private static string getConfigStringFromNode(string[] keys, int keyIndex, JSONNode node, string modname) { try { if (keys.Length > 0 && keyIndex < keys.Length - 1) { if (node.HasChild(keys[keyIndex])) { // has child JSONNode c = new JSONNode(NodeType.Object); c = node.GetAs <JSONNode>(keys[keyIndex]); return(getConfigStringFromNode(keys, keyIndex + 1, c, modname)); } else { return(""); } } else { return(node.GetAs <string>(keys[keyIndex])); } } catch (Exception exception) { Helpers.Utilities.WriteLog("ColonyAPI", "Error loading configuration (" + modname + "):" + keys.Length.ToString() + keyIndex.ToString() + exception.Message + exception.StackTrace); return(""); } }
private static bool getConfigBoolFromNode(string[] keys, int keyIndex, JSONNode node) { try { if (keys.Length > 0 && keyIndex < keys.Length - 1) { if (node.HasChild(keys[keyIndex])) { // has child JSONNode c = new JSONNode(NodeType.Object); c = node.GetAs <JSONNode>(keys[keyIndex]); return(getConfigBoolFromNode(keys, keyIndex + 1, c)); } else { return(false); } } else { return(node.GetAs <bool>(keys[keyIndex])); } } catch (Exception exception) { Utilities.WriteLog("Error getting configuration:" + keys[0] + keys.Length.ToString() + keyIndex.ToString() + exception.Message + exception.StackTrace); return(false); } }
private static JSONNode GetConfigNodeFromNode(string[] keys, int keyIndex, JSONNode node, string modname, string key) { try { if (keys.Length > 0 && keyIndex < keys.Length - 1) { if (node.HasChild(keys[keyIndex])) { JSONNode c = new JSONNode(NodeType.Object); c = node.GetAs <JSONNode>(keys[keyIndex]); return(GetConfigNodeFromNode(keys, keyIndex + 1, c, modname, key)); } else { return(new JSONNode(NodeType.Array)); } } else { return(node.GetAs <JSONNode>(keys[keyIndex])); } } catch (Exception e) { Helpers.Logging.WriteLog(NewColonyAPIEntry.ModName, "Error loading configuration (" + modname + "): " + key + " - " + keyIndex.ToString() + "\n" + e.Message + "\n\n" + e.StackTrace, Helpers.Logging.LogType.Issue); Helpers.Logging.WriteLog(modname, "Error loading configuration (" + modname + "): " + key + " - " + keyIndex.ToString() + "\n" + e.Message + "\n\n" + e.StackTrace, Helpers.Logging.LogType.Issue, true, true); return(new JSONNode(NodeType.Array)); } }
public static void SendMenu(Players.Player player, JSONNode json) { NetworkMenu menu = new NetworkMenu(); json.TryGetAsOrDefault("header", out string header, "Title"); menu.LocalStorage.SetAs("header", header); if (json.HasChild("width")) { menu.Width = json.GetAs <int>("width"); } else { menu.Width = SettlersConfiguration.GetorDefault("MenuWidth", 1000); } if (json.HasChild("height")) { menu.Height = json.GetAs <int>("height"); } else { menu.Height = SettlersConfiguration.GetorDefault("MenuHeight", 700); } foreach (JSONNode item in (json.GetAs <JSONNode>("Items")).LoopArray()) { if (LoadItem(item, ref menu, player, out var menuItem)) { menu.Items.Add(menuItem); } } NetworkMenuManager.SendServerPopup(player, menu); }
static void RotateOffset(JSONNode node, string suffix) { Vector3 position = new Vector3(node.GetAs <float>("offsetx"), node.GetAs <float>("offsety"), node.GetAs <float>("offsetz")); switch (suffix) { case "x+": position = new Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z); break; case "x-": position = new Vector3(-position.x, position.y, -position.z); break; case "z+": position = new Vector3(-position.z, position.y, position.x); break; case "z-": position = new Vector3(position.z, position.y, -position.x); break; default: Assert.IsTrue(false, "Suffix not x+, x-, z+ or z-"); throw new System.ArgumentException(); } node.SetAs("offsetx", position.x); node.SetAs("offsety", position.y); node.SetAs("offsetz", position.z); }
