public void SetResults(JSONObject jsonData) { spinDataResult = jsonData; resultsData = jsonData.GetArray("items"); winningGold = jsonData.GetArray("wGold"); // Calculate extra data (winning type, winning count from list result items) JSONObject extraData = SlotCombination.CalculateCombination(resultsData, GetNumLine()); winningCount = extraData.GetArray("wCount"); winningType = extraData.GetArray("wType"); // isJackpot = jsonData.GetBoolean("isJP"); freeSpinLeft = jsonData.GetInt("frLeft"); isBigWin = jsonData.GetBoolean("bWin"); gotFreeSpin = jsonData.GetInt("frCount") > 0; // bool[] winingItems = new bool[15]; // for (int i = 0; i < winningGold.Length; i++) { // if (winningGold[i].Number > 0) { // for (int j = 0; j < SlotCombination.NUM_REELS; j++) { // winingItems[SlotCombination.COMBINATION[i, j]] = true; // } // } // } for (int i = 0; i < slotReels.Length; i++) { slotReels[i].SetResults(new int[3] { (int)resultsData[i * 3].Number, (int)resultsData[i * 3 + 1].Number, (int)resultsData[i * 3 + 2].Number }); } }
public void UpdateStructure(JSONArray tileDetails) { foreach (JSONValue j in tileDetails) { JSONObject tileJSON = j.Obj; Tile tile = tiles.Find(t => == tileJSON.GetString("Name")); if (tile == null) { //Debug.Log("Tile is null"); if (!tileJSON.GetBoolean("Destroyed")) { tile = CreateTile(tileJSON); tiles.Add(tile); tile.FromJSON(tileJSON); //Debug.Log("Creating" +; } } else if (tileJSON.GetBoolean("Destroyed")) { //Debug.Log("Destroying" +; tile.Destroy(false, false); } else { tile.FromJSON(tileJSON); //Debug.Log("Updating" +; } } }
public override void Deserialize(JSONObject obj) { Ranks = (int)obj.GetNumber(cRanks); MiscModifier = (int)obj.GetNumber(cModifier); CanBeUsedUntrained = obj.GetBoolean(cUntrained); ClassSkill = obj.GetBoolean(cClassSkill); KeyAbility = (DnDAbilities)(int)obj.GetNumber(cAbility); }
public bool SetServerConfig(ParseObject serverconfig) { if (serverconfig != null) { JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.Parse(serverconfig.RawJson); Debug.LogError("Setting to server config: " + jsonObject.GetString("name")); serverName = jsonObject.GetString("ip"); serverPort = int.Parse(jsonObject.GetString("port")); zone = jsonObject.GetString("defaultZone"); username = jsonObject.GetString("defaultGuestName"); defaultLevel = jsonObject.GetString("defaultLevel"); bizsimType = jsonObject.GetString("bizsimType"); buildType = jsonObject.GetString("buildType"); guihtmlUrl = jsonObject.GetString("guihtmlUrl"); patchFileUrl = jsonObject.GetString("patchFileUrl"); patchFileVersion = (int)jsonObject.GetNumber("patchFileVersion"); clientVersionRequirement = jsonObject.GetString("clientVersionRequirement"); voiceMinFreq = jsonObject.GetString("voiceMinFreq"); voiceDefault = jsonObject.GetString("voiceDefault"); shareTeams = jsonObject.GetString("shareTeams"); uploadUrl = jsonObject.GetString("uploadUrl"); nativeGUILevel = (int)jsonObject.GetNumber("nativeGUI"); redirectVideo = jsonObject.GetBoolean("redirectVideo"); teamRmLockdown = jsonObject.GetBoolean("teamRmLockdown"); parseScreens = StringToIntList(jsonObject.GetString("parseScreens")); } // Level info may change based on new server config LevelInfo.Reset(); // set build type from server config try{ GameManager.buildType = (GameManager.BuildType)Enum.Parse(typeof(GameManager.BuildType), buildType, true); } catch (Exception) { Debug.LogError("Bad buildType: " + buildType); } if (GameGUI.Inst.guiLayer) { GameGUI.Inst.guiLayer.SetBuildType(); } BizSimManager.SetPlayMode(CommunicationManager.bizsimType); GameManager.Inst.voiceToggleInitSetting = (voiceDefault == "on" || voiceDefault == "1" || voiceDefault == "true" || voiceDefault == "t"); if (GameGUI.Inst.guiLayer != null && GameGUI.Inst.guiLayer.URL != guihtmlUrl && GameGUI.Inst.guiLayer.URL != "") { string errorMsg = "Compiled ServerConfig guilayer URL is different than user defined ServerConfig, this isn't supported at the moment. \n" + GameGUI.Inst.guiLayer.URL + " != " + guihtmlUrl; GameGUI.Inst.WriteToConsoleLog(errorMsg); Debug.LogError(errorMsg); GameGUI.Inst.guiLayer.ReloadLayer(true); // pulls url from CommunicationManager.guihtmlUrl } CommunicationManager.CurrentUserProfile.CheckLogin(); return(serverconfig != null); }
public void UpdateReady(string isReadyJSON) { JSONObject isReady = JSONObject.Parse(isReadyJSON); if (ready.ContainsKey(isReady.GetString("userName"))) { ready[isReady.GetString("userName")] = isReady.GetBoolean("isReady"); } else { //Networker.Instance.players.Add(isReady.GetString("userName")); ready.Add(isReady.GetString("userName"), isReady.GetBoolean("isReady")); } }
public void Deserialize(JSONObject j) { this.sfxVolume = (float)j.GetNumber("sfxVolume"); this.musicVolume = (float)j.GetNumber("musicVolume"); this.ccEnabled = j.GetBoolean("ccEnabled"); this.language = j.GetString("language"); }
