protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { string serverNameURL = Request.Url.ToString(); int dotIndex = serverNameURL.IndexOf("."); this.ServerName = (dotIndex > -1) ? serverNameURL.Substring(0, dotIndex) : "localhost"; this.ServerName = this.ServerName.Replace("http://", ""); ViewBag.ServerName = ServerName; string storageConnectionString; if (Session["StorageConnectionString"] == null) { Session["StorageConnectionString"] = "StorageConnectionStringProd"; } if (Session["LatLonGroupID"] == null) { Session["LatLonGroupName"] = "KeyCitiesQAPage"; Session["LatLonGroupID"] = 1; } storageConnectionString = (string)Session["StorageConnectionString"]; apiCaller = new JassWeatherAPI(this.ServerName, HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"), storageConnectionString); base.OnActionExecuting(filterContext); }
public ActionResult ShowDashBoard() //list container { Session["StorageConnectionString"] = "StorageConnectionStringDev"; apiCaller = new JassWeatherAPI(ServerName, HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"), (string)Session["StorageConnectionString"]); List <JassVariableStatus> variableStatusModel = apiCaller.listVariableStatus(); return(View(variableStatusModel)); }
public ActionResult TestMerge2() { try { //Let try to re-create the file... string appDataFolder = HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"); string timestamp = JassWeatherAPI.fileTimeStamp(); // string inputFile1 = appDataFolder + "/"; string inputFile3 = appDataFolder + "/new_WRFG__" + timestamp + ".nc"; var dataset1 = DataSet.Open(inputFile1 + "?openMode=open"); var dataset3 = DataSet.Open(inputFile3 + "?openMode=create"); var schema1 = dataset1.GetSchema(); var schema3 = dataset3.GetSchema(); double[] yc = dataset1.GetData <double[]>("yc"); double[] xc = dataset1.GetData <double[]>("xc"); double[] time = dataset1.GetData <double[]>("time"); Single[, ,] temperature = dataset1.GetData <Single[, , ]>("tas"); dataset3.Add <double[]>("time", time, "time"); dataset3.Add <double[]>("xc", xc, "xc"); dataset3.Add <double[]>("yc", yc, "yc"); dataset3.Add <Single[, , ]>("temperature", temperature, "time", "yc", "xc"); //temperature tas (time,50)(yc,109)(xc,134) var dataset_new = DataSet.Open(inputFile3 + "?openMode=open"); var schema_new = dataset_new.GetSchema(); double[] yc_new = dataset_new.GetData <double[]>("yc"); double[] xc_new = dataset_new.GetData <double[]>("xc"); double[] time_new = dataset_new.GetData <double[]>("time"); Single[, ,] temperature_new = dataset_new.GetData <Single[, , ]>("temperature"); ViewBag.sschema_new = JassWeatherAPI.schema2string(schema_new); ViewBag.sschema1 = JassWeatherAPI.schema2string(schema1); ViewBag.sschema3 = JassWeatherAPI.schema2string(schema3); ViewBag.Message = "Test executed correctly:"; } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.Message = e.Message;; } return(View()); }
public ActionResult ShowDashBoard() //list container { Session["StorageConnectionString"] = "StorageConnectionStringDev"; apiCaller = new JassWeatherAPI(ServerName, HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"), (string)Session["StorageConnectionString"]); List <JassVariableStatus> variableStatusModel = apiCaller.listVariableStatus((int?)jassuserinfo.JassVariableGroupID); #region select Variable Group var userInfo = apiCaller.GetCurrentUser(); ViewBag.VariableGroupID = userInfo.JassVariableGroupID; int VariableGroupID = (int)ViewBag.VariableGroupID; var variableGroups = db.JassVariableGroups.ToList(); ViewBag.JassVariableID = new SelectList(variableGroups, "JassVariableGroupID", "Name"); #endregion return(View(variableStatusModel)); }
