} //8 //------------- // around at least 144 bytes in native CLR public override string ToString() { if (BinData == null || BinData.Length < 50) { return(JSONWriter.Write(this, JSONWritingOptions.PrettyPrintRowsAsMap)); } return("ID = {0} FirstName={1} LastName={2} BinData[{3}]....".Args(ID, FirstName, LastName, BinData.Length)); }
/// <summary> /// Writes an object as JSON. Does nothing if object is null /// </summary> public void WriteJSON(object data, JSONWritingOptions options = null) { if (data == null) { return; } setWasWrittenTo(); m_NetResponse.ContentType = NFX.Web.ContentType.JSON; JSONWriter.Write(data, new NonClosingStreamWrap(getStream()), options, Encoding); }
private void writeWeb(KeyValuePair <string, List <Row> > table) { var packager = new WebViewer.DefaultWebPackager(this, null); var targetDir = packager.Build(m_RunSessionPath); using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(targetDir, "scripts", "data-{0}.js".Args(table.Key)), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 256 * 1024)) using (var wri = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8)) { wri.WriteLine("//Java script file for Serbench Web output. Table '{0}'".Args(table.Key)); wri.WriteLine("var data_{0} = ".Args(table.Key)); JSONWriter.Write(table.Value, wri, JSONWritingOptions.PrettyPrintRowsAsMap); wri.WriteLine(";"); } }
public virtual void Serialize(Stream stream) { if (!m_Built) { throw new MLException("Node is not built"); } var body = new JSONDataMap(); body.Add("type", this.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName); body.Add("name", Name); body.Add("index", Index); body.Add("is-input", IsInput); body.Add("is-output", IsOutput); body.Add("is-trainable", IsTrainable); body.Add("param-count", ParamCount); var inputs = m_Inputs ?? new _ComputingNode <TVal> [0]; var outputs = m_Outputs ?? new _ComputingNode <TVal> [0]; body.Add("inputs", new JSONDataArray(inputs)); body.Add("outputs", new JSONDataArray(outputs)); DoSerialize(body); // TODO: store parameters separately in HD5 or CDF? var paramBytes = new byte[ParamCount * sizeof(double)]; Buffer.BlockCopy(Parameters, 0, paramBytes, 0, paramBytes.Length); var parameters = Convert.ToBase64String(paramBytes); body.Add("parameters", parameters); // TODO: store parameters separately in HD5 or CDF? var root = new JSONDataMap { { "node", body } }; JSONWriter.Write(root, stream); }
private static void run(IConfigSectionNode args) { var pretty = args["pp", "pretty"].Exists; var noEntropy = args["ne", "noentropy"].Exists; var scoreThreshold = args["st", "score"].AttrByIndex(0).ValueAsInt(80); if (scoreThreshold < 20) { scoreThreshold = 20; } if (scoreThreshold > 100) { scoreThreshold = 100; } var strength = args["lvl", "level"].AttrByIndex(0).ValueAsEnum <PasswordStrengthLevel>(PasswordStrengthLevel.Default); ConsoleUtils.WriteMarkupContent(typeof(Program).GetText("Welcome.txt")); if (args["?", "h", "help"].Exists) { ConsoleUtils.WriteMarkupContent(typeof(Program).GetText("Help.txt")); return; } ConsoleUtils.Info("Score Threshold: {0}%".Args(scoreThreshold)); ConsoleUtils.Info("Stength level: {0}".Args(strength)); if (!noEntropy) { var count = ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.NextScaledRandomInteger(47, 94); ConsoleUtils.Info("Acquiring entropy from user..."); Console.WriteLine(); ConsoleUtils.WriteMarkupContent( @"<push> <f color=magenta>Please make <f color=white>{0}<f color=magenta> random keystrokes Do not hit the same key and try to space key presses in time:<pop> ".Args(count)); var pnow = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); Console.WriteLine(); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var k = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar; if (k < 0x20) { continue; } var now = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); var elapsed = (int)(39621 * (k - 0x19) * (now - pnow)); pnow = now; ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.FeedExternalEntropySample(elapsed); Console.Write("\r{0} {1} characters to go ...", elapsed, count - i - 1); } ConsoleUtils.Info("OK. Entropy key entered"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); while (Console.KeyAvailable) { Console.ReadKey(true); } } SecureBuffer password = null; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Please type-in your password and press <enter>:"); password = ConsoleUtils.ReadPasswordToSecureBuffer('*'); var score = App.SecurityManager.PasswordManager.CalculateStrenghtPercent(PasswordFamily.Text, password); var pass = score >= scoreThreshold; Console.WriteLine(); var t = "Password score: {0}% is {1} strong".Args(score, pass ? "sufficiently" : "insufficiently"); if (pass) { ConsoleUtils.Info(t); break; } ConsoleUtils.Error(t); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine(); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Please re-type your password and press <enter>:"); using (var p2 = ConsoleUtils.ReadPasswordToSecureBuffer('*')) if (password.Content.MemBufferEquals(p2.Content)) { break; } ConsoleUtils.Error("Passwords do not match"); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); var hashed = App.SecurityManager.PasswordManager.ComputeHash( NFX.Security.PasswordFamily.Text, password, strength); password.Dispose(); var toPrint = JSONWriter.Write(hashed, pretty ? JSONWritingOptions.PrettyPrintASCII : JSONWritingOptions.CompactASCII); Console.WriteLine("Hashed Password:"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(toPrint); }
/// <summary> /// Saves JSON configuration to string /// </summary> public string SaveToString(JSONWritingOptions options = null) { var data = ToConfigurationJSONDataMap(); return(JSONWriter.Write(data, options)); }
public virtual void WriteAsJSON(TextWriter wri, int nestingLevel, JSONWritingOptions options = null) { JSONWriter.Write(this.ObjectValue, wri, options); }
public void WriteAsJSON(TextWriter wri, int nestingLevel, JSONWritingOptions options = null) { var data = new { js = Code, doc = Scope }; JSONWriter.Write(data, wri, options); }
public void Process(List <NECResultDataModel> data) { JSONWriter.Write(data, @"../SmICSWebApp/Resources/nec/json", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); }
public override void Serialize(object serializable, Stream outputStream) { JSONWriter.Write(serializable, outputStream, JSONWritingOptions.Compact); }
public override string Serialize(object serializable) { return(JSONWriter.Write(serializable, JSONWritingOptions.Compact)); }
private void WriteToJSON(string fileDir) { CurrentParser.Close(); JSONWriter.Write(this, fileDir); }
public override void Serialize(object serializable, Stream outputStream) { JSONWriter.Write(serializable, outputStream); }
public override void ParallelSerialize(object root, Stream stream) { JSONWriter.Write(root, stream, m_Options); }
private void writeJSON(KeyValuePair <string, List <Row> > table) { using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(m_RunSessionPath, table.Key + ".json"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 256 * 1024)) JSONWriter.Write(table.Value, fs, JSONWritingOptions.PrettyPrintRowsAsMap); }