public DrawQueueItem(string json) { JSONObject item = JSONObject.Parse(json); position = Vector3Utils.StringToVector3(item.GetString("position")); start = item.GetBoolean("start"); end = item.GetBoolean("end"); velocity = Vector3Utils.StringToVector3(item.GetString("velocity")); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.GetString("character")) == false) { character = item.GetString("character"); } touched = item.GetBoolean("touched"); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the json, the ID and the type to return. /// </summary> /// <returns>The object from json with identifier.</returns> /// <param name="json">Json.</param> /// <param name="id">Identifier.</param> /// <param name="type">Type.</param> public static object GetObjectFromJsonWithId(string json, string id, ObjectType type = ObjectType.None) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json) == true || string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { throw new System.Exception("Missing values for json or id"); } // Create a JSON Object from the json JSONObject obj = JSONObject.Parse(json); // If null, non valid json if (obj == null) { return(null); } // Split the id parameter from slashes string[] splits = id.Split(new char[] { '/' }); JSONObject temp = obj; // the loop will iterate deeper in the json // Each iteration is one level // first_id/second_id/third_id // this will run three round (if all previous are found) for (int i = 0; i < splits.Length; i++) { // this the last run, so the deepest level required if (i == splits.Length - 1) { string str = splits[i]; // Get the type to be returned // This is due to the used plugin for parsing json switch (type) { case ObjectType.None: return(temp.GetValue(str)); case ObjectType.Boolean: return(temp.GetBoolean(str)); case ObjectType.Number: return(temp.GetNumber(str)); case ObjectType.String: return(temp.GetString(str)); case ObjectType.Object: return(temp.GetObject(str)); } } // Get the current level object temp = temp.GetObject(splits[i]); // if null, it was not found in the file if (temp == null) { break; } } // Something went wrong return(null); }
public void FromJson(JSONObject json) { Title = json.GetString("title"); Url = json.GetString("url"); Type = json.GetString("type"); Enabled = json.GetBoolean("enabled"); VoiceCommand = json.GetString("voiceCommand"); UseTransparency = json.GetBoolean("useTransparency"); Height = json.GetFloat("height"); Group = json.GetString("group"); IconUrl = json.GetString("iconUrl"); Scale = json.GetInt("scale", 30); if (json.HasField("refresh")) { Refresh = json.GetInt("refresh"); } }
public void FromJson(JSONObject json) { Title = json.GetString("Title"); Url = json.GetString("Url"); Type = json.GetString("Type"); Enabled = json.GetBoolean("Enabled"); VoiceCommand = json.GetString("VoiceCommand"); UseTransparency = json.GetBoolean("UseTransparency"); Height = json.GetFloat("Height"); Group = json.GetString("Group"); IconUrl = json.GetString("IconUrl"); Scale = json.GetInt("Scale", 30); if (json.HasField("Refresh")) { Refresh = json.GetInt("Refresh"); } }
public void InitializePlayers(string jsonPlayers) { JSONArray players = JSONArray.Parse(jsonPlayers); for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++) { JSONObject player = players[i].Obj; ready.Add(player.GetString("userName"), player.GetBoolean("isReady")); //Networker.Instance.players.Add(player.GetString("userName")); } }
public ObjectDefinition(JSONValue record) { JSONObject recordObject = record.Obj; id = recordObject.GetString("Id"); name = recordObject.GetString("Name"); prefabPath = recordObject.GetString("Prefab_path__c"); category = recordObject.GetString("Category__c"); isClimateSpecific = recordObject.GetBoolean("Climate_Specific__c"); modelVariations = (int)recordObject.GetNumber("Model_Variations__c"); }
private void SysIntegrity() { byte[] nonce = new byte[24]; string appid = AGConnectServicesConfig.FromContext(Activity).GetString("client/app_id"); SafetyDetect.GetClient(Activity).SysIntegrity(nonce, appid).AddOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener((Result) => { SysIntegrityResp response = (SysIntegrityResp)Result; string jwStr = response.Result; string[] jwsSplit = jwStr.Split("."); string jwsPayloadStr = jwsSplit[1]; byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(jwsPayloadStr); string jsonString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject(jsonString); Log.Info("SysIntegrity", jsonString.Replace(",", ",\n")); string basicIntegrityText = null; try { bool basicIntegrity = jObject.GetBoolean("basicIntegrity"); if (basicIntegrity) { theButton.SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.btn_round_green); basicIntegrityText = "Basic Integrity is Success."; } else { theButton.SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.btn_round_red); basicIntegrityText = "Basic Integrity is Failure."; adviceTextView.Text = $"Advice: {jObject.GetString("advice")}"; } } catch (JSONException e) { Android.Util.Log.Error("SysIntegrity", e.Message); } basicIntegrityTextView.Text = basicIntegrityText; theButton.SetText(Resource.String.rerun); })).AddOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener((Result) => { string errorMessage = null; if (Result is ApiException exception) { errorMessage = $"{SafetyDetectStatusCodes.GetStatusCodeString(exception.StatusCode)}: {exception.Message}"; } else { errorMessage = ((Java.Lang.Exception)Result).Message; } Log.Error("SysIntegrity", errorMessage); theButton.SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.btn_round_yellow); })); }
/// <summary> /// Default ctor /// </summary> internal AirportStatus(JSONObject source) { Delay = source.GetBoolean("delay"); IataCode = source.GetString("IATA"); State = source.GetString("state"); City = source.GetString("city"); Name = source.GetString("name"); var weather = source.GetJSONObject("weather"); Temperature = weather.GetString("temp"); Wind = weather.GetString("wind"); }
public override IEnumerator SendRequest(string controller, HttpMethodType t, Dictionary <string, object> p) { string url = String.Concat(SpeedClickHelpers.GetApiURL(), controller); WWW www = null; if (p != null) { if (t == HttpMethodType.Post) { WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair in p) { form.AddField(pair.Key, pair.Value.ToString()); } www = new WWW(url, form); } else if (t == HttpMethodType.Get) { url += "?"; url += SpeedClickHelpers.BuildURLParam(p); } } if (www == null) { www = new WWW(url); } yield return(www); this.response = new ResponseData(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { this.response.Message = www.text; yield break; } if (www.size <= 2) { yield break; } else { JSONObject json = JSONObject.Parse(www.text); this.response.Data = json.GetValue("Data"); this.response.DataType = this.response.Data.Type; this.response.DataArray = json.GetArray("Data"); this.response.Message = json.GetString("Message"); this.response.Success = json.GetBoolean("Success"); } www.Dispose(); }
public bool IsExistFinMissionOfStudent(string data) { try { JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.Parse(data); JSONObject obj = jsonObject.GetObject("response"); bool exist = obj.GetBoolean("Exist"); return(exist); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log(e.ToString()); return(false); } }
public void Init(JSONObject jsonData) { userId = jsonData.GetString("userId"); seatIndex = jsonData.GetInt("seatIndex"); isHost = jsonData.GetBoolean("isHost"); state = (State)jsonData.GetInt("state"); hand = new TLMBHand(); if (SmartfoxClient.Instance.IsYou(userId)) { AddCards(jsonData.GetString("cards")); } else { int numCards = jsonData.GetInt("numCards"); for (int i = 0; i < numCards; i++) { hand.AddCard(new TLMBCard(-1)); } } }
public ObjectInstance(JSONValue record) { JSONObject recordObject = record.Obj; id = recordObject.GetString("Id"); float x = (float)recordObject.GetNumber("x__c"); float y = (float)recordObject.GetNumber("y__c"); float z = (float)recordObject.GetNumber("z__c"); position = new Vector3(x, y, z); yAngle = (int)recordObject.GetNumber("y_Angle__c"); isPlaced = recordObject.GetBoolean("Is_Placed__c"); // Get configuration id if (recordObject.ContainsKey("Configuration__c")) { configurationId = recordObject.GetString("Configuration__c"); } else { JSONObject configurationObject = recordObject.GetObject("Configuration__r"); configurationId = configurationObject.GetValue("Id").Str; } // Get object definition id string definitionId; if (recordObject.ContainsKey("Object_Definition__c")) { definitionId = recordObject.GetString("Object_Definition__c"); } else { JSONObject definitionObject = recordObject.GetObject("Object_Definition__r"); definitionId = definitionObject.GetValue("Id").Str; } // Load object definition from cache definition = CacheManager.getObjectDefinitions().get(definitionId); if (definition == null) { throw new System.Exception("Could not find definition " + definitionId + " of object instance " + id + " in cache"); } }
