public AdminTasksController(IDAFactory daFactory, JWTFactory jwt, IGluonHostPool hostPool) : base("/admin") { JWTTokenAuthentication.Enable(this, jwt); Get["/tasks"] = _ => { this.DemandAdmin(); using (var da = daFactory.Get) { var offset = Request.Query["offset"]; var limit = Request.Query["limit"]; if (offset == null) { offset = 0; } if (limit == null) { limit = 20; } if (limit > 100) { limit = 100; } var result = da.Tasks.All((int)offset, (int)limit); return(Response.AsPagedList(result)); } }; Post["/tasks/request"] = x => { var task = this.Bind <TaskRequest>(); var taskServer = hostPool.GetByRole(Database.DA.Hosts.DbHostRole.task).FirstOrDefault(); if (taskServer == null) { return(Response.AsJson(-1)); } else { try { var id = taskServer.Call(new RequestTask() { TaskType = task.task_type.ToString(), ParameterJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(task.parameter), ShardId = (task.shard_id == null || !task.shard_id.HasValue) ? -1 : task.shard_id.Value }).Result; return(Response.AsJson(id)); }catch (Exception ex) { return(Response.AsJson(-1)); } } }; }
public AdminShardsController(IDAFactory daFactory, JWTFactory jwt) : base("/admin") { JWTTokenAuthentication.Enable(this, jwt); this.Get["/shards"] = _ => { this.DemandAdmin(); using (var db = daFactory.Get()) { var shards = db.Shards.All(); return(Response.AsJson(shards)); } }; }
public AdminHostsController(IDAFactory daFactory, JWTFactory jwt, IGluonHostPool hostPool) : base("/admin") { JWTTokenAuthentication.Enable(this, jwt); this.Get["/hosts"] = _ => { this.DemandAdmin(); var hosts = hostPool.GetAll(); return(Response.AsJson(hosts.Select(x => new { role = x.Role, call_sign = x.CallSign, internal_host = x.InternalHost, public_host = x.PublicHost, connected = x.Connected, time_boot = x.BootTime }))); }; }
public AdminShardOpController(IDAFactory daFactory, JWTFactory jwt, ApiServer server) : base("/admin/shards") { JWTTokenAuthentication.Enable(this, jwt); DAFactory = daFactory; Server = server; After.AddItemToEndOfPipeline(x => { x.Response.WithHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); }); Post["/shutdown"] = _ => { this.DemandAdmin(); var shutdown = this.Bind <ShutdownModel>(); var type = ShutdownType.SHUTDOWN; if (shutdown.update) { type = ShutdownType.UPDATE; } else if (shutdown.restart) { type = ShutdownType.RESTART; } //JWTUserIdentity user = (JWTUserIdentity)this.Context.CurrentUser; Server.RequestShutdown((uint)shutdown.timeout, type); return(Response.AsJson(true)); }; Post["/announce"] = _ => { this.DemandModerator(); var announce = this.Bind <AnnouncementModel>(); Server.BroadcastMessage(announce.sender, announce.subject, announce.message); return(Response.AsJson(true)); }; }
public RegistrationController(IDAFactory daFactory, JWTFactory jwt, ApiServerConfiguration config) : base("/userapi/registration") { JWTTokenAuthentication.Enable(this, jwt); DAFactory = daFactory; After.AddItemToEndOfPipeline(x => { x.Response.WithHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); }); //Create a new user Post["/"] = x => { var user = this.Bind <RegistrationModel>(); var tryIP = Request.Headers["X-Forwarded-For"].FirstOrDefault(); if (tryIP != null) { tryIP = tryIP.Substring(tryIP.LastIndexOf(',') + 1).Trim(); } var ip = tryIP ?? Request.UserHostAddress; user.username = user.username ?? ""; user.username = user.username.ToLowerInvariant(); = ?? ""; user.key = user.key ?? ""; string failReason = null; if (user.username.Length < 3) { failReason = "user_short"; } else if (user.username.Length > 24) { failReason = "user_long"; } else if (!USERNAME_VALIDATION.IsMatch(user.username ?? "")) { failReason = "user_invalid"; } else if ((user.password?.Length ?? 