public void OnLoadFinished (Loader loader, Java.Lang.Object data) { var cursor = data.JavaCast<ICursor> (); TextView tv = ((Activity) mContext).FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.sample_output); // Reset text in case of a previous query tv.Text = mContext.GetText (Resource.String.intro_message) + "\n\n"; if (cursor.Count == 0) { return; } // Pulling the relevant value from the cursor requires knowing the column index to pull // it from. int phoneColumnIndex = cursor.GetColumnIndex (ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.Number); int emailColumnIndex = cursor.GetColumnIndex (ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.Address); int nameColumnIndex = cursor.GetColumnIndex (ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Contactables.InterfaceConsts.DisplayName); int lookupColumnIndex = cursor.GetColumnIndex (ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Contactables.InterfaceConsts.LookupKey); int typeColumnIndex = cursor.GetColumnIndex (ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Contactables.InterfaceConsts.Mimetype); cursor.MoveToFirst (); // Lookup key is the easiest way to verify a row of data is for the same // contact as the previous row. String lookupKey = ""; do { String currentLookupKey = cursor.GetString (lookupColumnIndex); if (!lookupKey.Equals (currentLookupKey)) { String displayName = cursor.GetString (nameColumnIndex); tv.Append (displayName + "\n"); lookupKey = currentLookupKey; } // The data type can be determined using the mime type column. String mimeType = cursor.GetString (typeColumnIndex); if (mimeType.Equals (ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.ContentItemType)) { tv.Append ("\tPhone Number: " + cursor.GetString (phoneColumnIndex) + "\n"); } else if (mimeType.Equals (ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.ContentItemType)) { tv.Append ("\tEmail Address: " + cursor.GetString (emailColumnIndex) + "\n"); } // Look at DDMS to see all the columns returned by a query to Contactables. // Behold, the firehose! foreach (String column in cursor.GetColumnNames ()) { Log.Debug (TAG, column + column + ": " + cursor.GetString (cursor.GetColumnIndex (column)) + "\n"); } } while (cursor.MoveToNext ()); }
public override void OnNestedScroll(CoordinatorLayout coordinatorLayout, Java.Lang.Object child, View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed) { base.OnNestedScroll(coordinatorLayout, child, target, dxConsumed, dyConsumed, dxUnconsumed, dyUnconsumed); var floatingActionButtonChild = child.JavaCast<FloatingActionButton>(); if (dyConsumed > 0 && floatingActionButtonChild.Visibility == ViewStates.Visible) floatingActionButtonChild.Hide(); else if (dyConsumed < 0 && floatingActionButtonChild.Visibility != ViewStates.Visible) floatingActionButtonChild.Show(); }
public void OnResult (Java.Lang.Object result) { googleApiClient.Disconnect (); IDataApiDeleteDataItemsResult deleteDataItemsResult; try { deleteDataItemsResult = result.JavaCast<IDataApiDeleteDataItemsResult>(); } catch { return; } if (!deleteDataItemsResult.Status.IsSuccess) Log.Error (Tag, "DismissWearableNotification(): Failed to delete IDataItem"); }
public void Apply (Java.Lang.Object calendarCell) { if (calendarCell.Class.SimpleName == "CalendarMonthCell") { return; } CalendarDayCell dayCell = calendarCell.JavaCast<CalendarDayCell> (); if (dayCell.CellType != CalendarCellType.Date) { return; } this.calendar.TimeInMillis = dayCell.Date; if (calendar.Get (CalendarField.DayOfWeek) == Calendar.Saturday) { dayCell.Selectable = false; } else { dayCell.Selectable = true; } }
public void OnResult(Java.Lang.Object result) { if (state == 0) { state = 1; var apiResult = result.JavaCast<INodeApiGetConnectedNodesResult> (); var nodes = apiResult.Nodes; var phoneNode = nodes.FirstOrDefault (); if (phoneNode == null) { DisplayError (); return; } WearableClass.MessageApi.SendMessage (client, phoneNode.Id, "/bikenow/SearchNearestStations/" + ActionStatus.ToString (), new byte[0]).SetResultCallback (this); } else { state = 0; var apiResult = result.JavaCast<IMessageApiSendMessageResult> (); Android.Util.Log.Info ("SendMessage", apiResult.RequestId.ToString ()); } }
public void OnResult (Java.Lang.Object result) { var ar = result.JavaCast<ILeaderboardsLoadScoresResult>(); if (ar != null) { var id = ar.Leaderboard.LeaderboardId; if (!helper.scores.ContainsKey (id)) { helper.scores.Add (id, new List<ILeaderboardScore> ()); } helper.scores [id].Clear (); var count = ar.Scores.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var score = ar.Scores.Get(i).JavaCast<ILeaderboardScore> (); helper.scores [id].Add (score); } } }