public virtual void ParseObject(JSONValue json) { JSONObject jsonObj = json.Obj; IEnumerable <FieldInfo> info = this.GetType().GetFields(); foreach (FieldInfo field in info) { if (jsonObj.ContainsKey(field.Name)) { TypeCode code = Type.GetTypeCode(field.FieldType); switch (code) { case TypeCode.Int16: field.SetValue(this, Convert.ToInt16(jsonObj.GetNumber(field.Name))); break; case TypeCode.Int32: field.SetValue(this, Convert.ToInt32(jsonObj.GetNumber(field.Name))); break; case TypeCode.Int64: field.SetValue(this, Convert.ToInt64(jsonObj.GetNumber(field.Name))); break; case TypeCode.Single: field.SetValue(this, Convert.ToSingle(jsonObj.GetNumber(field.Name))); break; case TypeCode.Double: field.SetValue(this, jsonObj.GetNumber(field.Name)); break; case TypeCode.Decimal: field.SetValue(this, Convert.ToDecimal(jsonObj.GetNumber(field.Name))); break; case TypeCode.Boolean: field.SetValue(this, jsonObj.GetBoolean(field.Name)); break; case TypeCode.DateTime: field.SetValue(this, Convert.ToDateTime(jsonObj.GetNumber(field.Name))); break; case TypeCode.String: field.SetValue(this, jsonObj.GetString(field.Name)); break; case TypeCode.Object: break; default: field.SetValue(this, Convert.ChangeType(jsonObj.GetString(field.Name), field.FieldType)); break; } } } this.ParseObjectField(jsonObj); this.DefineGameObjectName(); }
/// <exception cref="Org.Codehaus.Jettison.Json.JSONException"/> public static void VerifyHsJob(JSONObject info, Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapreduce.V2.App.Job.Job job) { NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("incorrect number of elements", 25, info.Length() ); // everyone access fields VerifyHsJobGeneric(job, info.GetString("id"), info.GetString("user"), info.GetString ("name"), info.GetString("state"), info.GetString("queue"), info.GetLong("startTime" ), info.GetLong("finishTime"), info.GetInt("mapsTotal"), info.GetInt("mapsCompleted" ), info.GetInt("reducesTotal"), info.GetInt("reducesCompleted")); string diagnostics = string.Empty; if (info.Has("diagnostics")) { diagnostics = info.GetString("diagnostics"); } // restricted access fields - if security and acls set VerifyHsJobGenericSecure(job, info.GetBoolean("uberized"), diagnostics, info.GetLong ("avgMapTime"), info.GetLong("avgReduceTime"), info.GetLong("avgShuffleTime"), info .GetLong("avgMergeTime"), info.GetInt("failedReduceAttempts"), info.GetInt("killedReduceAttempts" ), info.GetInt("successfulReduceAttempts"), info.GetInt("failedMapAttempts"), info .GetInt("killedMapAttempts"), info.GetInt("successfulMapAttempts")); }
protected override IEnumerable <Datum> Poll(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { List <Datum> data = new List <Datum>(); if (HasValidAccessToken) { string[] missingPermissions = GetRequiredPermissionNames().Where(p => !AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken.Permissions.Contains(p)).ToArray(); if (missingPermissions.Length > 0) { ObtainAccessToken(missingPermissions); } } else { ObtainAccessToken(GetRequiredPermissionNames()); } if (HasValidAccessToken) { GraphRequestBatch graphRequestBatch = new GraphRequestBatch(); foreach (Tuple <string, List <string> > edgeFieldQuery in GetEdgeFieldQueries()) { Bundle parameters = new Bundle(); if (edgeFieldQuery.Item2.Count > 0) { parameters.PutString("fields", string.Concat(edgeFieldQuery.Item2.Select(field => field + ",")).Trim(',')); } GraphRequest request = new GraphRequest( AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken, "/me" + (edgeFieldQuery.Item1 == null ? "" : "/" + edgeFieldQuery.Item1), parameters, HttpMethod.Get); graphRequestBatch.Add(request); } if (graphRequestBatch.Size() == 0) { throw new Exception("User has not granted any Facebook permissions."); } else { foreach (GraphResponse response in graphRequestBatch.ExecuteAndWait()) { if (response.Error == null) { FacebookDatum datum = new FacebookDatum(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow); JSONObject responseJSON = response.JSONObject; JSONArray jsonFields = responseJSON.Names(); bool valuesSet = false; for (int i = 0; i < jsonFields.Length(); ++i) { string jsonField = jsonFields.GetString(i); PropertyInfo property; if (FacebookDatum.TryGetProperty(jsonField, out property)) { object value = null; if (property.PropertyType == typeof(string)) { value = responseJSON.GetString(jsonField); } else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(bool?)) { value = responseJSON.GetBoolean(jsonField); } else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(DateTimeOffset?)) { value = DateTimeOffset.Parse(responseJSON.GetString(jsonField)); } else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(List <string>)) { List <string> values = new List <string>(); JSONArray jsonValues = responseJSON.GetJSONArray(jsonField); for (int j = 0; j < jsonValues.Length(); ++j) { values.Add(jsonValues.GetString(j)); } value = values; } else { throw new SensusException("Unrecognized FacebookDatum property type: " + property.PropertyType.ToString()); } if (value != null) { property.SetValue(datum, value); valuesSet = true; } } else { SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log("Unrecognized JSON field in Facebook query response: " + jsonField, LoggingLevel.Verbose, GetType()); } } if (valuesSet) { data.Add(datum); } } else { throw new Exception("Error received while querying Facebook graph API: " + response.Error.ErrorMessage); } } } } else { throw new Exception("Attempted to poll Facebook probe without a valid access token."); } return(data); }
