public void TestSteps() { bool SkipF0101 = true; bool SkipF03012 = true; // 1.) Read the concept ConceptCSV TestConceptCSV = new ConceptCSV(@"E:\gitHub\Rollout\TestFiles\SageRolloutExample1.csv", ","); TestConceptCSV.ReadConcept(); // 2.) Test for missing entries List <string> TestMissing = TestConceptCSV.CheckForMissingShipToAddresses(); // 3.) If entries are missing, do the following: if (0 < TestMissing.Count && !SkipF0101) { // 4.) Populate the missing CSV using the list of missing items ShipToCSV MissingShipToCSV = new ShipToCSV(@"E:\gitHub\Rollout\TestFiles\SageRolloutMissing.csv", ","); MissingShipToCSV.PopulateSpreadsheet(TestMissing, TestConceptCSV); // 5.) Populate the transformed data structure ShipTo MissingShipTo = XfrmShipTo.CSVToShipTo(MissingShipToCSV, false); // Don't look up JDE Addresses // 6.) Upload the transformed data structure to the F0101 Z-File JDE.PopulateF0101Z2(MissingShipTo); // 7.) Now write the CSV to disk MissingShipToCSV.WriteCSV(); // 8.) Now, someone must run R01010Z to load the data into JDE. // Popup window } else if (!SkipF03012) { // TODO: 9.) Check for F03012 records // 10.) If F03012 records are missing: ShipToCSV MissingShipToCSV = new ShipToCSV(@"E:\gitHub\Rollout\TestFiles\SageRolloutMissing.csv", ","); MissingShipToCSV.ReadShipTo(); if (MissingShipToCSV.ValidateHeader() && // Required row is all there MissingShipToCSV.ValidateRows(false)) // We can't have an empty tax area code { // 11.) Convert the CSV into a data structure we can upload ShipTo PopulatedShipTo = XfrmShipTo.CSVToShipTo(MissingShipToCSV, true); // Lookup JDE Address // 12.) Upload the data structure into JDE JDE.PopulateF03012Z1(PopulatedShipTo); // 13.) Now someone must run R03010Z to load the data into JDE. } else { //TODO: Say we don't have a valid spreadsheet int x = 0; x++; } } else { Concept TestConcept = XfrmConcept.CSVtoConcept(TestConceptCSV); JDE.PopulateF47011(TestConcept); JDE.PopulateF47012(TestConcept); } }
} // FollowMissingShipToPath /// <summary> /// The control flow for loading a rollout spreadsheet. /// </summary> private void LoadRolloutFlow() { log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(new FileInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(FileIO)).Location) + @"\" + "log4net.config")); this.dgv_DataDisplay.DataSource = null; MissingShipToCSV = null; // make sure to clear this out each time we load a spreadsheet // 1.) Get the file to load string FileToLoad = FileIO.GetFileName(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), FileFilter); if (String.Empty != FileToLoad) { try { // 2.) Load the file log.Debug($"Attempting to load file {FileToLoad} using \t as a delimiter"); conceptCSV = new ConceptCSV(FileToLoad, "\t"); using (LoadingForm frm = new LoadingForm()) { frm.AddText("Loading Concept Spreadsheet."); frm.Visible = true; conceptCSV.ReadConcept(); // 3.) Validate the required columns exist in the spreadsheet log.Debug($"Attempting to validate all required columns exist in the file."); frm.AddText("Validating Concept Required Columns Exist."); if (!ValidateConceptHeader(ref conceptCSV)) { return; } // 4a.) Validate the data in the rows match the column requirements log.Debug("Validating all row data in all required columns."); frm.AddText("Validating data in concept spreadsheet."); if (!ValidateConceptRows(ref conceptCSV)) { return; } // 4b.) Validate the Shipping Vendor log.Debug("Validating the shipping vendor is V or V3."); frm.AddText("Validating the shipping vendor is a vendor in JDE."); if (!CheckShippingVendor(conceptCSV)) { return; } // 4c.) Validate the concept ID exists for the Customer C3 Record log.Debug("Validating the Customer Number has a concept in ABAC08."); frm.AddText("Validating the Customer Number has a concept code."); if (!ConceptCodeExists(conceptCSV)) { return; } // 5.) Verify the ship to addresses exist log.Debug("Verify all Ship To addresses exist"); frm.AddText("Checking for missing ship to addresses in JDE."); List <string> MissingShipTo = conceptCSV.CheckForMissingShipToAddresses(); if (0 < MissingShipTo.Count) { // 6a.) We found new ship to addresses, so start down that path log.Debug("There are Ship To addresses that are missing. Should we add them?"); frm.AddText("Found missing ship to addresses."); FollowMissingShipToPath(MissingShipTo, conceptCSV, frm); frm.Visible = false; } else { // 6b.) All ship to addresses exist. So, verify the item numbers are valid log.Debug("Verify all items exist in JDE."); frm.AddText("No missing ship to addresses."); frm.AddText("Checking for missing item numbers."); List <string> MissingItems = conceptCSV.CheckForMissingItemNumbers(); if (0 < MissingItems.Count) { log.Debug("There are item numbers that don't exist in JDE."); using (new CenterDialog(this)) { MessageBox.Show($"The following part numbers don't exist in JDE. Please change them or add them to the 3SUW branch plant: {String.Join(",", MissingItems)}", "Data Error!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } frm.Close(); return; } else { log.Debug("All items exist in JDE"); frm.AddText("All items exist in JDE."); using (new CenterDialog(this)) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show($"All {conceptCSV.DT.Rows.Count} rows of data are valid in JDE.\r\nLoad the EDI Data into JDE?\r\nSelect No to preview the detail data before load.", "Load EDI Data?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (DialogResult.Cancel == result) { return; } // 7.) Save the data into a concept & save that to JDE log.Debug($"Tranform the conceptCSV into a concept"); frm.AddText("Transforming the spreadsheet into a concept object."); Concept concept = XfrmConcept.CSVtoConcept(conceptCSV); if (DialogResult.Yes == result) { log.Debug($"Populating header file F47011 with data"); frm.AddText("Populating the EDI header file with concept data."); JDE.PopulateF47011(concept); log.Debug($"Populating detail file F47012 with data"); frm.AddText("Populating the EDI detail file with concept data & freight lines."); JDE.PopulateF47012(concept); frm.AddText("Success!"); // 8.) Prompt the user to go to JDE log.Debug($"Successfully processed the EDI information into F47011 and F47012"); MessageBox.Show("The concept was successfully loaded into JDE.\r\nPlease go to JDE, review the data, and run the Rollout Order Import report.", "Success!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); frm.Close(); } else if (DialogResult.No == result) { frm.AddText("Success!"); frm.Close(); this.dgv_DataDisplay.DataSource = concept.OrderDetails; } } } } } } catch (Exception er) { log.Error($"{er.Message} + {er.InnerException} + {er.StackTrace}"); using (new CenterDialog(this)) { MessageBox.Show($"{er.Message} + {er.InnerException} + {er.StackTrace}", "Error in Rollout", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } } // LoadRolloutFlow