protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            JE_TourGuideInfo TG = new JE_TourGuideInfo();

            SMSSvrRef.SMSSoapClient S = new SMSSvrRef.SMSSoapClient();

            if (TG.GetTGByEmail(tbEmail.Text) != null)
                lbErrorExist.Text      = "Record already exists!";
                lbErrorExist.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                if (ValidateInput())
                    var id = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyyyyHHmmss") + Get10Digits();

                    var name = tbLastName.Text + " " + tbFirstName.Text;
                    TG = new JE_TourGuideInfo(id, name, tbFirstName.Text, tbLastName.Text, tbMobile.Text, tbEmail.Text, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
                    int result = TG.AddTG();
                    if (result == 1)
                        Session["SSTGName"]   = tbLastName.Text + " " + tbFirstName.Text;
                        Session["SSTGEmail"]  = tbEmail.Text;
                        Session["SSTGMobile"] = tbMobile.Text;
                        Session["SSTGOTP"]    = Get6Digits();
                        var message = "Your OTP is " + Session["SSTGOTP"].ToString() + " for you to continue to apply as a Tour guide.";
                        //string display = S.sendMessage("EA02", "609000", Session["SSTGMobile"].ToString(), message );

                        //var mdlPopup = $find('MODALPOPUPBEHAVIORID');
                        //if (mdlPopup)
                        //    return false;
                        // ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Popup", "ShowPopup('hello');", true);
                    lbErrorExist.Text      = "Error in adding record! Inform System Administrator!";
                    lbErrorExist.ForeColor = Color.Red;