public ActionResult ShowDashBoardExt(string JassVariableGroupID) //list container { #region select Variable Group jassuserinfo = apiCaller.UserInfoSetVariableGroupID(jassuserinfo.JassUserInfoID, Convert.ToInt16(JassVariableGroupID)); var variableGroups = db.JassVariableGroups.ToList(); ViewBag.JassVariableGroupID = new SelectList(variableGroups, "JassVariableGroupID", "Name", jassuserinfo.JassVariableGroupID); #endregion Session["StorageConnectionString"] = "StorageConnectionStringProd"; apiCaller = new JassWeatherAPI(ServerName, HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"), (string)Session["StorageConnectionString"]); List <JassVariableStatus> variableStatusModel = apiCaller.listVariableStatus((int?)jassuserinfo.JassVariableGroupID); return(View("ShowDashBoard", variableStatusModel)); }
public ActionResult TestWriteDataSet2Azure() { string rootFolder = HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"); string timestamp = JassWeatherAPI.fileTimeStamp(); try { //This is a simple example that reads and writes netCDF files using SDS //We know how to do this from a normal disk and we want to learn how to do this from azure //1. Read an original netCDF file from Disk string input_netCDF_File = rootFolder + "/"; var inputDataSet = DataSet.Open(input_netCDF_File + "?openMode=open"); //read the dimensions that we know they have Single[] y = inputDataSet.GetData <Single[]>("y"); Single[] x = inputDataSet.GetData <Single[]>("x"); Single[] level = inputDataSet.GetData <Single[]>("level"); //Read a portion of data to make this smaller, collapsing the time dimension to the first row Int16[, ,] temperature = inputDataSet.GetData <Int16[, , ]>("air", DataSet.ReduceDim(0), DataSet.FromToEnd(0), DataSet.FromToEnd(0), DataSet.FromToEnd(0)); //CREATING AND READING netCDF on Azure Blob Storage //I First do it on Disk to warm up and who what I want to achieve. //Create a new netCDF file on disk for now string output_netCDF_File = rootFolder + "/testing_azureStorage" + timestamp + ".nc"; var outputDataSet = DataSet.Open(output_netCDF_File + "?openMode=create"); //add the data outputDataSet.Add <Single[]>("level", level, "level"); outputDataSet.Add <Single[]>("y", y, "y"); outputDataSet.Add <Single[]>("x", x, "x"); outputDataSet.Add <Int16[, , ]>("temperature", temperature, "level", "y", "x"); // Read the created file to make sure if ok. var outputDataSetNew = DataSet.Open(output_netCDF_File + "?openMode=open"); var schema_new = outputDataSetNew.GetSchema(); Single[] yc_new = outputDataSetNew.GetData <Single[]>("y"); Single[] xc_new = outputDataSetNew.GetData <Single[]>("x"); Single[] level_new = outputDataSetNew.GetData <Single[]>("level"); Int16[, ,] temperature_new = outputDataSetNew.GetData <Int16[, , ]>("temperature"); //Now, let try to do a similar things on azure blob //Create a new netCDF file on disk for now // //Credentials for azure blob storage account //<add key="StorageConnectionString" //value="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https; //AccountName=envirolytic; //AccountKey=WN55CUrwdaYDaMoG332M6x9ekXQu4P1uEoxEGsBBXGVr9mRsoKt4FXanp1M0QEgrIqke81Bp78FX7q2EMqqHSg==" /> // //Database credentials //"Data,1433; //Initial Catalog=envirolytic; //User ID=envirolytic; //Password=iswhatyou2!" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> //First we need to define URI var azureDataSet_URI = new AzureDataSetUri(); azureDataSet_URI.OpenMode = ResourceOpenMode.Create; azureDataSet_URI.AccountKey = "WN55CUrwdaYDaMoG332M6x9ekXQu4P1uEoxEGsBBXGVr9mRsoKt4FXanp1M0QEgrIqke81Bp78FX7q2EMqqHSg=="; azureDataSet_URI.AccountName = "envirolytic"; azureDataSet_URI.DataSetID = "123456789"; azureDataSet_URI.DataSetName = "testing" + timestamp; azureDataSet_URI.DefaultEndpointsProtocol = EndpointProtocol.http; // The next statement will fail with the following exception //{"Error while getting dataSets Schemas:Failed to get configuration container from blob storage:The specified container does not exist."} var dataset_from_Azure = AzureDataSet.Open(azureDataSet_URI); ViewBag.sschema_new = JassWeatherAPI.schema2string(schema_new); ViewBag.Message = "Test executed correctly:"; } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.Message = e.Message;; } return(View()); }