public Empire(JSONNode json) { Name = json.GetAs <string>("Name"); Tag = json.GetAsOrDefault <string>("Tag", ""); //announcement = json.GetAs<string>("Announcement"); automaticRequest = json.GetAs <bool>("automaticRequest"); //Load Permissions int i = (int)Rank.Emperor; foreach (var permission in json.GetAs <JSONNode>("Permissions").LoopArray()) { permissions[i++] = (Permissions)Enum.Parse(typeof(Permissions), permission.GetAs <string>()); } //Load members foreach (var member in json.GetAs <JSONNode>("Members").LoopArray()) { NetworkID nID = NetworkID.Parse(member.GetAs <string>("ID")); Rank rank = (Rank)Enum.Parse(typeof(Rank), member.GetAs <string>("Rank")); members.Add(nID, rank); } //Load Request foreach (var requests in json.GetAs <JSONNode>("Requests").LoopArray()) { NetworkID nID = NetworkID.Parse(requests.GetAs <string>()); joinRequest.Add(nID); } empires.Add(this); }
public override ITrackableBlock InitializeFromJSON(Players.Player player, JSONNode node) { blockType = ItemTypes.IndexLookup.GetIndex(node.GetAs <string>("type")); InitializeJob(player, (Vector3Int)node["position"], node.GetAs <int>("npcID")); if (guardSettings == null) { guardSettings = SetupSettings(); } return(this); }
public override ITrackableBlock InitializeFromJSON(Players.Player player, JSONNode node) { blockInventory = new NPCInventory(node["inventory"]); storedFuel = node.GetAs <float>("storedFuel"); blockType = ItemTypes.IndexLookup.GetIndex(node.GetAs <string>("type")); Vector3Int position = (Vector3Int)node["position"]; positionNPC = GetPositionNPC(position); InitializeJob(player, position, node.GetAs <int>("npcID")); return(this); }
public override ITrackableBlock InitializeFromJSON(Players.Player player, JSONNode node) { typeBelow = ItemTypes.IndexLookup.GetOrGenerate(node.GetAs <string>("typeBelow")); JSONNode customDataNode = ItemTypes.GetType(typeBelow).CustomDataNode; if (customDataNode != null) { MiningCooldown = customDataNode.GetAsOrDefault("minerMiningTime", 8f); } InitializeJob(player, (Vector3Int)node["position"], node.GetAs <int>("npcID")); return(this); }
public static string getConfigString(string key) { string[] keys = key.Split('.'); if (keys.Length > 0) { return(getConfigStringFromNode(keys, 0, configSettings)); } else { return(configSettings.GetAs <string>(key)); } }
public static void localize(string locName, string locFilename, JSONNode jsonFromMod, string keyprefix, bool verbose) { try { string patchPath = MultiPath.Combine("gamedata", "localization", locName, locFilename); JSONNode jsonToPatch; if (Pipliz.JSON.JSON.Deserialize(patchPath, out jsonToPatch, false)) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JSONNode> entry in jsonFromMod.LoopObject()) { string realkey = keyprefix + entry.Key; string val = jsonFromMod.GetAs <string>(entry.Key); if (!jsonToPatch.HasChild(realkey)) { Pipliz.Log.Write(string.Format("translation '{0}' => '{1}' added to '{2}/{3}'. This will apply AFTER next restart!!!", realkey, val, locName, locFilename)); } else if (!jsonToPatch.GetAs <string>(realkey).Equals(val)) { Pipliz.Log.Write(string.Format("translation '{0}' => '{1}' changed in '{2}/{3}'. This will apply AFTER next restart!!!", realkey, val, locName, locFilename)); } jsonToPatch.SetAs(realkey, val); } Pipliz.JSON.JSON.Serialize(patchPath, jsonToPatch); log(string.Format("Patched mod localization file '{0}/{1}' into '{2}'", locName, locFilename, patchPath), verbose); } else { log(string.Format("Could not deserialize json from '{0}'", patchPath), verbose); } } catch (Exception) { log(string.Format("Exception while localizing {0}", Path.Combine(locName, locFilename)), verbose); } }
