>

            // TODO: This is more correct, but differs from ApiXmlAdjuster.
            //if (managedParameter.ParameterType is GenericInstanceType)
            //	if (TypeReferenceToJavaType (managedParameter.ParameterType) is string s)
            //		raw_type = s;

            return(new JavaParameterModel(declaringMethod, managedParameter.Name, raw_type, jniParameter.Jni, false));
        public static JavaMethodModel?ParseMethod(MethodDefinition method, JavaTypeModel declaringType)
            if (method.IsPrivate || method.IsAssembly)

            var obs_attr = GetObsoleteAttribute(method.CustomAttributes);
            var reg_attr = GetRegisterAttribute(method.CustomAttributes);

            if (reg_attr is null)

            var deprecated    = (obs_attr != null) ? (string)obs_attr.ConstructorArguments [0].Value ?? "deprecated" : "not deprecated";
            var jni_signature = JniSignature.Parse((string)reg_attr.ConstructorArguments [1].Value !);

            var model = new JavaMethodModel(
                javaName: (string)reg_attr.ConstructorArguments [0].Value,
                javaVisibility: method.Visibility(),
                javaAbstract: method.IsAbstract,
                javaFinal: method.IsFinal,
                javaStatic: method.IsStatic,
                javaReturn: jni_signature.Return.Type,
                javaDeclaringType: declaringType,
                deprecated: deprecated,
                jniSignature: jni_signature.ToString(),
                isSynthetic: false,
                isBridge: false,
                returnJni: jni_signature.Return.Jni,
                isNative: false,
                isSynchronized: false,
                returnNotNull: false

            for (var i = 0; i < jni_signature.Parameters.Count; i++)
                model.Parameters.Add(ParseParameterModel(model, jni_signature.Parameters [i], method.Parameters [i]));

        static JavaTypeReference?GetVisibleNonSpecialType(JavaMethodModel method, JavaTypeReference?r)
            if (r == null || r.SpecialName != null || r.ReferencedTypeParameter != null || r.ArrayPart != null)

            var requiredVisibility = method?.Visibility == "public" && method.DeclaringType?.Visibility == "public" ? "public" : method?.Visibility;

            for (var t = r; t != null; t = (t.ReferencedType as JavaClassModel)?.BaseTypeReference)
                if (t.ReferencedType == null)
                if (IsAcceptableVisibility(required: requiredVisibility, actual: t.ReferencedType.Visibility))