public ActionResult TestMerge5() { long StartingMemory; DateTime StartingTime = DateTime.Now; long AfterOpenMemory; long AfterLoadMemory; DateTime EndingTime = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan TotalDelay; try { //Let try to re-create the file... GC.Collect(); StartingMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true); string appDataFolder = HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"); string timestamp = JassWeatherAPI.fileTimeStamp(); // string inputFile1 = appDataFolder + "/"; var dataset1 = DataSet.Open(inputFile1 + "?openMode=open"); var schema1 = dataset1.GetSchema(); Single[] y = dataset1.GetData <Single[]>("y"); Single[] x = dataset1.GetData <Single[]>("x"); double[] time = dataset1.GetData <double[]>("time"); Single[] level = dataset1.GetData <Single[]>("level"); string dayString; int in_year = 2012; int in_month = 1; int in_day; for (var df = 0; df < time.Length; df += 8) { in_day = df / 8; dayString = "" + in_year + "_" + in_month + "_" + in_day; string inputFile3 = appDataFolder + "/envirolitic_air_2012_1_" + in_day + ".nc"; var dataset3 = DataSet.Open(inputFile3 + "?openMode=create"); AfterOpenMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true); var schema3 = dataset3.GetSchema(); // Int16[,,,] temperature = dataset1.GetData<Int16[,,,]>("air"); Int16[, , ,] temperature = dataset1.GetData <Int16[, , , ]>("air", DataSet.Range(0, 1, 7), /* removing first dimension from data*/ DataSet.FromToEnd(0), /* removing first dimension from data*/ DataSet.FromToEnd(0), DataSet.FromToEnd(0)); short tempSample = (short)temperature[0, 0, 0, 0]; AfterLoadMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true); double[] timeday = new double[8]; for (var t = 0; t < 8; t++) { timeday[t] = time[t]; } dataset3.Add <double[]>("time", timeday, "time"); dataset3.Add <Single[]>("level", level, "level"); dataset3.Add <Single[]>("y", y, "y"); dataset3.Add <Single[]>("x", x, "x"); dataset3.Add <Int16[, , , ]>("temperature", temperature, "time", "level", "y", "x"); //temperature tas (time,50)(yc,109)(xc,134) var dataset_new = DataSet.Open(inputFile3 + "?openMode=open"); var schema_new = dataset_new.GetSchema(); Single[] yc_new = dataset_new.GetData <Single[]>("y"); Single[] xc_new = dataset_new.GetData <Single[]>("x"); double[] time_new = dataset_new.GetData <double[]>("time"); Int16[, , ,] temperature_new = dataset_new.GetData <Int16[, , , ]>("temperature"); ViewBag.sschema_new = JassWeatherAPI.schema2string(schema_new); ViewBag.sschema1 = JassWeatherAPI.schema2string(schema1); ViewBag.sschema3 = JassWeatherAPI.schema2string(schema3); ViewBag.AfterOpenMemory = AfterOpenMemory / 1000000; ViewBag.AfterLoadMemory = AfterLoadMemory / 1000000; ViewBag.AfterLoadDiffMemory = AfterLoadMemory - AfterOpenMemory; ViewBag.temperature_new = temperature_new; } EndingTime = DateTime.Now; TotalDelay = EndingTime - StartingTime; ViewBag.StartingMemory = StartingMemory / 1000000; ViewBag.TotalDelay = TotalDelay; ViewBag.Message = "Test executed correctly:"; } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.Message = e.Message;; } return(View()); }