public override ITrackableBlock InitializeFromJSON(Players.Player player, JSONNode node) { BlockInventory = new NPCInventory(10000000f, node ["inventory"]); ShouldTakeItems = false; node.TryGetAs("shouldTakeItems", out ShouldTakeItems); Fullname = node.GetAs <string> ("fullname"); JSONNode jsonTodos = node ["todoblocks"]; Todoblocks = new List <BlueprintTodoBlock> (); foreach (JSONNode jsonBlock in jsonTodos.LoopArray()) { Todoblocks.Add(new BlueprintTodoBlock(jsonBlock)); } InitializeJob(player, (Vector3Int)node ["position"], node.GetAs <int> ("npcID")); return(this); }
public override ITrackableBlock InitializeFromJSON(Players.Player player, JSONNode node) { blockType = ItemTypes.IndexLookup.GetOrGenerate(node.GetAs <string>("type")); position = (Vector3Int)node["position"]; PreferedNPCPosition = GetPositionNPC(position); return(base.InitializeFromJSON(player, node)); }
public static LabelData GetLabelData(JSONNode json) { json.TryGetAsOrDefault("text", out string text, "Text key not found"); UnityEngine.Color color =; UnityEngine.TextAnchor alignement = UnityEngine.TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; if (json.HasChild("color")) { color = GetColor(json.GetAs <string>("color")); } if (json.TryGetAs("alignement", out string alignementStr)) { Enum.TryParse(alignementStr, true, out alignement); } json.TryGetAsOrDefault("fontsize", out int fontSize, 18); LabelData.ELocalizationType localizationType = LabelData.ELocalizationType.Sentence; if (json.TryGetAs("localizationType", out string localizationString) && Enum.TryParse(localizationString, true, out LabelData.ELocalizationType newLocalization)) { localizationType = newLocalization; } return(new LabelData(text, color, alignement, fontSize, localizationType)); }
public CrateInventory(JSONNode node, Colony c) { Colony = c; Position = (Vector3Int)node[nameof(Position)]; CrateType = StorageFactory.CrateTypes[node.GetAs <string>(nameof(CrateType))]; Contents = node[nameof(Contents)].JsonDeerialize <Dictionary <ushort, StoredItem> >(); StorageTypeLookup = node[nameof(StorageTypeLookup)].JsonDeerialize <Dictionary <StorageType, List <StoredItem> > >(); }
public static T getAsOrElse <T> (this JSONNode node, string identifier, string otherIdentifier) { if (!node.TryGetAs(identifier, out T result)) { result = node.GetAs <T> (otherIdentifier); } return(result); }
private void AddMagicEffect(IPlayerMagicItem playerMagicItem) { _playerVariables.SetAs("MovePower", _playerVariables.GetAs <float>("MovePower") + playerMagicItem.MovementSpeed); _playerVariables.SetAs("JumpPower", _playerVariables.GetAs <float>("JumpPower") + playerMagicItem.JumpPower); _playerVariables.SetAs("FlySpeedBase", _playerVariables.GetAs <float>("FlySpeedBase") + playerMagicItem.FlySpeed); _playerVariables.SetAs("Gravity", _playerVariables.GetAs <float>("Gravity") + playerMagicItem.Gravity); var fallDmg = _playerVariables.GetAs <float>("FallDamageBaseDamage") + playerMagicItem.FallDamage; if (fallDmg < 0) { fallDmg = 0; } _playerVariables.SetAs("FallDamageBaseDamage", fallDmg); var falldmgUnit = _playerVariables.GetAs <float>("FallDamagePerUnit") + playerMagicItem.FallDamagePerUnit; if (falldmgUnit < 0) { falldmgUnit = 0; } _playerVariables.SetAs("FallDamagePerUnit", falldmgUnit); _playerVariables.SetAs("BuildDistance", _playerVariables.GetAs <float>("BuildDistance") + playerMagicItem.BuildDistance); }