public void OnResult(Java.Lang.Object result) { var dataItemResult = result.JavaCast<IDataApiDataItemResult> (); if (dataItemResult.Status.IsSuccess && dataItemResult.DataItem != null) { var configDataItem = dataItemResult.DataItem; var dataMapItem = DataMapItem.FromDataItem (configDataItem); SetupAllPickers (dataMapItem.DataMap); } else { SetupAllPickers (null); } }
//Follow the same flow as the MainActivity for the Wearable (Wearable/MainActivity has more details). public void OnResult (Java.Lang.Object raw) { Exception nodeException, messageException; try { var nodeResult = raw.JavaCast<INodeApiGetConnectedNodesResult> (); foreach (var node in nodeResult.Nodes) WearableClass.MessageApi.SendMessage (mGoogleApiClient, node.Id, START_ACTIVITY_PATH, new byte[0]) .SetResultCallback (this); return; } catch (Exception e) { nodeException = e; } try { var messageResult = raw.JavaCast<IMessageApiSendMessageResult> (); if (!messageResult.Status.IsSuccess) Log.Error (TAG, "Failed to connect to Google Api Client with status " + messageResult.Status); return; } catch (Exception e) { messageException = e; } //We should never get to this point Log.Wtf (TAG, "Unexpected type for OnResult"); Log.Error (TAG, "Node Exception", nodeException); Log.Error (TAG, "Message Exception", messageException); }
public override void OnSuccess(Java.Lang.Object jObject) { PurchaseResult purchaseResult = jObject.JavaCast<PurchaseResult>(); if (null == purchaseResult) { m_debugText = string.Format ("PurchaseResult is null!"); } else { m_debugText = string.Format ("Request Purchase: OnSuccess"); Log.Info (TAG, "OnSuccess identiifer"+purchaseResult.ProductIdentifier); } }
public void OnFinished(Kiip p0, Java.Lang.Object p1) { ME.Kiip.Api.Resource response = p1.JavaCast<ME.Kiip.Api.Resource>(); example.toast(response.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// On Geofence Request Result /// </summary> /// <param name="result"></param> public void OnResult(Java.Lang.Object result) { var res = result.JavaCast<IResult>(); int statusCode = res.Status.StatusCode; string message = string.Empty; switch (res.Status.StatusCode) { case Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.SuccessCache: case Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.Success: if (CurrentRequestType == RequestType.Add) { message = string.Format("{0} - {1}", CrossGeofence.Id, "Successfully added Geofence."); foreach (GeofenceCircularRegion region in Regions.Values) { CrossGeofence.GeofenceListener.OnMonitoringStarted(region.Id); } } else { message = string.Format("{0} - {1}", CrossGeofence.Id, "Geofence Update Received"); } break; case Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.Error: message = string.Format("{0} - {1}", CrossGeofence.Id, "Error adding Geofence."); break; case Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.GeofenceTooManyGeofences: message = string.Format("{0} - {1}", CrossGeofence.Id, "Too many geofences."); break; case Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.GeofenceTooManyPendingIntents: message = string.Format("{0} - {1}", CrossGeofence.Id, "Too many pending intents."); break; case Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.GeofenceNotAvailable: message = string.Format("{0} - {1}", CrossGeofence.Id, "Geofence not available."); break; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(message); if (statusCode != Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.Success && statusCode != Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.SuccessCache && IsMonitoring) { // Rather than force killing all running geofences, delegate action on geofence failures to the application. // This lets the application decide to ignore the error, perform retry logic, stop monitoring as below, or any other behavior. // StopMonitoringAllRegions(); ((GeofenceImplementation)CrossGeofence.Current).LocationHasError = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) CrossGeofence.GeofenceListener.OnError(message); } }
public override bool OnDependentViewChanged (CoordinatorLayout parent, Java.Lang.Object child, View dependency) { // Move the fab vertically to place correctly wrt the info pane var fab = child.JavaCast<SwitchableFab> (); var currentInfoPaneY = ViewCompat.GetTranslationY (dependency); var newTransY = (int)Math.Max (0, dependency.Height - currentInfoPaneY - minMarginBottom - fab.Height / 2); ViewCompat.SetTranslationY (fab, -newTransY); // If alternating between open/closed state, change the FAB face if (wasOpened ^ ((InfoPane)dependency).Opened) { fab.Switch (); wasOpened = !wasOpened; } return true; }