public ActionResult TestMerge3() { long StartingMemory; DateTime StartingTime = DateTime.Now; long AfterOpenMemory; long AfterLoadMemory; DateTime EndingTime = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan TotalDelay; try { //Let try to re-create the file... GC.Collect(); StartingMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true); string appDataFolder = HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"); string timestamp = JassWeatherAPI.fileTimeStamp(); // string inputFile1 = appDataFolder + "/"; string inputFile3 = appDataFolder + "/new_NARR_air__" + timestamp + ".nc"; var dataset1 = DataSet.Open(inputFile1 + "?openMode=open"); var dataset3 = DataSet.Open(inputFile3 + "?openMode=create"); AfterOpenMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true); var schema1 = dataset1.GetSchema(); var schema3 = dataset3.GetSchema(); Single[] y = dataset1.GetData <Single[]>("y"); Single[] x = dataset1.GetData <Single[]>("x"); double[] time = dataset1.GetData <double[]>("time"); Single[] level = dataset1.GetData <Single[]>("level"); // Int16[,,,] temperature = dataset1.GetData<Int16[,,,]>("air"); Int16[, ,] temperature = dataset1.GetData <Int16[, , ]>("air", DataSet.FromToEnd(0), /* removing first dimension from data*/ DataSet.ReduceDim(0), /* removing first dimension from data*/ DataSet.FromToEnd(0), DataSet.FromToEnd(0)); AfterLoadMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true); dataset3.Add <double[]>("time", time, "time"); dataset3.Add <Single[]>("level", level, "level"); dataset3.Add <Single[]>("y", y, "y"); dataset3.Add <Single[]>("x", x, "x"); dataset3.Add <Int16[, , ]>("temperature", temperature, "time", "y", "x"); //temperature tas (time,50)(yc,109)(xc,134) var dataset_new = DataSet.Open(inputFile3 + "?openMode=open"); var schema_new = dataset_new.GetSchema(); Single[] yc_new = dataset_new.GetData <Single[]>("y"); Single[] xc_new = dataset_new.GetData <Single[]>("x"); double[] time_new = dataset_new.GetData <double[]>("time"); Int16[, ,] temperature_new = dataset_new.GetData <Int16[, , ]>("temperature"); var size = sizeof(Int16); var c = size; EndingTime = DateTime.Now; TotalDelay = EndingTime - StartingTime; ViewBag.sschema_new = JassWeatherAPI.schema2string(schema_new); ViewBag.sschema1 = JassWeatherAPI.schema2string(schema1); ViewBag.sschema3 = JassWeatherAPI.schema2string(schema3); ViewBag.StartingMemory = StartingMemory / 1000000; ViewBag.AfterOpenMemory = AfterOpenMemory / 1000000; ViewBag.AfterLoadMemory = AfterLoadMemory / 1000000; ViewBag.AfterLoadDiffMemory = AfterLoadMemory - AfterOpenMemory; EndingTime = DateTime.Now; TotalDelay = EndingTime - StartingTime; ViewBag.TotalDelay = TotalDelay; ViewBag.Message = "Test executed correctly:"; } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.Message = e.Message;; } return(View()); }
public ActionResult TestMerge1() { try { string appDataFolder = HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"); string timestamp = JassWeatherAPI.fileTimeStamp(); string inputFile1 = appDataFolder + "/one_dimensional_measure_sample_1.csv"; string inputFile3 = appDataFolder + "/merged_file_3_" + timestamp + ".csv"; System.IO.File.Copy(inputFile1, inputFile3); var dataset1 = DataSet.Open(inputFile1 + "?appendMetadata=true"); var dataset3 = DataSet.Open(inputFile3 + "?appendMetadata=true"); string inputFile2 = appDataFolder + "/one_dimensional_measure_sample_2.csv"; var dataset2 = DataSet.Open(inputFile2 + "?appendMetadata=true"); var schema2 = dataset2.GetSchema(); var schema1 = dataset1.GetSchema(); var x = dataset3.GetData <double[]>("X"); var temp = dataset3.GetData <double[]>("Temp"); var humidity = dataset2.GetData <double[]>("Humidity"); var humidVarID = dataset3.Add <double[]>("Humid", dataset3.Dimensions[0].Name).ID; dataset3.PutData <double[]>(humidVarID, humidity); var dim = dataset3.Dimensions; var x3ID = dataset3["X"].ID; var temp3ID = dataset3["Temp"].ID; var humid3ID = dataset3["Humid"].ID; var x2ID = dataset2["X"].ID; var humid2ID = dataset2["Humidity"].ID; var x1ID = dataset1["X"].ID; var temp1ID = dataset1["Temp"].ID; dataset3.View(); var schema3 = dataset3.GetSchema(); ViewBag.sschema1 = JassWeatherAPI.schema2string(schema1); ViewBag.sschema2 = JassWeatherAPI.schema2string(schema2); ViewBag.sschema3 = JassWeatherAPI.schema2string(schema3); ViewBag.x3 = dataset3.GetData <double[]>("X"); ViewBag.temp3 = dataset3.GetData <double[]>("Temp"); ViewBag.humid3 = dataset3.GetData <double[]>("Humid"); ViewBag.Message = "Test executed correctly:"; } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.Message = e.Message;; } return(View()); }