private void AddMagicEffect(IPlayerMagicItem playerMagicItem) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerMagicItem.LightColor) && UnityEngine.ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(playerMagicItem.LightColor, out var color)) { _playerVariables.SetAs("LightColorR", color.r); _playerVariables.SetAs("LightColorG", color.g); _playerVariables.SetAs("LightColorB", color.b); } _playerVariables.SetAs("MovePower", _playerVariables.GetAs <float>("MovePower") + playerMagicItem.MovementSpeed); _playerVariables.SetAs("JumpPower", _playerVariables.GetAs <float>("JumpPower") + playerMagicItem.JumpPower); _playerVariables.SetAs("FlySpeedBase", _playerVariables.GetAs <float>("FlySpeedBase") + playerMagicItem.FlySpeed); _playerVariables.SetAs("LightRange", _playerVariables.GetAs <float>("LightRange") + playerMagicItem.MovementSpeed); var fallDmg = _playerVariables.GetAs <float>("FallDamageBaseDamage") + playerMagicItem.FallDamage; if (fallDmg < 0) { fallDmg = 0; } _playerVariables.SetAs("FallDamageBaseDamage", fallDmg); var falldmgUnit = _playerVariables.GetAs <float>("FallDamagePerUnit") + playerMagicItem.FallDamagePerUnit; if (falldmgUnit < 0) { falldmgUnit = 0; } _playerVariables.SetAs("FallDamagePerUnit", falldmgUnit); _playerVariables.SetAs("BuildDistance", _playerVariables.GetAs <float>("BuildDistance") + playerMagicItem.BuildDistance); }
public override ITrackableBlock InitializeFromJSON(Players.Player player, JSONNode node) { InitializeJob(player, (Vector3Int)node["position"], node.GetAs <int>("npcID")); if (guardSettings == null) { guardSettings = SetupSettings(); } return(this); }
//Ref menu is added for change LocalStorage -> avoid client error public static bool LoadItem(JSONNode item, ref NetworkMenu menu, Players.Player player, out List <IItem> menuItem) { string itemType = item.GetAs <string>("type").Trim().ToLower(); bool found = false; menuItem = null; switch (itemType) { case "patchnotes": if (item.TryGetAsOrDefault <string>("mod", out string mod, "")) { var info = default(JSONNode); foreach (var modJson in GameInitializer.AllModInfos.Values) { if (modJson.TryGetAs("name", out string modName) && string.Equals(mod, modName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { info = modJson; break; } } if (info.TryGetAs <JSONNode>("patchnotes", out var patchNotesJson)) { int i = 0; menuItem = new List <IItem>(); foreach (var node in patchNotesJson.LoopArray()) { i++; node.TryGetAsOrDefault("version", out string version, "Undefined"); menuItem.Add(new Label(new LabelData("Version " + version, UnityEngine.TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 24, LabelData.ELocalizationType.None))); if (node.TryGetAs <JSONNode>("notes", out var versionNotesJson)) { foreach (var note in versionNotesJson.LoopArray()) { menuItem.Add(new Label(new LabelData(" * " + note.ToString().Replace("\"", ""), UnityEngine.TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 14, LabelData.ELocalizationType.None))); } } if (i > 10) { break; } } } } else { APILogger.Log(, "found patchnotes wiki item but mod property was not found"); } found = true; break;