public void OnResult(Java.Lang.Object result) { var apiResult = result.JavaCast<ICapabilityApiGetCapabilityResult> (); var nodes = apiResult.Capability.Nodes; phoneNode = nodes.FirstOrDefault (); if (phoneNode == null) { DisplayError (); return; } WearableClass.MessageApi.SendMessage (client, phoneNode.Id, SearchStationPath + ActionStatus.ToString (), new byte[0]); }
public void OnResult(Java.Lang.Object statusRaw) { var status = statusRaw.JavaCast<Statuses>(); if (status.IsSuccess) { var myHandler = new Handler (); myHandler.Post (() => { Android.Widget.Toast.MakeText (this, "Geofencing Started.", Android.Widget.ToastLength.Long).Show (); }); } else { var myHandler = new Handler (); myHandler.Post (() => { Android.Widget.Toast.MakeText (this, "Error Starting Geofencing.", Android.Widget.ToastLength.Long).Show (); }); } }
//Since Java bytecode does not support generics, casting between types can be messy. Handle everything here. public void OnResult (Java.Lang.Object raw) { Exception nodeException, messageException; try { //send the message var nodeResult = raw.JavaCast<INodeApiGetConnectedNodesResult> (); foreach (var node in nodeResult.Nodes) WearableClass.MessageApi.SendMessage (mGoogleApiClient, node.Id, path, new byte[0]).SetResultCallback (this); //will go to second try/catch block return; } catch (Exception e) { nodeException = e; } try { //check that it worked correctly var messageResult = raw.JavaCast<IMessageApiSendMessageResult> (); if (!messageResult.Status.IsSuccess) Log.Error (TAG, "Failed to connect to Google Api Client with status " + messageResult.Status); return; } catch (Exception e) { messageException = e; } //Will never get here Log.Warn (TAG, "Unexpected type for OnResult"); Log.Error (TAG, "Node Exception", nodeException); Log.Error (TAG, "Message Exception", messageException); }
public void OnFinished(Kiip p0, Java.Lang.Object p1) { ME.Kiip.Api.Resource response = p1.JavaCast<ME.Kiip.Api.Resource>(); if (response != null) { if (mRewardActionToggle.Checked) { p0.ShowResource(response); } else { example.toast("Reward Queued"); example.mResources.Add(response); } } else { example.toast("No Reward"); } }
public void OnResult(Java.Lang.Object result) { var dataItemResult = result.JavaCast<IDataApiDataItemResult> (); if (dataItemResult.Status.IsSuccess) { OnResultAction (dataItemResult); } }
public override void OnSuccess(Java.Lang.Object jObject) { GamerInfo gamerInfo = jObject.JavaCast<GamerInfo>(); if (null == gamerInfo) { m_debugText = string.Format ("GamerInfo is null!"); } else { m_debugText = string.Format ("Request Gamer UUID={0} Username={1}", gamerInfo.Uuid, gamerInfo.Username); Log.Info (TAG, "OnSuccess uuid=" + gamerInfo.Uuid + " username=" + gamerInfo.Username); } }
public void OnResult(Java.Lang.Object result) { var localNodeResult = result.JavaCast<INodeApiGetLocalNodeResult> (); OnResultAction (localNodeResult); }
/// <summary> /// Destroys the item. /// </summary> /// <param name="container">The container.</param> /// <param name="position">The position.</param> /// <param name="object">The object.</param> public override void DestroyItem(Android.Views.View container, int position, Java.Lang.Object @object) { //activePickerViews[position].OnDateSelected -= HandleOnDateSelected; //activePickerViews.Remove(position); var monthView = @object.JavaCast<MonthView>(); (container.JavaCast<Android.Support.V4.View.ViewPager>()).RemoveView(monthView); _reusableMonthView = monthView; _activeMonthViews.Remove(position); }
/** * Dislays either the name of the first contact or a message. */ public void OnLoadFinished (Loader loader, Java.Lang.Object data) { var cursor = data.JavaCast <ICursor> (); if (cursor != null) { int totalCount = cursor.Count; if (totalCount > 0) { cursor.MoveToFirst (); string name = cursor.GetString (cursor.GetColumnIndex (ContactsContract.Contacts.InterfaceConsts.DisplayName)); messageText.Text = Resources.GetString (Resource.String.contacts_string, totalCount, name); CommonSampleLibrary.Log.Debug (TAG, "First contact loaded: " + name); CommonSampleLibrary.Log.Debug (TAG, "Total number of contacts: " + totalCount); } else { CommonSampleLibrary.Log.Debug (TAG, "List of contacts is empty."); messageText.Text = GetString (Resource.String.contacts_empty); } } }