public ActionResult GetMeasureValue(int id) { JassMeasure jassmeasure = db.JassMeasures.Find(id); int in_x = jassmeasure.x; int in_y = jassmeasure.y; int in_year = jassmeasure.year; int in_month = jassmeasure.month; int in_day =; int in_hour3 = jassmeasure.hour3; int in_level = jassmeasure.level; string dayString = "" + in_year + "_" + in_month + "_" + in_day; long StartingMemory; DateTime StartingTime = DateTime.Now; long AfterOpenMemory; long AfterLoadMemory; DateTime EndingTime = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan TotalDelay; try { //Let try to re-create the file... GC.Collect(); StartingMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true); string appDataFolder = HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"); string timestamp = JassWeatherAPI.fileTimeStamp(); // List <string> files = apiCaller.listFiles_in_AppData(); string inputFile3 = appDataFolder + "/envirolitic_air_" + dayString + ".nc"; var dataset3 = Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet.Open(inputFile3 + "?openMode=open"); AfterOpenMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true); short[] temperature = dataset3.GetData <short[]>("temperature", Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet.FromToEnd(0), //time Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet.ReduceDim(in_level), //level Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet.ReduceDim(in_y), //y Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet.ReduceDim(in_x)); //x ViewBag.temperature = temperature; AfterLoadMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true); //To compare string inputFile1 = appDataFolder + "/"; var dataset1 = Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet.Open(inputFile1 + "?openMode=open"); var schema1 = dataset1.GetSchema(); Single[] y = dataset1.GetData <Single[]>("y"); Single[] x = dataset1.GetData <Single[]>("x"); double[] time = dataset1.GetData <double[]>("time"); Single[] level = dataset1.GetData <Single[]>("level"); short[] air = dataset1.GetData <short[]>("air", Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet.Range(0, 1, 7), Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet.ReduceDim(in_level), Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet.ReduceDim(in_y), Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet.ReduceDim(in_x)); Int16[,,,] airSample = dataset1.GetData <Int16[, , , ]>("air", Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet.Range(0, 1, 7), Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet.Range(0, 1, 7), Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet.Range(0, 1, 7), Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.DataSet.Range(0, 1, 7)); ViewBag.air = air; ViewBag.airSample = airSample; EndingTime = DateTime.Now; TotalDelay = EndingTime - StartingTime; ViewBag.StartingMemory = StartingMemory / 1000000; ViewBag.TotalDelay = TotalDelay; ViewBag.AfterOpenMemory = AfterOpenMemory / 1000000; ViewBag.AfterLoadMemory = AfterLoadMemory / 1000000; ViewBag.AfterLoadDiffMemory = (AfterLoadMemory - AfterOpenMemory) / 1000000; ViewBag.Message = "Test executed correctly:"; } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.Message = e.Message;; } return(View()); }