0) == 0) { failReason = "pass_required"; } if (failReason != null) { return(Response.AsJson(new RegistrationError() { error = "bad_request", error_description = failReason })); } bool isAdmin = false; if (config.Regkey != null && config.Regkey != user.key) { return(Response.AsJson(new RegistrationError() { error = "key_wrong", error_description = failReason })); } var passhash = PasswordHasher.Hash(user.password); using (var da = daFactory.Get) { //has this ip been banned? var ban = da.Bans.GetByIP(ip); if (ban != null) { return(Response.AsJson(new RegistrationError() { error = "registration_failed", error_description = "ip_banned" })); } //has this user registered a new account too soon after their last? var now = Epoch.Now; var prev = da.Users.GetByRegisterIP(ip); if (now - (prev.FirstOrDefault()?.register_date ?? 0) < REGISTER_THROTTLE_SECS) { //cannot create a new account this soon. return(Response.AsJson(new RegistrationError() { error = "registration_failed", error_description = "registrations_too_frequent" })); } //TODO: is this ip banned? var userModel = new User { username = user.username, email =, is_admin = isAdmin, is_moderator = isAdmin, user_state = UserState.valid, register_date = now, is_banned = false, register_ip = ip, last_ip = ip }; var authSettings = new UserAuthenticate { scheme_class = passhash.scheme, data = }; try { var userId = da.Users.Create(userModel); authSettings.user_id = userId; da.Users.CreateAuth(authSettings); userModel = da.Users.GetById(userId); if (userModel == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to find user"); } return(Response.AsJson(userModel)); } catch (Exception) { return(Response.AsJson(new RegistrationError() { error = "registration_failed", error_description = "user_exists" })); } } }; }
public AdminUsersController(IDAFactory daFactory, JWTFactory jwt) : base("/admin") { JWTTokenAuthentication.Enable(this, jwt); this.DAFactory = daFactory; this.After.AddItemToEndOfPipeline(x => { x.Response.WithHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); }); //Get information about me, useful for the admin user interface to disable UI based on who you login as this.Get["/users/current"] = _ => { this.RequiresAuthentication(); JWTUserIdentity user = (JWTUserIdentity)this.Context.CurrentUser; using (var da = daFactory.Get()) { var userModel = da.Users.GetById(user.UserID); if (userModel == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to find user"); } return(Response.AsJson <User>(userModel)); } }; //Get the attributes of a specific user this.Get["/users/{id}"] = parameters => { this.DemandModerator(); using (var da = daFactory.Get()) { var userModel = da.Users.GetById((uint); if (userModel == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to find user"); } return(Response.AsJson <User>(userModel)); } }; //List users this.Get["/users"] = _ => { this.DemandModerator(); using (var da = daFactory.Get()) { var offset = this.Request.Query["offset"]; var limit = this.Request.Query["limit"]; if (offset == null) { offset = 0; } if (limit == null) { limit = 20; } if (limit > 100) { limit = 100; } var result = da.Users.All((int)offset, (int)limit); return(Response.AsPagedList <User>(result)); } }; //Create a new user this.Post["/users"] = x => { this.DemandModerator(); var user = this.Bind <UserCreateModel>(); if (user.is_admin) { //I need admin claim to do this this.DemandAdmin(); } using (var da = daFactory.Get()) { var userModel = new User(); userModel.username = user.username; =; userModel.is_admin = user.is_admin; userModel.is_moderator = user.is_moderator; userModel.user_state = UserState.valid; userModel.register_date = Epoch.Now; userModel.is_banned = false; var userId = da.Users.Create(userModel); userModel = da.Users.GetById(userId); if (userModel == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to find user"); } return(Response.AsJson <User>(userModel)); } return(null); }; }