public void init(JSONObject json) { if (json.GetValue("Id") != null) { this.Id = json.GetString("Id"); } if (json.GetValue("Acount") != null) { this.accountName = json.GetString("Acount"); } if (json.GetValue("Amount") != null) { this.amount = json.GetString("Amount"); } if (json.GetValue("CloseDate") != null) { this.closeDate = json.GetString("CloseDate"); } //if(json.GetValue("Contract") != null ) {this.contract = json.GetString("Contract");} if (json.GetValue("CreatedBy") != null) { this.createdBy = json.GetString("CreatedBy"); } if (json.GetValue("Description") != null) { this.description = json.GetString("Description"); } if (json.GetValue("ExpectedRevenue") != null) { this.expectedRevenue = json.GetNumber("ExpectedRevenue"); } if (json.GetValue("ForecastCategoryName") != null) { this.forecastCategoryName = json.GetString("ForecastCategoryName"); } if (json.GetValue("LastModifiedBy") != null) { this.lastModifiedBy = json.GetString("LastModifiedBy"); } if (json.GetValue("LeadSource") != null) { this.leadSource = json.GetString("LeadSource"); } if (json.GetValue("NextStep") != null) { this.nextStep = json.GetString("NextStep"); } if (json.GetValue("Name") != null) { this.oppName = json.GetString("Name"); } if (json.GetValue("Owner") != null) { this.owner = json.GetString("Owner"); } if (json.GetValue("Pricebook2") != null) { this.pricebook2 = json.GetString("Pricebook2"); } if (json.GetValue("IsPrivate") != null) { this.isPrivate = json.GetBoolean("IsPrivate"); } if (json.GetValue("Probability") != null) { this.probability = json.GetNumber("Probability"); } if (json.GetValue("TotalOpportunityQuantity") != null) { this.quantity = json.GetNumber("TotalOpportunityQuantity"); } if (json.GetValue("StageName") != null) { this.stageName = json.GetString("StageName"); } if (json.GetValue("Type") != null) { this.type = json.GetString("Type"); } if (json.GetValue("Urgent__c") != null) { this.urgent = (float)json.GetNumber("Urgent__c"); } if (json.GetValue("Urgent__c") != null) { this.urgent = (float)json.GetNumber("Urgent__c"); } //create and add account. if (json.GetObject("Account") != null) { Account account = Account.CreateInstance("Account") as Account; account.init(json.GetObject("Account")); this.account = account; } //create and add opportunitylineitems/oppProducts if (json.GetObject("OpportunityLineItems") != null) { JSONArray rowRecords = json.GetObject("OpportunityLineItems").GetArray("records"); List <OpportunityProduct> oppProducts = new List <OpportunityProduct>(); foreach (JSONValue row in rowRecords) { OpportunityProduct oppProduct = OpportunityProduct.CreateInstance("OpportunityProduct") as OpportunityProduct; Debug.Log("opp product" + row.ToString()); JSONObject rec = JSONObject.Parse(row.ToString()); oppProduct.init(rec); oppProducts.Add(oppProduct); } this.oppProducts = oppProducts; } //create and add campaign. if (json.GetObject("Campaign") != null) { Campaign campaign = Campaign.CreateInstance("Campaign") as Campaign; campaign.init(json.GetObject("Campaign")); this.campaign = campaign; } //create and add account. if (json.GetObject("Contract") != null) { Contract contract = Contract.CreateInstance("Contract") as Contract; contract.init(json.GetObject("Contract")); this.contract = contract; } }
public async Task <JsonValue> Fetchdata(string url) { lv = (ListView)FindViewById(Resource.Id.listView1); int id = Intent.GetIntExtra("ID", 46); cb = new CreateEventDatabase(); var Tables = cb.Table(); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(new Uri(url)); request.ContentType = "application/json"; request.Method = "GET"; try { // Send the request to the server and wait for the response: using (WebResponse response = await request.GetResponseAsync()) { // Get a stream representation of the HTTP web response: using (System.IO.Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream()) { JsonValue jsonDoc = await Task.Run(() => JsonObject.Load(stream)); JSONObject parentObject = new JSONObject(jsonDoc.ToString()); JSONArray jsonArray = parentObject.OptJSONArray("Apps"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.Length(); i++) { JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.GetJSONObject(i); //Declares the Class Events and inserts the respons from the api to the class variables. //this structure of the method will be used as the standard in the other activity where a class will //take the api response and add it to the view. Events eventData = new Events() { ID = int.Parse(id.ToString()), Name = jsonObject.GetString("ProjectName"), Image = jsonObject.GetString("Banner"), ProjectID = jsonObject.GetInt("ProjectID"), BannerisIcon = jsonObject.GetBoolean("BannerIsIcon") }; //add the class to and List events.Add(eventData); //Insert the list to SQLite cb.InsertIntoTable(eventData); } lv.Adapter = new CustomListAdapter(this, events); // Return the JSON document: return(url); } } } catch (Exception) { //Writes out a toast if id is wrong and goes back to MainActivity Toast.MakeText(this, "Kunde inte hitta Id: " + id.ToString(), ToastLength.Long).Show(); var ValueActivity = new Intent(this, typeof(MainActivity)); StartActivity(ValueActivity); return(null); } }