/// <summary> /// Called with the root json node to load the data from /// </summary> public virtual void LoadJSON(JSONNode node) { JSONNode array = node.GetAs <JSONNode>("array"); for (int i = 0; i < array.ChildCount; i++) { GrowableBlockManager.RegisterGrowableBlock(MakeGrowableBlock(array[i])); } }
public static T GetorDefault <T>(string key, T defaultVal) { if (!_rootSettings.HasChild(key)) { SetValue(key, defaultVal); } return(_rootSettings.GetAs <T>(key)); }
public MachineState(JSONNode baseNode, Players.Player owner) { MAX_DURABILITY[owner] = DEFAULT_MAX_DURABILITY; MAX_FUEL[owner] = DEFAULT_MAX_FUEL; MAX_LOAD[owner] = DEFAULT_MAX_LOAD; Position = (Vector3Int)baseNode[nameof(Position)]; Durability = baseNode.GetAs <float>(nameof(Durability)); Fuel = baseNode.GetAs <float>(nameof(Fuel)); MachineType = baseNode.GetAs <string>(nameof(MachineType)); if (baseNode.TryGetAs <float>(nameof(Load), out var load)) { Load = load; } MachineSettings = MachineManager.GetCallbacks(MachineType); }
// construct from JSON public TrackedItem(JSONNode json) { ushort type = json.GetAs <ushort>("itemType"); ItemTypes.TryGetType(type, out this.item); this.interval = json.GetAs <ushort>("interval"); JSONNode jsonAmounts; if (json.TryGetAs("values", out jsonAmounts) && jsonAmounts.NodeType == NodeType.Array) { int i = 0; foreach (JSONNode jsonAmount in jsonAmounts.LoopArray()) { int val = jsonAmount.GetAs <int>(); this.itemAmount[i] = val; i++; } } }
public override ITrackableBlock InitializeFromJSON(Players.Player player, JSONNode node) { originalPosition = (Vector3Int)node[nameof(originalPosition)]; this.player = player; lastRally = node.GetAsOrDefault <double>(nameof(lastRally), 0); InitializeJob(player, (Vector3Int)node["position"], node.GetAs <int>("npcID")); lastDayTrumpeted = node.GetAsOrDefault <double>(nameof(lastDayTrumpeted), TimeCycle.TotalTime); lastNightTrumpeted = node.GetAsOrDefault <double>(nameof(lastNightTrumpeted), TimeCycle.TotalTime); return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Get a JSONNode from the datamanager by name /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static JSONNode getNode(string name) { if (hasNode(name)) { return(dataObj.GetAs <JSONNode>(name)); } else { return(new JSONNode(NodeType.Object)); } }
public static JSONNode GetConfigNode(string modname, string key) { JSONNode configNode = GetConfigDataNode(modname); string[] keys = key.Split('.'); if (keys.Length > 0) { return(GetConfigNodeFromNode(keys, 0, configNode, modname, key)); } else { return(configNode.GetAs <JSONNode>(key)); } }
public static float getConfigFloat(string modname, string key) { JSONNode configNode = getConfigDataNode(modname); string[] keys = key.Split('.'); if (keys.Length > 0) { return(getConfigFloatFromNode(keys, 0, configNode, modname)); } else { return(configNode.GetAs <float>(key)); } }
public static bool getConfigBoolean(string modname, string key) { JSONNode configNode = getConfigDataNode(modname); string[] keys = key.Split('.'); if (keys.Length > 0) { return(getConfigBoolFromNode(keys, 0, configNode, modname)); } else { return(configNode.GetAs <bool>(key)); } }
public virtual void LoadJSON(JSONNode node) { JSONNode table = node.GetAs <JSONNode>("table"); foreach (var pair in table.LoopObject()) { Players.Player player = Players.GetPlayer(NetworkID.Parse(pair.Key)); JSONNode array = pair.Value; for (int i = 0; i < array.ChildCount; i++) { var job = CreateAreaJob(player, array[i]); if (!AreaJobTracker.RegisterAreaJob(job)) { job.OnRemove(); } } } }