public void OnLoadFinished (Android.Support.V4.Content.Loader loader, Java.Lang.Object data) { // Swap the new cursor in. (The framework will take care of closing the // old cursor once we return.) _adapter.SwapCursor(data.JavaCast<ICursor>()); // The list should now be shown. if (IsResumed) SetListShown(true); else SetListShownNoAnimation(true); }
public override void OnSuccess(Java.Lang.Object jObject) { s_products.Clear (); JavaList<Product> products = jObject.JavaCast<JavaList<Product>> (); if (null == products) { m_debugText = string.Format ("Products are null!"); } else { foreach (Product product in products) { s_products.Add (product); } m_debugText = string.Format ("Request Products: OnSuccess Count="+products.Count); Log.Info (TAG, "CustomRequestProductsListener: OnSuccess"); } }
public void OnSuccess(Java.Lang.Object result) { AuthenticationResult aresult = result.JavaCast<AuthenticationResult>(); if (aresult != null) { App.ExchangeToken = aresult.AccessToken; SignInComplete(aresult, context); } }
public override void OnSuccess(Java.Lang.Object jObject) { s_receipts.Clear (); JavaCollection<Receipt> receipts = jObject.JavaCast<JavaCollection<Receipt>> (); if (null == receipts) { m_debugText = string.Format ("Receipts are null!"); } else { foreach (Receipt receipt in receipts) { s_receipts.Add (receipt); } m_debugText = string.Format ("Request Receipts: OnSuccess Count="+s_receipts.Count); Log.Info (TAG, "OnSuccess"); } }
public void OnSuccess(Java.Lang.Object result) { AuthenticationResult aresult = result.JavaCast<AuthenticationResult>(); if (aresult != null) { App.Token = aresult.AccessToken; authContext.AcquireToken((Activity)context, Constants.EXCHANGE_RESOURCE_ID, Constants.AAD_CLIENT_ID, Constants.AAD_REDIRECT_URL, PromptBehavior.RefreshSession, new ExchangeCallback((Activity)context)); } }
/// <summary> /// On Geofence Request Result /// </summary> /// <param name="result"></param> public void OnResult(Java.Lang.Object result) { var res = result.JavaCast<IResult>(); int statusCode = res.Status.StatusCode; string message = string.Empty; switch (res.Status.StatusCode) { case Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.SuccessCache: case Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.Success: if (CurrentRequestType == RequestType.Add) { message = string.Format("{0} - {1}", CrossGeofence.Id, "Successfully added Geofence."); foreach (GeofenceCircularRegion region in Regions.Values) { CrossGeofence.GeofenceListener.OnMonitoringStarted(region.Id); } } else { message = string.Format("{0} - {1}", CrossGeofence.Id, "Geofence Update Received"); } break; case Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.Error: message = string.Format("{0} - {1}", CrossGeofence.Id, "Error adding Geofence."); break; case Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.GeofenceTooManyGeofences: message = string.Format("{0} - {1}", CrossGeofence.Id, "Too many geofences."); break; case Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.GeofenceTooManyPendingIntents: message = string.Format("{0} - {1}", CrossGeofence.Id, "Too many pending intents."); break; case Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.GeofenceNotAvailable: message = string.Format("{0} - {1}", CrossGeofence.Id, "Geofence not available."); break; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(message); if (statusCode != Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.Success && statusCode != Android.Gms.Location.GeofenceStatusCodes.SuccessCache && IsMonitoring) { StopMonitoringAllRegions(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) CrossGeofence.GeofenceListener.OnError(message); } }
public void OnResult (Java.Lang.Object result) { var ar = result.JavaCast<IAchievementsLoadAchievementsResult>(); if (ar != null) { helper.achievments.Clear (); var count = ar.Achievements.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var item = ar.Achievements.Get (i); var a = item.JavaCast<IAchievement> (); helper.achievments.Add (a); } } }
public void OnResult(Java.Lang.Object result) { var apiResult = result.JavaCast<INodeApiGetConnectedNodesResult>(); var nodes = apiResult.Nodes; phoneNode = nodes.FirstOrDefault(); if (phoneNode == null) { DisplayError(); return; } WearableClass.MessageApi.SendMessage(client, phoneNode.Id, TweetsPath, new byte[0]); }
public override void OnLoadFinished(Android.Support.V4.Content.Loader p0, Java.Lang.Object p1) { OnLoadFinished (p0, p1.JavaCast<Android.Support.V7.Util.SortedList> ()); }