/// <exception cref="Org.Codehaus.Jettison.Json.JSONException"/> /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/> public virtual void VerifyNodeInfo(JSONObject json) { NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("incorrect number of elements", 1, json.Length()); JSONObject info = json.GetJSONObject("nodeInfo"); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("incorrect number of elements", 16, info.Length() ); VerifyNodeInfoGeneric(info.GetString("id"), info.GetString("healthReport"), info. GetLong("totalVmemAllocatedContainersMB"), info.GetLong("totalPmemAllocatedContainersMB" ), info.GetLong("totalVCoresAllocatedContainers"), info.GetBoolean("vmemCheckEnabled" ), info.GetBoolean("pmemCheckEnabled"), info.GetLong("lastNodeUpdateTime"), info .GetBoolean("nodeHealthy"), info.GetString("nodeHostName"), info.GetString("hadoopVersionBuiltOn" ), info.GetString("hadoopBuildVersion"), info.GetString("hadoopVersion"), info.GetString ("nodeManagerVersionBuiltOn"), info.GetString("nodeManagerBuildVersion"), info.GetString ("nodeManagerVersion")); }
public void FromJson(JSONObject json) { Title = json.GetString("Title"); Type = json.GetString("Type"); Enabled = json.GetBoolean("Enabled"); }
/// <summary> The callback for the batch we tried to send </summary> IEnumerator BatchSendCallbackDelegate(string response, Exception e, int attemptsMadeSoFar) { // note when we finished sending a batch so we can calculate how long to wait before trying to automatically publish again lastBatchSendingCompletedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; // update number of attempts made attemptsMadeSoFar++; // check for errors and handle accordingly if (e != null) { // handel the error by type if (e.Message.StartsWith("403")) // "403" error code means the api token is incorrect { Debug.Log("BatchSendCallbackDelegate failed. 403"); setupState = SetupState.NotCalled; alreadyTryingToSendBatch = false; yield break; } // on all other error codes we reattempt to send unless limit reached else { Debug.Log("BatchSendCallbackDelegate failed. " + e.Message); // check if we have reached the retry limit if (attemptsMadeSoFar >= int.Parse(defaults["maxTotalRequestRetries"])) { // Let all callbacks in batch know that attempt failed and what error codes we got foreach (var item in batchQueue.GetFirstBatch()) { if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.eventId)) && item.callback != null) { // set the proper error paramaters to each CoolaData delivery result we need to return to each callback CoolaDataDeliveryResult coolaDataDeliveryResult = new CoolaDataDeliveryResult(); coolaDataDeliveryResult.eventId = item.eventId; coolaDataDeliveryResult.status = false; int indexOfFirstSpace = e.Message.IndexOf(" "); coolaDataDeliveryResult.deliveryStatusCode = int.Parse(e.Message.Substring(0, indexOfFirstSpace)); coolaDataDeliveryResult.deliveryStatusDescription = e.Message.Substring(indexOfFirstSpace + 1, e.Message.Length - indexOfFirstSpace - 1); // call the callback with the CoolaData delivery result item.callback(coolaDataDeliveryResult); } } // remove the first batch, and let the batch manager try again batchQueue.RemoveFirstBatch(); alreadyTryingToSendBatch = false; ManageBatchSending(); yield break; } // comply with failed attempt backoff interval float backoffTimeBeforeReattempt = float.Parse(defaults["eventsOutageBackoffIntervalMillis"]) / 1000f; if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - batchSendStartTime < backoffTimeBeforeReattempt) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(backoffTimeBeforeReattempt - Time.realtimeSinceStartup + batchSendStartTime)); } // try to send the batch again StartCoroutine(TrySendBacthFromQueue(attemptsMadeSoFar)); yield break; } } else { if (CoolaDataTracker.getInstance().operationComplete != null) { CoolaDataTracker.getInstance().operationComplete(response); } Debug.Log("BatchSendCallbackDelegate soccess. response: " + response); } // send was sucessful // collect all callback trackEvents we have Dictionary <string, Action <CoolaDataDeliveryResult> > callbacks = new Dictionary <string, Action <CoolaDataDeliveryResult> >(); foreach (var item in batchQueue.GetFirstBatch()) { if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.eventId)) && item.callback != null) { callbacks.Add(item.eventId, item.callback); } } // parse response into usable format JSONObject responseDictionary = JSONObject.Parse(response); // give the callbacks their answers foreach (var result in responseDictionary.GetObject("results")) { // Extract the specific CoolaData delivery result from the server response CoolaDataDeliveryResult coolaDataDeliveryResult = new CoolaDataDeliveryResult(); coolaDataDeliveryResult.eventId = result.Key; coolaDataDeliveryResult.status = responseDictionary.GetBoolean("status"); coolaDataDeliveryResult.deliveryStatusCode = 200; // succeffuly communication with server coolaDataDeliveryResult.deliveryStatusDescription = null; // The description of the status state. e.g. “Failed to send event due to network issues” coolaDataDeliveryResult.responseProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var pair in result.Value.Obj) { coolaDataDeliveryResult.responseProperties.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value.ToString()); } // call the appropriate callback eith the Cooladata deliviery result callbacks[result.Key](coolaDataDeliveryResult); } // remove first batch which we have sucessfully sent batchQueue.RemoveFirstBatch(); // unlock batch sending alreadyTryingToSendBatch = false; }
public void init(JSONObject json) { if(json.GetValue("Id") != null ){this.Id = json.GetString("Id");} if(json.GetValue("Acount") != null ){this.accountName = json.GetString("Acount");} if(json.GetValue("Amount") != null ){this.amount = json.GetString("Amount");} if(json.GetValue("CloseDate") != null ) {this.closeDate = json.GetString("CloseDate");} //if(json.GetValue("Contract") != null ) {this.contract = json.GetString("Contract");} if(json.GetValue("CreatedBy") != null ) {this.createdBy = json.GetString("CreatedBy");} if(json.GetValue("Description") != null ) {this.description = json.GetString("Description");} if(json.GetValue("ExpectedRevenue") != null ) {this.expectedRevenue = json.GetNumber("ExpectedRevenue");} if(json.GetValue("ForecastCategoryName") != null ) {this.forecastCategoryName = json.GetString("ForecastCategoryName");} if(json.GetValue("LastModifiedBy") != null ) {this.lastModifiedBy = json.GetString("LastModifiedBy");} if(json.GetValue("LeadSource") != null ) {this.leadSource = json.GetString("LeadSource");} if(json.GetValue("NextStep") != null ) {this.nextStep = json.GetString("NextStep");} if(json.GetValue("Name") != null ) {this.oppName = json.GetString("Name");} if(json.GetValue("Owner") != null ) {this.owner = json.GetString("Owner");} if(json.GetValue("Pricebook2") != null ) {this.pricebook2 = json.GetString("Pricebook2");} if(json.GetValue("IsPrivate") != null ) {this.isPrivate = json.GetBoolean("IsPrivate");} if(json.GetValue("Probability") != null ) {this.probability = json.GetNumber("Probability");} if(json.GetValue("TotalOpportunityQuantity") != null ) {this.quantity = json.GetNumber("TotalOpportunityQuantity");} if(json.GetValue("StageName") != null ) {this.stageName = json.GetString("StageName");} if(json.GetValue("Type") != null ) {this.type = json.GetString("Type");} if(json.GetValue("Urgent__c") != null ) {this.urgent = (float)json.GetNumber("Urgent__c");} if(json.GetValue("Urgent__c") != null ) {this.urgent = (float)json.GetNumber("Urgent__c");} //create and add account. if(json.GetObject("Account") != null){ Account account = Account.CreateInstance("Account") as Account; account.init(json.GetObject("Account")); this.account = account; } //create and add opportunitylineitems/oppProducts if(json.GetObject("OpportunityLineItems") != null){ JSONArray rowRecords = json.GetObject("OpportunityLineItems").GetArray ("records"); List <OpportunityProduct> oppProducts = new List<OpportunityProduct>(); foreach (JSONValue row in rowRecords) { OpportunityProduct oppProduct = OpportunityProduct.CreateInstance("OpportunityProduct") as OpportunityProduct; Debug.Log("opp product" + row.ToString()); JSONObject rec = JSONObject.Parse(row.ToString()); oppProduct.init(rec); oppProducts.Add(oppProduct); } this.oppProducts = oppProducts; } //create and add campaign. if(json.GetObject("Campaign") != null){ Campaign campaign = Campaign.CreateInstance("Campaign") as Campaign; campaign.init(json.GetObject("Campaign")); this.campaign = campaign; } //create and add account. if(json.GetObject("Contract") != null){ Contract contract = Contract.CreateInstance("Contract") as Contract; contract.init(json.GetObject("Contract")); this.contract = contract; } }
// wemePush urlscheme parse public JSONObject getResultForWemePush(string scheme,string host,JSONObject jsonObject){ host = host.ToLower(); switch(host){ case "isallowpushmessage": JSONObject pushallowResult = JSONObject.Parse(((TextAsset)Resources.Load("JSONRequests/"+scheme+"/"+host)).text); pushallowResult.Remove("allow"); pushallowResult.Add("allow",onPush); return pushallowResult; case "requestallowpushmessage": if(jsonObject.ContainsKey("allow")){ JSONObject requestPushResult = JSONObject.Parse(((TextAsset)Resources.Load("JSONRequests/"+scheme+"/"+host)).text); onPush = jsonObject.GetBoolean("allow"); requestPushResult.Remove("allow"); requestPushResult.Add("allow",onPush); return requestPushResult; }else{ return jsonResultForError("WmInterfaceBroker",(long)WemeManager.WemeErrType.WM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER,"invalid_parameter",scheme+"://"+host); } } return jsonResultForError("WmInterfaceBroker",(long)WemeManager.WemeErrType.WM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER,"invalid_parameter",scheme+"://"+host); }
public async Task <JsonValue> FetchDataHeader(string url) { LinearLayout linearLayout = FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.ListLinearLayout); GridLayout gridLayout = FindViewById <GridLayout>(Resource.Id.viewLayout); ImageView imageViewas = (ImageView)FindViewById(Resource.Id.Imageview); navigationView = (NavigationView)FindViewById(Resource.Id.nav_view); string dbPath = Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "mintdata.db3"); var db = new SQLiteAsyncConnection(dbPath); var HomeButtonTalbe = db.Table <HomeButton>(); var InfoContentTable = db.Table <InfoContent>(); var IntroPageTable = db.Table <Intropage>(); var BackgroundNADBUttonTABLE = db.Table <BackgGroundAndButton>(); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(new Uri(url)); request.ContentType = "application/json"; request.Method = "GET"; try { // Send the request to the server and wait for the response: using (WebResponse response = await request.GetResponseAsync()) { // Get a stream representation of the HTTP web response: using (System.IO.Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream()) { JsonValue jsonDoc = await Task.Run(() => JsonObject.Load(stream)); JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(jsonDoc.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < ja.Length(); i++) { JSONObject jo = ja.GetJSONObject(i); BackgGroundAndButton BaB = new BackgGroundAndButton { image = jo.GetString("BackgroundImg"), IsTrueORfalse = jo.GetBoolean("ButtonInterface"), }; BaBLisr.Add(BaB); await db.InsertOrReplaceAsync(BaB); InfoContent infoContent = new InfoContent { Content = jo.GetString("ContentText"), }; infocontentlist.Add(infoContent); await db.InsertOrReplaceAsync(infoContent); Intropage intropage = new Intropage { LastChanged = jo.GetString("LastChanged"), }; IntroPageList.Add(intropage); await db.InsertOrReplaceAsync(intropage); //Convert the Base64 from the api to and image and sets the image to the imageview GetImage = BaB.image; byte[] imgdata = Convert.FromBase64String(GetImage); var imageBitmap = Android.Graphics.BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(imgdata, 0, imgdata.Length); imageViewas.SetImageBitmap(imageBitmap); //Check if buttoninterfece is false or true if (BaB.IsTrueORfalse == false) { //Create listview string urlListView = Intent.GetStringExtra("APIListView"); JsonValue CreateList = await FetchListView(urlListView); } else { //Creates imagebuttons JSONArray jsonArray = ja.GetJSONObject(0).GetJSONArray("Buttons"); //Hides the linearlayout with the Listview linearLayout.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; for (int init = 0; init < jsonArray.Length(); init++) { JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.GetJSONObject(init); HomeButton homeButton = new HomeButton { Column = jsonObject.GetInt("Column"), Image = jsonObject.GetString("Image"), InfoContentId = jsonObject.GetString("InfoContentID"), ModuleId = jsonObject.GetInt("ModuleID"), Row = jsonObject.GetInt("Row"), }; HomeButtonList.Add(homeButton); await db.InsertOrReplaceAsync(homeButton); GridLayout.LayoutParams paramms = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(); paramms.RowSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(GridLayout.Undefined, 1f); paramms.ColumnSpec = GridLayout.InvokeSpec(GridLayout.Undefined, 1f); var buttons = new ImageButton(this); buttons.LayoutParameters = paramms; buttons.SetScaleType(ImageButton.ScaleType.FitXy); byte[] buttonimg = Convert.FromBase64String(homeButton.Image); var buttonimagemap = Android.Graphics.BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(buttonimg, 0, buttonimg.Length); buttons.SetImageBitmap(buttonimagemap); gridLayout.AddView(buttons); //Displays the ModuleID when a imagebutton is pressed. buttons.Click += delegate { Toast.MakeText(this, "ModuleId: " + homeButton.ModuleId.ToString(), ToastLength.Long).Show(); }; } } } // Return the JSON document: Console.Out.WriteLine("Response: {0}", jsonDoc.ToString()); return(url); } } } catch (Exception) { return(null); } }